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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="EnvProps"></a>Environment Properties</h2>
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37      <p>You set properties for the <tt class="classname">Environment</tt> using
38    the <tt class="classname">EnvironmentConfig</tt> class. You can also set properties for a specific
39    <tt class="classname">Environment</tt> instance using <tt class="classname">EnvironmentMutableConfig</tt>.
40    </p>
41      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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43          <div>
44            <div>
45              <h3 class="title"><a id="envconfig"></a>The EnvironmentConfig Class</h3>
46            </div>
47          </div>
48          <div></div>
49        </div>
50        <p>
51    The <tt class="classname">EnvironmentConfig</tt> class makes a
52    large number of fields and methods available to you.  Describing all of these
53    tuning parameters is beyond the scope of this manual. However, there are a
54    few properties that you are likely to want to set. They are described
55    here.</p>
56        <p>Note that for each of the properties that you can commonly set, there is a
57    corresponding getter method. Also, you can always retrieve the
58    <tt class="classname">EnvironmentConfig</tt> object used by your environment
59    using the <tt class="methodname">Environment.getConfig()</tt> method.
60    </p>
61        <p>
62		You set environment configuration parameters using the following methods on the 
63		<tt class="classname">EnvironmentConfig</tt> class:
64	</p>
65        <div class="itemizedlist">
66          <ul type="disc">
67            <li>
68              <p>
69                <tt class="methodname">EnvironmentConfig.setAllowCreate()</tt>
70              </p>
71              <p>If <tt class="literal">true</tt>, the database environment is created
72        when it is opened. If <tt class="literal">false</tt>, environment open fails if the environment
73        does not exist. This property has no meaning if the database
74        environment already exists. Default is <tt class="literal">false</tt>.</p>
75            </li>
76            <li>
77              <p>
78                <tt class="methodname">EnvironmentConfig.setReadOnly()</tt>
79              </p>
80              <p>If <tt class="literal">true</tt>, then all databases opened in this
81        environment must be opened as read-only. If you are writing a
82        multi-process application, then all but one of your processes must set
83        this value to <tt class="literal">true</tt>. Default is <tt class="literal">false</tt>.</p>
84            </li>
85            <li>
86              <p>
87                <tt class="methodname">EnvironmentConfig.setTransactional()</tt>
88              </p>
89              <p>If <tt class="literal">true</tt>, configures the database environment
90        to support transactions. Default is <tt class="literal">false</tt>.</p>
91            </li>
92          </ul>
93        </div>
94        <p>For example:</p>
95        <pre class="programlisting">package db.gettingStarted;
97import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
98import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
99import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentConfig;
101import java.io.File;
102import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
106Environment myDatabaseEnvironment = null;
107try {
108    EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
109    envConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
110    envConfig.setTransactional(true);
111    myDatabaseEnvironment = 
112        new Environment(new File("/export/dbEnv"), envConfig);
113} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
114   System.err.println(dbe.toString());
115   System.exit(1);
116} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
117    System.err.println(fnfe.toString());
118    System.exit(-1);
119} </pre>
120      </div>
121      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
122        <div class="titlepage">
123          <div>
124            <div>
125              <h3 class="title"><a id="envhandleconfig"></a>EnvironmentMutableConfig</h3>
126            </div>
127          </div>
128          <div></div>
129        </div>
130        <p>
131		<tt class="classname">EnvironmentMutableConfig</tt> manages properties that can be reset after the
132		<tt class="classname">Environment</tt> object has been constructed. In addition, <tt class="classname">EnvironmentConfig</tt>
133		extends <tt class="classname">EnvironmentMutableConfig</tt>, so you can set these mutable properties at
134		<tt class="classname">Environment</tt> construction time if necessary.
135		</p>
136        <p>
137            The <tt class="classname">EnvironmentMutableConfig</tt> class allows you to set the following
138            properties:
139        </p>
140        <div class="itemizedlist">
141          <ul type="disc">
142            <li>
143              <p>
144                    <tt class="literal">setCachePercent()</tt>
145                </p>
146              <p>
147                    Determines the percentage of JVM memory available to the DB cache.
148                    See <a href="cachesize.html">Selecting the Cache Size</a> 
149                    for more information.
150                </p>
151            </li>
152            <li>
153              <p>
154                    <tt class="literal">setCacheSize()</tt>
155                </p>
156              <p>
157                    Determines the total amount of memory available to the database cache.
158                    See <a href="cachesize.html">Selecting the Cache Size</a> 
159                    for more information.
160                </p>
161            </li>
162            <li>
163              <p>
164                    <tt class="literal">setTxnNoSync()</tt>
165                </p>
166              <p>
167                    Determines whether change records created due to a transaction commit are written to the backing
168                    log files on disk. A value of <tt class="literal">true</tt> causes
169                    the data to not be flushed to
170                    disk.  See the 
172                    <i class="citetitle">Getting Started with Transaction Processing for Java</i> 
173                    guide for more information.
174                </p>
175            </li>
176            <li>
177              <p>
178                    <tt class="literal">setTxnWriteNoSync()</tt>
179                </p>
180              <p>
181                    Determines whether logs are flushed on transaction commit (the logs are still written, however). 
182                    By setting this value to <tt class="literal">true</tt>, you potentially gain better performance than if
183                    you flush the logs on commit, but you do so by losing some of your transaction durability guarantees.
184                    See the 
186                    <i class="citetitle">Getting Started with Transaction Processing for Java</i> 
187                    guide for more information.
188                </p>
189            </li>
190          </ul>
191        </div>
192        <p>
193        There is also a corresponding getter method (<tt class="methodname">getTxnNoSync()</tt>).
194        Moreover, you can always retrieve your environment's 
195        <tt class="classname">EnvironmentMutableConfig</tt> object by
196        using the <tt class="methodname">Environment.getMutableConfig()</tt> method.
197     </p>
198        <p>
199            For example:
200     </p>
201        <pre class="programlisting">package db.gettingStarted;
203import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
204import com.sleepycat.db.Environment;
205import com.sleepycat.db.EnvironmentMutableConfig;
207import java.io.File;
208import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
213try {
214    Environment myEnv = new Environment(new File("/export/dbEnv"), null);
215    EnvironmentMutableConfig envMutableConfig = 
216        new EnvironmentMutableConfig();
217    envMutableConfig.setTxnNoSync(true);
218    myEnv.setMutableConfig(envMutableConfig); 
219} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
220    // Exception handling goes here
221} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
222    // Exception handling goes here
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