3  This is the Info-ZIP file COPYING (for UnZip), last updated 17 Jul 2000.
7   This file contains some details about the copyright history of
8   contributions to the UnZip project.
9   Additionally, it summarises some exceptions to the general BSD-like
10   copyright found in LICENSE that covers our generic code and most of
11   the system specific ports.
12   Please read LICENSE first to find out what is allowed to do with
13   Info-ZIP's UnZip code.
15- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
17   There are currently two explicit copyrights on portions of UnZip
18   code (at least, of which Info-ZIP is aware):
19   Jim Luther's Mac OS File Manager interface code; and Christopher Evans'
20   MacBinaryIII coding code (for the MacOS port)..  These copyrights
21   are discussed in more detail below.
23   All remaining code is now (starting with UnZip version 5.41) covered
24   by the new Info-ZIP license. For details, please read the acompaning
25   file LICENSE. The terms and conditions in this license supersede the
26   copyright conditions of the contributions by Igor Mandrichenko
27   (vms/vms.c), Greg Roelofs (zipinfo.c, new version of unshrink.c),
28   Mike White (Windows DLL code in "windll/*"), Steve P. Miller (Pocket
29   UnZip GUI "wince/*"), and Mark Adler (inflate/explode decompresseion
30   core routines, previously put into the public domain). All these
31   Info-ZIP contributors (or "primary" authors) have permitted us to
32   replace their copyright notes by the Info-ZIP License.
34   Frequently Asked Questions regarding (re)distribution of Zip and UnZip
35   are near the end of this file.
37   There are no known patents on any of the code in UnZip.  Unisys
38   claims a patent on LZW encoding and on LZW decoding _in an apparatus
39   that performs LZW encoding_, but the patent appears to exempt a stand-
40   alone decoder (as in UnZip's unshrink.c).  Unisys has publicly claimed
41   otherwise, but the issue has never been tested in court.  Since this
42   point is unclear, unshrinking is not enabled by default.  It is the
43   responsibility of the user to make his or her peace with Unisys and
44   its licensing requirements.  (unshrink.c may be removed from future
45   releases altogether.)
48   The original unzip source code has been extensively modified and
49   almost entirely rewritten (changes include random zipfile access
50   rather than sequential; replacement of unimplode() with explode();
51   replacement of old unshrink() with new (unrelated) unshrink(); re-
52   placement of output routines; addition of inflate(), wildcards,
53   filename-mapping, text translation, ...; etc.).  As far as we can
54   tell, only the core code of the unreduce method remained substantially
55   similar to Mr. Smith's original source.  As of UnZip 5.42, the complete
56   core code is now covered by the Info-ZIP Licence.  Therefore, support
57   for the reduce method has been removed.
58   The drop of the reduce method should only affect some test archives,
59   reducing was never used in any publically distributed Zip program.
60   For pathologic cases where support for reduced archive entries is
61   needed, the unreduce code copyrighted by Samuel H. Smith is available
62   as a separate distribution (the restricted copyright of this code is
63   cited below in the "historical" section).
65   The following copyright applies to the Mac OS File Manager interface code
66   (macos/source/macstuff.[ch]), distributed with UnZip 5.4 and later:
68     * MoreFiles
69     *
70     * A collection of File Manager and related routines
71     *
72     * by Jim Luther (Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support Emeritus)
73     * with significant code contributions by Nitin Ganatra
74     * (Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support Emeritus)
75     * Copyright  1992-1998 Apple Computer, Inc.
76     * Portions copyright  1995 Jim Luther
77     * All rights reserved.
78     * The Package "More Files" is distributed under the following
79     * license terms:
80     *
81     *          "You may incorporate this sample code into your
82     *           applications without restriction, though the
83     *           sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
84     *           responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.
85     *           However, what you are not permitted to do is to
86     *           redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code" after
87     *           having made changes. If you're going to
88     *           redistribute the source, we require that you make
89     *           it clear in the source that the code was descended
90     *           from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made
91     *           changes."
93   The usage terms of this copyright note are compatible with the
94   Info-ZIP license, they do not add further restrictions.
97   The following copyright applies to the Mac OS "macbin3" decoding code
98   (extra field compatibility with ZipIt):
100     *  MacBinaryIII.h
101     *
102     *  Copyright 1997 Christopher Evans (cevans@poppybank.com)
103     *
104     *  Basic encoding and decoding of Macintosh files to the
105     *  MacBinary III spec.
106     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
107     * This source is copyrighted by Christopher Evans (cevans@poppybank.com)
108     * (available at ftp://ftp.lazerware.com/MacBinaryIII_src_C.sit
109     * homepage of Leonard Rosenthol  leonardr@netcom.com)
111  This copyright note does not contain any usage terms.  So, we assume
112  that this code is freely reusable until we are proved wrong...
116   The remaining copyright notes have been superseeded by the new
117   Info-ZIP license, with explicit permission from the respective
118   original authors.  They are cited here for historical reasons,
119   only:
121   The following copyright applies to the full-featured unreduce.c
122   (now distributed separately):
124     * Copyright 1989 Samuel H. Smith;  All rights reserved
125     *
126     * Do not distribute modified versions without my permission.
127     * Do not remove or alter this notice or any other copyright notice.
128     * If you use this in your own program you must distribute source code.
129     * Do not use any of this in a commercial product.
131   Regarding the first stipulation, Mr. Smith was tracked down in southern
132   California some years back [Samuel H. Smith, The Tool Shop; as of mid-
133   May 1994, (213) 851-9969 (voice), (213) 887-2127(?) (subscription BBS),
134   71150.2731@compuserve.com]:
136   "He says that he thought that whoever contacted him understood that
137    he has no objection to the Info-ZIP group's inclusion of his code.
138    His primary concern is that it remain freely distributable, he said."
140   Despite the fact that our "normal" code has been entirely rewritten
141   and by default no longer contains any of Mr. Smith's code, Info-ZIP
142   remains indebted and grateful to him.  We hope he finds our contribu-
143   tions as useful as we have his.
145   Note that the third and fourth stipulations still apply to any com-
146   pany that wishes to incorporate the unreduce code into its products;
147   if you wish to do so, you must contact Mr. Smith directly regarding
148   licensing.
150  -----
152   The following copyright applied to most of the VMS code in vms.c,
153   distributed with UnZip version 4.2 and later:
155     * Copyright (c) 1992-93 Igor Mandrichenko.
156     * Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy,
157     * or redistribute this software so long as all of the original files
158     * are included unmodified and that this copyright notice is retained.
160  -----
162   The following copyright applied to the new version of unshrink.c,
163   distributed with UnZip version 5.2 and later:
165     * Copyright (c) 1994 Greg Roelofs.
166     * Permission is granted to any individual/institution/corporate
167     * entity to use, copy, redistribute or modify this software for
168     * any purpose whatsoever, subject to the conditions noted in the
169     * Frequently Asked Questions section below, plus one additional
170     * condition:  namely, that my name not be removed from the source
171     * code.  (Other names may, of course, be added as modifications
172     * are made.)  Corporate legal staff (like at IBM :-) ) who have
173     * problems understanding this can contact me through Zip-Bugs...
175  -----
177   The following copyright applied to the Windows DLL code (windll/*),
178   distributed with UnZip version 5.2 and later:
180     * Copyright (c) 1996 Mike White.
181     * Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use,
182     * copy, or redistribute this software so long as all of the original
183     * files are included, that it is not sold for profit, and that this
184     * copyright notice is retained.
186  -----
188   The following copyright applied to the Windows CE GUI port, ``Pocket
189   UnZip,'' distributed with UnZip version 5.3 and later:
191     * All the source files for Pocket UnZip, except for components
192     * written by the Info-ZIP group, are copyrighted 1997 by Steve P.
193     * Miller.  The product "Pocket UnZip" itself is property of the
194     * author and cannot be altered in any way without written consent
195     * from Steve P. Miller.
197  -----
199   The remaining code was written by many people associated with the
200   Info-ZIP group, with large contributions from (but not limited to):
201   Greg Roelofs (overall program logic, ZipInfo, unshrink, filename
202   mapping/portability, etc.), Mark Adler (inflate, explode, funzip),
203   Kai Uwe Rommel (OS/2), John Bush and Paul Kienitz (Amiga), Antoine
204   Verheijen (Macintosh), Hunter Goatley (more VMS), Mike White (Windows
205   DLLs), Christian Spieler (overall logic, optimization, VMS, etc.) and
206   others.  See the file CONTRIBS in the source distribution for a much
207   more complete list of contributors.
208   The decompression core code for the deflate method (inflate.[ch],
209   explode.c) was originally written by Mark Adler who submitted it
210   as public domain code.