memcpy malloc abort calloc __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info strcpy ioctl recv sigemptyset strerror getpid optarg vsnprintf socket select fflush send alarm pipe fprintf bind chdir setsockopt signal openlog closelog strncmp strncpy fork sscanf sigaction __uClibc_main gettimeofday getopt localtime syslog sprintf stderr fputc __ctype_b_loc strftime fwrite __errno_location exit strlen setsid _edata __bss_start __bss_start__ __bss_end__ __end__ _end 
relayLoop Usage: %s [options] Options: -S if_name -- Specify interface for PPPoE Server -C if_name -- Specify interface for PPPoE Client -B if_name -- Specify interface for both clients and server -n nsess -- Maxmimum number of sessions to relay -i timeout -- Idle timeout in seconds (0 = no timeout) -F -- Do not fork into background -h -- Print this help message PPPoE Version %s, Copyright (C) 2001 Roaring Penguin Software Inc. 3.5 PPPoE comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any later version. Interface %s specified more than once. Too many interfaces (%d max) %.256s: %.256s Unable to allocate memory for PPPoE session table Unable to allocate memory for PPPoE hash table Zz [fun=%s,%d],in relayloop! Zz [fun=%s,%d],NumInterfaces=%d select (relayLoop) pppoe-relay %u Illegal argument to -i: should be -i timeout %d Illegal argument to -n: should be -n #sessions Illegal argument to -n: must range from 1 to 65534 hC:S:B:n:i:F %s: Must define at least two interfaces pipe sigaction fork / Invalid ether type 0x%x Cannot create raw socket -- pppoe must be run as root. socket setsockopt ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR) Interface %.16s is not Ethernet Interface %.16s has broadcast/multicast MAC address?? ioctl(SIOCGIFMTU) Interface %.16s has MTU of %d -- should be %d. You may have serious connection problems. ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS1) ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS2) ioctl(SIOCFIGINDEX): Could not get interface index bind send (sendPacket) recv (receivePacket) (PAP Authentication Frame -- Contents not dumped) %02x %H:%M:%S %s.%03d %s PPPoE Discovery (%x) Session (%x) Unknown (%x) PADI PADO PADR PADS PADT PADM PADN SESS sess-id %d length %d SourceAddr %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x DestAddr %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x Invalid PPPoE version (%d) Invalid PPPoE type (%d) Invalid PPPoE packet length (%u) Invalid PPPoE tag length (%u) pppoe: %s %s strdup failed Bad TCP checksum %x Bogus length for MSS option (%u) from %u.%u.%u.%u Bogus TCP option length (%u) from %u.%u.%u.%u Would create too-long packet SENT Sent PADT PADT: Service-Name-Error: %.*s PADT: Service-Name-Error: %.*s PADT: System-Error: %.*s PADT: System-Error: %.*s PADT: Generic-Error: %.*s PADT: Generic-Error: %.*s
X c d
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease) GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3
.shstrtab .interp .hash .dynsym .dynstr .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .text .fini .rodata .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes