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20          <th colspan="3" align="center">Appendix��A.��
21        API Notes and Details
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34        <div>
35          <div>
36            <h2 class="title"><a id="collectionOverview"></a>Appendix��A.��
37        API Notes and Details
38    </h2>
39          </div>
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41        <div></div>
42      </div>
43      <p>
44        This appendix contains information useful to the collections programmer
45        that is too detailed to easily fit into the format of a tutorial.
46        Specifically, this appendix contains the following information:
47    </p>
48      <div class="itemizedlist">
49        <ul type="disc">
50          <li>
51            <p>
52                <a href="collectionOverview.html#UsingDataBindings">
53        Using Data Bindings
54    </a>
55            </p>
56          </li>
57          <li>
58            <p>
59                <a href="UsingCollectionsAPI.html">
60        Using the DB Java Collections API
61    </a>
62            </p>
63          </li>
64          <li>
65            <p>
66                <a href="UsingStoredCollections.html">
67        Using Stored Collections
68    </a>
69            </p>
70          </li>
71          <li>
72            <p>
73                <a href="SerializedObjectStorage.html">
74        Serialized Object Storage
75    </a>
76            </p>
77          </li>
78        </ul>
79      </div>
80      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
81        <div class="titlepage">
82          <div>
83            <div>
84              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="UsingDataBindings"></a>
85        Using Data Bindings
86    </h2>
87            </div>
88          </div>
89          <div></div>
90        </div>
91        <p>
92        Data bindings determine how keys and values are represented as
93        stored data (byte arrays) in the database, and how stored data is
94        converted to and from Java objects.
95    </p>
96        <p>
97        The selection of data bindings is, in general, independent of
98        the selection of 
99        <span> access methods and </span>
100        collection views. In other
101        words, any binding can be used with any 
102        <span> access method or </span>
103        collection.
104        <span>
105            One exception to this rule is described under 
106            <a href="collectionOverview.html#RecordNumberBindings">Record Number Bindings</a>
107            below.
108        </span>
109    </p>
110        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
111          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
112          <p>
113            In this document, bindings are described in the
114            context of their use for stored data in a database. However,
115            bindings may also be used independently of a database to operate on
116            an arbitrary byte array. This allows using bindings when data is to
117            be written to a file or sent over a network, for example.
118        </p>
119        </div>
120        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
121          <div class="titlepage">
122            <div>
123              <div>
124                <h3 class="title"><a id="SelectingBindingFormats"></a>
125            Selecting Binding Formats
126        </h3>
127              </div>
128            </div>
129            <div></div>
130          </div>
131          <p>
132        For the key and value of each stored collection, you may select
133        one of the following types of bindings.
134    </p>
135          <div class="informaltable">
136            <table border="1" width="80%">
137              <colgroup>
138                <col />
139                <col />
140                <col />
141              </colgroup>
142              <thead>
143                <tr>
144                  <th>Binding Format</th>
145                  <th>Ordered</th>
146                  <th>Description</th>
147                </tr>
148              </thead>
149              <tbody>
150                <tr>
151                  <td>
152                    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/serial/SerialBinding.html" target="_top">SerialBinding</a>
153                  </td>
154                  <td>No</td>
155                  <td>
156                    The data is stored using a compact form of Java serialization,
157                    where the class descriptions are stored separately in a catalog
158                    database. Arbitrary Java objects are supported.
159                </td>
160                </tr>
161                <tr>
162                  <td>
163                    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleBinding.html" target="_top">TupleBinding</a>
164                  </td>
165                  <td>Yes</td>
166                  <td>
167                    The data is stored using a series of fixed length primitive
168                    values or zero terminated character arrays (strings). Class/type
169                    evolution is not supported.
170                </td>
171                </tr>
172                <tr>
173                  <td>
174                    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/RecordNumberBinding.html" target="_top">RecordNumberBinding</a>
175                  </td>
176                  <td>Yes</td>
177                  <td>
178                    The data is a 32-bit integer stored in a platform-dependent format.
179                </td>
180                </tr>
181                <tr>
182                  <td>Custom binding format</td>
183                  <td>User-defined</td>
184                  <td>
185                    The data storage format and ordering is determined by the
186                    custom binding implementation.
187                </td>
188                </tr>
189              </tbody>
190            </table>
191          </div>
192          <p>
193        As shown in the table above, the tuple format supports built-in ordering
194        (without specifying a custom comparator), while the serial format does
195        not. This means that when a specific key order is needed, tuples should
196        be used instead of serial data. Alternatively, a custom Btree comparator should be
197        specified using
198        <tt class="methodname">DatabaseConfig.setBtreeComparator()</tt>. Note that
199        a custom Btree comparator will usually execute more slowly than the
200        default byte-by-byte comparison. This makes using tuples an attractive
201        option, since they provide ordering along with optimal performance.
202    </p>
203          <p>
204        The tuple binding uses less space and executes faster than the
205        serial binding. But once a tuple is written to a database, the
206        order of fields in the tuple may not be changed and fields may not
207        be deleted. The only type evolution allowed is the addition of
208        fields at the end of the tuple, and this must be explicitly
209        supported by the custom binding implementation.
210    </p>
211          <p>
212        The serial binding supports the full generality of Java
213        serialization including type evolution. But serialized data can
214        only be accessed by Java applications, its size is larger, and its
215        bindings are slower to execute.
216    </p>
217        </div>
218        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
219          <div class="titlepage">
220            <div>
221              <div>
222                <h3 class="title"><a id="RecordNumberBindings"></a>Record Number Bindings</h3>
223              </div>
224            </div>
225            <div></div>
226          </div>
227          <p>
228            Any use of an access method with record number keys, and therefore any
229            use of a stored list view, requires using
230                    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/RecordNumberBinding.html" target="_top">RecordNumberBinding</a>
232            as the key binding. Since Berkeley DB stores record number keys using
233            a platform-dependent byte order, 
234                    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/RecordNumberBinding.html" target="_top">RecordNumberBinding</a>
236            is needed to store record numbers properly. See
237                    <span class="html"><a href="../../ref/am_conf/logrec.html" target="_top">logical record numbers</a> in</span>
238                    the <i class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</i>
239            for more information on storing DB record numbers.
240        </p>
241          <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
242            <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
243            <p>
244                You may not use
245                    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/RecordNumberBinding.html" target="_top">RecordNumberBinding</a>
247                except with record number keys, as determined by the access
248                method. Using
249                    <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/RecordNumberBinding.html" target="_top">RecordNumberBinding</a>
251                in other cases will create a database that is not portable
252                between platforms. When constructing the stored collection, 
253                the DB Java Collections API will throw an
254                    <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/IllegalArgumentException.html" target="_top">IllegalArgumentException</a>
256                in such cases.
257            </p>
258          </div>
259        </div>
260        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
261          <div class="titlepage">
262            <div>
263              <div>
264                <h3 class="title"><a id="SelectingDataBindings"></a>
265            Selecting Data Bindings
266        </h3>
267              </div>
268            </div>
269            <div></div>
270          </div>
271          <p>
272        There are two types of binding interfaces. Simple entry bindings
273        implement the 
274        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/EntryBinding.html" target="_top">EntryBinding</a>
276        interface and can be used for key or value objects. Entity bindings
277        implement the 
278        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/EntityBinding.html" target="_top">EntityBinding</a>
280        interface and are used for combined key and value objects called
281        entities.
282   </p>
283          <p>
284        Simple entry bindings map between the key or value data stored
285        by Berkeley DB and a key or value object. This is a simple
286        one-to-one mapping.
287    </p>
288          <p>
289        Simple entry bindings are easy to implement and in some cases
290        require no coding. For example, a 
291        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/serial/SerialBinding.html" target="_top">SerialBinding</a>
293        can be used for keys or values without writing any additional
294        code. A tuple binding for a single-item tuple can also be used without
295        writing any code; see the
296           <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleBinding.html#getPrimitiveBinding(java.lang.Class)" target="_top">TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding</a> 
298        method.
299    </p>
300          <p>
301        Entity bindings must divide an entity object into its key and
302        value data, and then combine the key and value data to re-create
303        the entity object. This is a two-to-one mapping.
304    </p>
305          <p>
306        Entity bindings are useful when a stored application object
307        naturally has its primary key as a property, which is very common.
308        For example, an Employee object would naturally have an
309        EmployeeNumber property (its primary key) and an entity binding
310        would then be needed. Of course, entity bindings are more complex
311        to implement, especially if their key and data formats are
312        different.
313    </p>
314          <p>
315        Note that even when an entity binding is used a key binding is
316        also usually needed. For example, a key binding is used to create
317        key objects that are passed to the 
318        <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Map.html#get" target="_top">Map.get()</a>
320        method. A key object is passed to this method even though it may
321        return an entity that also contains the key.
322    </p>
323        </div>
324        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
325          <div class="titlepage">
326            <div>
327              <div>
328                <h3 class="title"><a id="ImplementingBindings"></a>
329            Implementing Bindings
330        </h3>
331              </div>
332            </div>
333            <div></div>
334          </div>
335          <p>
336        There are two ways to implement bindings. The first way is to
337        create a binding class that implements one of the two binding
338        interfaces, 
339        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/EntryBinding.html" target="_top">EntryBinding</a>
341        or 
342        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/EntityBinding.html" target="_top">EntityBinding</a>.
343        For tuple bindings and serial bindings there are a number of
344        abstract classes that make this easier. For example, you can extend
345        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleBinding.html" target="_top">TupleBinding</a>
347        to implement a simple binding for a tuple key or value. Abstract
348        classes are also provided for entity bindings and are named after
349        the format names of the key and value. For example, you can extend
350        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/serial/TupleSerialBinding.html" target="_top">TupleSerialBinding</a>
352        to implement an entity binding with a tuple key and serial
353        value.
354    </p>
355          <p>
356        Another way to implement bindings is with marshalling
357        interfaces. These are interfaces which perform the binding
358        operations and are implemented by the key, value or entity classes
359        themselves. With marshalling you use a binding which calls the
360        marshalling interface and you implement the marshalling interface
361        for each key, value or entity class. For example, you can use
362        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/tuple/TupleMarshalledBinding.html" target="_top">TupleMarshalledBinding</a>
364        along with key or value classes that implement the 
365        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/bind/tuple/MarshalledTupleEntry.html" target="_top">MarshalledTupleEntry</a>
367        interface.
368    </p>
369        </div>
370        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
371          <div class="titlepage">
372            <div>
373              <div>
374                <h3 class="title"><a id="UsingBindings"></a>
375            Using Bindings
376        </h3>
377              </div>
378            </div>
379            <div></div>
380          </div>
381          <p>
382        Bindings are specified whenever a stored collection is created.
383        A key binding must be specified for map, key set and entry set
384        views. A value binding or entity binding must be specified for map,
385        value set and entry set views.
386    </p>
387          <p>
388        Any number of bindings may be created for the same stored data.
389        This allows multiple views over the same data. For example, a tuple
390        might be bound to an array of values or to a class with properties
391        for each object.
392    </p>
393          <p>
394        It is important to be careful of bindings that only use a subset
395        of the stored data. This can be useful to simplify a view or to
396        hide information that should not be accessible. However, if you
397        write records using these bindings you may create stored data that
398        is invalid from the application's point of view. It is up to the
399        application to guard against this by creating a read-only
400        collection when such bindings are used.
401    </p>
402        </div>
403        <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
404          <div class="titlepage">
405            <div>
406              <div>
407                <h3 class="title"><a id="SecondaryKeyCreators"></a>
408            Secondary Key Creators
409        </h3>
410              </div>
411            </div>
412            <div></div>
413          </div>
414          <p>
415        Secondary Key Creators are needed whenever database indices are
416        used. For each secondary index 
418        <span>
419            (<a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/SecondaryDatabase.html" target="_top">SecondaryDatabase</a>)
420        </span>
421        a key creator is used to derive index key data from key/value data.
422        Key creators are objects whose classes implement the 
424        <a href="../../java/com/sleepycat/db/SecondaryKeyCreator.html" target="_top">SecondaryKeyCreator</a>
426        interface.
427    </p>
428          <p>
429        Like bindings, key creators may be implemented using a separate
430        key creator class or using a marshalling interface. Abstract key
431        creator classes and marshalling interfaces are provided in the
432        com.sleepycat.bind.tuple and com.sleepycat.bind.serial
433        packages.
434    </p>
435          <p>
436        Unlike bindings, key creators fundamentally operate on key and
437        value data, not necessarily on the objects derived from the data by
438        bindings. In this sense key creators are a part of a database
439        definition, and may be independent of the various bindings that may
440        be used to view data in a database. However, key creators are not
441        prohibited from using higher level objects produced by bindings,
442        and doing so may be convenient for some applications. For example,
443        marshalling interfaces, which are defined for objects produced by
444        bindings, are a convenient way to define key creators.
445    </p>
446        </div>
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