1/* mpi-pow.c  -  MPI functions for exponentiation
2 * Copyright (C) 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002
3 *               2003  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 *
5 * This file is part of Libgcrypt.
6 *
7 * Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
9 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
10 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 *
12 * Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18 * License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 *
20 * Note: This code is heavily based on the GNU MP Library.
21 *	 Actually it's the same code with only minor changes in the
22 *	 way the data is stored; this is to support the abstraction
23 *	 of an optional secure memory allocation which may be used
24 *	 to avoid revealing of sensitive data due to paging etc.
25 */
27#include <config.h>
28#include <stdio.h>
29#include <stdlib.h>
30#include <string.h>
32#include "mpi-internal.h"
33#include "longlong.h"
37 * RES = BASE ^ EXPO mod MOD
38 */
40gcry_mpi_powm (gcry_mpi_t res,
41               gcry_mpi_t base, gcry_mpi_t expo, gcry_mpi_t mod)
43  /* Pointer to the limbs of the arguments, their size and signs. */
44  mpi_ptr_t  rp, ep, mp, bp;
45  mpi_size_t esize, msize, bsize, rsize;
46  int               msign, bsign, rsign;
47  /* Flags telling the secure allocation status of the arguments.  */
48  int        esec,  msec,  bsec;
49  /* Size of the result including space for temporary values.  */
50  mpi_size_t size;
51  /* Helper.  */
52  int mod_shift_cnt;
53  int negative_result;
54  mpi_ptr_t mp_marker = NULL;
55  mpi_ptr_t bp_marker = NULL;
56  mpi_ptr_t ep_marker = NULL;
57  mpi_ptr_t xp_marker = NULL;
58  unsigned int mp_nlimbs = 0;
59  unsigned int bp_nlimbs = 0;
60  unsigned int ep_nlimbs = 0;
61  unsigned int xp_nlimbs = 0;
62  mpi_ptr_t tspace = NULL;
63  mpi_size_t tsize = 0;
66  esize = expo->nlimbs;
67  msize = mod->nlimbs;
68  size = 2 * msize;
69  msign = mod->sign;
71  esec = mpi_is_secure(expo);
72  msec = mpi_is_secure(mod);
73  bsec = mpi_is_secure(base);
75  rp = res->d;
76  ep = expo->d;
78  if (!msize)
79    msize = 1 / msize;	    /* Provoke a signal.  */
81  if (!esize)
82    {
83      /* Exponent is zero, result is 1 mod MOD, i.e., 1 or 0 depending
84        on if MOD equals 1.  */
85      rp[0] = 1;
86      res->nlimbs = (msize == 1 && mod->d[0] == 1) ? 0 : 1;
87      res->sign = 0;
88      goto leave;
89    }
91  /* Normalize MOD (i.e. make its most significant bit set) as
92     required by mpn_divrem.  This will make the intermediate values
93     in the calculation slightly larger, but the correct result is
94     obtained after a final reduction using the original MOD value. */
95  mp_nlimbs = msec? msize:0;
96  mp = mp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space(msize, msec);
97  count_leading_zeros (mod_shift_cnt, mod->d[msize-1]);
98  if (mod_shift_cnt)
99    _gcry_mpih_lshift (mp, mod->d, msize, mod_shift_cnt);
100  else
101    MPN_COPY( mp, mod->d, msize );
103  bsize = base->nlimbs;
104  bsign = base->sign;
105  if (bsize > msize)
106    {
107      /* The base is larger than the module.  Reduce it.
109         Allocate (BSIZE + 1) with space for remainder and quotient.
110         (The quotient is (bsize - msize + 1) limbs.)  */
111      bp_nlimbs = bsec ? (bsize + 1):0;
112      bp = bp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( bsize + 1, bsec );
113      MPN_COPY ( bp, base->d, bsize );
114      /* We don't care about the quotient, store it above the
115       * remainder, at BP + MSIZE.  */
116      _gcry_mpih_divrem( bp + msize, 0, bp, bsize, mp, msize );
117      bsize = msize;
118      /* Canonicalize the base, since we are going to multiply with it
119	 quite a few times.  */
120      MPN_NORMALIZE( bp, bsize );
121    }
122  else
123    bp = base->d;
125  if (!bsize)
126    {
127      res->nlimbs = 0;
128      res->sign = 0;
129      goto leave;
130    }
133  /* Make BASE, EXPO and MOD not overlap with RES.  */
134  if ( rp == bp )
135    {
136      /* RES and BASE are identical.  Allocate temp. space for BASE.  */
137      gcry_assert (!bp_marker);
138      bp_nlimbs = bsec? bsize:0;
139      bp = bp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( bsize, bsec );
140      MPN_COPY(bp, rp, bsize);
141    }
142  if ( rp == ep )
143    {
144      /* RES and EXPO are identical.  Allocate temp. space for EXPO.  */
145      ep_nlimbs = esec? esize:0;
146      ep = ep_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( esize, esec );
147      MPN_COPY(ep, rp, esize);
148    }
149  if ( rp == mp )
150    {
151      /* RES and MOD are identical.  Allocate temporary space for MOD.*/
152      gcry_assert (!mp_marker);
153      mp_nlimbs = msec?msize:0;
154      mp = mp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( msize, msec );
155      MPN_COPY(mp, rp, msize);
156    }
158  /* Copy base to the result.  */
159  if (res->alloced < size)
160    {
161      mpi_resize (res, size);
162      rp = res->d;
163    }
164  MPN_COPY ( rp, bp, bsize );
165  rsize = bsize;
166  rsign = bsign;
168  /* Main processing.  */
169  {
170    mpi_size_t i;
171    mpi_ptr_t xp;
172    int c;
173    mpi_limb_t e;
174    mpi_limb_t carry_limb;
175    struct karatsuba_ctx karactx;
177    xp_nlimbs = msec? (2 * (msize + 1)):0;
178    xp = xp_marker = mpi_alloc_limb_space( 2 * (msize + 1), msec );
180    memset( &karactx, 0, sizeof karactx );
181    negative_result = (ep[0] & 1) && base->sign;
183    i = esize - 1;
184    e = ep[i];
185    count_leading_zeros (c, e);
186    e = (e << c) << 1;     /* Shift the expo bits to the left, lose msb.  */
187    c = BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB - 1 - c;
189    /* Main loop.
191       Make the result be pointed to alternately by XP and RP.  This
192       helps us avoid block copying, which would otherwise be
193       necessary with the overlap restrictions of
194       _gcry_mpih_divmod. With 50% probability the result after this
195       loop will be in the area originally pointed by RP (==RES->d),
196       and with 50% probability in the area originally pointed to by XP. */
197    for (;;)
198      {
199        while (c)
200          {
201            mpi_ptr_t tp;
202            mpi_size_t xsize;
204            /*mpih_mul_n(xp, rp, rp, rsize);*/
205            if ( rsize < KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD )
206              _gcry_mpih_sqr_n_basecase( xp, rp, rsize );
207            else
208              {
209                if ( !tspace )
210                  {
211                    tsize = 2 * rsize;
212                    tspace = mpi_alloc_limb_space( tsize, 0 );
213                  }
214                else if ( tsize < (2*rsize) )
215                  {
216                    _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space (tspace, 0);
217                    tsize = 2 * rsize;
218                    tspace = mpi_alloc_limb_space (tsize, 0 );
219                  }
220                _gcry_mpih_sqr_n (xp, rp, rsize, tspace);
221              }
223            xsize = 2 * rsize;
224            if ( xsize > msize )
225              {
226                _gcry_mpih_divrem(xp + msize, 0, xp, xsize, mp, msize);
227                xsize = msize;
228              }
230            tp = rp; rp = xp; xp = tp;
231            rsize = xsize;
233            if ( (mpi_limb_signed_t)e < 0 )
234              {
235                /*mpih_mul( xp, rp, rsize, bp, bsize );*/
236                if( bsize < KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD )
237                  _gcry_mpih_mul ( xp, rp, rsize, bp, bsize );
238                else
239                  _gcry_mpih_mul_karatsuba_case (xp, rp, rsize, bp, bsize,
240                                                 &karactx);
242                xsize = rsize + bsize;
243                if ( xsize > msize )
244                  {
245                    _gcry_mpih_divrem(xp + msize, 0, xp, xsize, mp, msize);
246                    xsize = msize;
247                  }
249                tp = rp; rp = xp; xp = tp;
250                rsize = xsize;
251              }
252            e <<= 1;
253            c--;
254          }
256        i--;
257        if ( i < 0 )
258          break;
259        e = ep[i];
260        c = BITS_PER_MPI_LIMB;
261      }
263    /* We shifted MOD, the modulo reduction argument, left
264       MOD_SHIFT_CNT steps.  Adjust the result by reducing it with the
265       original MOD.
267       Also make sure the result is put in RES->d (where it already
268       might be, see above).  */
269    if ( mod_shift_cnt )
270      {
271        carry_limb = _gcry_mpih_lshift( res->d, rp, rsize, mod_shift_cnt);
272        rp = res->d;
273        if ( carry_limb )
274          {
275            rp[rsize] = carry_limb;
276            rsize++;
277          }
278      }
279    else if (res->d != rp)
280      {
281        MPN_COPY (res->d, rp, rsize);
282        rp = res->d;
283      }
285    if ( rsize >= msize )
286      {
287        _gcry_mpih_divrem(rp + msize, 0, rp, rsize, mp, msize);
288        rsize = msize;
289      }
291    /* Remove any leading zero words from the result.  */
292    if ( mod_shift_cnt )
293      _gcry_mpih_rshift( rp, rp, rsize, mod_shift_cnt);
294    MPN_NORMALIZE (rp, rsize);
296    _gcry_mpih_release_karatsuba_ctx (&karactx );
297  }
299  /* Fixup for negative results.  */
300  if ( negative_result && rsize )
301    {
302      if ( mod_shift_cnt )
303        _gcry_mpih_rshift( mp, mp, msize, mod_shift_cnt);
304      _gcry_mpih_sub( rp, mp, msize, rp, rsize);
305      rsize = msize;
306      rsign = msign;
307      MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, rsize);
308    }
309  gcry_assert (res->d == rp);
310  res->nlimbs = rsize;
311  res->sign = rsign;
313 leave:
314  if (mp_marker)
315    _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( mp_marker, mp_nlimbs );
316  if (bp_marker)
317    _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( bp_marker, bp_nlimbs );
318  if (ep_marker)
319    _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( ep_marker, ep_nlimbs );
320  if (xp_marker)
321    _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( xp_marker, xp_nlimbs );
322  if (tspace)
323    _gcry_mpi_free_limb_space( tspace, 0 );