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7		Handling Exceptions
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21		Handling Exceptions
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38            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="handlingexceptions"></a>
39		Handling Exceptions
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45      <p>
46    Exception handling was illustrated previously in
47            <a href="implementingmain.html">
48		Implementing the Main Program
49	</a>
50	and 
51            <a href="usingtransactions.html">
52		Using Transactions
53	</a>
54	exception handling in a DB Java Collections API application in
55	more detail.
57      <p>
58    There are two exceptions that must be treated specially:
60	<a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/RunRecoveryException.html" target="_top">RunRecoveryException</a>
62	and 
64    <span>
65        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/DeadlockException.html" target="_top">DeadlockException</a>.
66    </span>
68      <p>
70    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/RunRecoveryException.html" target="_top">RunRecoveryException</a>
72	is thrown when the only solution is to shut down the application
73	and run recovery. All applications must catch this exception and
74	follow the recovery procedure.
76      <p>
77    When 
79    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/DeadlockException.html" target="_top">DeadlockException</a>
81	is thrown, the application should normally retry the operation. If
82	a deadlock continues to occur for some maximum number of retries,
83	the application should give up and try again later or take other
84	corrective actions. The DB Java Collections API provides two APIs
85	for transaction execution.
87      <div class="itemizedlist">
88        <ul type="disc">
89          <li>
90            <p>
91            When using the 
92            <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/CurrentTransaction.html" target="_top">CurrentTransaction</a>
94            class directly, the application must catch 
96            <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/DeadlockException.html" target="_top">DeadlockException</a>
98            and follow the procedure described previously.
99        </p>
100          </li>
101          <li>
102            <p>
103            When using the 
104            <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/TransactionRunner.html" target="_top">TransactionRunner</a>
106            class, retries are performed automatically and the application need
107            only handle the case where the maximum number of retries has been
108            reached. In that case, 
109            <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/TransactionRunner.html#run(com.sleepycat.collections.TransactionWorker)" target="_top">TransactionRunner.run</a>
111            will throw 
113            <span>
114                <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/DeadlockException.html" target="_top">DeadlockException</a>.
115            </span>
116        </p>
117          </li>
118        </ul>
119      </div>
120      <p>
121    When using the 
122    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/TransactionRunner.html" target="_top">TransactionRunner</a>
124	class there are two other considerations.
126      <div class="itemizedlist">
127        <ul type="disc">
128          <li>
129            <p>
130            First, if the application-defined
131            <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/TransactionWorker.html#doWork()" target="_top">TransactionWorker.doWork</a>
133            method throws an exception the
134            transaction will automatically be aborted, and otherwise the
135            transaction will automatically be committed. Applications should
136            design their transaction processing with this in mind.
137        </p>
138          </li>
139          <li>
140            <p>
141            Second, please be aware that 
142            <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/TransactionRunner.html#run(com.sleepycat.collections.TransactionWorker)" target="_top">TransactionRunner.run</a>
144            unwraps exceptions in order to discover whether a nested exception is a 
146            <span>
147                <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/DeadlockException.html" target="_top">DeadlockException</a>.
148            </span>
149            This is particularly important since all Berkeley DB exceptions
150            that occur while calling a stored collection method are wrapped
151            with a 
152            <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/util/RuntimeExceptionWrapper.html" target="_top">RuntimeExceptionWrapper</a>.
153            This wrapping is necessary because Berkeley DB exceptions are
154            checked exceptions, and the Java collections API does not allow
155            such exceptions to be thrown.
156        </p>
157          </li>
158        </ul>
159      </div>
160      <p>
161    When calling 
162    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/TransactionRunner.html#run(com.sleepycat.collections.TransactionWorker)" target="_top">TransactionRunner.run</a>,
163	the unwrapped (nested) exception will be unwrapped and thrown
164	automatically. If you are not using 
165    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/collections/TransactionRunner.html" target="_top">TransactionRunner</a>
167	or if you are handling exceptions directly for some other reason,
168	use the 
169    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/util/ExceptionUnwrapper.html#unwrap(java.lang.Exception)" target="_top">ExceptionUnwrapper.unwrap</a>
171	method to get the nested exception. For example, this can be used
172	to discover that an exception is a 
174    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/RunRecoveryException.html" target="_top">RunRecoveryException</a>
176	as shown below.
178      <a id="cb_java_manageexceptions"></a>
179      <pre class="programlisting"><b class="userinput"><tt>import com.sleepycat.db.RunRecoveryException;
180import com.sleepycat.util.ExceptionUnwrapper;
182    catch (Exception e)
183    {
184        e = ExceptionUnwrapper.unwrap(e);
185        if (e instanceof RunRecoveryException)
186        {
187            // follow recovery procedure
188        }
189    }</tt></b> </pre>
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