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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Permanent Message Handling</th>
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22          <th width="60%" align="center">Chapter��3.��The DB Replication Framework</th>
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31          <div>
32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="fwrkpermmessage"></a>Permanent Message Handling</h2>
33          </div>
34        </div>
35        <div></div>
36      </div>
37      <p>
38               As described in <a href="permmessages.html">Permanent Message Handling</a>,
39               messages are marked permanent if they contain database
40               modifications that should be committed at the replica.
41               DB's replication code decides if it must flush its
42               transaction logs to disk depending on whether it receives
43               sufficient permanent message acknowledgments from the
44               participating replica. More importantly, the thread 
45               performing the transaction commit blocks
46               until it either receives enough acknowledgments, or the
47               acknowledgment timeout expires.
48            </p>
49      <p>
50                The replication framework is fully capable of managing permanent messages
51                for you if your application requires it (most do). 
52                Almost all of the details of this are handled by the 
53                replication framework for you. However, you do have to set some policies
54                that tell the replication framework how to handle permanent messages.
55            </p>
56      <p>
57                There are two things that you have to do:
58            </p>
59      <div class="itemizedlist">
60        <ul type="disc">
61          <li>
62            <p>
63                                    Determine how many acknowledgments
64                                    must be received by the master.
65                            </p>
66          </li>
67          <li>
68            <p>
69                                    Identify the amount of time that
70                                    replicas have to send their
71                                    acknowledgments.
72                            </p>
73          </li>
74        </ul>
75      </div>
76      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
77        <div class="titlepage">
78          <div>
79            <div>
80              <h3 class="title"><a id="fmwrkpermpolicy"></a>Identifying Permanent Message Policies</h3>
81            </div>
82          </div>
83          <div></div>
84        </div>
85        <p>
87                        You identify permanent message policies using the
88                        <span>
89                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;repmgr_set_ack_policy()</tt>
91                        method.  
92                        </span>
96                        Note that you can set permanent message
97                        policies at any time during the life of the
98                        application.
99                    </p>
100        <p>
101        The following permanent message policies are available when you use
102        the replication framework:
104        <div class="itemizedlist">
105          <ul type="disc">
106            <li>
107              <p>
108                        <tt class="literal">DB_REPMGR_ACKS_NONE</tt>
110                </p>
111              <p>
112                    No permanent message acknowledgments are required. If
113                    this policy is selected, permanent message handling is
114                    essentially "turned off." That is, the master will
115                    never wait for replica acknowledgments. In this case,
116                    transaction log data is either flushed or not strictly
117                    depending on the type of commit that is being performed
118                    (synchronous or asynchronous).
119                </p>
120            </li>
121            <li>
122              <p>
123                        <tt class="literal">DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ONE</tt>
125                </p>
126              <p>
127                    At least one replica must acknowledge the permanent
128                    message within the timeout period.  
129                </p>
130            </li>
131            <li>
132              <p>
133                        <tt class="literal">DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ONE_PEER</tt>
135                </p>
136              <p>
137                    At least one electable peer must acknowledge the permanent
138                    message within the timeout period. 
140                    Note that an
141                    <span class="emphasis"><em>electable peer</em></span> is simply another
142                    environment that can be elected to be a master (that
143                    is, it has a priority greater than 0). Do not confuse
144                    this with the concept of a peer as used for client to
145                    client transfers. See
146                    <a href="c2ctransfer.html">Client to Client Transfer</a>
147                    for more information on client to client transfers.
148                </p>
149            </li>
150            <li>
151              <p>
152                    <tt class="literal">DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ALL</tt>
154                </p>
155              <p>
156                    All environments must acknowledge the message within
157                    the timeout period. This
158                    policy should be selected only if your replication
159                    group has a small number of replicas, and those replicas
160                    are on extremely reliable networks and servers.
161                </p>
162              <p>
163                        When this flag is used, the actual number of
164                        environments  that must respond is
165                        determined by the value set for
166                        <span><tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_nsites()</tt>.</span>
169                </p>
170            </li>
171            <li>
172              <p>
173                    <tt class="literal">DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ALL_PEERS</tt>
175                </p>
176              <p>
177                        All electable peers must acknowledge the message within the
178                    timeout period. This
179                    policy should be selected only if your replication
180                    group is small, and its various environments
181                    are on extremely reliable networks and servers.
182                </p>
183              <p>
184                    Note that an
185                    <span class="emphasis"><em>electable peer</em></span> is simply another
186                    environment that can be elected to be a master (that
187                    is, it has a priority greater than 0). Do not confuse
188                    this with the concept of a peer as used for client to
189                    client transfers. See
190                    <a href="c2ctransfer.html">Client to Client Transfer</a>
191                    for more information on client to client transfers.
192                </p>
193            </li>
194            <li>
195              <p>
196                    <tt class="literal">DB_REPMGR_ACKS_QUORUM</tt>
198                </p>
199              <p>
200                    A quorum of electable peers must acknowledge the message within the timeout period. 
201                    A quorum is reached when acknowledgments are received from the minimum number 
202                    of environments needed to ensure that the record remains durable 
203                    if an election is held. That is, the master wants to hear from enough 
204                    electable replicas that they have committed the record so that if an election 
205                    is held, the master knows the record will exist even if a new master is selected.
206                </p>
207              <p>
208                    Note that an
209                    <span class="emphasis"><em>electable peer</em></span> is simply another
210                    environment that can be elected to be a master (that
211                    is, it has a priority greater than 0). Do not confuse
212                    this with the concept of a peer as used for client to
213                    client transfers. See
214                    <a href="c2ctransfer.html">Client to Client Transfer</a>
215                    for more information on client to client transfers.
216                </p>
217            </li>
218          </ul>
219        </div>
220        <p>
221        By default, a quorum of sites must must acknowledge a permanent
222        message in order for it considered to have been successfully
223        transmitted. The actual number of environments that must respond is
224        calculated using the value set with
225                        <span><tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_nsites()</tt>.</span>
229      </div>
230      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
231        <div class="titlepage">
232          <div>
233            <div>
234              <h3 class="title"><a id="fmwrkpermtimeout"></a>Setting the Permanent Message Timeout</h3>
235            </div>
236          </div>
237          <div></div>
238        </div>
239        <p>
240                            The permanent message timeout represents the
241                            maximum amount of time the committing thread
242                            will block waiting for message
243                            acknowledgments. If sufficient
244                            acknowledgments arrive before this timeout has
245                            expired, the thread continues operations as
246                            normal. However, if this timeout expires, the
247                            committing thread flushes its transaction log
248                            buffer before continuing with normal
249                            operations.
250                    </p>
251        <p>
252                        You set the timeout value using the
253                        <tt class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;rep_set_timeout()</tt>
255                        method. When you do this, you provide the 
256                        <tt class="literal">DB_REP_ACK_TIMEOUT</tt> flag to
257                        the <tt class="literal">which</tt> parameter, and the
258                        timeout value in microseconds to the
259                        <tt class="literal">timeout</tt> parameter.
260                    </p>
261        <p>
262                        For example:
263                    </p>
264        <pre class="programlisting">    dbenv-&gt;rep_set_timeout(dbenv, DB_REP_ACK_TIMEOUT, 100); </pre>
265        <p>
266                        This timeout value can be set at anytime during the
267                        life of the application. 
268                    </p>
269      </div>
270      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
271        <div class="titlepage">
272          <div>
273            <div>
274              <h3 class="title"><a id="perm2fmwrkexample"></a>Adding a Permanent Message Policy to 
275                            <span>rep_mgr</span>
278                    </h3>
279            </div>
280          </div>
281          <div></div>
282        </div>
283        <p>
284                        For illustration purposes, we will now update 
285                        <tt class="literal">rep_mgr</tt>
288                        such that it requires only one acknowledgment from
289                        a replica on transactional commits. Also, we will give
290                        this acknowledgment a 500 microsecond timeout
291                        value. This means that our application's main
292                        thread will block for up to 500 microseconds waiting
293                        for an acknowledgment. If it does not receive at
294                        least one acknowledgment in that amount of time,
295                        DB will flush the transaction logs to disk
296                        before continuing on.
297                    </p>
298        <p>
299                        This is a very simple update. We can perform the
300                        entire thing immediately before we parse our
301                        command line options. This is where we configure
302                        our environment handle anyway, so it is a good
303                        place to put it.
304                    </p>
305        <pre class="programlisting">    /*      
306     * Create and configure the environment handle.
307     */
308    if ((ret = db_env_create(&amp;dbenv, 0)) != 0 ) {
309        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating handles: %s\n",
310            db_strerror(ret));
311        goto err;
312    }
314    dbenv-&gt;set_errfile(dbenv, stderr);
315    dbenv-&gt;set_errpfx(dbenv, progname);
317    (void)dbenv-&gt;set_cachesize(dbenv, 0, CACHESIZE, 0);
319    /* Default priority is 100 */
320    dbenv-&gt;rep_set_priority(dbenv, 100);
321    <b class="userinput"><tt>/* Permanent messages require at least one ack */
322    dbenv-&gt;repmgr_set_ack_policy(dbenv, DB_REPMGR_ACKS_ONE);
323    /* Give 500 microseconds to receive the ack */
324    dbenv-&gt;rep_set_timeout(dbenv, DB_REP_ACK_TIMEOUT, 500);</tt></b>
326    /* Collect the command line options */
327    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "h:<b class="userinput"><tt>m:o:p:</tt></b>")) != EOF)
329    ... </pre>
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