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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="logfileremoval"></a>Removing Log Files</h2>
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37      <p>
38            By default DB does not delete log files for you. For this reason,
39            DB's log files will eventually grow to consume an
40            unnecessarily large amount of disk space. To guard against
41            this, you should periodically take administrative action to
42            remove log files that are no longer in use by your application.
43        </p>
44      <p>
45            You can remove a log file if all of the following are true:
46        </p>
47      <div class="itemizedlist">
48        <ul type="disc">
49          <li>
50            <p>
51                    the log file is not involved in an active transaction.
52                </p>
53          </li>
54          <li>
55            <p>
56                    a checkpoint has been performed
57                    <span class="emphasis"><em>after</em></span> the log file was
58                    created.
59                </p>
60          </li>
61          <li>
62            <p>
63                    the log file is not the only log file in the
64                    environment.
65                </p>
66          </li>
67          <li>
68            <p>
69                    the log file that you want to remove has already been
70                    included in an offline or hot backup.
71                    Failure to observe this last condition can cause your 
72                    backups to be unusable.
73                </p>
74          </li>
75        </ul>
76      </div>
77      <p>
78            DB provides several mechanisms to remove log files that
79            meet all but the last criteria (DB has no way to know which
80            log files have already been included in a backup). The
81            following mechanisms make it easy to remove unneeded log files,
82            but can result in an unusable backup if the log files are not first 
83            saved to your archive location. All of the following
84            mechanisms automatically delete unneeded log files for you:
85        </p>
86      <div class="itemizedlist">
87        <ul type="disc">
88          <li>
89            <p>
90                    Run the <span><b class="command">db_archive</b></span> command line
91                    utility with the <tt class="literal">-d</tt> option. 
92                </p>
93          </li>
94          <li>
95            <p>
96                    From within your application, call the
97                        <span>
99                            <tt class="methodname">DbEnv::log_archive()</tt>
100                            method with the <tt class="literal">DB_ARCH_REMOVE</tt> flag.
101                        </span>
103                </p>
104          </li>
105          <li>
106            <p>
107                      <span>
108                            Call
109                        <span>
111                            <tt class="methodname">DbEnv::log_set_config()</tt>
112                            method with the <tt class="literal">DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE</tt> flag.
113                        </span>
115                            Note that this flag can be set at any point in
116                            the lifetime of your application. Setting this
117                            parameter affects all environment handles
118                            opened against the environment; not just the
119                            handle used to set the flag.
120                      </span>
122                </p>
123            <p>
124                    Note that unlike the other log removal mechanisms
125                    identified here, this method actually causes log files
126                    to be removed on an on-going basis as they become
127                    unnecessary. This is extremely desirable behavior if
128                    what you want is to use the absolute minimum amount of
129                    disk space possible for your application. This
130                    mechanism <span class="emphasis"><em>will</em></span> leave you with
131                    the log files that are required to run normal recovery.
132                    However, it is highly likely that this mechanism will
133                    prevent you from running catastrophic recovery.
134                </p>
135            <p>
136                    Do NOT use this mechanism if you want to be able to
137                    perform catastrophic recovery, or if you want to be
138                    able to maintain a hot backup.
139                </p>
140          </li>
141        </ul>
142      </div>
143      <p>
144            In order to safely remove log files and still be able to
145            perform catastrophic recovery, use the
146            <span><b class="command">db_archive</b></span> command line utility as follows:
147        </p>
148      <div class="orderedlist">
149        <ol type="1">
150          <li>
151            <p>
152                    Run either a normal or hot backup as described in
153                    <a href="backuprestore.html">Backup Procedures</a>. Make
154                    sure that all of this data is safely stored to your
155                    backup media before continuing.
156                </p>
157          </li>
158          <li>
159            <p>
160                    If you have not already done so, perform a checkpoint.
161                    See <a href="filemanagement.html#checkpoints">Checkpoints</a>
162                    for more information.
163                </p>
164          </li>
165          <li>
166            <p>
167                    If you are maintaining a hot backup, perform the hot
168                    backup procedure as described in
169                    <a href="hotfailover.html">Using Hot Failovers</a>.
170                </p>
171          </li>
172          <li>
173            <p>
174                    Run the <span><b class="command">db_archive</b></span> command line
175                    utility with the <tt class="literal">-d</tt> option against
176                    your production environment. 
177                </p>
178          </li>
179          <li>
180            <p>
181                    Run the <span><b class="command">db_archive</b></span> command line
182                    utility with the <tt class="literal">-d</tt> option against
183                    your failover environment, if you are maintaining one.
184                </p>
185          </li>
186        </ol>
187      </div>
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