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4<title>NETGEAR Router R7000 </title><meta http-equiv=content-type content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>
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18        <img style="position:relative;left:-7px;top:-8px" src="img/NewNetgeargenie.png" >
19        <br><span id="ModuleName"><b>Nighthawk R7000</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<!--<b><font color="#EEDAOO">Operation Mode:Access Point</font></b>--></span>
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30		<p style="font: bold 17px arial; color: #9d98ff;">Router vs. Access Point vs. Extender</p>
31		<script>document.write("<p>You can install your NETGEAR router in three different operation modes.</p><p><b>Router</b></p><p>To take full advantage of these router's advanced functions, NETGEAR recommends that you use router mode.</p>");</script>
32		<div><img src="img/opmode_router_map.gif" style="height:190px"></div>
33		<p>This mode configures your new NETGEAR router as a normal WiFi router directly connected to ISP internet connection as shown above, or behind your gateway and creates a separate network, as shown below.</p>
34		<div><img src="img/opmode_router_map2.png" style="height:223px"></div>
35		<script>document.write("<p>In router mode, the only device that can be connected to your existing gateway is your new NETGEAR router. You must connect all of your devices to the new NETGEAR router. If your existing gateway has a WiFi function, disable it.</p><p><b>AccessPoint</b></p>");</script>
36		<div><img src="img/opmode_ap_map2.png" style="height:298px"></div>
37		<script>document.write("<p>If you want to use the new router to get better WiFi performance beyond what you have with your existing gateway, access point mode is the easiest way to do that. NETGEAR recommends that you disable the WiFi function on your existing gateway, if it has WiFi functionality. With this mode, you can connect wired devices to the gateway and connect wired and WiFi devices to your new NETGEAR router.  In this mode, by default, the new router's IP address is assigned by your gateway dynamically and is unlikely to be However, you can still use the URL <a class='linktype' target='_blank' href='http://www.routerlogin.net'>http://www.routerlogin.net</a> to access the router's management GUI from a device connected to the router. Some <a class='linktype' target='_blank' href='genie_router_functions.htm'>router functions</a> are not available in this mode, and you must use router mode if you want to use those functions.</p><p><b>Extender</b></p>");</script>
38		<div><img src="img/opmode_extender_map2.png" style="height:230px"></div>
39		<script>document.write("<p> If you want to extend your WiFi coverage, you can also setup your router in range extender mode. The WiFi Range Extender extends the wireless network to include the area outside the range of your existing WiFi network. To setup this mode, connect your NETGEAR Router to the existing Router/Gateway���s SSID. NETGEAR recommends that you connect to the Extender wireless network only when a PC or wireless device is in a ���dead zone��� where the network connection to your existing router is very poor or nonexistent. This is because data traffic routed through the Extender wireless network is slower than traffic directly from the original wireless router network.  In this mode, by default, the new router's IP address is assigned by your gateway dynamically and is unlikely to be However, you can still use the URL <a target='_blank' href='http://www.routerlogin.net' class='linktype'>http://www.routerlogin.net</a> to access the router's management GUI from a device connected to the router. Some <a class='linktype' target='_blank' href='genie_router_functions.htm'>router functions</a> are not available in this mode, and you must use router mode if you want to use those functions.</p>");</script>
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