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6<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Encryption</title>
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13<td><b><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Environment</dl></b></td>
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16<p align=center><b>Encryption</b></p>
17<p>Berkeley DB optionally supports encryption using the Rijndael/AES (also known
18as the Advanced Encryption Standard and Federal Information Processing
19Standard (FIPS) 197) algorithm for encryption or decryption.  The
20algorithm is configured to use a 128-bit key.  Berkeley DB uses a 16-byte
21initialization vector generated using the Mersenne Twister.  All
22encrypted information is additionally checksummed using the SHA1 Secure
23Hash Algorithm, using a 160-bit message digest.</p>
24<p>The encryption support provided with Berkeley DB is intended to protect
25applications from an attacker obtaining physical access to the media on
26which a Berkeley DB database is stored, or an attacker compromising a system
27on which Berkeley DB is running but who is unable to read system or process
28memory on that system.
29<b>The encryption support provided with Berkeley DB will not protect applications
30from attackers able to read system memory on the system where Berkeley DB is
32<p>Encryption is not the default for created databases, even in database
33environments configured for encryption.  In addition to configuring for
34encryption by calling the <a href="../../api_c/env_set_encrypt.html">DB_ENV-&gt;set_encrypt</a> or
35<a href="../../api_c/db_set_encrypt.html">DB-&gt;set_encrypt</a> methods, applications must specify the
36<a href="../../api_c/db_set_flags.html#DB_ENCRYPT">DB_ENCRYPT</a> flag before creating the database in order for the
37database to be encrypted.  Further, databases cannot be converted to an
38encrypted format after they have been created without dumping and
39re-creating them.  Finally, encrypted databases cannot be read
40on systems with a different endianness than the system that created
41the encrypted database.</p>
42<p>Each encrypted database environment (including all its encrypted
43databases) is encrypted using a single password and a single algorithm.
44Applications wanting to provide a finer granularity of database access
45must either use multiple database environments or implement additional
46access controls outside of Berkeley DB.</p>
47<p>The only encrypted parts of a database environment are its databases
48and its log files. Specifically, the <a href="../../ref/env/region.html">shared memory regions</a> supporting the database environment are not
49encrypted.  For this reason, it may be possible for an attacker to read
50some or all of an encrypted database by reading the on-disk files that
51back these shared memory regions.  To prevent such attacks, applications
52may want to use in-memory filesystem support (on systems that support
53it), or the <a href="../../api_c/env_open.html#DB_PRIVATE">DB_PRIVATE</a> or <a href="../../api_c/env_open.html#DB_SYSTEM_MEM">DB_SYSTEM_MEM</a> flags to the
54<a href="../../api_c/env_open.html">DB_ENV-&gt;open</a> method, to place the shared memory regions in memory that
55is never written to a disk.  As some systems page system memory to a
56backing disk, it is important to consider the specific operating system
57running on the machine as well.  Finally, when backing database
58environment shared regions with the filesystem, Berkeley DB can be configured
59to overwrite the shared regions before removing them by specifying the
60<a href="../../api_c/env_set_flags.html#DB_OVERWRITE">DB_OVERWRITE</a> flag.  This option is only effective in the
61presence of fixed-block filesystems, journaling or logging filesystems
62will require operating system support and probably modification of the
63Berkeley DB sources.</p>
64<p>While all user data is encrypted, parts of the databases and log files
65in an encrypted environment are maintained in an unencrypted state.
66Specifically, log record headers are not encrypted, only the actual log
67records.  Additionally, database internal page header fields are not
68encrypted.  These page header fields includes information such as the
69page's <a href="../../api_c/lsn_class.html">DB_LSN</a>, number, and position in the database's sort
71<p>Log records distributed by a replication master to replicated clients are
72transmitted to the clients in unencrypted form.  If encryption is
73desired in a replicated application, the use of a secure transport
74is strongly suggested.</p>
75<p>We gratefully acknowledge:</p>
76<p><ul type=disc>
77<li>Vincent Rijmen, Antoon Bosselaers and Paulo Barreto for writing the
78Rijndael/AES code used in Berkeley DB.
79<li>Steve Reid and James H. Brown for writing the SHA1 checksum code used
80in Berkeley DB.
81<li>Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura for writing the Mersenne Twister
82code used in Berkeley DB.
83<li>Adam Stubblefield for integrating the Rijndael/AES, SHA1 checksum and
84Mersenne Twister code into Berkeley DB.
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88<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>