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  • only in /netgear-R7000-V1.0.7.12_1.2.5/ap/gpl/transmission/transmission-2.73/web/javascript/
2 * Copyright �� Jordan Lee, Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
3 *
4 * This file is licensed under the GPLv2.
5 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
6 */
8var RPC = {
9	_DaemonVersion          : 'version',
10	_DownSpeedLimit         : 'speed-limit-down',
11	_DownSpeedLimited       : 'speed-limit-down-enabled',
12	_QueueMoveTop           : 'queue-move-top',
13	_QueueMoveBottom        : 'queue-move-bottom',
14	_QueueMoveUp            : 'queue-move-up',
15	_QueueMoveDown          : 'queue-move-down',
16	_Root                   : '../rpc',
17	_TurtleDownSpeedLimit   : 'alt-speed-down',
18	_TurtleState            : 'alt-speed-enabled',
19	_TurtleUpSpeedLimit     : 'alt-speed-up',
20	_UpSpeedLimit           : 'speed-limit-up',
21	_UpSpeedLimited         : 'speed-limit-up-enabled'
24function TransmissionRemote(controller)
26	this.initialize(controller);
27	return this;
30TransmissionRemote.prototype =
32	/*
33	 * Constructor
34	 */
35	initialize: function(controller) {
36		this._controller = controller;
37		this._error = '';
38		this._token = '';
39	},
41	/*
42	 * Display an error if an ajax request fails, and stop sending requests
43	 * or on a 409, globally set the X-Transmission-Session-Id and resend
44	 */
45	ajaxError: function(request, error_string, exception, ajaxObject) {
46		var token,
47		   remote = this;
49		// set the Transmission-Session-Id on a 409
50		if (request.status === 409 && (token = request.getResponseHeader('X-Transmission-Session-Id'))){
51			remote._token = token;
52			$.ajax(ajaxObject);
53			return;
54		}
56		remote._error = request.responseText
57					? request.responseText.trim().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"")
58					: "";
59		if (!remote._error.length)
60			remote._error = 'Server not responding';
62		dialog.confirm('Connection Failed',
63			'Could not connect to the server. You may need to reload the page to reconnect.',
64			'Details',
65			'alert(remote._error);',
66			null,
67			'Dismiss');
68		remote._controller.togglePeriodicSessionRefresh(false);
69	},
71	appendSessionId: function(XHR) {
72		XHR.setRequestHeader('X-Transmission-Session-Id', this._token);
73	},
75	sendRequest: function(data, callback, context, async) {
76		var remote = this;
77		if (typeof async != 'boolean')
78			async = true;
80		var ajaxSettings = {
81			url: RPC._Root,
82			type: 'POST',
83			contentType: 'json',
84			dataType: 'json',
85			cache: false,
86			data: JSON.stringify(data),
87			beforeSend: function(XHR){ remote.appendSessionId(XHR); },
88			error: function(request, error_string, exception){ remote.ajaxError(request, error_string, exception, ajaxSettings); },
89			success: callback,
90			context: context,
91			async: async
92		};
94		$.ajax(ajaxSettings);
95	},
97	loadDaemonPrefs: function(callback, context, async) {
98		var o = { method: 'session-get' };
99		this.sendRequest(o, callback, context, async);
100	},
102	checkPort: function(callback, context, async) {
103		var o = { method: 'port-test' };
104		this.sendRequest(o, callback, context, async);
105	},
107	loadDaemonStats: function(callback, context, async) {
108		var o = { method: 'session-stats' };
109		this.sendRequest(o, callback, context, async);
110	},
112	updateTorrents: function(torrentIds, fields, callback, context) {
113		var o = {
114			method: 'torrent-get',
115				'arguments': {
116				'fields': fields
117			}
118		};
119		if (torrentIds)
120			o['arguments'].ids = torrentIds;
121		this.sendRequest(o, function(response) {
122			var args = response['arguments'];
123			callback.call(context,args.torrents,args.removed);
124		});
125	},
127	changeFileCommand: function(torrentId, fileIndices, command) {
128		var remote = this,
129		    args = { ids: [torrentId] };
130		args[command] = fileIndices;
131		this.sendRequest({
132			arguments: args,
133			method: 'torrent-set'
134		}, function() {
135			remote._controller.refreshTorrents([torrentId]);
136		});
137	},
139	sendTorrentSetRequests: function(method, torrent_ids, args, callback, context) {
140		if (!args) args = { };
141		args['ids'] = torrent_ids;
142		var o = {
143			method: method,
144			arguments: args
145		};
146		this.sendRequest(o, callback, context);
147	},
149	sendTorrentActionRequests: function(method, torrent_ids, callback, context) {
150		this.sendTorrentSetRequests(method, torrent_ids, null, callback, context);
151	},
153	startTorrents: function(torrent_ids, noqueue, callback, context) {
154		var name = noqueue ? 'torrent-start-now' : 'torrent-start';
155		this.sendTorrentActionRequests(name, torrent_ids, callback, context);
156	},
157	stopTorrents: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
158		this.sendTorrentActionRequests('torrent-stop', torrent_ids, callback, context);
159	},
161	moveTorrents: function(torrent_ids, new_location, callback, context) {
162		var remote = this;
163		this.sendTorrentSetRequests( 'torrent-set-location', torrent_ids,
164			{"move": true, "location": new_location}, callback, context);
165	},
167	removeTorrents: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
168		this.sendTorrentActionRequests('torrent-remove', torrent_ids, callback, context);
169	},
170	removeTorrentsAndData: function(torrents) {
171		var remote = this;
172		var o = {
173			method: 'torrent-remove',
174			arguments: {
175				'delete-local-data': true,
176				ids: [ ]
177			}
178		};
180		if (torrents) {
181			for (var i=0, len=torrents.length; i<len; ++i) {
182				o.arguments.ids.push(torrents[i].getId());
183			}
184		}
185		this.sendRequest(o, function() {
186			remote._controller.refreshTorrents();
187		});
188	},
189	verifyTorrents: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
190		this.sendTorrentActionRequests('torrent-verify', torrent_ids, callback, context);
191	},
192	reannounceTorrents: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
193		this.sendTorrentActionRequests('torrent-reannounce', torrent_ids, callback, context);
194	},
195	addTorrentByUrl: function(url, options) {
196		var remote = this;
197		if (url.match(/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i)) {
198			url = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:'+url;
199		}
200		var o = {
201			method: 'torrent-add',
202			arguments: {
203				paused: (options.paused),
204				filename: url
205			}
206		};
207		this.sendRequest(o, function() {
208			remote._controller.refreshTorrents();
209		});
210	},
211	savePrefs: function(args) {
212		var remote = this;
213		var o = {
214			method: 'session-set',
215			arguments: args
216		};
217		this.sendRequest(o, function() {
218			remote._controller.loadDaemonPrefs();
219		});
220	},
221	updateBlocklist: function() {
222		var remote = this;
223		var o = {
224			method: 'blocklist-update'
225		};
226		this.sendRequest(o, function() {
227			remote._controller.loadDaemonPrefs();
228		});
229	},
231	// Added queue calls
232	moveTorrentsToTop: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
233		this.sendTorrentActionRequests(RPC._QueueMoveTop, torrent_ids, callback, context);
234	},
235	moveTorrentsToBottom: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
236		this.sendTorrentActionRequests(RPC._QueueMoveBottom, torrent_ids, callback, context);
237	},
238	moveTorrentsUp: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
239		this.sendTorrentActionRequests(RPC._QueueMoveUp, torrent_ids, callback, context);
240	},
241	moveTorrentsDown: function(torrent_ids, callback, context) {
242		this.sendTorrentActionRequests(RPC._QueueMoveDown, torrent_ids, callback, context);
243	}