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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter��2.��Transactional Application</th>
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32            <h2 class="title"><a id="txnapp"></a>Chapter��2.��Transactional Application</h2>
33          </div>
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37      <div class="toc">
38        <p>
39          <b>Table of Contents</b>
40        </p>
41        <dl>
42          <dt>
43            <span class="sect1">
44              <a href="txnapp.html#appoverview">Application Overview</a>
45            </span>
46          </dt>
47          <dt>
48            <span class="sect1">
49              <a href="simpleprogramlisting.html">Program Listing</a>
50            </span>
51          </dt>
52          <dd>
53            <dl>
54              <dt>
55                <span class="sect2">
56                  <a href="simpleprogramlisting.html#repconfiginfo_cxx">
58                            Class: RepConfig
59                    </a>
60                </span>
61              </dt>
62              <dt>
63                <span class="sect2">
64                  <a href="simpleprogramlisting.html#simpletxnusage_java">Class: SimpleTxn</a>
65                </span>
66              </dt>
67              <dt>
68                <span class="sect2">
69                  <a href="simpleprogramlisting.html#simpletxnmain_java">Method: SimpleTxn.main()</a>
70                </span>
71              </dt>
72              <dt>
73                <span class="sect2">
74                  <a href="simpleprogramlisting.html#simpletxn_init_java">Method: SimpleTxn.init()</a>
75                </span>
76              </dt>
77              <dt>
78                <span class="sect2">
79                  <a href="simpleprogramlisting.html#doloop_java">Method: SimpleTxn.doloop()</a>
80                </span>
81              </dt>
82              <dt>
83                <span class="sect2">
84                  <a href="simpleprogramlisting.html#printstocks_c">
87                            Method: SimpleTxn.printStocks()
88                    </a>
89                </span>
90              </dt>
91            </dl>
92          </dd>
93        </dl>
94      </div>
95      <p>
96        In this chapter, we build a simple transaction-protected DB
97        application. Throughout the remainder of this book, we will add
98        replication to this example. We do this to underscore the concepts
99        that we are presenting in this book; the first being that you
100        should start with a working transactional program and then add
101        replication to it.
102    </p>
103      <p>
104        Note that this book assumes you already know how to write a
105        transaction-protected DB application, so we will not be
106        covering those concepts in this book. To learn how to write a
107        transaction-protected application, see the 
108        <i class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Transaction Processing</i> guide.
109    </p>
110      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
111        <div class="titlepage">
112          <div>
113            <div>
114              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="appoverview"></a>Application Overview</h2>
115            </div>
116          </div>
117          <div></div>
118        </div>
119        <p>
120                Our application maintains a stock market quotes database.
121                This database contains records whose key is the stock
122                market symbol and whose data is the stock's price.
123            </p>
124        <p>
125                The application operates by presenting you with a command
126                line prompt. You then enter the stock symbol and its value,
127                separated by a space. The application takes this
128                information, writes it to the database. 
129            </p>
130        <p>
131                    To see the contents of the database, simply press
132                    <tt class="literal">return</tt> at the command prompt.
133            </p>
134        <p>
135                To quit the application, type 'quit' or 'exit' at the
136                command prompt.
137            </p>
138        <p>
139                For example, the following illustrates the application's
140                usage. In it, we use entirely fictitious stock market
141                symbols and price values.
142            </p>
143        <pre class="programlisting">&gt; java db.simpletxn.SimpleTxn -h env_home_dir
144QUOTESERVER&gt; stock1 88
145QUOTESERVER&gt; stock2 .08
147        Symbol  Price
148        ======  =====
149        stock1  88
151QUOTESERVER&gt; stock1 88.9
153        Symbol  Price
154        ======  =====
155        stock1  88.9
156        stock2  .08
158QUOTESERVER&gt; quit 
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