1# $Id: features.in,v 1.5 2005/04/15 19:03:35 philipr Exp $
2# Lists features that can be installed on Windows,
3# and their dependencies.
5# Note: columns below must be separated by tabs.
7# Feature: the feature identifier.  If it is dependent on another feature,
8#          that is specified via Dependent/Featurename
9# Short name: the name as it shows in the installer's tree display
10# Description: the description that shows when the item is selected
12# Options are one or more of:
13# +default:   the feature is installed by default
14# +required:  the feature cannot be deselected (implies default)
15# +invisible: the feature is not shown to the user (implies required)
18# feature	short name	description	options
20CoreAPI		"Core Features"	"C/C++ API and required binaries"	+required
21CoreAPI/DCoreAPI	"Debug Core Features"	""	
22CoreTools	"Tools and Utilities"	"Compiled tools for DB maintenance"	+default
23CoreEx		"C/C++ Examples"	"C and C++ compiled examples (requires debug libraries to function)"	+default
25JavaAPI		"Java"		"Java API JAR and JNI native libraries"
26JavaAPI/JavaEx	"Java Examples"	"Java examples JAR"
27JavaAPI/DJavaAPI	"Debug Java"	""	
28JavaAPI/DJavaAPI/DJavaEx	"Debug Java Examples"	""	
29PerlAPI		"Perl"		"Perl API .pm and .pod files"
30TclAPI		"Tcl"		"Tcl API binaries"
31TclAPI/DTclAPI		"Debug Tcl"	""	
32Docs		"Documentation"	"Documentation for all products"
33Sources		"Source files"	"Source files for all products"	+default