strcpy ioctl memcpy perror system strtoul write acosNvramConfig_get read strncmp memset strcmp sprintf stderr acosNvramConfig_set __errno_location strlen open close sleep lseek check_upgrade_status strcat __aeabi_idiv memcmp sscanf __aeabi_uidiv fsync __aeabi_uidivmod exit atoi fputs putchar asctime abort __deregister_frame_info _Jv_RegisterClasses __register_frame_info __uClibc_main gmtime daemon _edata __bss_start __bss_start__ __bss_end__ __end__ _end GCC_3.5 
usage: pot run pot stop pot value pot bit pot time pot rtime pot erase pot doerase pot interval <ticks> pot sinterval <seconds> pot maxvalue <bits> pot ntp_record <time_record> pot mac_record <mac_address> daemon show /dev/mtdblock5 pot%d= 0x%02X, POT value = %d bits => %d hour %d min bit POT value: %d bits. POT time: %d day %d hour %d min rtime POT real time: %d day %d hour %d min stop killall -9 pot;echo Stop done. pot run Restart done. Usage: pot stop <0|1> Erase failed. Erase done. doerase POT interval=%d Usage: pot interval <ticks> sinterval POT sinterval=%d Usage: pot sinterval <seconds> maxvalue The value is out of range. POT_MaxValue = %d Usage: pot maxvalue <val> ntp_record Set NTP synchronized date/time Fail. Set NTP synchronized date/time OK. %s NTP synchronized date/time: Error Inavlid AccessMacRecord. %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X Set AccessMacRecord Fail. Set AccessMacRecord OK. %s MAC address of 1st STA connected: FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 00-00-00-00-00-00 pot_read: failed to open %s. Error reading pot sector. %s POTTOP pot_magic not match. %s pot_cksum not match. %s pot_write: failed to open %s. pot_write: MEMGETINFO pot_write: MEMERASE POT: wrong pot_value %d POT: delay update: user upgrading image. POT: error reading pot sector. %s /dev/mtd5 POT: error updating pot bit. %s /dev/mtd6 pot_sector_copy: %s --> %s pot_sector_copy: pot_read fail. %s pot_sector_copy: pot_write fail. %s Could not read POT sector. POT signature is incorrect. potValue ntp_sync_time access_mac_record POT: erase pot sector failed. %s Error reading pot sector. POT signature check failed. POT integrity check failed. POT integrity check OK. potInterval %d potMaxValue /dev/mtdblock6 POT integrity check failed. ret = %d POT time is up. Error pot interval value. Pot update error, stop. ntp_record_set: wrong ntp_sync_time 0x%x ntp_record_set: failed to open %s. ntp_record_set: MEMGETINFO ntp_record_set: error updating ntp_sync_time. errno=%d %lu ntp_record_get: failed to open %s. ntp_record_get: error get ntp_sync_time. ntp_record_get: wrong ntp_sync_time 0x%x mac_record_set: invalid mac mac_record_set: failed to open %s. mac_record_set: MEMGETINFO mac_record_set: error updating access_mac_record. errno=%d mac_record_get: failed to open %s. mac_record_get: error get access_mac_record. 00-00-00-00-00-00 mac_record_get: wrong access_mac_record %s

GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease) GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3
.shstrtab .interp .hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .text .fini .rodata .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes