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12<TITLE>A tutorial on Native Language Support using GNU gettext</TITLE>
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42<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">A tutorial on Native Language Support using GNU gettext</H1><DIV CLASS="author_info">
44<P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>G.&nbsp;Mohanty</STRONG></P>
45<P ALIGN="CENTER"><STRONG>Revision 0.3: 24 July 2004</STRONG></P>
50  The use of the GNU <TT>gettext</TT> utilities to implement support for native
51languages is described here. Though, the language to be supported is
52considered to be Oriya, the method is generally applicable. Likewise, while
53Linux was used as the platform here, any system using GNU <TT>gettext</TT> should work
54in a similar fashion.
57We go through a step-by-step description of how to make on-screen messages
58from a toy program to appear in Oriya instead of English; starting from the
59programming and ending with the user's viewpoint. Some discussion is also made
60of how to go about the task of translation.
63<H1><A NAME="SECTION00010000000000000000">
66Currently, both commercial and free computer software is typically written and
67documented in English. Till recently, little effort was expended towards
68allowing them to interact with the user in languages other than English, thus
69leaving the non-English speaking world at a disadvantage. However, that
70changed with the release of the GNU <TT>gettext</TT> utilities, and nowadays most GNU
71programs are written within a framework that allows easy translation of the
72program message to languages other than English. Provided that translations
73are available, the language used by the program to interact with the user can
74be set at the time of running it. <TT>gettext</TT> manages to achieve this seemingly
75miraculous task in a manner that simplifies the work of both the programmer
76and the translator, and, more importantly, allows them to work independently
77of each other.
80This article describes how to support native languages under a system using
81the GNU <TT>gettext</TT> utilities. While it should be applicable to other versions of
82<TT>gettext</TT>, the one actually used for the examples here is version
830.12.1. Another system, called <TT>catgets</TT>, described in the X/Open
84Portability Guide, is also in use, but we shall not discuss that here.
88<H1><A NAME="SECTION00020000000000000000">
89A simple example</A>
91<A NAME="sec:simple"></A>Our first example of using <TT>gettext</TT> will be the good old Hello World program,
92whose sole function is to print the phrase ``Hello, world!'' to the terminal.
93The internationalized version of this program might be saved in hello.c as:
951    #include &lt;libintl.h&gt;
962    #include &lt;locale.h&gt;
973    #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
984    #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
995    int main(void)
1006    {
1017      setlocale( LC_ALL, "" );
1028      bindtextdomain( "hello", "/usr/share/locale" );
1039      textdomain( "hello" );
10410      printf( gettext( "Hello, world!\n" ) );
10511      exit(0);
10612    }
108Of course, a real program would check the return values of the functions and
109try to deal with any errors, but we have omitted that part of the code for
110clarity. Compile as usual with <TT>gcc -o hello hello.c</TT>. The program should
111be linked to the GNU libintl library, but as this is part of the GNU C
112library, this is done automatically for you under Linux, and other systems
113using glibc.
115<H2><A NAME="SECTION00021000000000000000">
116The programmer's viewpoint</A>
118   As expected, when the <TT>hello</TT> executable is run under the default locale
119(usually the C locale) it prints ``Hello, world!'' in the terminal. Besides
120some initial setup work, the only additional burden faced by the programmer is
121to replace any string to be printed with <TT>gettext(string)</TT>, i.e., to
122instead pass the string as an argument to the <TT>gettext</TT> function. For lazy
123people like myself, the amount of extra typing can be reduced even further by
124a CPP macro, e.g., put this at the beginning of the source code file,
126  #define _(STRING)    gettext(STRING)
128and then use <TT>_(string)</TT> instead of <TT>gettext(string)</TT>.
131Let us dissect the program line-by-line.
134<LI><TT>locale.h</TT> defines C data structures used to hold locale
135  information, and is needed by the <TT>setlocale</TT> function. <TT>libintl.h</TT>
136  prototypes the GNU text utilities functions, and is needed here by
137  <TT>bindtextdomain</TT>, <TT>gettext</TT>, and <TT>textdomain</TT>.
139<LI>The call to <TT>setlocale</TT> () on line 7, with LC_ALL as the first argument
140  and an empty string as the second one, initializes the entire current locale
141  of the program as per environment variables set by the user. In other words,
142  the program locale is initialized to match that of the user. For details see
143  ``man <TT>setlocale</TT>.''
145<LI>The <TT>bindtextdomain</TT> function on line 8 sets the base directory for the
146  message catalogs for a given message domain. A message domain is a set of
147  translatable messages, with every software package typically having its own
148  domain. Here, we have used ``hello'' as the name of the message domain for
149  our toy program. As the second argument, /usr/share/locale, is the default
150  system location for message catalogs, what we are saying here is that we are
151  going to place the message catalog in the default system directory. Thus, we
152  could have dispensed with the call to <TT>bindtextdomain</TT> here, and this
153  function is useful only if the message catalogs are installed in a
154  non-standard place, e.g., a packaged software distribution might have
155  the catalogs under a po/ directory under its own main directory. See ``man
156  <TT>bindtextdomain</TT>'' for details.
158<LI>The <TT>textdomain</TT> call on line 9 sets the message domain of the current
159  program to ``hello,'' i.e., the name that we are using for our example
160  program. ``man textdomain'' will give usage details for the function.
162<LI>Finally, on line 10, we have replaced what would normally have been,
164  printf( "Hello, world!\n" );
168  printf( gettext( "Hello, world!\n" ) );
170(If you are unfamiliar with C, the <!-- MATH
171 $\backslash$
172 -->
173<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&#92;</SPAN>n at the end of the string
174produces a newline at the end of the output.) This simple modification to all
175translatable strings allows the translator to work independently from the
176programmer. <TT>gettextize</TT> eases the task of the programmer in adapting a
177package to use GNU <TT>gettext</TT> for the first time, or to upgrade to a newer
178version of <TT>gettext</TT>.
182<H2><A NAME="SECTION00022000000000000000">
183Extracting translatable strings</A>
185  Now, it is time to extract the strings to be translated from the program
186source code. This is achieved with <TT>xgettext</TT>, which can be invoked as follows:
187<PRE><FONT color="red">
188  xgettext -d hello -o hello.pot hello.c
190This processes the source code in hello.c, saving the output in hello.pot (the
191argument to the -o option).
192The message domain for the program should be specified as the argument
193to the -d option, and should match the domain specified in the call to
194<TT>textdomain</TT> (on line 9 of the program source). Other details on how to use
195<TT>gettext</TT> can be found from ``man gettext.''
198A .pot (portable object template) file is used as the basis for translating
199program messages into any language. To start translation, one can simply copy
200hello.pot to oriya.po (this preserves the template file for later translation
201into a different language). However, the preferred way to do this is by
202use of the <TT>msginit</TT> program, which takes care of correctly setting up some
203default values,
204<PRE><FONT color="red">
205  msginit -l or_IN -o oriya.po -i hello.pot
207Here, the -l option defines the locale (an Oriya locale should have been
208installed on your system), and the -i and -o options define the input and
209output files, respectively. If there is only a single .pot file in the
210directory, it will be used as the input file, and the -i option can be
211omitted.  For me, the oriya.po file produced by <TT>msginit</TT> would look like:
213  # Oriya translations for PACKAGE package.
214  # Copyright (C) 2004 THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
215  # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
216  # Gora Mohanty &lt;gora_mohanty@yahoo.co.in&gt;, 2004.
217  #
218  msgid ""
219  msgstr ""
220  "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
221  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
222  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-22 02:22+0530\n"
223  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-22 02:38+0530\n"
224  "Last-Translator: Gora Mohanty &lt;gora_mohanty@yahoo.co.in&gt;\n"
225  "Language-Team: Oriya\n"
226  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
227  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
228  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
230  #: hello.c:10
231  msgid "Hello, world!\n"
232  msgstr ""
234<TT>msginit</TT> prompted for my email address, and probably obtained my real name
235from the system password file. It also filled in values such as the revision
236date, language, character set, presumably using information from the or_IN
240It is important to respect the format of the entries in the .po (portable
241object) file. Each entry has the following structure:
246  #: REFERENCE...
247  #, FLAG...
251where, the initial white-space (spaces, tabs, newlines,...), and all
252comments might or might not exist for a particular entry. Comment lines start
253with a '#' as the first character, and there are two kinds: (i) manually
254added translator comments, that have some white-space immediately following the
255'#,' and (ii) automatic comments added and maintained by the <TT>gettext</TT> tools,
256with a non-white-space character after the '#.' The <TT>msgid</TT> line contains
257the untranslated (English) string, if there is one for that PO file entry, and
258the <TT>msgstr</TT> line is where the translated string is to be entered. More on
259this later. For details on the format of PO files see gettext::Basics::PO
260Files:: in the Emacs info-browser (see Appdx.&nbsp;<A HREF="#sec:emacs-info">A</A> for an
261introduction to using the info-browser in Emacs).
263<H2><A NAME="SECTION00023000000000000000">
264Making translations</A>
266  The oriya.po file can then be edited to add the translated Oriya
267strings. While the editing can be carried out in any editor if one is careful
268to follow the PO file format, there are several editors that ease the task of
269editing PO files, among them being po-mode in Emacs, <TT>kbabel</TT>, gtranslator,
270poedit, etc. Appdx.&nbsp;<A HREF="#sec:pofile-editors">B</A> describes features of some of
271these editors.
274The first thing to do is fill in the comments at the beginning and the header
275entry, parts of which have already been filled in by <TT>msginit</TT>. The lines in
276the header entry are pretty much self-explanatory, and details can be found in
277the gettext::Creating::Header Entry:: info node. After that, the remaining
278work consists of typing the Oriya text that is to serve as translations for
279the corresponding English string. For the <TT>msgstr</TT> line in each of the
280remaining entries, add the translated Oriya text between the double quotes;
281the translation corresponding to the English phrase in the <TT>msgid</TT> string
282for the entry. For example, for the phrase ``Hello world!<!-- MATH
283 $\backslash$
284 -->
285<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&#92;</SPAN>n'' in
286oriya.po, we could enter ``&#x0b28;&#x0b2e;&#x0b38;&#x0b4d;&#x0b15;&#x0b3e;&#x0b30;<!-- MATH
287 $\backslash$
288 -->
289<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&#92;</SPAN>n''. The final
290oriya.po file might look like:
292  # Oriya translations for hello example package.
293  # Copyright (C) 2004 Gora Mohanty
294  # This file is distributed under the same license as the hello example package.
295  # Gora Mohanty &lt;gora_mohanty@yahoo.co.in&gt;, 2004.
296  #
297  msgid ""
298  msgstr ""
299  "Project-Id-Version: oriya\n"
300  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
301  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-22 02:22+0530\n"
302  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-22 10:54+0530\n"
303  "Last-Translator: Gora Mohanty &lt;gora_mohanty@yahoo.co.in&gt;\n"
304  "Language-Team: Oriya\n"
305  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
306  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
307  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
308  "X-Generator: KBabel 1.3\n"
310  #: hello.c:10
311  msgid "Hello, world!\n"
312  msgstr "&#x0b28;&#x0b2e;&#x0b38;&#x0b4d;&#x0b15;&#x0b3e;&#x0b30;\n"
316For editing PO files, I have found the <TT>kbabel</TT> editor suits me the best. The
317only problem is that while Oriya text can be entered directly into <TT>kbabel</TT> 
318using the xkb Oriya keyboard layouts&nbsp;[<A
319 HREF="memo.html#xkb-oriya-layout">1</A>] and the entries
320are saved properly, the text is not displayed correctly in the <TT>kbabel</TT> window
321if it includes conjuncts. Emacs po-mode is a little restrictive, but strictly
322enforces conformance with the PO file format. The main problem with it is that
323it does not seem currently possible to edit Oriya text in Emacs. <TT>yudit</TT>
324is the best at editing Oriya text, but does not ensure that the PO file format
325is followed. You can play around a bit with these editors to find one that
326suits your personal preferences. One possibility might be to first edit the
327header entry with <TT>kbabel</TT> or Emacs po-mode, and then use <TT>yudit</TT> to enter
328the Oriya text on the <TT>msgstr</TT> lines.
330<H2><A NAME="SECTION00024000000000000000">
331Message catalogs</A>
333  <A NAME="sec:catalog"></A>After completing the translations in the oriya.po file, it must be compiled to
334a binary format that can be quickly loaded by the <TT>gettext</TT> tools. To do that,
336<PRE><FONT color="red">
337  msgfmt -c -v -o hello.mo oriya.po
339The -c option does detailed checking of the PO file format, -v makes the
340program verbose, and the output filename is given by the argument to the -o
341option. Note that the base of the output filename should match the message
342domain given in the first arguments to <TT>bindtextdomain</TT> and <TT>textdomain</TT> on
343lines 8 and 9 of the example program in Sec.&nbsp;<A HREF="#sec:simple">2</A>. The .mo
344(machine object) file should be stored in the location whose base directory is
345given by the second argument to <TT>bindtextdomain</TT>. The final location of the
346file will be in the sub-directory LL/LC_MESSAGES or LL_CC/LC_MESSAGES under
347the base directory, where LL stands for a language, and CC for a country. For
348example, as we have chosen the standard location, /usr/share/locale, for our
349base directory, and for us the language and country strings are ``or'' and
350``IN,'' respectively, we will place hello.mo in /usr/share/locale/or_IN. Note
351that you will need super-user privilege to copy hello.mo to this system
352directory. Thus,
353<PRE><FONT color="red">
354  mkdir -p /usr/share/locale/or_IN/LC_MESSAGES
355  cp hello.mo /usr/share/locale/or_IN/LC_MESSAGES
358<H2><A NAME="SECTION00025000000000000000">
359The user's viewpoint</A>
361  Once the message catalogs have been properly installed, any user on the system
362can use the Oriya version of the Hello World program, provided an Oriya locale
363is available. First, change your locale with,
364<PRE><FONT color="red">
365  echo $LANG
366  export LANG=or_IN
368The first statement shows you the current setting of your locale (this is
369usually en_US, and you will need it to reset the default locale at the end),
370while the second one sets it to an Oriya locale.
373A Unicode-capable terminal emulator is needed to view Oriya output
374directly. The new versions of both gnome-terminal and konsole (the KDE
375terminal emulator) are Unicode-aware. I will focus on gnome-terminal as it
376seems to have better support for internationalization. gnome-terminal needs to
377be told that the bytes arriving are UTF-8 encoded multibyte sequences. This
378can be done by (a) choosing Terminal <TT>-&gt;</TT> Character Coding <TT>-&gt;</TT>
379Unicode (UTF-8), or (b) typing ``/bin/echo -n -e
380'<!-- MATH
381 $\backslash$
382 -->
383<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&#92;</SPAN>033%<!-- MATH
384 $\backslash$
385 -->
386<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&#92;</SPAN>G''' in the terminal, or (c) by running
387/bin/unicode_start. Likewise, you can revert to the default locale by (a)
388choosing Terminal <TT>-&gt;</TT> Character Coding <TT>-&gt;</TT> Current Locale
389(ISO-8859-1), or (b) ``/bin/echo -n -e '<!-- MATH
390 $\backslash$
391 -->
392<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&#92;</SPAN>033%<!-- MATH
393 $\backslash$
394 -->
395<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&#92;</SPAN>@','' or
396(c) by running /bin/unicode_stop. Now, running the example program (after
397compiling with gcc as described in Sec.&nbsp;<A HREF="#sec:simple">2</A>) with,
398<PRE><FONT color="red">
399  ./hello
401should give you output in Oriya. Please note that conjuncts will most likely
402be displayed with a ``halant'' as the terminal probably does not render Indian
403language fonts correctly. Also, as most terminal emulators assume fixed-width
404fonts, the results are hardly likely to be aesthetically appealing.
407An alternative is to save the program output in a file, and view it with
408<TT>yudit</TT> which will render the glyphs correctly. Thus,
409<PRE><FONT color="red">
410  ./hello &gt; junk
411  yudit junk
413Do not forget to reset the locale before resuming usual work in the
414terminal. Else, your English characters might look funny.
417While all this should give the average user some pleasure in being able to see
418Oriya output from a program without a whole lot of work, it should be kept in
419mind that we are still far from our desired goal. Hopefully, one day the
420situation will be such that rather than deriving special pleasure from it,
421users take it for granted that Oriya should be available and are upset
426<H1><A NAME="SECTION00030000000000000000">
427Adding complications: program upgrade</A>
429The previous section presented a simple example of how Oriya language support
430could be added to a C program. Like all programs, we might now wish to further
431enhance it. For example, we could include a greeting to the user by adding
432another <TT>printf</TT> statement after the first one. Our new hello.c source
433code might look like this:
4351    #include &lt;libintl.h&gt;
4362    #include &lt;locale.h&gt;
4373    #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
4384    #include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
4395    int main(void)
4406    {
4417      setlocale( LC_ALL, "" );
4428      bindtextdomain( "hello", "/usr/share/locale" );
4439      textdomain( "hello" );
44410      printf( gettext( "Hello, world!\n" ) );
44511      printf( gettext( "How are you\n" ) );
44612      exit(0);
44713    }
449For such a small change, it would be simple enough to just repeat the above
450cycle of extracting the relevant English text, translating it to Oriya, and
451preparing a new message catalog. We can even simplify the work by cutting and
452pasting most of the old oriya.po file into the new one. However, real programs
453will have thousands of such strings, and we would like to be able to translate
454only the changed strings, and have the <TT>gettext</TT> utilities handle the drudgery
455of combining the new translations with the old ones. This is indeed possible.
457<H2><A NAME="SECTION00031000000000000000">
458Merging old and new translations</A>
460  As before, extract the translatable strings from hello.c to a new portable
461object template file, hello-new.pot, using <TT>xgettext</TT>,
462<PRE><FONT color="red">
463  xgettext -d hello -o hello-new.pot hello.c
465Now, we use a new program, <TT>msgmerge</TT>, to merge the existing .po file with
466translations into the new template file, viz.,
467<PRE><FONT color="red">
468  msgmerge -U oriya.po hello-new.pot
470The -U option updates the existing
471.po file, oriya.po. We could have chosen to instead create a new .po file by
472using ``-o <SPAN CLASS="MATH">&lt;</SPAN>filename<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&gt;</SPAN>'' instead of -U. The updated .po file will still
473have the old translations embedded in it, and new entries with untranslated
474<TT>msgid</TT> lines. For us, the new lines in oriya.po will look like,
476  #: hello.c:11
477  msgid "How are you?\n"
478  msgstr ""
480For the new translation, we could use, ``&#x0b06;&#x0b2a;&#x0b23;
481&#x0b15;&#x0b3f;&#x0b2a;&#x0b30;&#x0b3f; &#x0b05;&#x0b1b;&#x0b28;&#x0b4d;&#x0b24;&#x0b3f;?'' in
482place of the English phrase ``How are you?'' The updated oriya.po file,
483including the translation might look like:
485  # Oriya translations for hello example package.
486  # Copyright (C) 2004 Gora Mohanty
487  # This file is distributed under the same license as the hello examplepackage.
488  # Gora Mohanty &lt;gora_mohanty@yahoo.co.in&gt;, 2004.
489  #
490  msgid ""
491  msgstr ""
492  "Project-Id-Version: oriya\n"
493  "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
494  "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-06-23 14:30+0530\n"
495  "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-22 10:54+0530\n"
496  "Last-Translator: Gora Mohanty &lt;gora_mohanty@yahoo.co.in&gt;\n"
497  "Language-Team: Oriya\n"
498  "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
499  "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
500  "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
501  "X-Generator: KBabel 1.3\n"
503  #: hello.c:10
504  msgid "Hello, world!\n"
505  msgstr "&#x0b28;&#x0b2e;&#x0b38;&#x0b4d;&#x0b15;&#x0b3e;&#x0b30;\n"
507  #: hello.c:11
508  msgid "How are you?\n"
509  msgstr "&#x0b06;&#x0b2a;&#x0b23; &#x0b15;&#x0b3f;&#x0b2a;&#x0b30;&#x0b3f; &#x0b05;&#x0b1b;&#x0b28;&#x0b4d;&#x0b24;&#x0b3f;?\n"
513Compile oriya.po to a machine object file, and install in the appropriate
514place as in Sec.&nbsp;<A HREF="#sec:catalog">2.4</A>. Thus,
515<PRE><FONT color="red">
516  msgfmt -c -v -o hello.mo oriya.po
517  mkdir -p /usr/share/locale/or_IN/LC_MESSAGES
518  cp hello.mo /usr/share/locale/or_IN/LC_MESSAGES
520You can test the Oriya output as above, after recompiling hello.c and running
521it in an Oriya locale.
525<H1><A NAME="SECTION00040000000000000000">
526More about <TT>gettext</TT> </A>
528The GNU <TT>gettext</TT> info pages provide a well-organized and complete description
529of the <TT>gettext</TT> utilities and their usage for enabling Native Language
530Support. One should, at the very least, read the introductory material at
531gettext::Introduction::, and the suggested references in
532gettext::Conclusion::References::. Besides the <TT>gettext</TT> utilities described in
533this document, various other programs to manipulate .po files are discussed in
534gettext:Manipulating::. Finally, support for programming languages other than
535C/C++ is discussed in gettext::Programming Languages::.
539<H1><A NAME="SECTION00050000000000000000">
540The work of translation</A>
542  Besides the obvious program message strings that have been the sole focus of
543our discussion here, there are many other things that require translation,
544including GUI messages, command-line option strings, configuration files,
545program documentation, etc. Besides these obvious aspects, there are a
546significant number of programs and/or scripts that are automatically generated
547by other programs. These generated programs might also themselves require
548translation. So, in any effort to provide support for a given native language,
549carrying out the translation and keeping up with program updates becomes a
550major part of the undertaking, requiring a continuing commitment from the
551language team. A plan has been outlined for the Oriya localization
553 HREF="memo.html#url:oriya-trans-plan">2</A>].
557<H1><A NAME="SECTION00060000000000000000">
560Extensive use has obviously been made of the GNU <TT>gettext</TT> manual in preparing
561this document. I have also been helped by an article in the Linux
563 HREF="memo.html#url:lj-translation">3</A>].
566This work is part of the project for enabling the use of Oriya under Linux. I
567thank my uncle, N.&nbsp;M.&nbsp;Pattnaik, for conceiving of the project. We have all
568benefited from the discussions amidst the group of people working on this
569project. On the particular issue of translation, the help of H.&nbsp;R.&nbsp;Pansari,
570A.&nbsp;Nayak, and M.&nbsp;Chand is much appreciated.
572<H1><A NAME="SECTION00070000000000000000">
573The Emacs info browser</A>
575<A NAME="sec:emacs-info"></A>You can start up Emacs from the command-line by typing ``emacs,'' or ``emacs
576<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&lt;</SPAN>filename<SPAN CLASS="MATH">&gt;</SPAN>.'' It can be started from the menu in some desktops, e.g., on
577my GNOME desktop, it is under Main Menu <TT>-&gt;</TT> Programming <TT>-&gt;</TT>
578Emacs. If you are unfamiliar with Emacs, a tutorial can be started by typing
579``C-h t'' in an Emacs window, or from the Help item in the menubar at the
580top. Emacs makes extensive use of the Control (sometimes labelled as ``CTRL''
581or ``CTL'') and Meta (sometimes labelled as ``Edit'' or ``Alt'') keys. In
582Emacs parlance, a hyphenated sequence, such as ``C-h'' means to press the
583Control and `h' key simultaneously, while ``C-h t'' would mean to press the
584Control and `h' key together, release them, and press the `t' key. Similarly,
585``M-x'' is used to indicate that the Meta and `x' keys should be pressed at
586the same time.
589The info browser can be started by typing ``C-h i'' in Emacs. The first time
590you do this, it will briefly list some commands available inside the info
591browser, and present you with a menu of major topics. Each menu item, or
592cross-reference is hyperlinked to the appropriate node, and you can visit that
593node either by moving the cursor to the item and pressing Enter, or by
594clicking on it with the middle mouse button. To get to the <TT>gettext</TT> menu items,
595you can either scroll down to the line,
597  * gettext: (gettext).                          GNU gettext utilities.
599and visit that node. Or, as it is several pages down, you can locate it using
600``I-search.'' Type ``C-s'' to enter ``I-search'' which will then prompt you
601for a string in the mini-buffer at the bottom of the window. This is an
602incremental search, so that Emacs will keep moving you forward through the
603buffer as you are entering your search string. If you have reached the last
604occurrence of the search string in the current buffer, you will get a message
605saying ``Failing I-search: ...'' on pressing ``C-s.'' At that point, press
606``C-s'' again to resume the search at the beginning of the buffer. Likewise,
607``C-r'' incrementally searches backwards from the present location.
610Info nodes are listed in this document with a ``::'' separator, so
611that one can go to the gettext::Creating::Header Entry:: by visiting the
612``gettext'' node from the main info menu, navigating to the ``Creating''
613node, and following that to the ``Header Entry'' node.
616A stand-alone info browser, independent of Emacs, is also available on many
617systems. Thus, the <TT>gettext</TT> info page can also be accessed by typing
618``info gettext'' in a terminal. <TT>xinfo</TT> is an X application serving as an
619info browser, so that if it is installed, typing ``xinfo gettext'' from the
620command line will open a new browser window with the <TT>gettext</TT> info page.
624<H1><A NAME="SECTION00080000000000000000">
625PO file editors</A>
627<A NAME="sec:pofile-editors"></A>While the <TT>yudit</TT> editor is adequate for our present purposes, and we are
628planning on using that as it is platform-independent, and currently the best
629at rendering Oriya. This section describes some features of some editors that
630are specialized for editing PO files under Linux. This is still work in
631progress, as I am in the process of trying out different editors before
632settling on one. The ones considered here are: Emacs in po-mode, <TT>poedit</TT>,
633<TT>kbabel</TT>, and <TT>gtranslator</TT>.
635<H2><A NAME="SECTION00081000000000000000">
636Emacs PO mode</A>
638  Emacs should automatically enter po-mode when you load a .po file, as
639indicated by ``PO'' in the modeline at the bottom. The window is made
640read-only, so that you can edit the .po file only through special commands.  A
641description of Emacs po-mode can be found under the gettext::Basics info node,
642or type `h' or `?' in a po-mode window for a list of available commands. While
643I find Emacs po-mode quite restrictive, this is probably due to unfamiliarity
644with it. Its main advantage is that it imposes rigid conformance to the PO
645file format, and checks the file format when closing the .po file
646buffer. Emacs po-mode is not useful for Oriya translation, as I know of no way
647to directly enter Oriya text under Emacs.
649<H2><A NAME="SECTION00082000000000000000">
652  XXX: in preparation.
654<H2><A NAME="SECTION00083000000000000000">
655KDE: the kbabel editor</A>
657  <TT>kbabel</TT>&nbsp;[<A
658 HREF="memo.html#url:kbabel">4</A>] is a more user-friendly and configurable editor than
659either of Emacs po-mode or <TT>poedit</TT>. It is integrated into KDE, and offers
660extensive contextual help. Besides support for various PO file features, it
661has a plugin framework for dictionaries, that allows consistency checks and
662translation suggestions.
664<H2><A NAME="SECTION00084000000000000000">
665GNOME: the gtranslator editor</A>
667  XXX: in preparation.
669<H2><A NAME="SECTION00090000000000000000">
671</H2><DL COMPACT><DD><P></P><DT><A NAME="xkb-oriya-layout">1</A>
674<BR>A practical primer for using Oriya under Linux, v0.3,
675<BR><TT><A NAME="tex2html1"
676  HREF="http://oriya.sarovar.org/docs/getting_started/index.html">http://oriya.sarovar.org/docs/getting_started/index.html</A></TT>, 2004,
677<BR>Sec.&nbsp;6.2 describes the xkb layouts for Oriya.
679<P></P><DT><A NAME="url:oriya-trans-plan">2</A>
682<BR>A plan for Oriya localization, v0.1,
683<BR><TT><A NAME="tex2html2"
684  HREF="http://oriya.sarovar.org/docs/translation_plan/index.html">http://oriya.sarovar.org/docs/translation_plan/index.html</A></TT>,
685  2004.
687<P></P><DT><A NAME="url:lj-translation">3</A>
689Linux Journal article on internationalization,
690<BR><TT><A NAME="tex2html3"
691  HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=3023">http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=3023</A></TT>.
693<P></P><DT><A NAME="url:kbabel">4</A>
695Features of the kbabel editor,
696<BR><TT><A NAME="tex2html4"
697  HREF="http://i18n.kde.org/tools/kbabel/features.html">http://i18n.kde.org/tools/kbabel/features.html</A></TT>.
700<H1><A NAME="SECTION000100000000000000000">
701About this document ...</A>
703 <STRONG>A tutorial on Native Language Support using GNU gettext</STRONG><P>
704This document was generated using the
705<A HREF="http://www.latex2html.org/"><STRONG>LaTeX</STRONG>2<tt>HTML</tt></A> translator Version 2002-2-1 (1.70)
707Copyright &#169; 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
708<A HREF="http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/personal.html">Nikos Drakos</A>, 
709Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
710<BR>Copyright &#169; 1997, 1998, 1999,
711<A HREF="http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~ross/">Ross Moore</A>, 
712Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
714The command line arguments were: <BR>
715 <STRONG>latex2html</STRONG> <TT>-no_math -html_version 4.0,math,unicode,i18n,tables -split 0 memo</TT>
717The translation was initiated by Gora Mohanty on 2004-07-24
718<DIV CLASS="navigation"><HR>
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731Gora Mohanty