__cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info _Jv_RegisterClasses av_freep avio_read url_feof avio_skip avio_rl32 av_new_packet avio_seek memcpy av_shrink_packet av_free_packet av_get_packet av_malloc av_free avformat_new_stream avpriv_set_pts_info av_mallocz av_log av_reallocp_array memset av_dict_get avpriv_ac3_parse_header2 av_crc_get_table av_crc memcmp abort avio_rl16 avio_r8 av_rescale avio_size av_get_audio_frame_duration avio_rb16 avio_rb32 av_dict_set avio_rb64 ldexp av_get_bits_per_sample ff_codec_get_id av_register_all avcodec_register_all av_register_input_format av_register_output_format avpriv_request_sample strncmp av_index_search_timestamp av_add_index_entry avio_get_str avio_open_dyn_buf avio_wl32 strlen avio_put_str avio_write avio_close_dyn_buf sscanf strcspn av_default_item_name av_rc4_init av_rc4_crypt av_des_init av_des_crypt __assert av_packet_new_side_data av_buffer_alloc av_buffer_unref avio_rl64 strcmp avio_get_str16le avpriv_new_chapter av_strlcpy av_reduce av_convert_lang_to av_hex_dump_log av_read_frame avio_seek_time av_bprint_init av_bprint_clear av_bprint_chars av_bprintf av_bprint_finalize avpriv_bprint_to_extradata avformat_close_input avio_alloc_context av_probe_input_format2 avformat_alloc_context avformat_open_input av_rescale_q avformat_seek_file avpriv_exif_decode_ifd av_reallocp avpriv_dv_init_demux av_div_q av_strcasecmp avpriv_dv_get_packet avpriv_dv_produce_packet ffurl_protocol_next strspn strchr avio_enum_protocols strcpy av_opt_set_defaults av_opt_set av_strstart memmove ffurl_seek av_opt_free ffurl_close ffurl_open av_opt_set_dict avio_find_protocol_name avio_check ffurl_size av_gettime_relative av_usleep ffurl_write ffurl_read_complete avio_w8 avio_flush avio_wb32 avio_wl64 avio_wb64 avio_wl16 avio_put_str16le avio_wb16 avio_wl24 avio_wb24 ffio_set_buf_size avio_get_str16be avio_rb24 avio_rl24 av_realloc_f avio_open2 avio_open avio_close avio_closep avio_printf vsnprintf avio_pause ffio_open_dyn_packet_buf bsearch av_fast_realloc lseek64 __errno_location av_tempfile unlink av_parse_video_rate av_strdup av_realloc avcodec_copy_context av_bitstream_filter_init avformat_find_stream_info av_copy_packet av_buffer_create av_bitstream_filter_filter av_packet_unref av_buffer_default_free av_rescale_q_rnd strtol av_get_token av_parse_time av_aes_crypt av_aes_alloc av_aes_init memchr av_strncasecmp av_base64_decode av_append_packet fprintf fwrite fputc av_dict_count avcodec_string lrintf av_display_rotation_get av_get_channel_name av_hex_dump av_pkt_dump2 av_pkt_dump_log2 av_dump_format av_dv_frame_profile av_timecode_make_smpte_tc_string av_init_packet av_dv_codec_profile __aeabi_d2lz access fstat64 avpriv_open av_parser_init av_parser_parse2 av_parser_close avpriv_flac_parse_streaminfo av_iformat_next av_oformat_next av_match_ext strrchr av_guess_format av_guess_codec av_find_input_format avpicture_get_size avpriv_find_pix_fmt atoi av_dict_free av_strtok av_stristr av_url_split av_strlcat strtoll strstr av_dict_copy av_dynarray_add av_opt_get av_isspace av_gettime atof strncpy avpriv_report_missing_feature av_compare_mod av_rescale_rnd av_probe_input_buffer av_new_program avformat_queue_attached_pictures avformat_free_context av_strlcatf inflateEnd inflateInit2_ zlibCompileFlags inflate getenv av_stristart av_md5_update av_get_random_seed av_md5_alloc av_md5_init av_md5_final av_base64_encode av_fast_malloc uncompress av_image_check_size av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels globfree64 av_get_frame_filename av_probe_input_format3 av_get_pix_fmt glob64 av_filename_number_test avcodec_is_open avpriv_mpeg4audio_get_config avpriv_mpa_freq_tab avformat_get_mov_video_tags avformat_get_mov_audio_tags inflateInit_ av_lzo1x_decode av_grow_packet av_fast_padded_malloc av_realloc_array __aeabi_d2ulz avpriv_mpeg4audio_sample_rates av_codec_set_seek_preroll gmtime strftime av_asprintf stdout av_d2q av_strerror avpriv_ac3_channel_layout_tab __isnan av_timecode_init av_timecode_make_string avpriv_mpegaudio_decode_header avpriv_mpa_decode_header av_find_program_from_stream ff_mpegts_parse_open ff_mpegts_parse_packet ff_mpegts_parse_close av_packet_split_side_data av_frame_free av_packet_merge_side_data av_compare_ts avformat_alloc_output_context2 avformat_alloc_output_context avformat_write_header avpriv_toupper4 av_get_codec_tag_string av_codec_get_tag av_opt_set_dict2 av_write_frame av_dup_packet av_interleaved_write_frame av_write_trailer av_get_output_timestamp av_write_uncoded_frame av_frame_get_pkt_duration av_interleaved_write_uncoded_frame av_write_uncoded_frame_query av_strtod av_find_nearest_q_idx av_sub_q av_calloc av_mul_q avcodec_get_name avpriv_lock_avformat avpriv_unlock_avformat poll socket fcntl64 setsockopt bind listen accept ff_socket_nonblock connect getsockopt av_tree_node_alloc av_tree_insert av_tree_enumerate av_tree_destroy av_tree_find av_gcd av_codec_get_id avpriv_dirac_parse_sequence_header av_xiphlacing avpriv_vorbis_parse_extradata av_packet_pack_dictionary avpriv_vorbis_parse_reset avpriv_vorbis_parse_frame_flags av_des_mac av_log_get_level av_fmt_ctx_get_duration_estimation_method avformat_get_class ff_inet_aton av_md5_sum av_isdigit avformat_get_riff_video_tags avformat_get_riff_audio_tags av_opt_set_bin av_sha_alloc av_sha_init av_sha_update av_sha_final av_lfg_init av_opt_get_int av_opt_flag_is_set gethostname av_packet_from_data avpriv_mjpeg_bits_dc_luminance avpriv_mjpeg_val_dc avpriv_mjpeg_bits_dc_chrominance avpriv_mjpeg_bits_ac_luminance avpriv_mjpeg_val_ac_luminance avpriv_mjpeg_val_ac_chrominance avpriv_mjpeg_bits_ac_chrominance sendto freeaddrinfo getaddrinfo gai_strerror av_find_info_tag recvfrom ff_rtp_get_local_rtp_port ff_rtp_get_local_rtcp_port strtoul avcodec_find_decoder getnameinfo getsockname ff_rtsp_parse_line getpeername localtime av_sdp_create floor avpriv_aac_parse_header av_hmac_free av_hmac_alloc av_hmac_init av_hmac_update av_hmac_final qsort avpriv_tak_parse_streaminfo shutdown send recv pthread_mutex_lock av_fifo_size pthread_cond_timedwait pthread_mutex_unlock av_fifo_generic_read av_fifo_drain pthread_setcancelstate av_fifo_space pthread_cond_signal av_fifo_generic_write av_fifo_freep pthread_cancel pthread_join pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_cond_destroy av_fifo_alloc pthread_mutex_init pthread_cond_init pthread_create av_isxdigit av_frame_alloc avcodec_decode_video2 avcodec_decode_audio4 avcodec_decode_subtitle2 avpriv_h264_has_num_reorder_frames avcodec_open2 avformat_version avformat_configuration avformat_license av_stream_get_r_frame_rate av_stream_set_r_frame_rate av_format_get_video_codec av_format_set_video_codec av_format_get_audio_codec av_format_set_audio_codec av_format_get_subtitle_codec av_format_set_subtitle_codec av_format_get_metadata_header_padding av_format_set_metadata_header_padding av_format_get_opaque av_format_set_opaque av_format_get_control_message_cb av_format_set_control_message_cb av_stream_get_end_pts av_stream_get_parser av_format_inject_global_side_data av_format_get_probe_score av_probe_input_format av_demuxer_open av_probe_input_buffer2 av_buffer_ref av_codec_get_codec_descriptor av_add_stable avcodec_descriptor_get av_codec_set_codec_descriptor av_find_default_stream_index av_codec_get_tag2 llrint av_packet_get_side_data av_seek_frame avcodec_close ff_raw_pix_fmt_tags avcodec_pix_fmt_to_codec_tag av_find_stream_info av_read_packet av_find_best_stream av_read_play av_read_pause av_close_input_file av_codec_set_pkt_timebase av_set_pts_info avcodec_alloc_context3 av_new_stream av_small_strptime av_timegm avformat_query_codec avformat_network_init avformat_network_deinit av_guess_sample_aspect_ratio av_guess_frame_rate avformat_match_stream_specifier av_stream_get_side_data av_parse_ratio av_get_exact_bits_per_sample libavcodec.so.55 libavutil.so.52 libm.so.0 libz.so.1 raise __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 libgcc_s.so.1 libpthread.so.0 libc.so.0 libavformat.so.55 LIBAVFORMAT_55 ZLIB_1.2.0.2 GCC_3.5 LIBAVCODEC_55 LIBAVUTIL_52 
chunk larger than array %d>%d std TAG truncated current_track too large audio header invalid bits unspecified for non ADPCM 4xm 4X Technologies aac raw ADTS AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) Assertion %s failed at %s:%d phdr->frame_size <= sizeof(buf3) libavformat/ac3dec.c ac3 raw AC-3 eac3 raw E-AC-3 Sample rate %d is not supported. act ACT Voice file format adp ADP adp,dtk Invalid extradata size. adx CRI ADX Channels %d not supported! aea MD STUDIO audio afc AFC NONE NONE raw NONE NONE fl32 fl64 alaw ulaw in24 in32 P MAC3 P MAC6 P GSM G722G726G726 twos sowt ima4 P QDM2 P Qclp ID3 title author copyright file is not seekable could not find COMM tag or invalid block_align value aiff Audio IFF !%)/3;= #!AMR #!AMR-WB amr 3GPP AMR max_pages != 256 Invalid header element anm Deluxe Paint Animation CRYO_APC apc CRYO APC invalid packet size: %d Unsupported file version - %d.%02d No frames in the file! Too many frames: %u Number of seek entries is less than number of frames: %zu vs. %u File truncated Decoding file - v%d.%02d, compression level %u ape Monkey's Audio ape,apl,mac Invalid APE tag key '%s'. APE tag size too large. Skipping binary tag '%s'. Error reading cover art. APETAGEX Unsupported tag version. (>=%d) Tag size is way too big Invalid tag size %u. Too many tag fields (%u) APE Tag is a header Non ASCII keys are not allowed -->> %d -->> %lld aqtitle AQTitle subtitles aqt aqtdec subfps set the movie frame rate 0& u f b l G Se Se r 2C iR [Z@ i M[ _\D+ W U[ _\D+P a M[ _\D+ N[ _\D+ W U[ _\D+ Y Y H 3& u f b l@R 1 H AR 1 H 6& u f b l _. Se Se@ ^ P 3 I e : G @ ,p q C 1 (E = " [wH g D L #D I A NEpT Q Se L u I FC| K )9> A\ "# U n )"& L 5 ~ ( "# U nWM/AlbumArtist album_artist WM/AlbumTitle album Author artist Description WM/Composer composer WM/EncodedBy encoded_by WM/EncodingSettings encoder WM/Genre genre WM/Language language WM/OriginalFilename filename WM/PartOfSet disc WM/Publisher publisher WM/Tool WM/TrackNumber track WM/MediaStationCallSign service_provider WM/MediaStationName service_name asf_parse_packet asf_read_packet ret >= 0 libavformat/asfdec.c packet_replic_size %d is invalid packet_obj_size invalid too long payload unexpected packet_replic_size of %d packet_replic_size is invalid packet_frag_size is invalid (%d-%d) ff asf skip %d (unknown stream) asf_st freeing incomplete packet size %d, new %d Cannot append palette to packet packet fragment position invalid %u,%u not in %u discarding ms fart pkt.size != ds_packet_size * ds_span (%d %d %d) offset + asf_st->ds_chunk_size <= asf_st->pkt.size idx + 1 <= asf_st->pkt.size / asf_st->ds_chunk_size ff asf bad header %x at:%lld ff asf bad non zero invalid packet_length %u at:%lld invalid padsize %u at:%lld invalid packet header length %d for pktlen %u-%u at %lld asf->packet_size_left < 16 || asf->packet_segments < 1 WM/Picture Invalid attached picture size: %d. Unknown attached picture type: %d. Invalid attached picture data size: %d >= %d. Unsupported byte array in tag %s. %llu Unsupported GUID value in tag %s. Unsupported value type %d in tag %s. Unknown attached picture mimetype: %s. AspectRatioX AspectRatioY too many streams Payload extension %x %d Secret data: ASF_Protection_Type ASF_Key_ID ASF_License_URL Ext DRM protected stream detected, decoding will likely fail! encryption ASF Extended Content Encryption Digital signature detected! gpos mismatch our pos=%llu, end=%lld asf_read_pts failed itime:0x%llx, pct:%d, ict:%d pktnum:%d, pktct:%d pts: %lld SEEKTO: %lld asf ASF (Advanced / Active Streaming Format) asf demuxer no_resync_search Don't try to resynchronize by looking for a certain optional start code [Script Info] [Events] %*[^,],%d:%d:%d%*c%d,%d:%d:%d%*c%d SSA (SubStation Alpha) subtitle CFA PSP unknown chunk %x depth %d ast AST (Audio Stream) G726 G726 G726 G7262627 Invalid negative data size '%d' found unknown or unsupported codec tag: %u id >= 23 && id < 23 + 4 libavformat/au.c Unknown bits per sample Invalid number of channels %u Invalid sample rate: %u au Sun AU RIFFAVI RIFFAVIXRIFFAVI ON2 ON2fRIFFAMV Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec @B @B @B @B @B GAB2 ODML index invalid Too deeply nested ODML indexes Failed to restore position after reading index Skipping foreign stream %d packet Invalid stream + prefix combination, assuming audio. MMES stream_index >= 0 libavformat/avidec.c Failed to find timestamp %lld in index %lld .. %lld fabs(av_q2d(st2->time_base) - ast2->scale / (double)ast2->rate) < av_q2d(st2->time_base) * 0.00000001 Seek failed creation_time model maker This file has been generated by a totally broken muxer. %*3s%*[ ]%3s%*[ ]%2d%*[ ]%8s%*[ ]%4d %.4d-%.2d-%.2d %s stream_index < s->nb_streams scale/rate is %u/%u which is invalid. (This file has been generated by broken software.) crazy start time, iam scared, giving up unknown stream type %X File is truncated adjusting duration BottomUp sample size (%d) != block align (%d) Axan overriding invalid dshow_block_align of %d overriding sample_size buf_size >= 0 ./libavcodec/bytestream.h RIFF stream data tag type CASI (%u) RIFF stream data tag type Zora (%u) could not decoding EXIF data in stream header. Something went wrong during header parsing, I will ignore it and try to continue anyway. ISFT PotEncoder Non-interleaved AVI without index, switching to interleaved non-interleaved AVI use odml:%d best_ast->remaining <= best_ast->packet_size Failed to allocate data for palette Switching to NI mode, due to poor interleaving avi AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) strn use_odml use odml index NULL abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+-. No URL Protocols are registered. Missing call to av_register_all()? Impossible to open the '%s' protocol for reading Impossible to open the '%s' protocol for writing Key '%s' not found. Error parsing options string %s https: https protocol not found, recompile with openssl or gnutls enabled. URLContext Invaid UTF8 sequence in avio_put_str16le !s->write_flag libavformat/aviobuf.c len >= s->orig_buffer_size Statistics: %d seeks, %d writeouts Statistics: %lld bytes read, %d seeks AVIOContext aar abk ace ach ada ady afa afh afr ain aka akk alb ale alg alt amh ang anp apa ara arc arg arm arn arp art arw asm ast ath aus ava ave awa " aym aze bad % bai & bak bal ( bam ban * baq bas , bat - bej . bel bem 0 ben ber 2 bho 3 bih bik 5 bin 6 bis bla 8 bnt 9 bos bra ; bre btk = bua > bug ? bul bur byn B cad C cai D car E cat cau G ceb H cel I cha chb K che chg M chi chk O chm P chn Q cho R chp S chr T chu chv chy W cmc X cop Y cor Q cos cpe \ cpf ] cpp ^ cre crh ` crp a csb b cus c cze dak e dan dar g day h del i den j dgr k din l div doi n dra o dsb p dua q dum r dut dyu t dzo efi v egy w eka x elx y eng enm { epo est ewe ewo  fan fao & fat fij % fil fin $ fiu fon fre frm fro frr frs fry ( ful # fur gaa gay gba gem geo ger gez gil gla * gle ) glg + glv . gmh goh gon gor got grb grc gre grn , gsw guj - gwi hai hat 4 hau / haw heb 0 her 7 hil him hin 1 hit hmn hmo 2 hrv 3 hsb hun 5 hup iba ibo ; ice ido > iii < ijo iku A ile : ilo ina 8 inc ind 9 ine inh ipk = ira iro ita @ jav C jbo jpn B jpr jrb kaa kab kac kal I kam kan K kar kas N kau M kaw kaz H kbd kha khi khm J kho kik F kin kir R kmb kok kom P kon E kor L kos kpe krc krl kro kru kua G kum kur O kut lad lah lam lao X lat S lav [ lez lim V lin W lit Y lol loz ltz T lua lub Z lug U lui lun luo lus mac mad mag mah ] mai mak mal ` man mao map mar b mas may mdf mdr men mga mic min mis mkh mlg \ mlt d mnc mni mno moh mon a mos ! mul " mun # mus $ mwl % mwr & myn ' myv ( nah ) nai * nap + nau f nav o nbl n nde h ndo j nds 1 nep i new 3 nia 4 nic 5 niu 6 nno l nob g nog 9 non : nor m nqo < nso = nub > nwc ? nya p nym A nyn B nyo C nzi D oci q oji r ori t orm s osa I oss u ota K oto L paa M pag N pal O pam P pan v pap R pau S peo T per phi V phn W pli w pol x pon Z por z pra \ pro ] pus y que { raj ` rap a rar b roa c roh | rom e rum run } rup h rus  sad j sag sah l sai m sal n sam o san sas q sat r scn s sco t sel u sem v sga w sgn x shn y sid z sin sio | sit } sla ~ slo slv sma sme smi smj smn smo sms sna snd snk sog som son sot spa srd srn srp srr ssa ssw suk sun sus sux swa swe syc syr tah tai tam tat tel tem ter tet tgk tgl tha tib tig tir tiv tkl tlh tli tmh tog ton tpi tsi tsn tso tuk tum tup tur tut tvl twi tyv udm uga uig ukr umb und urd uzb vai ven vie vol vot wak wal war was wel wen wln wol xal xho yao yap yid yor ypk zap zbl zen zha znd zul zun zxx zza bod ces cym deu ell eus ! fas " fra ' hye 6 isl ? kat D mkd _ mri ^ msa c mya e nld k ron ~ slk sqi zho aa ab ae ! af ak am an ar as av ay # az $ ba ' be / bg @ bh 4 bi 7 bm ) bn 1 bo br < bs : ca F ce L ch J co [ cr _ cs d cu U cv V cy da f de dv m dz u ee ~ el en z eo | es et } eu + fa U ff fi fj fo fr fy ga gd gl gn gu gv ha he hi ho hr ht hu hy hz ia id ie ig ii ik io is it iu ja jv ka kg ki kj kk kl km kn ko kr ks ku kv kw Z ky la lb lg li ln lo lt lu lv mg mh mi mk ml mn mr ms mt my A na , nb 8 nd / ne 2 ng 0 nl s nn 7 no ; nr . nv - ny @ oc E oj F om H or G os J pa Q pi X pl Y ps ^ pt [ qu _ rm d rn g ro f ru i rw sa p sc sd se sg k si { sk  sl sm sn so sq sr ss st su sv sw ta te tg th ti tk tl tn to tr ts tt tw ty ug uk ur uz ve vi vo wa wo xh yi yo za zh N zu chan %d Bps %d and sign %d avr AVR (Audio Visual Research) This avs pretend to be %dx%d when the avs format is supposed to be 318x198 only. avs AVS discarding unused palette incomplete audio block Using default video time base since having no audio packet before the first video packet reached terminating character but not all frames read. unknown block (character = %c, decimal = %d, hex = %x)!!! bethsoftvid Bethesda Softworks VID Invalid audio/video offsets or chunk size bfi Brute Force & Ignorance could not find index entry for frame %lld frame %lld: audio size in header (%u) > size of packet left (%u) invalid header: more than 1000000 frames invalid header: largest frame size greater than file size invalid header: invalid fps (%u/%u) Bink 2 video is not implemented invalid header: more than 256 audio tracks (%u) invalid frame index table bink Bink 1.4 O [0;30;40mNEXT bin Binary text xbin eXtended BINary text (XBIN) adf Artworx Data Format idf iCE Draw File Binary text demuxer eXtended BINary text (XBIN) demuxer Artworx Data Format demuxer iCE Draw File demuxer linespeed set simulated line speed (bytes per second) video_size set video size, such as 640x480 or hd720. framerate set framerate (frames per second) 25 bit G.729 BIT file format Reported audio size %d is bigger than packet size (%d) bmv Discworld II BMV boa Black Ops Audio invalid byte order: %X little endian byte order codec %d too many blocks: %u skipping additional ADPC chunk Version %d.%d skipping unknown chunk: %X brstm BRSTM (Binary Revolution Stream) invalid palette size %u too many frames in block c93 Interplay C93 Failure to seek in cache r2==r libavformat/cache.c cache: ffcache Failed to create tempfile cache P aac P ac-3 ima4 ms ms P alac samr P agsm P ms 1<P ilbc P MAC3 P MAC6+P .mp1 P .mp2 P .mp3 P ms U alaw ulaw P Qclp P QDM2 P QDMC desc chunk not present invalid AAC magic cookie invalid ALAC magic cookie frmaalac error reading packet table skipping CAF chunk: %08X (%c%c%c%c), size %lld Missing packet table. It is required when block size or frame size are variable. caf Apple CAF (Core Audio Format) cavsvideo raw Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard) cavsvideo demuxer Cannot calculate duration as file size cannot be determined cdg CD Graphics non-standard cdxl file Could not parse framerate: %s. cdxl Commodore CDXL video cdxl,xl CDXL demuxer sample_rate uknown version %i unsupported biBitCount %i unknown bitmap compression short SETUP header camera_version firmware_version software_version recording_timezone brightness contrast gamma unsupported Color Field Array (CFA) %i unsupported compression %i description cine Phantom Cine concat: | concat @B Match slave stream #%d with stream #%d id 0x%x Auto-inserting h264_mp4toannexb bitstream filter h264_mp4toannexb h264_mp4toannexb bitstream filter required for H.264 streams Impossible to open '%s' ffconcat version 1.0 pkt2.buf libavformat/concatdec.c Line %d: filename required Unsafe file name '%s' duration Line %d: duration without file Line %d: invalid duration '%s' exact_stream_id Line %d: exact_stream_id without stream ffconcat 1.0 Line %d: invalid version Line %d: unknown keyword '%s' Virtual concatenation script concat demuxer safe enable safe mode auto_convert automatically convert bitstream format crypto+ crypto: Unsupported url %s Key or IV not set Only decryption is supported currently Unable to open input crypto key AES decryption key iv AES decryption initialization vector data: No ',' delimiter in URI Invalid content-type '%.*s' Content-type: %.*s base64 Ignoring option '%.*s' Invalid base64 in URI D-Cinema audio 302,daud Too large chunk size: %u skipping %u bytes of end-of-frame marker chunk Invalid magic for DFA Zero FPS reported, defaulting to 10 dfa Chronomaster DFA dirac raw Dirac dirac demuxer dnxhd raw DNxHD (SMPTE VC-3) dnxhd demuxer 3 7 ? unknown format version unknown format id channel type %i unknown most significant bit block_align overflow DSD dsf DSD Stream File (DSF) dsicin Delphine Software International CIN raw DTS chunk size too small chunk size too big dtshd raw DTS-HD %08x %02x %sMetadata: %s %-16s: %s %-16s: Stream #%d:%d [0x%x] (%s) , %d, %d/%d : %s , SAR %d:%d DAR %d:%d , %3.2f %s fps , %1.0f %s , %1.0fk %s tbr tbn tbc (default) (dub) (original) (comment) (lyrics) (karaoke) (forced) (hearing impaired) (visual impaired) (clean effects) %sSide data: %s palette new extradata paramchange: channel count %d, channel layout: %s, sample_rate %d, width %d height %d unknown param h263 macroblock info replaygain: invalid data %s - track gain unknown %f track peak album gain album peak displaymatrix: rotation of %.2f degrees unknown side data type %d (%d bytes) stream #%d: keyframe=%d duration=%0.3f dts= N/A %0.3f pts= size=%d %s #%d, %s, %s '%s': Output %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d , start: %d.%06d , bitrate: %d kb/s Chapter #%d.%d: start %f, end %f Program %d %s No Program Input from Duration: D } Cannot find DV header. Can't determine profile of DV input stream. timecode Detected timecode is invalid Unrecognized audio sample rate index (%d) stype %d is invalid too many dv pcm frames ipcm<4 libavformat/dv.c cannot adjust audio bytes dv DV (Digital Video) dv,dif failed reading chunk type failed reading dxa_extra Frame size is too big: %u Unknown tag %c%c%c%c File contains no frames ??? %d frame(s) dxa DXA unknown header 0x%04x ea_cdata Electronic Arts cdata video header followed by audio packet Packet is too short unknown 1SNh headerid stream type; audio compression_type=%i unknown SCHl headerid entered audio subheader revision (element 0x80) set to 0x%08x num_channels (element 0x82) set to 0x%08x compression_type (element 0x83) set to 0x%08x sample_rate (element 0x84) set to %i num_samples (element 0x85) set to 0x%08x element 0x%02x set to 0x%08x exited audio subheader revision2 (element 0xA0) set to 0x%08x end of header block reached (within audio subheader) end of header block reached header element 0x%02x set to 0x%08x stream type; revision=%i stream type; revision=%i, revision2=%i stream type; revision2=%i stream type; compression_type=%i Timebase is invalid error parsing header: %i Unsupported number of channels: %d Unsupported sample rate: %d Invalid number of bytes per sample: %d ea Electronic Arts Multimedia 24-bit Paris PCM format epaf Ensoniq Paris Audio File paf,fap resyncing cannot find FFM syncword invalid stream index %d ffm FFM (FFserver live feed) tex^qComp ffm->packet_end >= ffm->packet libavformat/ffmenc.c ; @B ;FFMETADATA [STREAM] [CHAPTER] TIMEBASE=%d/%d START=%lld Expected chapter start timestamp, found %s. END=%lld Expected chapter end timestamp, found %s. ffmetadata FFmpeg metadata in text pipe: file: truncate truncate existing files on write blocksize set I/O operation maximum block size magic number not found Unsupported packing method filmstrip Adobe Filmstrip flm Invalid picture type: %d. Could not read mimetype from an attached picture. len < sizeof(mimetype) libavformat/flac_picture.c Error reading attached picture description. Error reading attached picture data. Error parsing attached picture. error parsing VorbisComment metadata WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_CHANNEL_MASK Invalid value of WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_CHANNEL_MASK fLaC flac raw FLAC File with no specified width/height. Trying 640x480. Failed to peek at preamble Invalid or unsupported magic chunk in file flic FLI/FLC/FLX animation NGINX RTMP Audio codec (%x) Video codec (%x) true false keyframes Skipping duplicate index times filepositions Invalid keyframes object, skipping. Keyframe index parsing failed videodatarate audiodatarate datastream videocodecid audiocodecid audiosamplerate audiosamplesize stereo width height filesize %.f Found invalid index entries, clearing the index. onTextData onMetaData Skipping flv packet: type %d, size %d, flags %d. Stream discovered after head already parsed Negative cts, previous timestamps might be wrong. invalid timestamps %lld %lld Omnia A/XE Encoder flv FLV (Flash Video) live_flv live RTMP FLV (Flash Video) flvdec live_flvdec flv_metadata Allocate streams according to the onMetaData array segment ssegment . ( * frm Megalux Frame ^ K STOR %s RETR %s EPSV PASV , tcp REST %lld FTP write failed anonymous nopassword Cannot open control connection FTP server not ready for new users pure-ftpd Pure-FTPd server is used as an output protocol. It is known issue this implementation may produce incorrect content and it cannot be fixed at this moment. USER %s PASS %s FTP authentication failed Set content type failed UTF8 OPTS UTF8 ON TYPE I FEAT ABOR Reconnect failed. Seeking to nagative position. Reconnect to FTP server. Position cannot be restored. FTP read failed PWD FTP open failed SIZE %s ftp set timeout of socket I/O operations ftp-write-seekable control seekability of connection during encoding ftp-anonymous-password password for anonymous login. E-mail address should be used. st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample > 0 libavformat/g722.c g722 raw G.722 g722,722 G.723.1 tco,rco,g723_1 No bitrate specified. Assuming 8000 b/s Only 8000 b/s and 6400 b/s bitrates are supported. Provided: %d b/s g729 G.729 raw format demuxer g729 demuxer bit_rate GIF87a GIF89a GIF87a GIF89a Graphic Control Extension block's size less than 4. lzw minimum code size must be >= 1 invalid block label gif CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) GIF demuxer min_delay minimum valid delay between frames (in hundredths of second) default_delay default delay between frames (in hundredths of second) ignore_loop ignore loop setting (netscape extension) Gopher protocol type '%c' not supported yet! gopher gsm raw GSM gsm demuxer < ` 2 0u ] 2 ` 0u too many index entries %u (%x) invalid index length %02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d sync lost invalid media packet length invalid first and last sample values map packet not found unknown version or invalid map preamble material data longer than map data track description longer than map data invalid track type %x invalid track id %x invalid track description length specified sync lost in header No FPS track tag, using UMF fps tag. This might give wrong results. timecode_at_mark_in timecode_at_mark_out UMF packet too short UMF packet missing gxf GXF (General eXchange Format) h261 raw H.261 h261 demuxer h263 raw H.263 h263 demuxer h264 raw H.264 video h26l,h264,264,avc h264 demuxer hevc raw HEVC video hevc,h265,265 hevc demuxer com.apple.streaming.transportStreamTimestamp _ _ _ @B _ _ @B TYPE= URI= GROUP-ID= LANGUAGE= ASSOC-LANGUAGE= NAME= DEFAULT= FORCED= CHARACTERISTICS= METHOD= IV= BANDWIDTH= AUDIO= VIDEO= SUBTITLES= #EXTM3U #EXT-X-STREAM-INF: #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION: #EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE: user-agent cookies seekable end_offset HLS request for url '%s', offset %lld, playlist %d Unable to read key file %s Unable to open key file %s crypto+%s crypto:%s Unable to seek to offset %lld of HLS segment '%s' location #EXT-X-KEY: AES-128 0x 0X #EXT-X-MEDIA: AUDIO VIDEO YES public.accessibility.describes-music-and-sound public.accessibility.describes-video #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE: EVENT VOD #EXT-X-ENDLIST #EXTINF: #EXT-X-BYTERANGE: # No longer receiving playlist %d Failed to reload playlist %d skipping %d segments ahead, expired from playlists Failed to open segment of playlist %d Too large HLS ID3 tag (%d > %lld bytes) Stripped %d HLS ID3 bytes Stripped additional %d HLS ID3 bytes PRIV Invalid HLS ID3 audio timestamp %lld APIC !pls->id3_deferred_extra libavformat/hls.c Changing ID3 metadata in HLS audio elementary stream Now receiving playlist %d, segment %d Empty playlist Error when loading first segment '%s' No expected HTTP requests have been made variant_bitrate hls,applehttp Apple HTTP Live Streaming skipping %d segments ahead, expired from playlist opening %s Unable to open %s hls+ Using the hls protocol is discouraged, please try using the hls demuxer instead. The hls demuxer should be more complete and work as well as the protocol implementation. (If not, please report it.) To use the demuxer, simply use %s as url. hls:// No nested protocol specified. Specify e.g. hls+http://%s hls invalid chunk size: %u, offset: %lld unknown chunk found: %u, offset: %lld invalid resolution: %ux%u hnm Cryo HNM v4 0 %x header='%s' http_code=%d HTTP error %d %s Location Content-Length Content-Range bytes Accept-Ranges Transfer-Encoding chunked WWW-Authenticate Authentication-Info Proxy-Authenticate Connection close Server AkamaiGHost MediaGateway Content-Type Set-Cookie %s %s Icy-MetaInt Icy- %s: %s Content-Encoding gzip deflate 1.2.5 Error during zlib initialisation: %s Your zlib was compiled without gzip support. identity Unknown content coding: %s Proxy- CONNECT CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1 Host: %s Connection: close %s%s inflate return value: %d, %s tls GET POST Transfer-Encoding: chunked http_proxy no_proxy http:// https User-Agent: User-Agent: %s Accept: Accept: */* Range: Range: bytes=%lld- Expect: Expect: 100-continue Connection: Connection: keep-alive Connection: close Host: Host: %s Content-Length: Content-Length: %d Content-Type: Content-Type: %s Cookie: path= domain= secure max-age ; Invalid cookie found, no value, path or domain specified %s; %s Cookie: %s Icy-MetaData: Icy-MetaData: %d %s %s HTTP/1.1 %s%s%s%s%s request: %s No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header. icy_metadata_packet http httpproxy control seekability of connection chunked_post use chunked transfer-encoding for posts set custom HTTP headers, can override built in default headers content_type set a specific content type for the POST messages user_agent override User-Agent header Lavf/55.48.100 multiple_requests use persistent connections post_data set custom HTTP post data mime_type export the MIME type set cookies to be sent in applicable future requests, use newline delimited Set-Cookie HTTP field value syntax icy request ICY metadata icy_metadata_headers return ICY metadata headers return current ICY metadata packet auth_type HTTP authentication type none No auth method set, autodetect basic HTTP basic authentication send_expect_100 Force sending an Expect: 100-continue header for POST The actual location of the data received initial byte offset try to limit the request to bytes preceding this offset nextnonce= realm= opaque= algorithm= qop= stale= Basic Digest Authorization: Basic MD5 MD5-sess auth-int Authorization: Digest username="%s" ,realm="%s" ,nonce="%s" ,uri="%s" ,response="%s" ,algorithm="%s" ,opaque="%s" ,qop="%s" ,cnonce="%s" ,nc=%s ico Microsoft Windows ICO Blues Classic Rock Country Dance Disco Grunge Hip-Hop Jazz Metal New Age Oldies Other R&B Rap Reggae Techno Industrial Alternative Ska Death Metal Pranks Soundtrack Euro-Techno Ambient Trip-Hop Vocal Jazz+Funk Fusion Trance Classical Instrumental Acid House Game Sound Clip Gospel Noise AlternRock Bass Soul Punk Space Meditative Instrumental Pop Instrumental Rock Ethnic Gothic Darkwave Techno-Industrial Electronic Pop-Folk Eurodance Dream Southern Rock Comedy Cult Gangsta Top 40 Christian Rap Pop/Funk Jungle Native American Cabaret New Wave Psychadelic Rave Showtunes Trailer Lo-Fi Tribal Acid Punk Acid Jazz Polka Retro Musical Rock & Roll Hard Rock Folk-Rock National Folk Swing Fast Fusion Bebob Latin Revival Celtic Bluegrass Avantgarde Gothic Rock Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock Symphonic Rock Slow Rock Big Band Chorus Easy Listening Acoustic Humour Speech Chanson Opera Chamber Music Sonata Symphony Booty Bass Primus Porn Groove Satire Slow Jam Club Tango Samba Folklore Ballad Power Ballad Rhythmic Soul Freestyle Duet Punk Rock Drum Solo A capella Euro-House Dance Hall Goa Drum & Bass Club-House Hardcore Terror Indie BritPop Negerpunk Polsk Punk Beat Christian Gangsta Heavy Metal Black Metal Crossover Contemporary Christian Christian Rock Merengue Salsa Thrash Metal Anime JPop SynthPop TALBTBPMTCOMTCONTCOPTDLYTENCTEXTTFLTTIT1TIT2TIT3TKEYTLANTLENTMEDTOALTOFNTOLYTOPETOWNTPE1TPE2TPE3TPE4TPOSTPUBTRCKTRSNTRSOTSRCTSSE TDENTDORTDRCTDRLTDTGTIPLTMCLTMOOTPROTSOATSOPTSOTTSST TDATTIMETORYTRDATSIZTYER image/gif b image/jpeg image/jpg image/png > image/tiff a image/bmp O JPG PNG > Error opening memory stream Cannot read BOM value, input too short Incorrect BOM value Unknown encoding Error reading frame %s, skipped TCON TCO (%d) TXXX TXX No AVFormatContext, skipped ID3 chapter data Unknown attached picture mimetype: %s, skipping. Unknown attached picture type %d. Error decoding attached picture description. Failed to alloc %zu bytes Failed to alloc %d bytes Error reading GEOB frame, data truncated. GEOB encrypted encrypted and compressed GEO extended header too long. invalid extended header length compression id3v2 ver:%d flags:%02X len:%d Invalid empty frame %s, skipping. Skipping %s ID3v2 frame %s. Compresssed frame %s tlen=%d dlen=%ld Failed to alloc %ld bytes Failed to read compressed tag Failed to uncompress tag: %d invalid frame id, assuming padding ID3v2.%d tag skipped, cannot handle %s TYER TYE TDAT TDA -%.2s-%.2s TIME TIM %.2s:%.2s TALB TCOM TCOP TENC TIT2 TLAN TPE1 TPE2 TPE3 performer TPOS TPUB TRCK TSSE TCMP compilation TDRL TDRC TDEN TSOA album-sort TSOP artist-sort TSOT title-sort 32x32 pixels 'file icon' Other file icon Cover (front) Cover (back) Leaflet page Media (e.g. label side of CD) Lead artist/lead performer/soloist Artist/performer Conductor Band/Orchestra Composer Lyricist/text writer Recording Location During recording During performance Movie/video screen capture A bright coloured fish Illustration Band/artist logotype Publisher/Studio logotype PIC CHAP TAL TCP TT2 TEN TP1 TP2 TP3 TRK incomplete packet invalid chunk size: %u incomplete header invalid sample rate: %u invalid bytes per sample: %u invalid channels: %u idcin id Cinematic unknown RoQ chunk (%04X) roq id RoQ SLFTSRGTMLFTMRGTC LS RS MLFTMRGTC LFE LS RS MDSDDSD libavformat/iff.c source_comment file_history channel_comment Invalid CMAP chunk size %llu color format %.16s DSIFF v%d.%d.%d.%d cannot allocate metadata tag %s! unknown property type %02dh:%02dm:%02ds:%d absolute_start_time channel layout id3 exceeds chunk size loudspeaker configuration %d %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d comment_time channel%d_comment compression %d and bit depth %d Unknown SVX8 compression method '%d' st->codec->extradata_size >= 41 iff IFF (Interchange File Format) general_remark operator_name creating_machine timezone file_revision #!iLBC30 #!iLBC20 Unsupported number of streams Unsupported codec Unsupported mode Unrecognized iLBC file header ilbc iLBC storage audio/iLBC lbc jpeg jpg jps mpo ljpg jls png pns mng ppm pnm pgm pgmyuv pbm pam mpg1-img mpg2-img mpg4-img ffv1-img raw bmp tga tiff tif sgi ptx pcx sun ras im1 im8 im24 im32 sunras j2c jp2 jpc j2k dpx exr pic yuv10 webp xbm xface xwd alias_pix Alias/Wavefront PIX image brender_pix BRender PIX image @ ` ` ` SDPX XPDS Could not open file : %s No such pixel format: %s. *?[]{} Pattern type 'glob_sequence' is deprecated: use pattern_type 'glob' instead %*?[]{} \*?[]{} Could find no file with path '%s' and index in the range %d-%d Unknown value '%d' for pattern_type option image2 image2 sequence image2pipe piped image2 sequence bmp_pipe piped bmp sequence dpx_pipe piped dpx sequence exr_pipe piped exr sequence j2k_pipe piped j2k sequence pictor_pipe piped pictor sequence png_pipe piped png sequence sgi_pipe piped sgi sequence sunrast_pipe piped sunrast sequence tiff_pipe piped tiff sequence image2 demuxer image2pipe demuxer bmp demuxer dpx demuxer exr demuxer j2k demuxer pictor demuxer png demuxer sgi demuxer sunrast demuxer tiff demuxer set the video framerate loop force loop over input file sequence pattern_type set pattern type glob_sequence select glob/sequence pattern type glob select glob pattern type select sequence pattern type pixel_format set video pixel format start_number set first number in the sequence start_number_range set range for looking at the first sequence number set video size frame_size force frame size in bytes ts_from_file set frame timestamp from file's one ts_type sec second precision nano second precision Ingenient packet: size=%d, width=%d, height=%d, unk1=%d unk2=%d ingenient raw Ingenient MJPEG cgi ingenient demuxer Interplay MVE File Can not read audio packet beforeaudio codec is known ipmovie Interplay MVE d d d d d d d unknown tag %X ircam Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL Sound Format sf,ircam eng fra ger ita dut sve spa dan por nor heb jpn ara fin gre ice mlt tur hr chi urd hin tha kor lit pol hun est lav fo rus chi iri alb ron ces slk slv yid sr mac bul ukr bel uzb kaz aze aze arm geo mol kir tgk tuk mon pus kur kas snd tib nep san mar ben asm guj pa ori mal kan tam tel bur khm lao vie ind tgl may may amh tir orm som swa run mlg epo wel baq cat lat que grn aym tat uig dzo jav P P P ! P " .P $ d e f 3 3 l q s 7 u u ? y y ? ~ ? ` ; p ! 562H# P @ .P @ a ` b c d e P f P g P h P i P i j P k l > m Y n G u P P P p P raw yuv2 2vuy yuvs L555 L565 B565 24BG BGRA RGBA ABGR b16g b48r bxbg bxrg bxyv NO16 DVOO R420 R411 R10k R10g r210IUVAAVUIPRVAAVrpPRVASUDS v210 bxy2803Vv308804Vv408 v410P14YY41P4VUYyuv4612TY216 jpeg mjpa AVDJ dmb1 mjpb SVQ1 svq1 svqi SVQ3 mp4v DIVX XVID 3IV2 h263 s263 dvcp dvc dvpp dv5p dv5n AVdv AVd1 dvhq dvhp dvh1 dvh2 dvh4 dvh5 dvh6 dvh3 VP31+ rpza, cvid1 8BPS2 smc 8 rle RIGSrle1. WRLE; qdrw WRAW562Hhev1562Hhvc1 avc1 ai5p ai5q ai52 ai53 ai55 ai56 ai1p ai1q ai12 ai13 ai15 ai16 AVin aivx m1v m1v1 mpeg m2v1 hdv1 hdv2 hdv3 hdv4 hdv5 hdv6 hdv7 hdv8 hdv9 hdva mx5n mx5p mx4n mx4p mx3n mx3p xd51 xd54 xd55 xd59 xd5a xd5b xd5c xd5d xd5e xd5f xdv1 xdv2 xdv3 xdv4 xdv5 xdv6 xdv7 xdv8 xdv9 xdva xdvb xdvc xdvd xdve xdvf xdhd xdh2 AVmp mp2vY mjp2^ tga a tiffb gif > png > MNG G vc-1X avs2u dracd AVdn H263 3IVD AV1x AVupf sgi dpx RXE0exr apch apcn apcs apco ap4h3 flic icod P mp4a P ac-3 P sac3 ima4 P alac samr sawb P dtsc P dtsh P dtsl P DTS )P ec-3 P vdva P dvca P agsm<P ilbc P MAC3 P MAC6+P .mp1 P .mp2 P .mp3 P U sm"P nmos alaw fl32 fl32 fl64 fl64 ulaw twos sowt lpcm lpcm in24 in24 in32 in32 sowt raw NONE P Qclp P Qclq P sqcp P QDM23P QDMC$P spex$P SPXN P WMA2cvessevcvmssssmv p text p tx3g806cc608 codec open in read_dec_config_descr IMA_ADPCM_Sound Failed parsing packet size Failed parsing stereo flag Failed parsing rate_divisor packet_size %d is invalid iss Funcom ISS failed to grow packet Truncated packet! Read %d of %d bytes iv8 IndigoVision 8000 video Invalid frame rate ivf On2 IVF %*u:%*u:%*u.%*u %*u:%*u:%*u.%*u %c @%u @%u %c \ %d%*1[.:]%d%*1[.:]%d%*1[.:]%d #S %s #T %s %u:%u:%u.%u %u:%u:%u.%u %n @%u @%u %n jacosub JACOsub subtitle format CLOCKPAUSE DIRECTIVE FONT HRES INCLUDE PALETTE QUANTIZE RAMP SHIFT TIMERES unsupported audio codec Compression by John M Phillips Copyright (C) 1995 The Bitmap Brothers Ltd. jv Bitmap Brothers JV invalid or unsupported frame_type packet size %d is invalid raw lmlm4 loas LOAS AudioSyncStream ti creator encoder_version [-%llu:%llu.%llu] [%llu:%llu.%llu] offset: %lld:%llu.%llu] lrc LRC lyrics %d streams id %d lvf LVF LEITCH Unknown format version %u Invalid header size 0x%x checksum error got audio packet, but no audio stream present only tightly packed PCM currently supported only 16-, 20-, 24- and 32-bit PCM currently supported video doesn't seem to be PAL or NTSC. guessing PAL got packet with illegal stream index %u got audio packet without having an audio stream expected %d B size header, got %d record: %x = %i-%02i-%02i expire: %x = %i-%02i-%02i VBI data not yet supported lxf VR native stream (LXF) m4v raw MPEG-4 video m4v demuxer A_AAC P A_AC3 P A_ALAC P A_DTS P A_EAC3 )P A_FLAC P A_MLP P A_MPEG/L2 P A_MPEG/L1 P A_MPEG/L3 P A_OPUS SUPOA_OPUS/EXPERIMENTAL SUPOA_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE A_PCM/INT/BIG A_PCM/INT/BIG A_PCM/INT/BIG A_PCM/INT/LIT A_PCM/INT/LIT A_PCM/INT/LIT A_PCM/INT/LIT A_QUICKTIME/QDM2 P A_REAL/14_4 0 A_REAL/28_8 0 A_REAL/ATRC P A_REAL/COOK P A_REAL/SIPR *P A_TRUEHD -P A_TTA1 P A_VORBIS P A_WAVPACK4 P D_WEBVTT/SUBTITLES TTVWD_WEBVTT/CAPTIONS TTVWD_WEBVTT/DESCRIPTIONS TTVWD_WEBVTT/METADATA TTVWS_TEXT/UTF8 piRSS_TEXT/UTF8 p S_TEXT/UTF8 p S_TEXT/ASCII p S_TEXT/ASS p S_TEXT/SSA p S_ASS p S_SSA p S_TEXT/ASS SSAS_TEXT/SSA SSAS_ASS SSAS_SSA SSAS_VOBSUB p S_DVBSUB p S_HDMV/PGS p V_DIRAC u V_MJPEG V_MPEG1 V_MPEG2 V_MPEG4/ISO/ASP V_MPEG4/ISO/AP V_MPEG4/ISO/SP V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC 562HV_MPEG4/MS/V3 V_PRORES V_REAL/RV10 V_REAL/RV20 V_REAL/RV30 E V_REAL/RV40 F V_SNOW WONSV_THEORA V_UNCOMPRESSED V_VP8 V_VP9 text/plain p image/gif b image/jpeg image/png > image/tiff a application/x-truetype-font application/x-font application/vnd.ms-opentype FTO binary ATAD LEAD_PERFORMER PART_NUMBER mono left_right bottom_top top_bottom checkerboard_rl checkerboard_lr row_interleaved_rl row_interleaved_lr col_interleaved_rl col_interleaved_lr anaglyph_cyan_red right_left anaglyph_green_magenta block_lr block_rl left background ; h 0! > ; ; ; * @B D { AW M $ aD ( s F nF `F \F ~F S S # T T $ . ( S 8 S @ T T T T T T @ @ x db xS c h 2 c c c ( 0 |C TB UB G G G G G G G Skipping invalid tag with no TagName. %s/%s - Read error at pos. %llu (0x%llx) Invalid EBML number size tag 0x%02x at pos %llu (0x%llx) Compression size but no data in headerstrip Working around broken index. Invalid track number %d EBML block data error Invalid stream %llu or size %u File is broken, keyframes not correctly marked! Invalid packet size Corrupt int4 RM-style audio packet size Corrupt sipr RM-style audio packet size Corrupt generic RM-style audio packet size Error parsing a wavpack block. Dialogue: %s,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%s Unknown entry 0x%X Invalid length 0x%llx > 0x%llx for syntax element %i File moves beyond max. allowed depth (%d) Invalid element Read error Max EBML element depth (%d) reached, cannot parse further. EBML header using unsupported features (EBML version %llu, doctype %s, doc version %llu) matroska webm %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Unknown or unsupported track type %llu Multiple combined encodings not supported Unsupported encoding type Failed to decode codec private data enc_key_id V_MS/VFW/FOURCC A_MS/ACM A_QUICKTIME V_QUICKTIME SMI SBR TTA1 Invalid FLAC private data Unknown/unsupported AVCodecID %s. stereo_mode alpha_mode %s_%d D_WEBVTT/CAPTIONS D_WEBVTT/DESCRIPTIONS D_WEBVTT/METADATA incomplete attachment mimetype Unknown EBML doctype '%s' Failed to read file headers webm_dash_manifest_initialization_range webm_dash_manifest_file_name %g webm_dash_manifest_duration webm_dash_manifest_track_number webm_dash_manifest_cues_start webm_dash_manifest_cues_end webm_dash_manifest_bandwidth webm_dash_manifest_cluster_keyframe %s%lld webm_dash_manifest_cue_timestamps matroska,webm Matroska / WebM webm_dash_manifest WebM DASH Manifest MAIN LC SSR (none) eng %02x md5: md5 mgsts Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes {%*d}{}%c {%*d}{%*d}%c {DEFAULT}{}%c {%d}{}%6lf {%d}{%*d}%6lf Invalid event "%s" at line %d {%d}{%c {%d}{%d} microdvd MicroDVD subtitle format microdvddec set the movie frame rate fallback v2.0 auto manual raw api version cfa_pattern cameraName 0x%x cameraModel cameraSerial focalLength focalDist aperture stabilizerMode autofocusMode lensID lensName lensSerial wb_mode kelvin wbgain_r wbgain_g wbgain_b wbs_gm wbs_ba isoMode isoValue isoAnalog digitalGain %lli shutterValue picStyleId sharpness saturation colortone picStyleName unsupported tag %c%c%c%c, size %u 0x%llx guid unknown video class unknown audio class scanning %s ignoring %s; bad format or guid mismatch ignoring %s; %s mlv Magic Lantern Video (MLV) unknown chunk type 0x%x mm American Laser Games MM @ + "V D MIDI like format found, unsupported Unsupported SMAF chunk %08x Invalid sample rate Unexpected SMAF chunk %08x mmf Yamaha SMAF Corrupt stream (invalid ASF header, size=%d) Corrupt stream (header chunksize %lld is invalid) Corrupt stream (too large pkt_len %d) Corrupt stream (too many A/V streams) Corrupt stream (next stream name length is not in the buffer) Corrupt stream (next extension system info length is not in the buffer) Corrupt stream (the last extension system info length is invalid) Read data packet header failed! Strange chunk type %d Read ext header failed! Asf header packet len = %d exceed the asf header buf size %d Recv asf header data len %d != expected len %d Data packet length %d exceeds the in_buffer size %zu Read data packet failed! Chunk length %d exceed packet length %d Other packet len = %d exceed the in_buffer size %zu Read other chunk type data failed! Accept: */* User-Agent: NSPlayer/ Host: %s:%d Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.000000,stream-time=0,stream-offset=0:0,request-context=%u,max-duration=0 Pragma: xClientGUID={c77e7400-738a-11d2-9add-0020af0a3278} Connection: Close Get http header data failed! ffff:%d:0 Accept: */* User-Agent: NSPlayer/ Host: %s:%d Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.000000,request-context=%u Pragma: xPlayStrm=1 Pragma: xClientGUID={c77e7400-738a-11d2-9add-0020af0a3278} Pragma: stream-switch-count=%d Pragma: stream-switch-entry=%s Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.000000,stream-time=%uConnection: Close Build play request failed! Stream ended! Stream changed! Failed to get new header! Recv other type packet %d mmsh The server closed the connection Error reading packet header: %d (%s) The server closed the connection Reading command packet length failed: %d (%s) Incoming packet length %d exceeds bufsize %zu Reading pkt data (length=%d) failed: %d (%s) Server sent a message with packet type 0x%x and error status code 0x%08x Data length %d is invalid or too large (max=%zu) Failed to read packet data of size %d: %d (%s) Failed to write data of length %d: %d (%s) Corrupt stream (unexpected packet type 0x%x, expected 0x%x) Incoming pktlen %d is larger than ASF pktsize %d \\%d.%d.%d.%d\%s\%d NSPlayer/; {%s}; Host: %s 7E667F5D-A661-495E-A512-F55686DDA178 The server does not support MMST (try MMSH or RTSP) mmst 0 / f " "! `" " d" e" " " " +" " H" " & R S % x D 9 : ! 0 1 e^ e^ GH7z^U |w f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 f f f f ff 3f f f f f ff 3f f f f f ff 3f ff ff ff fffff3ff f3 f3 f3 f3ff33f3 f f f f ff 3f 3 3 3 3 f3 33 3 3 3 3 f3 33 3 3 3 3 f3 33 3f 3f 3f 3ff3f33f 33 33 33 33f33333 3 3 3 3 f3 33 f 3 f 3 f 3 f f f ff f3 f 3 3 3 3f 33 3 f 3 w U D " w U D " w U D " wwwUUUDDD""" Found media data tag MPEG indicating this is a MOV-packed MPEG-PS. sample aspect ratio already set to %d:%d, ignoring 'pasp' atom (%d:%d) Detected moov in a free atom. Broken file, trak/mdat not at top-level overread end of atom '%.4s' by %lld bytes root stream %d, offset 0x%llx: partial file Found duplicated MOOV Atom. Skipped it systemBitrate=" could not find corresponding trex Invalid SampleDelta %d in STTS, at %d st:%d Invalid sample_count=%d Invalid sample field size %d handler_name multiple edit list entries, a/v desync might occur, patch welcome CTTS invalid unknown compression for cmov atom ! get_wav_header failed Unknown MOV field order 0x%04x could not find corresponding track id %d ../ Using absolute path on user request, this is a possible security issue rotate qt ISO: File Type Major Brand: %.4s major_brand minor_version compatible_brands %d/%d Multiple mdhd? Version %d volume %s, len %d filename %s, len %d nlvl from %d, nlvl to %d type %d, len %d path %s dir %s iTunSMPB %*X %X %X %X cdec Unhandled or malformed custom metadata of size %lld truncated extradata stream %d, missing mandatory atoms, broken header stream %d, timescale not set STSZ sample size %d invalid (too large), ignoring STSZ sample size %d invalid (too small), ignoring wrong sample count error unaligned chunk wrong chunk count %d stream %d, error opening alias: path='%s', dir='%s', filename='%s', volume='%s', nlvl_from=%d, nlvl_to=%d size: %dx%d palette: %06x%s error reading header: %d moov atom not found Referenced QT chapter track not found ignoring stream duration which is shorter than chapters Chapter %d not found in file tmcd grouping make synopsis show episode_id network episode_sort season_number media_type hd_video gapless_playback premiere_version quicktime_version %+08.4f%+09.4f/ %s-%s Unknown cover type: 0x%x. Error parsing cover art. stsd invalid size %lld in stsd multiple fourcc not supported avc1 hvc1 hev1 Concatenated H.264 or H.265 might not play correctly. Planar Y'CbCr 8-bit 4:2:0 Sorenson H263 mp4s dv demux context init error mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 QuickTime / MOV use_absolute_path allow using absolute path when opening alias, this is a possible security issue ignore_editlist d e r l t x |  d e w { d e r t x |  d e g q l u y } ~ d e f j h i g ` q r k l 3 s t m 7 u v w x n 7 7 y z { | 7 } 7 7 7 & ? ? o 7 7 p 3 ~  ? ? ` V ' . TAG Cannot determine file size, skipping TOC table. pad %d %d mp3 MP2/3 (MPEG audio layer 2/3) mp2,mp3,m2a,mpa usetoc use table of contents D } Not a Musepack file Can demux Musepack SV7, got version %02X Too many frames, seeking is not possible Cannot allocate seektable Container reports no frames mpc Musepack D } No stream added before parsing seek table No seek table at given position Bad seek table size seek table truncated Seek table is too big Not a Musepack8 file Unknown stream version %d Stream header not found mpc8 Musepack SV8 @B # VobSub index file, SUB The input index filename is too short to guess the associated .SUB file IDX IDX/SUB: %s -> %s Unable to open %s as MPEG subtitles id: id: %63[^,], index: %u Unable to parse index line '%s', assuming 'id: und, index: 0' Maximum number of subtitles streams reached IDX stream[%d] id=%s timestamp: Timestamp declared before any stream %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d, filepos: %llx Unable to parse timestamp line '%s', abort parsing alt: IDX stream[%d] name=%s delay: %d:%d:%d:%d langidx: Invalid langidx specified IMKH Sofdec ofdec Further flags set but no bytes left pes_ext %X is invalid tmpq->nb_subs libavformat/mpeg.c mpeg MPEG-PS (MPEG-2 Program Stream) vobsub VobSub subtitle format idx P P P $ 562HB X u G P P -P )P P P )P P p P P j P z )P { P V p Y p drac u AC-3 P BSSD DTS1 P DTS2 P DTS3 P HEVC 562HKLVA AVLKVC-1 G KLVA AVLKID3 3DIT changing packet size to %d max resync size reached, could not find sync byte PES packet size mismatch cannot set stream info, codec is open Tag %x length violation new length %d bytes remaining %d Maximum MP4 descriptor level exceeded Found tag %x expected %x timestamp_len > 64 Predefined SLConfigDescriptor pid %x is not PES pos >= 188 libavformat/mpegts.c All programs have pmt, headers found Continuity check failed for pid %d expected %d got %d stream=%d stream_type=%x pid=%x prog_reg_desc=%.4s HDMV HDPR Could not detect TS packet size, defaulting to non-FEC/DVHS Unable to seek back to the start DVB subtitles with multiple languages mpegts mpegtsraw raw MPEG-TS (MPEG-2 Transport Stream) mpegts demuxer mpegtsraw demuxer fix_teletext_pts Try to fix pts values of dvb teletext streams. ts_packetsize Output option carrying the raw packet size. skip_changes Skip changing / adding streams / programs. skip_clear Skip clearing programs. compute_pcr Compute exact PCR for each transport stream packet. mpegvideo raw MPEG video mpegvideo demuxer [%lld][]%c%n [%lld][%lld]%c%n [%lld][%lld]%c [%lld][]%c MPL2 subtitles txt,mpl2 FORMAT=%d %f %f FORMAT=TIME FORMAT= mpsub MPlayer subtitles Could not find valid start. msnwctcp MSN TCP Webcam stream Header claims %dbpp (!= 16). Ignoring width or height or segment_size is invalid and I cannot calculate them from other information MTV files without audio mtv MTV @B @B @B @B @B @B pkt->size == ((-2147483647 - 1) / 3 * 2 + (int)sizeof(AVFrame)) libavformat/mux.c Packet with invalid duration %d in stream %d Encoder did not produce proper pts, making some up. NOPTS Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream %d: %s >= %s pts (%s) < dts (%s) in stream %d Requested output format '%s' is not a suitable output format Unable to find a suitable output format for '%s' Out of memory No streams to mux were specified Using AVStream.codec.time_base as a timebase hint to the muxer is deprecated. Set AVStream.time_base instead. sample rate not set dimensions not set Aspect ratio mismatch between muxer (%d/%d) and encoder layer (%d/%d) Tag %s/0x%08x incompatible with output codec id '%d' (%s) Codec for stream %d does not use global headers but container format requires global headers Lavf55.48.100 encoder- Invalid packet stream index: %d Received a packet for an attachment stream. ((AVFrame *)pkt->data)->buf Delay between the first packet and last packet in the muxing queue is %lld > %lld: forcing output s->oformat __NUM_I_TRACKS __NUM_A_TRACKS COMMENT TITLE LOOP_MODE NUM_LOOPS OPTIMIZED __DIR_COUNT AUDIO_FORMAT COMPRESSION DEFAULT_VOL NUM_CHANNELS Channel count %d invalid. SAMPLE_RATE SAMPLE_WIDTH MVC2 Video compression %s FPS HEIGHT PIXEL_ASPECT WIDTH ORIENTATION Q_SPATIAL Q_TEMPORAL INTERLACING PACKING Video compression %i Audio compression (format %i) Variable %s Multiple audio streams support Audio compression %i (format %i, sr %i) No valid channel count found. Multiple video streams support Version %i mv Silicon Graphics Movie unhandled version (%d,%d) Invalid audio_data_size (%u) or frames_count (%u) mvi Motion Pixels MVI A B G R A R G B B G R B G R A R G B ? F R G B ) R r G g B b ) R G B * r R g G b B - F R G B + R G B R G B A P ] 0u ` 2 ] 0u B A B A B ` ! ! ! ! 2 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 Y +4  +4 +4 q d +4 d +4 2 +4 1 +4 +4 +4  +4 ~ +4 +4 P +4 P +4 +4 %d/%d input time base matched %d/%d container time base +4 +4 +4 +4 CHUKCHUKCHUKCHUK +4 +4 +4 ~ +4 +4 2 +4 Y +4 ` +4 A +4 +4 +4 @ P +4 +4 KFAA MO +4 +4 +4 IndexSID %i segment at %lld IndexEntryArray too small IndexSID %i segment at %lld missing EditUnitByteCount and IndexEntryArray failed to find absolute offset of %llX in BodySID %i - partial file? failed to map EditUnit %lld in IndexSID %i to an offset Primer pack item length %d item_num %d is too large Duplicate sony_mpeg4_extradata OP1a OPAtom unknown partition type %i Failed reading UID PreviousPartition equal to ThisPartition %llx Overriding PreviousPartition with %llx inconsistent FooterPartition value: %llu != %llu PreviousPartition points to this partition or forward "OPAtom" with %u ECs - assuming %s unknown operational pattern: %02xh %02xh - guessing OP1a invalid KAGSize %d - guessing seeking detected on stream #%d with time base (%d/%d) and sample rate (%d/%d), audio pts won't be accurate. probably incorrect decryption key invalid encoded triplet next_ofs didn't change. not deriving packet timestamps OPAtom misinterpreted as OP1a?KLV for edit unit %i extending into next edit unit error reading D-10 aes3 frame unable to compute the size of the last packet bad size: %i error getting stream index %u %.2x product_uid modification_date generation_uid company_name product_name product_version application_platform could not find header partition pack key MXF structure loop detected found essence prior to first PartitionPack file is not seekable - not parsing last partition failed to seek to last partition @ 0x%llx (%lld) - partial file? local tag %#04x with 0 size local tag %#04x extends past end of local set @ %#llx read past end of KLV @ %#llx error reading header metadata no essence partition %i: bad ThisPartition = %llX could not resolve material track strong ref could not resolve material track sequence strong ref could not resolve source track strong ref material track %d: no corresponding source track found could not resolve source track sequence strong ref material track %d: DataDefinition mismatch could not allocate stream Invalid edit rate (%d/%d) found on stream #%d, defaulting to 25/1 could not resolve sub descriptor strong ref source track %d: stream %d, no descriptor found broken encrypted mxf file %s: Universal Label: SegmentedFrame layout isn't currently supported OneField frame layout isn't currently supported Field dominance %d support Unknown frame layout type: %d invalid sample rate (%d/%d) found for stream #%d, time base forced to 1/48000 broken or empty index found inconsistent BodySID failed to allocate index tables failed to allocate IndexTableSegment pointer array IndexSID %i starts at EditUnit %lld - seeking may not work as expected x >= nb_ptses - IndexEntryCount %i < IndexDuration %lld? index entry %i + TemporalOffset %i = %i, which is out of bounds IndexSID %i segment %i has zero IndexDuration and there's more than one segment no streams? got %i index tables - only the first one (IndexSID %i) will be used cannot demux OPAtom without an index no material package found mxf MXF (Material eXchange Format) Found EOI before SOI, skipping MXF mxg MxPEG clip Next packet size is zero nc NC camera feed v Using network protocols without global network initialization. Please use avformat_network_init(), this will become mandatory later. Failed to set close on exec setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed ff_socket_nonblock failed Connection to %s failed (%s), trying next address Connection to %s failed: %s , * NIST_1A end_head pcm alaw ulaw coding %s channel_count %*s %*s %d sample_byte_format %*s %*s %31s sample byte format %s sample_coding sample_count %*s %*s %lld sample_n_bytes sample_sig_bits %31s %*s %31s Failed to parse '%s' as metadata nistsphere NIST SPeech HEader REsources nist,sph VP3 VP30 VP31[ VP5 [ VP50\ VP6 \ VP60\ VP61\ VP62 VP80 XVID RGB3 P MP3 P AAC P AACP P VLB $P SPX PCM NSVs nsv Channels is 0 Nullsoft Streaming Video p UTF8 p SSA p DVDS p DVBS p DVBT p UTF8 VP90 RGB BGR RGB BGR BGR RGB BGR RGB RGB BGR BGR RGB RGBA RGB BGRA BGR ABGR BGR ARGB RGB RGB BGR 411P 422P 422P 440P 440P 444P 444P B1W0 B0W1 BGR RGB BGR RGB B4BY R4BY BGR0 RGB0 0BGR 0RGB RBA@ BRA@ @RBA @BRA Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y1 1Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y3 3Y Y4 Y4 Y4 Y2 Y1 1Y Y4 4Y Y4 4Y Y4 4Y Y1 1Y Y4 4Y Y4 4Y Y4 4Y Y1 1Y Y4 4Y Y4 4Y Y4 4Y G3 G3 3G G3 3G G3 3G G3 3G G3 3G XYZ$ $ZYX BG BG GB RG RG GR GB GB BG GR GR RG >P 3389 ALAW ULAW P MP3 DFP PFD @DFP PFD@ DSP PSD DSP PSD DSP PSD PSD DUP PUD DUP PUD DUP PUD PUD PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP PSP default dub original comment lyrics karaoke X-CreationTime CreationTime SourceFilename X-Language X-Disposition disposition X-Replaces replaces X-Depends depends X-Uses uses X-UsesFont usesfont @B @B %llu-%llu %lld-%lld sp libavformat/nutdec.c SP: %lld no syncpoint at backptr pos Unknown string %s / %s Palette Extradata CodecSpecificSide%lld ChannelLayout Unknown data %s / %s SkipStart SkipEnd Channels SampleRate Width Height Unknown integer %s UTF-8 Error stream_id_plus1 is (%lld) invalid stream id for info packet Disposition unknown disposition type '%s' r_frame_rate Uses Depends Replaces info header checksum mismatch Syncpoint wallclock %lld sync point checksum mismatch read_timestamp(X,%d,%lld,%lld) read_timestamp failed. nut->last_syncpoint_pos == *pos_arg return %lld %lld stream_index == -1 Last frame must have been damaged %lld > %lld + %d Error *stream_id is (%lld) header_idx invalid frame size > 2max_distance and no checksum syncing from %lld sync No main startcode found. Error stream_count is (%lld) max_distance %d Error nut->time_base_count is (%lld) Error nut->time_base[i].num is (%lld) Error nut->time_base[i].den is (%lld) time base invalid illegal count %d at %d illegal stream number nut->frame_code['N'].flags == FLAG_INVALID Error nut->header_count is (%lld) Error nut->header_len[i] is (%lld) invalid elision header nut->header_len[0] == 0 main header checksum mismatch Not all stream headers found. Error stream_id is (%lld) Unsupported fourcc length %d unknown stream class (%d) Unknown codec tag '0x%04x' for stream number %d Error stc->time_base_id is (%lld) Error stc->msb_pts_shift is (%lld) Error stc->decode_delay is (%lld) Error st->codec->extradata_size is (%lld) Error st->codec->width is (%lld) Error st->codec->height is (%lld) invalid aspect ratio %d/%d Error st->codec->sample_rate is (%lld) Error st->codec->channels is (%lld) stream header %d checksum mismatch no index at the end Error syncpoint_count is (%lld) index overflow A %d + %llu >= %d index overflow B keyframe before first syncpoint in index n <= syncpoint_count + 1 index checksum mismatch nut->next_startcode == (0xE4ADEECA4569ULL + (((uint64_t)('N'<<8) + 'K')<<48)) EOF before video frames nut NUT RAWA P LAME Video packet in file without video stream! Audio packet in file without audio stream! NuppelVideo MythTVVideo nuv New streams are not supposed to be added in between Ogg context save/restore operations. OggS stream_index < ogg->nstreams libavformat/oggdec.c cannot find sync word ogg page, unsupported version Cannot identify new stream Changing stream parameters in multistream ogg failed to create or replace stream Page at %lld is missing granule Codec not found non- Broken file, %skeyframe not correctly marked. Header parsing failed for stream %d Headers mismatch for stream %d: expected %d received %d. ogg Ogg CELT BBCD KW-DIRAC FLAC Invalid timing values. video audio text Direct Show Samples embedded in Ogg OpusTags Last packet was truncated to %d due to end trimming. OpusHead Opus fishead Unknown skeleton version %d.%d fisbone Multiple fisbone for the same stream Serial number in fisbone doesn't match any stream speex packet too small invalid channel count. Speex must be mono or stereo. Speex Too old or unsupported Theora (%x) Invalid time base in theora stream, assuming 25 FPS Unknown header type %X theora METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE out-of-memory error. Skipping cover art block. Failed to parse cover art block. CHAPTER%03d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d NAME ; %td bytes of comment header remain truncated comment header, %i comments not found Channel change is not supported vorbis Invalid OggVP8 header packet Unknown OggVP8 version %d.%d Unknown VP8 header type 0x%02X OVP80 @ r P (P P ? ? ? EA3 ea3 EA3 EKB Mismatching RID Couldn't find the EA3 header ! File is encrypted OMG_LSI OMG_BKLSI No encryption header found Invalid GEOB data size: %u Unknown version in encryption header KEYRING Invalid encryption header Too little GEOB data RID: %.8x IV CBC-MAC Invalid key EK Unsupported sample rate Sample rate %d Invalid ATRAC-X channel id: %u Unsupported codec %d! oma Sony OpenMG audio oma,omg,aa3 AVFormatContext avioflags direct reduce buffering probesize set probing size formatprobesize number of bytes to probe file format packetsize set packet size fflags flush_packets reduce the latency by flushing out packets immediately ignidx ignore index genpts generate pts nofillin do not fill in missing values that can be exactly calculated noparse disable AVParsers, this needs nofillin too igndts ignore dts discardcorrupt discard corrupted frames sortdts try to interleave outputted packets by dts keepside don't merge side data latm enable RTP MP4A-LATM payload nobuffer reduce the latency introduced by optional buffering seek2any allow seeking to non-keyframes on demuxer level when supported bitexact do not write random/volatile data analyzeduration specify how many microseconds are analyzed to probe the input cryptokey indexmem max memory used for timestamp index (per stream) rtbufsize max memory used for buffering real-time frames fdebug print specific debug info max_delay maximum muxing or demuxing delay in microseconds start_time_realtime wall-clock time when stream begins (PTS==0) fpsprobesize number of frames used to probe fps audio_preload microseconds by which audio packets should be interleaved earlier chunk_duration microseconds for each chunk chunk_size size in bytes for each chunk f_err_detect set error detection flags (deprecated; use err_detect, save via avconv) err_detect set error detection flags crccheck verify embedded CRCs bitstream detect bitstream specification deviations buffer detect improper bitstream length explode abort decoding on minor error detection ignore_err ignore errors careful consider things that violate the spec, are fast to check and have not been seen in the wild as errors compliant consider all spec non compliancies as errors aggressive consider things that a sane encoder shouldn't do as an error use_wallclock_as_timestamps use wallclock as timestamps avoid_negative_ts shift timestamps so they start at 0 enabled when required by target format disabled do not change timestamps make_zero make_non_negative shift timestamps so they are non negative skip_initial_bytes set number of bytes to skip before reading header and frames correct_ts_overflow correct single timestamp overflows enable flushing of the I/O context after each packet metadata_header_padding set number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header output_ts_offset set output timestamp offset max_interleave_delta maximum buffering duration for interleaving f_strict how strictly to follow the standards (deprecated; use strict, save via avconv) strict how strictly to follow the standards strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what the consequences normal experimental allow non-standardized experimental variants Packed Animation File V1.0 (c) 1992-96 Amazing Studio paf Amazing Studio Packed Animation File libavformat/pcmdec.c f64be PCM 64-bit floating-point big-endian f64le PCM 64-bit floating-point little-endian f32be PCM 32-bit floating-point big-endian f32le PCM 32-bit floating-point little-endian s32be PCM signed 32-bit big-endian s32le PCM signed 32-bit little-endian s24be PCM signed 24-bit big-endian s24le PCM signed 24-bit little-endian s16be PCM signed 16-bit big-endian s16le PCM signed 16-bit little-endian sw s8 PCM signed 8-bit sb u32be PCM unsigned 32-bit big-endian u32le PCM unsigned 32-bit little-endian u24be PCM unsigned 24-bit big-endian u24le PCM unsigned 24-bit little-endian u16be PCM unsigned 16-bit big-endian u16le PCM unsigned 16-bit little-endian uw u8 PCM unsigned 8-bit PCM A-law mulaw PCM mu-law ul sln Asterisk raw pcm f64be demuxer f64le demuxer f32be demuxer f32le demuxer s32be demuxer s32le demuxer s24be demuxer s24le demuxer s16be demuxer s16le demuxer s8 demuxer u32be demuxer u32le demuxer u24be demuxer u24le demuxer u16be demuxer u16le demuxer u8 demuxer alaw demuxer mulaw demuxer sln demuxer channels %lld,%lld %lld,%lld,%c pjs PJS (Phoenix Japanimation Society) subtitles pmpm No audio packets. Cannot (re)allocate packet buffer Unsupported video format AAC not yet correctly supported Unsupported audio format Encountered EOF while reading index. Packet too small File ends before first packet pmp Playstation Portable PMP Invalid parameters %d %d %d missmatching sector_count Unknown sector type %02X psxstr Sony Playstation STR invalid syncword invalid streamid expected reserved byte to be 0x55 invalid payload length %u expected non empty signaled PES packet, trying to recover header too short audio data corruption pva TechnoTrend PVA %d %d %d PVF1 pvf PVF (Portable Voice Format) m^ _ ~ u+| I ^ < _ v F sjQ RIFF QLCMfmt Data chunk is too small. Packet size is too small. Padding should be 0. Unknown codec GUID. Unknown entry %d=>%d in rate-map-table. qcp QCP could not seek to frame %d error reading video packet Bad sample rate error reading audio packet error reading atom error parsing 'red1' atom could not find 'red1' atom error reading end atom error reading 'rdvo' atom error parsing 'rdvo' atom r3d REDCODE R3D Content-Type: image/jpeg raw data raw LOAS/LATM mjpeg raw MJPEG video mjpg,mjpeg,mpo mlp raw MLP truehd raw TrueHD thd shn raw Shorten vc1 raw VC-1 mjpeg demuxer vc1 demuxer rawvideo raw video yuv,cif,qcif,rgb rawvideo demuxer set frame size set pixel format yuv420p set frame rate t S g p 'f r c q p W T OpaqueData:buffer; StartTime:integer; ASMRuleBook:string; 01d0a8e3 stream=%d;rule=%d,stream=%d;rule=%d %*1[Aa]verage%*1[Bb]andwidth=%d <window %u:%u:%u %u:%u.%u %u:%u %u.%u 60 <time begin realtext RealText subtitle format Invalid sample rate: %d RedSpark redspark rsd REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK H264 h264 X264 x264 avc1 DAVC SMV2 VSSH Q264 V264 GAVC UMSV INMC H263 X263 T263 L263 VX1K ZyGo M263 lsvm H263 I263 H261 U263 FMP4 DIVX DX50 XVID MP4S M4S2 ZMP4 DIV1 BLZ0 mp4v UMP4 WV1F SEDG RMP4 3IV2 WAWV FFDS FVFW DCOD MVXM PM4V SMP4 DXGM VIDM M4T3 GEOX G264 HDX4 DM4V DMK2 DYM4 DIGI EPHV EM4A M4CC SN40 VSPX ULDX GEOV SIPP SM4V XVIX DreX QMP4 PLV1 MP43 DIV3 MPG3 DIV5 DIV6 DIV4 DVX3 AP41 COL1 COL0 MP42 DIV2 MPG4 MP41 WMV1 WMV2 GXVE dvsd dvhd dvh1 dvsl dv25 dv50 cdvc CDVH CDV5 dvc dvcs dvh1 dvis pdvc SL25 SLDV mpg1 mpg2 mpg2 MPEG PIM1 PIM2 VCR2 DVR MMES LMP2 slif EM2V M701 mpgv BW10 XMPG MJPG LJPG dmb1 mjpa LJPG JPGL MJLS MJPG MJLS jpeg IJPGnRVAAVRn ACDV QIVG SLMJ CJPG IJLV MVJP AVI1 AVI2 MTSJ ZJPG MMJP HFYUD FFVH CYUV I420 YUY2 Y422 V422 YUNV UYNV UYNY uyv1 2Vu1 2vuy yuvs yuv2 P422 YV12 YV16 YV24 UYVY VYUY IYUV Y800 Y8 HDYC YVU9 VDTZ Y411 NV12 NV21 Y41B Y42B YUV9 YVU9 auv2 YVYU FRWU R10k r210 v210803Vv308804Vv408VUYAAYUV v4104VUYyuv4 IV31 IV32p IV41q IV50 VP31 VP30[ VP50\ VP60\ VP61\ VP62k VP6A] VP6F] FLV407PVVP7007PVVP71 VP80 VP90 ASV1! ASV2$ VCR1" FFV1* Xxanr LM20. mrle. . / MSVC/ msvc/ CRAM/ cram/ WHAM/ wham, cvid4 DUCK4 PVEZ6 MSZH7 ZLIBWONSSNOW# 4XMV FLV1 S263W FSV1 svq19 tscc: ULTI< VIXL= QPEG= Q1.0= Q1.1H WMV3 WMVPG WVC1G WMVA WVP2I LOCOJ WNV1J YUV8K AAS4K AASCL RT21M FPS1 theoN TM20P CSCDR ZMBVV KMVCX CAVSY mjp2Y MJ2CY LJ2CY LJ2KY IPJ2Z VMnc^ tga > MPNG> PNG1% CLJRu drac+ azpr+ RPZA+ rpza SP54| AURA} AUR2 dpx KGV1 LAGSl AMVF ULRA ULRG ULY0 ULY2 ULH0 ULH2 VBLE031EE130 xtor ZECOP14YY41P3 AFLC MSS1 MSA1 TSC2 MTS2 CLLC MSS2 SVQ3V210012vV210a12vM2G G2M2M2G G2M3M2G G2M4 FICV %P IKO IKO P " P 1 P 2 8 5P B E P P P U W X a b d i @P u P 5P *P 0 P ` P a &P b 'P c P p P ;P BP BP P P P 2P P )P P CNOSH LNOSH ul P mp P CA @ JY 5P P $P P FS P oV P , m F _l (P # X qD b)P - B ; P + m F _l IART ICMT ICOP ICRD IGNR ILNG INAM IPRD IPRT ITRK ISMP ITCH 8 qunknown subformat:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x INFO subchunk truncated too big INFO subchunk truncated file out of memory, unable to read INFO tag premature end of file while reading INFO tag Invalid number of channels: %d rl2 RL2 RV10 RV20 RVTRE RV30F RV40 P dnet 0 lpcJ 0 28_8 P cook P atrc*P sipr P raac P racp:P LSD: Index size %d (%d pkts) is wrong, should be %d. DATA tag in middle of chunk, file may be broken. codecdata_length too large bad SIPR file flavor %d sub_packet_size is invalid mismatching interleaver parameters Unknown interleaver %X logical-fileinfo Unsupported version Unsupported Name value property version Unsupported stream type %08x Invalid framerate Invalid stream index %d for index at pos %lld Nr. of packets in packet index for stream index %d exceeds filesize (%lld at %lld = %lld) Non-linear index detected, not supported Insufficient data Insufficient remaining len Failed to read %d bytes Impossibly sized packet cur slice %d, too large outside videobufsize Failed to fully read block rm->audio_pkt_cnt > 0 libavformat/rmdec.c rm RealMedia rdt RDT demuxer ? , Z Q V : $ D ' I 5 E 9 X " G . ^ 6 K 2 F!\#J&U(8*W+A-;0O1]3Y7_=LCSMP % ARMovie Video format %i Audio format %d Don't know how to split frames for video format %i. Video stream will be broken! %lld , %lld ; %lld rpl RPL / ARMovie GADP DARRADP PCMB PCM Codec tag: %s Unknown codec tag: %s RSD GameCube RSD ADPCM in RSO rso Lego Mindstorms RSO /%s/%s/%d send idle /open/1 Cache-Control: no-cache Content-type: application/x-fcs User-Agent: Shockwave Flash ffrtmphttp ffrtmphttp_tls Use a HTTPS tunneling connection (RTMPTS). Unable to read as many bytes as AMF string signaled number %g bool %d string '%s' NULL { %s: } chunk size bytes read server bandwidth client bandwidth audio packet Flex shared stream Flex shared object Flex shared message notification shared object invoke RTMP packet type '%s'(%d) for channel %d, timestamp %d, extra field %d size %d Server BW = %d Client BW = %d %02X Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001 J h . ~Wn ]-) o 6 1 Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server 001 J h . ~Wn ]-) o 6 1 FLV Too short chunk size change packet (%d) Incorrect chunk size %d New incoming chunk size = %d Unable to create response packet Seek on stream index %d at timestamp %lld with flags %08x Sending seek command for timestamp %lld seek Unable to send seek command on stream index %d at timestamp %lld with flags %08x UnPublishing stream... FCUnpublish Deleting stream... deleteStream _checkbw releaseStream FCSubscribe FCPublish connect authmod=adobe authmod=llnw Unknown connect error (unsupported authentication method?) No credentials set ?reason=authfailed Incorrect username/password ?reason=nosuchuser Incorrect username Authentication failed code=403 need auth ?authmod=%s&user=%s ?reason=needauth No auth parameters found user salt opaque challenge nonce Ignoring unsupported var %s Variable %s has NULL value ?authmod=%s&user=%s&challenge=%s&response=%s &opaque=%s live :/ /_definst_ 00000001 ?authmod=%s&user=%s&nonce=%s&cnonce=%s&nc=%s&response=%s Server error: %s onStatus level status %s is now published details clientid _error _result Releasing stream... FCPublish stream... Creating stream... createStream Unexpected reply on connect() Sending publish command for '%s' Sending play command for '%s' play error NetStream.Play.Start onBWDone Error in PT_INVOKE Unable to find / in url %s, bad format Unexpected stream %s, expecting %s onFCPublish NetStream.Publish.Start NetStream.Play.Stop NetStream.Play.UnpublishNotify NetStream.Seek.Notify Too short ping packet (%d) Sending SWF verification... Ignoring SWFVerification request. Client bandwidth report packet is less than 4 bytes long (%d) Incorrect client bandwidth %d Client bandwidth = %d Too short server bandwidth report packet (%d) Incorrect server bandwidth %d Server bandwidth = %d Unknown packet type received 0x%02X @setDataFrame Sending bytes read report Incomplete flv packets in RTMP_PT_METADATA packet Detected librtmp style URL parameters, these aren't supported by the libavformat internal RTMP handler currently enabled. See the documentation for the correct way to pass parameters. rtmp rtmp_listen not available for %s rtmpt rtmpts rtmps rtmpe rtmpte ffrtmpcrypt_tunneling ffrtmpcrypt ?listen&listen_timeout=%d Cannot open connection %s Cannot open connection %s. CWS Genuine Adobe Flash Player 001 rtmp_swfhash Handshaking... Cannot write RTMP handshake request Cannot read RTMP handshake response Type answer %d Server version %d.%d.%d.%d Server response validating failed Hash of the decompressed SWF file is not 32 bytes long. Signature mismatch Unable to read handshake RTMP protocol version mismatch Unable to write answer - RTMP S0 Erroneous Message size %d not following standard RTMP Handshake C1 Error Unable to write answer RTMP Handshake S1 Error RTMP Handshake S2 Error RTMP Handshake C2 Error Erroneous C2 Message epoch does not match up with C1 epoch Erroneous C2 Message random does not match up slist= /ondemand/ ondemand .f4v .mp4 mp4: .flv /%s %s %d,%d,%d,%d LNX FMLE/3.0 (compatible; %s) Proto = %s, path = %s, app = %s, fname = %s app nonprivate flashVer swfUrl tcUrl fpad capabilities audioCodecs videoCodecs videoFunction pageUrl Invalid AMF parameter: %s Unable to read command string Expecting connect, got %s SeqNum not found App field not found in connect App field don't match up: %s <-> %s fmsVer FMS/3,0,1,123 NetConnection.Connect.Success Connection succeeded. objectEncoding rtmp_app Name of application to connect to on the RTMP server rtmp_buffer Set buffer time in milliseconds. The default is 3000. rtmp_conn Append arbitrary AMF data to the Connect message rtmp_flashver Version of the Flash plugin used to run the SWF player. rtmp_flush_interval Number of packets flushed in the same request (RTMPT only). rtmp_live Specify that the media is a live stream. any both live stream recorded recorded stream rtmp_pageurl URL of the web page in which the media was embedded. By default no value will be sent. rtmp_playpath Stream identifier to play or to publish rtmp_subscribe Name of live stream to subscribe to. Defaults to rtmp_playpath. SHA256 hash of the decompressed SWF file (32 bytes). rtmp_swfsize Size of the decompressed SWF file, required for SWFVerification. rtmp_swfurl URL of the SWF player. By default no value will be sent rtmp_swfverify URL to player swf file, compute hash/size automatically. rtmp_tcurl URL of the target stream. Defaults to proto://host[:port]/app. rtmp_listen Listen for incoming rtmp connections listen Maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait for incoming connections. -1 is infinite. Implies -rtmp_listen 1 PCMU @ GSM @ G723 5P @ DVI4 @ DVI4 > LPC @ PCMA @ G722 @ L16 D L16 D QCELP P @ CN @ MPA P MPA P G728 @ DVI4 + DVI4 "V G729 @ CelB _ JPEG _ nv _ H261 _ MPV _ MPV _ ! MP2T _ " H263 _ payload_type rtpflags rfc2190 @B RTP: PT=%02x: bad cseq %04x expected=%04x RTP: missed %d packets Invalid length for RTCP SR packet RTP: dropping old packet received too late Failed to allocate data for FMTP. $(.2:< Bad codec ID Only mono AMR is supported No speech data found Too little speech data in the RTP packet Too much speech data in the RTP packet? fmtp: Unsupported RTP/AMR configuration! AMR fmtp attribute %s had nonstandard empty value octet-align crc interleaving stream: pgmpu:data:application/vnd.ms.wms-hdr.asfv1;base64, Failed to fix invalid RTSP-MS/ASF min_pktsize Too short H.263 RTP packet Too short H.263 RTP packet: %d Too short H.263 RTP packet: %d bytes, %d header bytes Interpreting H263 RTP data as RFC 2429/4629 even though signalled with a static payload type. Empty H264 RTP packet nal size exceeds length: %d %d Consumed more bytes than we got! (%d) Unhandled type (%d) (See RFC for implementation details Too short data for FU-A H264 RTP packet Undefined type (%d) framesize: cliprect: packetization-mode RTP Packetization Mode: %d Interleaved RTP mode is not supported yet. profile-level-id RTP Profile IDC: %x Profile IOP: %x Level: %x sprop-parameter-sets Unable to allocate memory for extradata! Extradata set to %p (size: %d)! No iLBC mode set Unsupported iLBC mode %d ( 1#% (:3=<9387@H\N@DWE78PmQW_bghg>Mqypdx\egc / /cB8Bcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Too short RTP/JPEG packet. Unimplemented RTP/JPEG restart marker header. Unimplemented RTP/JPEG type %d Only 8-bit precision is supported. Quantization tables for q=%d changed Invalid RTP/JPEG packet. Quantization tables not found. No quantization tables known for q=%d yet. Reserved q value %d JFIF Received packet without a start chunk; dropping frame. RTP timestamps don't match. Missing packets; dropping frame. Error occurred when getting frame buffer. No data available yet Malformed LATM packet config Unsupported LATM config (%d,%d,%d,%d) cpresent RTP MP4A-LATM with in-band configuration SizeLength IndexLength IndexDeltaLength StreamType # Invalid interleave size %d Invalid interleave index %d/%d Out of sequence config - dropping queue frma QDM2 QDCA n < 0x80 libavformat/rtpdec_qdm2.c RTP-X-QT with payload description split over several packets RTP-X-QT with packet-specific info RTP-X-QT with packing scheme 2 SEQH Keyframe missing Missed a picture, sequence broken Missed too much, sequence broken Missed unknown data, sequence broken Received no start marker; dropping frame Missed part of a keyframe, sequence broken Missed part of the first partition, sequence broken Received no start marker sampling YCbCr-4:2:0 YCbCr-4:4:2 YCbCr-4:4:4 Unsupported pixel format %s delivery-method configuration-uri configuration Invalid %td byte packed header. Unimplemented number of headers: %d packed headers, %d headers Bad packed header lengths (%d,%d,%td,%d) Out of memory while decoding SDP configuration. Packet too large No more data to return Not enough data to return Out of memory. Invalid %d byte packet Invalid packet length %d in %d byte packet Unimplemented Xiph SDP configuration change detected Unimplemented RTP Xiph packet settings (%d,%d,%d) RTP timestamps don't match! Received packet without a start fragment; dropping. Error occurred when getting fragment buffer. Unable to send packet to source, no packets received yet Not received any RTCP packets yet, inferring peer port from the RTP port Not received any RTP packets yet, inferring peer port from the RTCP port rtp_resolve_host: %s Unable to resolve %s & ? udp localport=%d ttl=%d pkt_size=%d connect=1 fifo_size=0 sources=%s block=%s ttl rtcpport localport localrtpport localrtcpport pkt_size write_to_source sources block rtp rtp: c=IN IP %s %s RTSP/1.0 CSeq: %d If-Match: Session: %s tunneling of RTSP requests with content data not supported ;, seq rtptime /;, ;, x-pn-tng x-real-rdt =;, client_port server_port interleaved destination record receive npt= (null) IN IP4 IP6 application /AVPF /SAVPF MP2T control: rtsp:// rtpmap: / audio codec set to: %s audio samplerate set to: %i audio channels set to: %i video codec set to: %s range: IsRealDataType:integer; SampleRate:integer; inline: source-filter: incl excl ?localport=%d&ttl=%d&connect=%d&write_to_source=%d &%s=%s ,%s Received too short packet Unsupported RTP version packet received Unable to receive RTP payload type %d without an SDP file describing it Guessing on RTP content - if not received properly you need an SDP file describing it v=0 c=IN IP%d %s m=%s %d RTP/AVP %d SDP: %s Session: ;timeout= Content-Length: Transport: CSeq: Range: RealChallenge1: Server: Notice: X-Notice: Location: WWW-Authenticate: Authentication-Info: Content-Base: DESCRIBE RTP-Info: PLAY Public: GET_PARAMETER OPTIONS x-Accept-Dynamic-Rate: Content-Type: RTSP/ RTSP/1.0 200 OK RTSP/1.0 501 Not Implemented CSeq %d expected, %d received. Unable to recover rtp ports Number of fds %d not supported Unable to answer to TEARDOWN Unable to pick stream for packet - SSRC not known for all streams Unable to pick stream for packet Received BYE for stream %d (%d/%d) method %s failed: %d%s RAW/RAW RTP/AVP /rtx ?localport=%d Unable to open an input RTP port %s/UDP; unicast; client_port=%d -%d %s/TCP; interleaved=%d-%d %s/UDP;multicast ;mode=record ;mode=play Transport: %s x-Dynamic-Rate: 0 If-Match: %s RealChallenge2: %s, sd=%s SETUP Nonmatching transport in server reply ?connect=1 ?ttl=%d Invalid UDP port range, max port %d less than min port %d Unsupported lower transport method, only UDP and TCP are supported for output. rtsp %08x%08x x-sessioncookie: %s Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache x-sessioncookie: %s Content-Type: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 32767 Expires: Sun, 9 Jan 1972 00:00:00 GMT ?timeout=%d ClientChallenge: 9e26d33f2984236010ef6253fb1887f7 PlayerStarttime: [28/03/2003:22:50:23 00:00] CompanyID: KnKV4M4I/B2FjJ1TToLycw== GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 WMServer/ Status %d: Redirecting to %s initial_pause do not start playing the stream immediately RTP muxer flags Use MP4A-LATM packetization instead of MPEG4-GENERIC for AAC Use RFC 2190 packetization instead of RFC 4629 for H.263 skip_rtcp Don't send RTCP sender reports h264_mode0 Use mode 0 for H264 in RTP send_bye Send RTCP BYE packets when finishing rtsp_transport set RTSP transport protocols UDP udp_multicast UDP multicast HTTP tunneling rtsp_flags set RTSP flags filter_src only receive packets from the negotiated peer IP wait for incoming connections prefer_tcp try RTP via TCP first, if available allowed_media_types set media types to accept from the server Video Audio Data min_port set minimum local UDP port max_port set maximum local UDP port set maximum timeout (in seconds) to wait for incoming connections (-1 is infinite, imply flag listen) stimeout set timeout (in microseconds) of socket TCP I/O operations reorder_queue_size set number of packets to buffer for handling of reordered packets SDP RTP input SDP demuxer RTP demuxer sdp_flags SDP flags custom_io use custom I/O rtcp_to_source send RTCP packets to the source address of received packets rtp_flags set RTP flags @B @B PAUSE hello state=%d Range: npt=%lld.%03lld- TEARDOWN rtsp: RTSP/1.0 %d %s Server: %s Unsubscribe: %s SET_PARAMETER Subscribe: UDP timeout, retrying with TCP Unable to open RTSP for listening Message too long Error parsing method string Method string too long ANNOUNCE RECORD Unexpected command in Idle State %s Unexpected command in Paused State %s Unexpected command in Streaming State %s Unexpected State [%d] Error parsing message URI uri string length exceeded buffer size Host %s differs from expected %s WARNING: Path %s differs from expected %s Updating control URI to %s RTSP/1.0 Error parsing protocol or version RTSP: Unexpected Command Unexpected Sequence number %d There is no session-id at the moment Unexpected session-id %s Unexpected content type %s Unable to get complete SDP Description in ANNOUNCE SDP: %s OK Content-Length header value exceeds sdp allocated buffer (4KB) Content-Length exceeds buffer size No transport defined in SETUP mode=record/receive not set or transport protocol not supported (yet) More than one transport not supported, using first of all Unable to find requested track Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;mode=receive;interleaved=%d-%d Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=receive;source=%s;client_port=%d-%d;server_port=%d-%d application/sdp Public: ANNOUNCE, PAUSE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, RECORD Accept: application/sdp Require: com.real.retain-entity-for-setup RTSP input Method Not Allowed Not Enough Bandwidth Session Not Found Method Not Valid in This State Aggregate operation not allowed Only aggregate operation allowed Unsupported transport Internal Server Error Service Unavailable RTSP Version not supported RTSP demuxer <SYNC <SAMI> SAMI subtitle format smi,sami sap: Unsupported SAP version packet received Received stream deletion announcement v=0 Unsupported mime type %s temp.sdp sap SAP input SAUCE00 COMNT @B %g is too large Recursion loop on "%.*s" Tone-set "%.*s" not defined Spinning noise not implemented, using pink noise instead. Type %d is not implemented NOW relative time without previous absolute time -> the end of line option '%c' requires an argument syntax error for option -F syntax error for option -L syntax error for option -T syntax error for option -q speed factor other than 1 not supported syntax error for option -r invalid sample rate unknown option: '%c' immediate sequences not yet implemented preprogrammed sequences not yet implemented waveform definitions not yet implemented pink bell mix spin: syntax error Error line %d: %s near %s%.*s%s. Mix feature not implemented: -m is ignored and mix channels will be silent. Start time ignored in a purely relative script. Scripts with mixed absolute and relative timestamps can give unexpected results (pause, seeking, time zone change). Using %02d:%02d:%02d as NOW. No events in script Completely silent script. sbg SBaGen binaural beats script sbg_demuxer max_file_size gB ~@ h 8 sdr2 SDR2 raw video is using unhandled %dbpp film_cpk Sega FILM / CPK dispatching %s frame with %d bytes and pts %lld vmd->frame_count * vmd->frames_per_block too large Failed to read frame record Invalid frame size vmd Sierra VMD Not a VBV file Header chunk is missing Header chunk size is incorrect Incorrect header version 'BODY' chunk is missing siff Beam Software SIFF vb,son $(,048<AEIMQUY]aeimquy} Invalid palette update, offset=%d length=%d extends beyond palette size Invalid audio part size treesize too large Cannot allocate %u bytes of extradata smk Smacker JFIF APCM NONE SMJPEG Unknown version %u error when reading comment Multiple audio streams Multiple video streams unknown header %x smjpeg Loki SDL MJPEG mjpg Wrong magic smush LucasArts Smush sol Sierra SOL invalid comment size (%u) invalid sample rate (%f) truncating fractional part of sample rate (%f) sox SoX native Invalid AAC packet in IEC 61937 Data type 0x%04x in IEC 61937 Packet not ending at a 16-bit boundary Codec change in IEC 61937 spdif IEC 61937 (compressed data in S/PDIF) %d:%2d:%2d%*1[,.]%3d --> %d:%2d:%2d%*1[,.]%3d%*[ ]X1:%u X2:%u Y1:%u Y2:%u %*d:%*2d:%*2d%*1[,.]%*3d --> %*d:%*2d:%*2d%*1[,.]%3d srt SubRip subtitle AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_32 SRTP Crypto suite %s not supported Incorrect amount of SRTP params HMAC mismatch srtp srtp_out_suite srtp_out_params srtp_in_suite srtp_in_params Impossible to seek in file: %s end before start subfile: subfile start offset end offset [DELAY] [%d:%d:%d] ******** START SCRIPT ******** subviewer1 SubViewer v1 subtitle format %*u:%*u:%*u.%*u,%*u:%*u:%*u.%*u%c [INFORMATION] [br] [COLF] [SIZE] [FONT] [STYLE] [END INFORMATION] [SUBTITLE] %u:%u:%u.%u,%u:%u:%u.%u subviewer SubViewer subtitle format ] P invalid tag length: %d invalid bitmap format %d, skipped invalid frame size %dx%d Failed to uncompress one bitmap libavformat/swfdec.c pixel format change unsupported Unknown tag: %d Cliping len %d SWF compressed file detected Unable to init zlib context swf SWF (ShockWave Flash) tBaK %d metadata block CRC error. MD5 metadata block CRC error. MD5= encoder version: %0X tak raw TAK Port missing in uri listen_timeout Failed to resolve hostname %s: %s listen on port instead of connecting set connection awaiting timeout captions startOfParagraph content startTime Syntax error near offset %lld. tedcaptions TED Talks captions "captions" "duration" "content" "startOfParagraph" "startTime" tedcaptions_demuxer start_time set the start time (offset) of the subtitles, in ms thp THP tiertexseq Tiertex Limited SEQ invalid sample rate invalid audio chunk size unsupported compression method %d unsupported features 0x%02x tmv 8088flex TMV nonsense samplerate invalid number of samples Header CRC error totalframes %d invalid Seek table CRC error tta TTA (True Audio) tty Tele-typewriter ans,art,asc,diz,ice,nfo,txt,vt TTY demuxer chars_per_frame A string describing frame size, such as 640x480 or hd720. marker does not match unknown chunk id %i txd Renderware TeXture Dictionary Part of datagram lost due to insufficient buffer size Failed to set blocking mode Circular buffer overrun. Surviving due to overrun_nonfatal option Circular buffer overrun. To avoid, increase fifo_size URL option. To survive in such case, use overrun_nonfatal option udp_resolve_host: %s setsockopt(MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP) setsockopt(MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE) setsockopt(IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP) setsockopt(IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP) pthread_join(): %s reuse overrun_nonfatal buffer_size fifo_size localaddr broadcast socket bind failed getnameinfo: %s setsockopt(IP_MULTICAST_TTL) setsockopt(IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS) Simultaneously including and excluding multicast sources is not supported setsockopt(IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP) setsockopt(IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP) setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) setsockopt(SO_RECVBUF) getsockopt(SO_RCVBUF) end receive buffer size reported is %d attempted to set receive buffer to size %d but it only ended up set as %d pthread_mutex_init failed : %s pthread_cond_init failed : %s pthread_create failed : %s set packet buffer size in bytes set local port to bind to choose local IP address set size of UDP packets explicitly allow or disallow reusing UDP sockets explicitly allow or disallow broadcast destination set the time to live value (for multicast only) set if connect() should be called on socket set the UDP receiving circular buffer size, expressed as a number of packets with size of 188 bytes survive in case of UDP receiving circular buffer overrun set raise error timeout (only in read mode) unix: unix Open socket for listening Timeout in ms Socket type Stream (reliable stream-oriented) datagram Datagram (unreliable packet-oriented) seqpacket Seqpacket (reliable packet-oriented %s:// %s@ [ .. < 0 @B @B @B @B @B @B @B @B @B @B @B @B @B 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF gz ) "3 c#! 3 ! :Feje$ 2 &4 A # P+ $iH0@. A(L4 <` ( h 3H gn ( 23 q b 8 D0! VNna >sM s c 9 [ y 24$ P h 1 gz ) "3 c#! 3 ! V =}~O ? TC x ' p 0 h 3H gz ) *3 b @Tf; B %d, !K F C L @ d h 1 unknown codec unspecified frame size unspecified sample format unspecified sample rate unspecified number of channels no decodable DTS frames unspecified size unspecified pixel format no frame in rv30/40 and no sar threads --enable-shared --enable-gpl --arch=arm --cc=arm-brcm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc --enable-cross-compile --disable-muxers --disable-encoders --disable-filters --arch=arm --target_os=linux --extra-cflags=-fPIC libavformat license: GPL version 2 or later Truncating packet of size %d to %lld probing stream %d pp:%d Failed to reallocate probe buffer for stream %d nothing to probe for stream %d Probe with size=%d, packets=%d detected %s with score=%d probed stream %d probed stream %d failed Specified probe size value %u cannot be < %u audio/aacp Format %s detected only with low score of %d, misdetection possible! Format %s probed with size=%d and score=%d Attached picture on stream %d has invalid size, ignoring DTS %lli < %lli out of order invalid dts/pts combination %lli first_dts %s not matching first dts %s (pts %s, duration %d) in the queue first_dts %s but no packet with dts in the queue index == 0 || ie[-1].timestamp < timestamp libavformat/utils.c tmp_pos > pos_max read_timestamp() failed in the middle index < st->nb_index_entries Failed to read extradata of size %d mp4v rfps: %f %f Setting avg frame rate based on r frame rate Ignoring outlier non primary stream starttime %f st->request_probe <= 0 Dropped corrupted packet (stream = %d) Invalid stream index %d Invalid timestamps stream=%d, pts=%s, dts=%s, size=%d ff_read_packet stream=%d, pts=%s, dts=%s, size=%d, duration=%d, flags=%d parser not found for codec %s, packets or times may be invalid. demuxer injecting skip %d Could not inject global side data read_frame_internal stream=%d, pts=%s, dts=%s, size=%d, duration=%d, flags=%d *pkt_buffer st->index_entries seek_frame_generic failed as this stream seems to contain no keyframes after the target timestamp, %d non keyframes found Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: %lld bytes read:%lld seeks:%d Failed to open codec in av_find_stream_info interrupted All info found Probe buffer size limit of %d bytes reached Stream #%d: not enough frames to estimate rate; consider increasing probesize Non-increasing DTS in stream %d: packet %d with DTS %lld, packet %d with DTS %lld DTS discontinuity in stream %d: packet %d with DTS %lld, packet %d with DTS %lld max_analyze_duration %lld reached at %lld microseconds decoding for stream %d failed start time for stream %d is not set in estimate_timings_from_pts stream %d : no PTS found at end of file, duration not set stream %d : no TS found at start of file, duration not set Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate Could not find codec parameters for stream %d (%s): %s Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: %lld bytes read:%lld seeks:%d frames:%d s->nb_streams>0 s->streams[ s->nb_streams - 1 ] == st Chapter end time %lld before start %lld stream index %d is not valid %0*d Input context has not been properly allocated by avformat_alloc_context() and is not NULL either Custom AVIOContext makes no sense and will be ignored with AVFMT_NOFILE format. demuxer does not support additional id3 data, skipping st:%d removing common factor %d from timebase st:%d has too large timebase, reducing Ignoring attempt to set invalid timebase %d/%d for st:%d %Y - %m - %d %H:%M:%S %Y - %m - %dT%H:%M:%S Invalid stream specifier: %s. Zero FPS specified, defaulting to 1 FPS vc1test VC-1 test bitstream unknown packet type %d coded length is more than two bytes too big header, skipping missing colon in key:value pair '%s' header: '%s' = '%s' got a valid integer (%ld) Duration TimeUnitNumerator TimeUnitDenominator SamplingFrequency NominalBitrate Version Vivo/%d. Version:Vivo/ vivo Vivo viv Creative Voice File unknown header size: %d Ignoring mid-stream change in audio codec unknown codec tag voc Creative Voice ALBUMARTIST TRACKNUMBER DISCNUMBER DESCRIPTION %d:%d:%d.%d%c%n %*d:%*d:%*d.%*d%c : = vplayer VPlayer subtitles txt Malformed header Invalid number of channels COMM tag not found! Invalid rate flag %d Invalid bitrate per channel %d Mode not suported: %d Hz, %d kb/s. 97012000 00052200 vqf Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) TwinVQ vqf,vql,vqe (c) ARNG arranger AUTH BAND band CDCT conductor COMT FILE GENR LABL MUSC NOTE note PROD producer PRSN personnel REMX remixer SING singer WORD words riff. ( wave O fmt O fact O data O _ ZR O WAVE RF64 ds64 could not find wave guid unknown guid: %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x originator originator_reference origination_date origination_time time_reference 0x%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX 0x%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llX umid coding_history negative data_size and/or sample_count in ds64: data_size = %lld, sample_count = %lld found more than one 'fmt ' tag found no 'fmt ' tag before the 'data' tag found no 'fmt ' tag before the 'SMV0' tag Unknown SMV version found Found SMV data Could not allocate extradata. too many frames per jpeg too short LIST tag no 'data' tag found ignoring wrong sample_count %lld wav WAV / WAVE (Waveform Audio) w64 Sony Wave64 WAV demuxer ignore_length Ignore length Subtitle time! inglish: %s doytsch: %s fronsay: %s unrecognized WC3 chunk: %c%c%c%c (0x%02X%02X%02X%02X) wc3movie Wing Commander III movie WEBVTT WEBVTT --> webvtt WebVTT subtitle vtt WebVTT demuxer Set kind of WebVTT track webvtt_kind WebVTT subtitles kind WebVTT captions kind descriptions WebVTT descriptions kind WebVTT metadata kind Stereo WS-SND1 Unknown codec: %d wsaud Westwood Studios audio Skipping unknown chunk 0x%08X invalid fps: %d note: unknown chunk seen (%c%c%c%c) wsvqa Westwood Studios VQA t YppD ; != 7I N ^ [ IC eZ) ~ ^ #- OE [ ~ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ auds 8 qvids 8 q d ? "1 t i m e l i n e t i m e l i n e . t a b l e . 0 . e n t r i e s . E v e n t s t a b l e . 0 . e n t r i e s . l e g a c y _ a t t r i b t a b l e . 0 . e n t r i e s . t i m e " GqF l e :Z m J " 8 S ~ ^ ( F o G \Q o 9g_ J ( s j X V UYZ m F _l v* & m F _l 8 q 6 OR S p 8 q m F _l 4 qA i I L X ^" v* * 6 C m d &*l _E K G = y J k C m xa { F i ( :GB4K l0 $ y G P] fh S AM u H ] cA ,O2"; P 3_ F | T PI B = i K A 6' } [mf D x t@ k N <g V 0@O >R0b yf C W Z{c [/ {`O / L 2d ) @ c( v g \L B z m A2A L ! 2 Q r H ! Ce G 4F & \ h <+I } Q . 0dB . r ` C ?os ; D jNL[ 8K >!{ R c6 ~ ^ p LM s | N  @5 image/jpeg format buffer size underflow unknown formattype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x MPEG1WAVEFORMATEX underflow unknown subtype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x unknown media type, mediatype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, subtype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, formattype:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x DVB scrambled stream detected (st:%d), decoding will likely fail nar NAR encrypted stream detected (st:%d), decoding will likely fail unsupported chunk:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x unsupported file allocation table depth (0x%x) reported file length (0x%llx) exceeds number of available sectors (0x%llx) unknown guid %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, expected dir_entry_guid; remaining directory entries ignored bad filename length, remaining directory entries ignored filename exceeds buffer size; remaining directory entries ignored root directory size exceeds sector size timeline data missing unknown guid %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x, expected metadata_guid; remaining metadata entries ignored WM/MediaThumbType WM/EncodingTime WM/MediaOriginalBroadcastDateTime WM/WMRVEncodeTime WM/WMRVEndTime WM/WMRVExpirationDate WM/WMRVBitrate %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x unsupported metadata entry; key:%s, type:%d, length:0x%x wtv Windows Television (WTV) p @ % + . > "V ] } D X w Invalid block header. Unsupported version %03X Cannot determine additional parameters Insufficient channel information Invalid channel info size %d Cannot determine custom sampling rate Bits per sample differ, this block: %i, header block: %i Channels differ, this block: %i, header block: %i Sampling rate differ, this block: %i, header block: %i Too many samples in block: %u wv WavPack xa Maxis XA Uncommon version %u Unsupported 5.1 ADPCM audio stream (0x%04X) Invalid parameters for audio track %u. xobX xmv->video.stream_index < s->nb_streams libavformat/xmv.c xmv Microsoft XMV Unexpected codec (tag 0x04%x; id %d) Unexpected extradata (%d bytes) Invalid channel count: %d Invalid bits_per_coded_sample: %d two dpds chunks present dpds chunk size %lld not divisible by 4 dpds chunk size %lld invalid Invalid bits_per_coded_sample %d for %d channels XWMA xwma Microsoft xWMA YO YOP has invalid header yop Psygnosis YOP YUV4MPEG2 FRAME 420jpeg 420mpeg2 420paldv 420p16 422p16 444p16 420p14 422p14 444p14 420p12 422p12 444p12 420p10 422p10 444p10 420p9 422p9 444p9 420 411 422 444alpha Cannot handle 4:4:4:4 YUV4MPEG stream. 444 mono16 YUV4MPEG stream contains an unknown pixel format. YUV4MPEG stream contains mixed interlaced and non-interlaced frames. YUV4MPEG has invalid header. YSCSS= 420JPEG 420MPEG2 420PALDV 420P9 422P9 444P9 420P10 422P10 444P10 420P12 422P12 444P12 420P14 422P14 444P14 420P16 422P16 444P16 yuv4mpegpipe YUV4MPEG pipe y4m
l 0 4 D @ ( D H D P P )P $ H < @ D T h l h x d | 0 L3 3 1 P T 4 6 4 x | 4; 0: 9 | h l; = D< < ; |N N pN XN N ` k X X h $ q 8 0 ` L , T X h ` T 9 h9 0 D; ; l< ; ! ! $ P@ F @ @ ! ! DG H dG t# |# J N XL K # # # V TV # # 8 TS [ TV # # # d T TV # # # S \] TV $ M d\4 $ M d\4 8$ M d\4 T$ M d\4 % % % t_ pa ` d% h% d% c a a |% % pd e e 4& <& 4& e g @f f & & 0p s p ' w Pv u t ( ( 0 Tx | z x ' ( ( x X t x) |) x) ) ) ) @ d l + (+ l D+ 8 D+ t- $ \ l p. 4 X @ / |/ / < ,0 00 L D0 L0 ( u t p0 x0 T d 4 t \1 `1 t x1 1 P 4 1 P , 1 1 1 P ( 7 7 ,7 < 7 7 ( 7 7 8 d ; ; 8 ; ; < <$ $ T< X< P t& $4 + & - T< X< T< P P A ,@ 0> p= |= lH H `H Q Q \Q P P |O P O Q \Q |O P <> H> X> S 0S R ? ? ? P H_ xZ <Y x@ @ _ a ` C C C ` e \z { d d 4C @C C ` e \z { d d C C \ | G X h h L 0 0 H H $H L DH 4H <H L H H H \ \ I I U U U U P | X X ( 0 x \Y dY \Y d t Y Y t Y Y Y 8 t Z Z Z d 562H L t _ _ @ p H t ta 0 X 8 0 a a ! D$ ," " g P R ' |N D: ( 0& g 44 & $& & ( k k ,_ ` `_ \l x x x x y y 8y \y py |y y y y y y y z z 0z Hz ${ ,{ ( X{ \{ ( ~ ~ `   8    $ <P @ ( 4 x ` l XIPBx x x , O x @ L @ x d ` l l RXE0x Y x x ( > x x f x D H o x , 8 t a x T ` t t $ < d h ( 4 X 3 | < 0 ` d L 8 x X , 2P D H | P h l h H 8 h | P x t 0B $> 0 | hk 0 T p T X ` T p ( x D | ( X \ d d 8 t @ $ D K Y P 0 ~ } p , $ < x l , 8 0 @ L | p p h X% t * (( ( ( ' < D . + + + @+ x . `0 p/ < @ , 1 2 1 b r c c p t p } } t x p < 4 d D P X d l 8 L l H , 0 , > 2 $ a a t^ 0\ # i } 0g pl x L & & L \ ' ' @' H' p' x' ' ' ' ' 0 ' ( \ ( (( H( P( p( x( ( ( ( ( ( ( 8 ( ( d ) ) 4) <) \) d) ) ) ) ) ) @ ) ) l ` ) n * * * * * * + + + , , ` P- X- d @ @. D. D X P h. l. h. T `/ d/ $ l0 p0 X 4 x 4 0 D 0 D 2P 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 P 0 0 1 -P 1 1 1 P 1 1 1 H G t H1 T1 `1 t p x-pn-realvideo 8 x-pn-realaudio 8 x-pn-multirate-realvideo-live 8 x-pn-multirate-realaudio-live 8 2 2 0| 3 3 3 P d @ A ) 0 * ,* D D D, @ lT h; 0 (/ D D h; E E @Y xY XW 3 F 3 lp l 8l E @F DF @F q F F w s @r u l R , P x TR , P x LR , P x $ <R , P x P \R , P x | DR , P x GSM P opus SUPO X-MP3-draft-00 P speex $P AMR | AMR-WB | x-asf-pf 4 , x-asf-pf 4 , G726-16 4 G726-24 \ G726-32 G726-40 H263-1998 H263-2000 " $ , H264 x p l T iLBC <P # JPEG ) ) * MP4A-LATM P ; ; 9 9 P ( L> ( L> MP4V-ES D ? mpeg4-generic P ? ? > XA ! ` dE <E `D x-Purevoice P pE lE I X-QDM I I I X-QT O O O X-QT O O O X-QUICKTIME O O O X-QUICKTIME O O O X-SV3V-ES Y W X VP8 Y ,Z lZ Y theora $a a Pf f vorbis P $a a Pf f Xo 0r y k 8k j j , d} \~ P Xo h} $~ P @w , P h 4 h L d ( T H L H X & * % W X ,W 0 g h Lh 4h ` n Pp n n ( < 4 @v x v ( , @ } } \} T h $ ( $ h 4 < \ < `! D L @ < 4 \ h ` X D t d h d KaBt t D 0 x X d ( ` $ x < d X < @ < T X h 4 L x < n 8* x 8& x ` T `< < ; ; t; 8 @ H d ` d t | $ " " " ! P T |, & % x$ 8 P - PA ,6 4 @ P - <. ,6 4 = = h <K `O K K HS S <S $S R Y Z Y 8 @ [ _ L\ 0 d D <f p d H \ p ` ( ` P | H X h l
GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 20031005 (Debian prerelease) GCC: (Buildroot 2012.02) 4.5.3
.shstrtab .hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_d .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .text .fini .rodata .ARM.exidx .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes