Title: afp_voluuid.conf
Author: [FIXME: author] [see http://docbook.sf.net/el/author]
Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.75.2 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
Date: 8 March 2011
Manual: Netatalk 2.2
Source: Netatalk 2.2
Language: English

"AFP_VOLUUID.CONF" "5" "8 March 2011" "Netatalk 2.2" "Netatalk 2.2"
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afp_voluuid.conf - Configuration file used by afpd(8) to specify UUID for Time Machine volume

:ETCDIR:/afp_voluuid.conf is the configuration file used by afpd to specify UUID of Time Machine volume automagically. The configuration lines are composed like:

"volume name" uuid-string

The first field is volume name. Volume names must be quoted if they contain spaces. The second field is the 36 character hexadecimal ASCII string representation of a UUID.

The leading spaces and tabs are ignored. Blank lines are ignored. The lines prefixed with # are ignored. The illegal lines are ignored. .\}

.it 1 an-trap .nr an-no-space-flag 1 .nr an-break-flag 1


This UUID is advertised by Zeroconf in order to provide robust disambiguation of Time Machine volume.

The afpd generates the UUID from random numbers and saves it into afp_voluuid.conf, only when setting "tm" option in AppleVolumes file.

This file should not be thoughtlessly edited and be copied onto another server.


Example. afp_voluuid.conf three TM volumes on one netatalk


# This is a comment.
"Backup for John Smith" 1573974F-0ABD-69CC-C40A-8519B681A0E1
"bob" 39A487F4-55AA-8240-E584-69AA01800FE9
mary 6331E2D1-446C-B68C-3066-D685AADBE911

afpd(8), AppleVolumes.default(5), avahi-daemon(8)