__cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info _Jv_RegisterClasses av_adler32_update av_aes_alloc av_mallocz av_aes_crypt memcpy av_aes_init av_aes_size ff_get_cpu_flags_arm fopen64 fread fclose av_strstart fgets strstr ff_float_dsp_init_arm av_get_cpu_flags ff_float_dsp_init_vfp ff_float_dsp_init_neon ff_vector_fmul_neon ff_scalarproduct_float_neon ff_vector_fmac_scalar_neon ff_vector_fmul_scalar_neon ff_vector_fmul_window_neon ff_vector_fmul_add_neon ff_vector_fmul_reverse_neon ff_butterflies_float_neon ff_vector_fmul_vfp ff_vector_fmul_reverse_vfp av_audio_fifo_free av_fifo_free av_free av_audio_fifo_alloc av_samples_get_buffer_size av_sample_fmt_is_planar av_fifo_alloc av_audio_fifo_realloc av_fifo_realloc2 av_audio_fifo_read av_fifo_generic_read av_audio_fifo_drain av_fifo_drain av_audio_fifo_reset av_fifo_reset av_audio_fifo_size av_audio_fifo_space av_audio_fifo_write av_fifo_generic_write av_stristart av_stristr av_strnstr strlen memcmp av_strlcpy av_strlcat av_strlcatf vsnprintf av_asprintf av_malloc av_freep av_d2str av_get_token strspn av_strtok strcspn av_strcasecmp av_strncasecmp av_basename strrchr av_dirname av_escape av_bprint_init av_bprint_escape av_bprint_finalize av_isdigit av_isgraph av_isspace av_isxdigit av_utf8_decode av_base64_decode av_base64_encode av_blowfish_crypt_ecb av_blowfish_init av_blowfish_crypt av_realloc av_bprint_init_for_buffer av_bprintf av_vbprintf av_bprint_chars memset av_bprint_append_data av_bprint_strftime av_bprint_get_buffer av_bprint_clear strchr av_buffer_default_free av_buffer_create av_buffer_alloc av_buffer_allocz av_buffer_ref av_buffer_unref av_buffer_is_writable av_buffer_get_opaque av_buffer_get_ref_count av_buffer_make_writable av_buffer_realloc av_buffer_pool_init av_buffer_pool_uninit av_buffer_pool_get av_log av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels av_bprint_channel_layout av_get_channel_layout_string av_get_default_channel_layout ff_get_channel_layout strtol strtoll av_get_channel_layout av_get_channel_layout_channel_index av_get_channel_name av_get_channel_description av_channel_layout_extract_channel av_get_standard_channel_layout av_force_cpu_flags av_set_cpu_flags_mask av_parse_cpu_flags av_opt_eval_flags av_parse_cpu_caps av_cpu_count sysconf av_default_item_name av_crc_init av_crc_get_table av_crc av_des_init av_des_crypt av_des_mac av_dict_count av_dict_get av_dict_set av_strdup av_dict_parse_string av_dict_free av_dict_copy av_display_rotation_get hypot atan2 av_display_rotation_set av_display_matrix_flip av_downmix_info_update_side_data av_frame_get_side_data av_frame_new_side_data av_strerror __xpg_strerror_r __aeabi_d2ulz __aeabi_d2lz __isnan sqrt trunc ceil floor pow __isinf av_gcd av_reverse av_gettime av_strtod strtoul av_expr_free sinh cosh tanh atan asin acos fabs av_expr_parse av_expr_eval av_expr_parse_and_eval av_fifo_freep av_fifo_alloc_array av_fifo_size av_fifo_space av_fifo_grow av_file_map avpriv_open fstat64 mmap64 __errno_location av_file_unmap munmap av_tempfile mkstemp64 fcntl64 av_fopen_utf8 fdopen avpriv_alloc_fixed_dsp avpriv_scalarproduct_float_c avpriv_float_dsp_init av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp av_frame_set_best_effort_timestamp av_frame_get_pkt_duration av_frame_set_pkt_duration av_frame_get_pkt_pos av_frame_set_pkt_pos av_frame_get_channel_layout av_frame_set_channel_layout av_frame_get_channels av_frame_set_channels av_frame_get_sample_rate av_frame_set_sample_rate av_frame_get_metadata av_frame_set_metadata av_frame_get_decode_error_flags av_frame_set_decode_error_flags av_frame_get_pkt_size av_frame_set_pkt_size av_frame_get_colorspace av_frame_set_colorspace av_frame_get_color_range av_frame_set_color_range avpriv_frame_get_metadatap av_frame_set_qp_table av_frame_get_qp_table av_get_colorspace_name av_frame_alloc av_frame_unref av_frame_get_buffer av_pix_fmt_desc_get av_image_check_size av_image_fill_linesizes av_frame_free av_frame_move_ref av_frame_is_writable av_frame_get_plane_buffer av_frame_copy_props av_frame_copy av_pix_fmt_count_planes av_image_copy av_samples_copy av_frame_make_writable av_frame_ref av_frame_clone av_frame_remove_side_data av_hash_names av_hash_get_name av_hash_get_size av_hash_alloc av_md5_alloc av_murmur3_alloc av_ripemd_alloc av_sha_alloc av_sha512_alloc av_hash_init av_md5_init av_murmur3_init av_ripemd_init av_sha_init av_sha512_init av_hash_update av_md5_update av_murmur3_update av_ripemd_update av_sha_update av_sha512_update av_hash_final av_md5_final av_murmur3_final av_ripemd_final av_sha_final av_sha512_final av_hash_final_bin av_hash_final_hex av_hash_final_b64 av_hash_freep av_hmac_alloc av_hmac_free av_hmac_init av_hmac_update av_hmac_final av_hmac_calc av_image_fill_max_pixsteps av_image_get_linesize av_image_fill_pointers avpriv_set_systematic_pal2 av_image_alloc av_image_check_sar av_rescale_rnd av_image_copy_plane abort av_image_fill_arrays av_image_get_buffer_size av_image_copy_to_buffer av_int2dbl ldexp av_int2flt av_ext2dbl av_dbl2int frexp av_flt2int av_dbl2ext av_log2 av_log2_16bit av_ctz av_lfg_init av_md5_sum av_bmg_get avpriv_init_lls avpriv_update_lls avpriv_solve_lls avpriv_evaluate_lls av_init_lls av_update_lls av_solve_lls av_evaluate_lls avpriv_solve_lls2 avpriv_init_lls2 fputs fprintf getenv isatty stderr av_log_default_callback pthread_mutex_lock strcmp strcpy pthread_mutex_unlock av_default_get_category av_log_format_line av_vlog av_log_get_level av_log_set_level av_log_set_flags av_log_get_flags av_log_set_callback avpriv_request_sample avpriv_report_missing_feature ff_log2_tab av_lzo1x_decode av_memcpy_backptr av_rescale av_rescale_q_rnd av_rescale_q av_compare_ts av_compare_mod av_rescale_delta av_add_stable av_mul_q av_md5_size av_max_alloc posix_memalign av_realloc_array av_realloc_f av_reallocp_array av_reallocp av_calloc av_memdup av_dynarray_add_nofree av_dynarray_add av_dynarray2_add av_fast_realloc av_fast_malloc av_murmur3_init_seeded llrint av_d2q av_opt_next av_next_option av_find_opt av_opt_get_key_value av_opt_free av_opt_child_next av_opt_child_class_next av_opt_find2 av_opt_find av_opt_query_ranges_default av_get_string sscanf av_opt_eval_q av_opt_eval_double av_opt_eval_float av_opt_eval_int64 av_opt_eval_int av_opt_get_channel_layout av_opt_get_sample_fmt av_get_q av_opt_get_image_size av_opt_get av_get_pix_fmt_name av_get_sample_fmt_name av_opt_set_channel_layout av_opt_set_sample_fmt av_opt_set_pixel_fmt av_opt_set_video_rate av_opt_set_image_size av_opt_set_bin av_opt_set av_parse_time av_parse_color av_parse_video_rate av_parse_video_size av_get_sample_fmt av_get_pix_fmt av_opt_set_dict2 av_opt_set_dict av_opt_set_from_string av_set_options_string av_opt_set_defaults2 av_opt_set_defaults av_set_string3 av_opt_get_pixel_fmt av_opt_set_q av_opt_set_double av_opt_set_int av_set_int av_set_q av_set_double av_get_double av_opt_get_video_rate av_opt_get_q av_opt_get_double av_opt_get_int av_opt_flag_is_set av_get_int av_opt_ptr av_opt_copy av_opt_query_ranges av_opt_freep_ranges av_opt_show2 av_parse_ratio av_reduce strncmp av_get_random_seed bsearch av_get_known_color_name av_small_strptime av_timegm gmtime mktime localtime av_find_info_tag av_read_image_line av_write_image_line av_pix_fmt_descriptors av_get_bits_per_pixel av_get_padded_bits_per_pixel av_get_pix_fmt_string av_pix_fmt_desc_next av_pix_fmt_desc_get_id av_pix_fmt_get_chroma_sub_sample ff_check_pixfmt_descriptors av_pix_fmt_swap_endianness av_get_pix_fmt_loss av_find_best_pix_fmt_of_2 clock av_sha_size av_div_q av_add_q av_sub_q av_nearer_q av_find_nearest_q_idx av_rc4_init av_rc4_crypt av_ripemd_size av_get_alt_sample_fmt av_get_packed_sample_fmt av_get_planar_sample_fmt av_get_sample_fmt_string av_get_bytes_per_sample av_get_bits_per_sample_fmt av_samples_fill_arrays memmove av_samples_set_silence av_samples_alloc av_samples_alloc_array_and_samples av_sha512_size av_stereo3d_alloc av_stereo3d_create_side_data av_thread_message_queue_alloc pthread_mutex_init pthread_cond_init pthread_cond_destroy pthread_mutex_destroy av_thread_message_queue_free av_thread_message_queue_send pthread_cond_wait pthread_cond_signal av_thread_message_queue_recv av_thread_message_queue_set_err_send pthread_cond_broadcast av_thread_message_queue_set_err_recv gettimeofday av_gettime_relative clock_gettime av_gettime_relative_is_monotonic av_usleep nanosleep av_timecode_adjust_ntsc_framenum2 av_timecode_get_smpte_from_framenum av_timecode_make_string av_timecode_make_smpte_tc_string av_timecode_make_mpeg_tc_string av_timecode_check_frame_rate av_timecode_init av_timecode_init_from_string av_tree_node_alloc av_tree_find av_tree_insert av_tree_destroy av_tree_enumerate av_tree_node_size avutil_version avutil_configuration avutil_license av_get_media_type_string av_get_picture_type_char av_int_list_length_for_size av_get_time_base_q avpriv_cga_font avpriv_vga16_font av_xtea_init av_xtea_crypt libm.so.0 raise __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 libgcc_s.so.1 libpthread.so.0 libc.so.0 libavutil.so.52 LIBAVUTIL_52 GCC_3.5 
@ 6 /proc/self/auxv /proc/cpuinfo Features edsp tls thumbee vfp vfpv3 neon asimd fp %f . > ?456789:;<= !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ 1 r / ~&jE | , G $ l iciNWq X ~= t X rX q J T{ YZ 9 0 ` *# `( yA 8 y :` l> w 'K1 / x`\`U %U U b HW@ cj9 U *4\ A T r| * oc] + 1 t >\ 3 \ $l S2zw ( H ; Kk !(f a ! ` |H2 ]]] u #& e > # om 9B D . J i^ Bh ! l a g Qjh/T ( 3Q l n ;z P ; * ~ e v 9>Y f C oE } ^ ; uo s D @ j Vb N w?6r = B$ 7H I rS { y % P ;Ly l O ` @ \^c$j o h Sl> 9 o R; Q m, 0 DE ^ J3 ( f K. 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G y [truncated strftime output] %s '\ '\'' Pool race dectected, spining to avoid overallocation and eventual OOM %d channels ( + Single channel layout '%.*s' is interpreted as a number of channels, switch to the syntax '%.*sc' otherwise it will be interpreted as a channel layout number in a later version mono stereo 2.1 3.0 3.0(back) 4.0 quad quad(side) 3.1 5.0 5.0(side) 4.1 5.1 5.1(side) 6.0 6.0(front) hexagonal 6.1 6.1(front) 7.0 7.0(front) 7.1 7.1(wide) 7.1(wide-side) octagonal downmix FL FR FC LFE low frequency BL BR FLC front left-of-center FRC front right-of-center BC SL side left SR side right TC top center TFL top front left TFC top front center TFR top front right TBL top back left TBC top back center TBR top back right DL downmix left DR downmix right WL wide left WR wide right SDL surround direct left SDR surround direct right LFE2 low frequency 2 MMX implied by specified flags detected %d logical cores cpuflags flags armv5te armv6 armv6t2 vfp vfpv3 neon ! L &.6> $,4< "*2: (08 '/7? %-5= #+3; !)19 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! '/7? &.6> %-5= !)19 "*2: #+3;$,4<*'- 735 )2#.!%,4 0(1 $+6 Error number %d occurred BSF_NOT_FOUND Bitstream filter not found BUG Internal bug, should not have happened BUG2 BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Buffer too small DECODER_NOT_FOUND Decoder not found DEMUXER_NOT_FOUND Demuxer not found ENCODER_NOT_FOUND Encoder not found EOF End of file EXIT Immediate exit requested EXTERNAL Generic error in an external library FILTER_NOT_FOUND Filter not found INVALIDDATA Invalid data found when processing input MUXER_NOT_FOUND Muxer not found OPTION_NOT_FOUND Option not found PATCHWELCOME Not yet implemented in FFmpeg, patches welcome PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND Protocol not found STREAM_NOT_FOUND Stream not found UNKNOWN Unknown error occurred EXPERIMENTAL Experimental feature %f Undefined constant or missing '(' in '%s' Missing ')' in '%s' Missing ')' or too many args in '%s' sinh cosh tanh sin cos tan atan acos exp log abs time squish gauss mod max min eq gte gt lte lt ld isnan isinf st while taylor root floor ceil trunc sqrt not pow print random hypot gcd if ifnot bitand bitor between Unknown function in '%s' Invalid chars '%s' at the end of expression '%s' Eval E PI PHI Cannot read file '%s': %s Error occurred in fstat(): %s File size for file '%s' is too big Error occurred in mmap(): %s ff_tempfile: Cannot allocate file name /tmp/%sXXXXXX ff_tempfile: Cannot open temporary file %s FILE Failed to set close on exec GBR bt709 fcc bt470bg smpte170m smpte240m YCgCo %02x MD5 murmur3 RIPEMD128 RIPEMD160 RIPEMD256 RIPEMD320 SHA160 SHA224 SHA256 SHA512/224 SHA512/256 SHA384 SHA512 CRC32 adler32 Picture size %ux%u is invalid Assertion %s failed at %s:%d abs(src_linesize) >= bytewidth libavutil/imgutils.c abs(dst_linesize) >= bytewidth av_image_get_linesize failed IMGUTILS A 4 A ( " 3 ' TERM NO_COLOR AV_LOG_FORCE_NOCOLOR AV_LOG_FORCE_COLOR AV_LOG_FORCE_256COLOR 256color [%d;3%dm%s [0m [48;5;%dm [38;5;%dm%s [0m quiet debug verbose info warning error fatal panic [%s @ %p] [%s] %s%s%s%s Last message repeated %d times Last message repeated %d times is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented. If you want to help, upload a sample of this file to ftp://upload.ffmpeg.org/incoming/ and contact the ffmpeg-devel mailing list. (ffmpeg-devel@ffmpeg.org) @ ` P 0 p H ( h X 8 x D $ d T 4 t L , l \ < | B " b R 2 r J * j Z : z F & f V 6 v N . n ^ > ~ A ! a Q 1 q I ) i Y 9 y E % e U 5 u M - m ] = } C # c S 3 s K + k [ ; { G ' g W 7 w O / o _ ?  in_ts != ((int64_t)0x8000000000000000ULL) libavutil/mathematics.c duration >= 0 X -DT ! @iW @ ]@ Value %f for parameter '%s' out of range [%g - %g] Value %f for parameter '%s' is not a valid set of 32bit integer flags none Unable to parse option value "%s" as %s Value %d for parameter '%s' out of %s format range [%d - %d] INT_MAX INT_MIN UINT32_MAX I64_MAX I64_MIN FLT_MAX FLT_MIN -FLT_MAX -FLT_MIN DBL_MAX DBL_MIN -DBL_MAX -DBL_MIN %g 0x%08X %lld %d/%d %02X %d%*1[:/]%d%c default all Unable to parse option value "%s" The value for option '%s' is not a channel layout. The value for option '%s' is not a %s format. sample The value for option '%s' is not an image size. %dx%d %llid:%02d:%02d.%06d 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x 0x%llx The value set by option '%s' is not a channel layout. The value set by option '%s' is not a %s format pixel The value set by option '%s' is not a video rate. The value set by option '%s' is not an image size. Invalid negative size value %dx%d for size '%s' Unable to parse option value "%s" as image size Unable to parse option value "%s" as video rate pixel format sample format Unable to parse option value "%s" as duration Unable to parse option value "%s" as color Unable to parse option value "%s" as channel layout Invalid option type. Error setting option %s to value %s. No option name near '%s' Unable to parse '%s': %s Setting '%s' to value '%s' Option '%s' not found Missing key or no key/value separator found after key '%s' Setting entry with key '%s' to value '%s' Key '%s' not found. AVOption type %d of option %s not implemented yet - %-15s %s%-17s %-12s <flags> <int> <int64> <double> <float> <string> <rational> <binary> <image_size> <video_rate> <pix_fmt> <sample_fmt> <duration> <color> <channel_layout> %c %s (from to (default %llX "%s" %s AVOptions: QP2LAMBDA %d:%d%c 0x bikeshed 0123456789ABCDEFabcdef Invalid 0xRRGGBB[AA] color string: '%s' Cannot find color '%s' Invalid alpha value specifier '%s' in '%s' now %Y-%m-%d %Y%m%d %H:%M:%S %H%M%S %J:%M:%S %M:%S AliceBlue AntiqueWhite Aqua Aquamarine Azure Beige Bisque Black BlanchedAlmond BlueViolet BurlyWood CadetBlue Chartreuse Chocolate Coral CornflowerBlue Cornsilk Crimson DarkBlue DarkCyan DarkGoldenRod DarkGray DarkGreen DarkKhaki DarkMagenta DarkOliveGreen Darkorange DarkOrchid DarkRed DarkSalmon DarkSeaGreen DarkSlateBlue DarkSlateGray DarkTurquoise DarkViolet DeepPink DeepSkyBlue DimGray DodgerBlue FireBrick FloralWhite ForestGreen Fuchsia Gainsboro GhostWhite Gold GreenYellow HoneyDew HotPink IndianRed Indigo Ivory Lavender LavenderBlush LawnGreen LemonChiffon LightBlue LightCoral LightCyan LightGoldenRodYellow LightGreen LightGrey LightPink LightSalmon LightSeaGreen LightSkyBlue LightSlateGray LightSteelBlue LightYellow Lime LimeGreen Linen Maroon MediumAquaMarine MediumBlue MediumOrchid MediumPurple MediumSeaGreen MediumSlateBlue MediumSpringGreen MediumTurquoise MediumVioletRed MidnightBlue MintCream MistyRose Moccasin NavajoWhite Navy OldLace Olive OliveDrab Orange OrangeRed PaleGoldenRod PaleGreen PaleTurquoise PaleVioletRed PapayaWhip PeachPuff Peru Plum PowderBlue Purple RosyBrown RoyalBlue SaddleBrown SandyBrown SeaShell Sienna Silver Snow SpringGreen SteelBlue Tan Teal Thistle Tomato Wheat White WhiteSmoke Yellow YellowGreen ntsc pal qntsc qpal sntsc spal film ntsc-film sqcif qcif cif 4cif 16cif qqvga qvga vga svga xga uxga qxga sxga qsxga hsxga wvga wxga wsxga wuxga woxga wqsxga wquxga whsxga whuxga cga ega hd480 hd720 hd1080 2k 2kflat 2kscope 4k 4kflat 4kscope nhd hqvga wqvga fwqvga hvga qhd bgra rgba rgb32 bgr32 name nb_components nb_bits %-11s %7d %10d yuvj d->log2_chroma_w <= 3 libavutil/pixdesc.c d->log2_chroma_h <= 3 d->nb_components <= 4 d->name && d->name[0] bayer_ (d->nb_components==4 || d->nb_components==2) == !!(d->flags & (1 << 7)) !c->plane && !c->step_minus1 && !c->offset_plus1 && !c->shift && !c->depth_minus1 c->step_minus1 >= c->depth_minus1 8*(c->step_minus1+1) >= c->depth_minus1+1 tmp[0] == 0 && tmp[1] == 0 yuv420p yuyv422 rgb24 bgr24 yuv422p yuv444p yuv410p yuv411p gray monow monob pal8 yuvj420p yuvj422p yuvj444p xvmcmc xvmcidct uyvy422 uyyvyy411 bgr8 bgr4 bgr4_byte rgb8 rgb4 rgb4_byte nv12 nv21 argb abgr gray16be gray16le yuv440p yuvj440p yuva420p vdpau_h264 vdpau_mpeg1 vdpau_mpeg2 vdpau_wmv3 vdpau_vc1 rgb48be rgb48le rgb565be rgb565le rgb555be rgb555le bgr565be bgr565le bgr555be bgr555le vaapi_moco vaapi_idct vaapi_vld yuv420p16le yuv420p16be yuv422p16le yuv422p16be yuv444p16le yuv444p16be vdpau_mpeg4 dxva2_vld rgb444le rgb444be bgr444le 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sizeof(tmp) >= av_sha_size libavutil/random_seed.c u8 s16 s32 flt dbl @ u8p s16p s32p fltp dblp @ name depth %-6s %2d x %s%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d %02u:%02u:%02u%c%02u Timecode frame rate must be specified Drop frame is only allowed with 30000/1001 or 60000/1001 FPS Timecode frame rate %d/%d not supported %d:%d:%d%c%d Unable to parse timecode, syntax: hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff IPBSipb @B Libavutil has been build with a broken binutils, please upgrade binutils and rebuild --enable-shared --enable-gpl --arch=arm --cc=arm-brcm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc --enable-cross-compile --disable-muxers --disable-encoders --disable-filters --arch=arm --target_os=linux --extra-cflags=-fPIC libavutil license: GPL version 2 or later video audio data subtitle attachment !"valid element size" libavutil/utils.c ~ ~~ ~l |8 8| |8 8|8 |8| 8| |8| << <fBBf< } x<fff< ~ ?3?00p cccg Z< <Z > > <~ ~< fffff f  { >c8ll8 x ~~~ <~ ~< <~ ~< 0` `0 $f f$ <~ ~< 0xx00 0 lll ll l ll 0| x 0 0f 8l8v v `` 0```0 `0 0` f< <f 00 00 00` 00 0` | | 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GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease) GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3
.shstrtab .hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_d .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .text .fini .rodata .ARM.exidx .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes