1                                  _   _ ____  _
2                              ___| | | |  _ \| |
3                             / __| | | | |_) | |
4                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
5                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
7Structs in libcurl
9This document should cover 7.32.0 pretty accurately, but will make sense even
10for older and later versions as things don't change drastically that often.
12 1. The main structs in libcurl
13  1.1 SessionHandle
14  1.2 connectdata
15  1.3 Curl_multi
16  1.4 Curl_handler
17  1.5 conncache
18  1.6 Curl_share
19  1.7 CookieInfo
231. The main structs in libcurl
25  1.1 SessionHandle
27  The SessionHandle handle struct is the one returned to the outside in the
28  external API as a "CURL *". This is usually known as an easy handle in API
29  documentations and examples.
31  Information and state that is related to the actual connection is in the
32  'connectdata' struct. When a transfer is about to be made, libcurl will
33  either create a new connection or re-use an existing one. The particular
34  connectdata that is used by this handle is pointed out by
35  SessionHandle->easy_conn.
37  Data and information that regard this particular single transfer is put in
38  the SingleRequest sub-struct.
40  When the SessionHandle struct is added to a multi handle, as it must be in
41  order to do any transfer, the ->multi member will point to the Curl_multi
42  struct it belongs to. The ->prev and ->next members will then be used by the
43  multi code to keep a linked list of SessionHandle structs that are added to
44  that same multi handle. libcurl always uses multi so ->multi *will* point to
45  a Curl_multi when a transfer is in progress.
47  ->mstate is the multi state of this particular SessionHandle. When
48  multi_runsingle() is called, it will act on this handle according to which
49  state it is in. The mstate is also what tells which sockets to return for a
50  specific SessionHandle when curl_multi_fdset() is called etc.
52  The libcurl source code generally use the name 'data' for the variable that
53  points to the SessionHandle.
56  1.2 connectdata
58  A general idea in libcurl is to keep connections around in a connection
59  "cache" after they have been used in case they will be used again and then
60  re-use an existing one instead of creating a new as it creates a significant
61  performance boost.
63  Each 'connectdata' identifies a single physical connection to a server. If
64  the connection can't be kept alive, the connection will be closed after use
65  and then this struct can be removed from the cache and freed.
67  Thus, the same SessionHandle can be used multiple times and each time select
68  another connectdata struct to use for the connection. Keep this in mind, as
69  it is then important to consider if options or choices are based on the
70  connection or the SessionHandle.
72  Functions in libcurl will assume that connectdata->data points to the
73  SessionHandle that uses this connection.
75  As a special complexity, some protocols supported by libcurl require a
76  special disconnect procedure that is more than just shutting down the
77  socket. It can involve sending one or more commands to the server before
78  doing so. Since connections are kept in the connection cache after use, the
79  original SessionHandle may no longer be around when the time comes to shut
80  down a particular connection. For this purpose, libcurl holds a special
81  dummy 'closure_handle' SessionHandle in the Curl_multi struct to 
83  FTP uses two TCP connections for a typical transfer but it keeps both in
84  this single struct and thus can be considered a single connection for most
85  internal concerns.
87  The libcurl source code generally use the name 'conn' for the variable that
88  points to the connectdata.
91  1.3 Curl_multi
93  Internally, the easy interface is implemented as a wrapper around multi
94  interface functions. This makes everything multi interface.
96  Curl_multi is the multi handle struct exposed as "CURLM *" in external APIs.
98  This struct holds a list of SessionHandle structs that have been added to
99  this handle with curl_multi_add_handle(). The start of the list is ->easyp
100  and ->num_easy is a counter of added SessionHandles.
102  ->msglist is a linked list of messages to send back when
103  curl_multi_info_read() is called. Basically a node is added to that list
104  when an individual SessionHandle's transfer has completed.
106  ->hostcache points to the name cache. It is a hash table for looking up name
107  to IP. The nodes have a limited life time in there and this cache is meant
108  to reduce the time for when the same name is wanted within a short period of
109  time.
111  ->timetree points to a tree of SessionHandles, sorted by the remaining time
112  until it should be checked - normally some sort of timeout. Each
113  SessionHandle has one node in the tree.
115  ->sockhash is a hash table to allow fast lookups of socket descriptor to
116  which SessionHandle that uses that descriptor. This is necessary for the
117  multi_socket API.
119  ->conn_cache points to the connection cache. It keeps track of all
120  connections that are kept after use. The cache has a maximum size.
122  ->closure_handle is described in the 'connectdata' section.
124  The libcurl source code generally use the name 'multi' for the variable that
125  points to the Curl_multi struct.
128  1.4 Curl_handler
130  Each unique protocol that is supported by libcurl needs to provide at least
131  one Curl_handler struct. It defines what the protocol is called and what
132  functions the main code should call to deal with protocol specific issues.
133  In general, there's a source file named [protocol].c in which there's a
134  "struct Curl_handler Curl_handler_[protocol]" declared. In url.c there's
135  then the main array with all individual Curl_handler structs pointed to from
136  a single array which is scanned through when a URL is given to libcurl to
137  work with.
139  ->scheme is the URL scheme name, usually spelled out in uppercase. That's
140  "HTTP" or "FTP" etc. SSL versions of the protcol need its own Curl_handler
141  setup so HTTPS separate from HTTP.
143  ->setup_connection is called to allow the protocol code to allocate protocol
144  specific data that then gets associated with that SessionHandle for the rest
145  of this transfer. It gets freed again at the end of the transfer. It will be
146  called before the 'connectdata' for the transfer has been selected/created.
147  Most protocols will allocate its private 'struct [PROTOCOL]' here and assign
148  SessionHandle->req.protop to point to it.
150  ->connect_it allows a protocol to do some specific actions after the TCP
151  connect is done, that can still be considered part of the connection phase.
153  Some protocols will alter the connectdata->recv[] and connectdata->send[]
154  function pointers in this function.
156  ->connecting is similarly a function that keeps getting called as long as the
157  protocol considers itself still in the connecting phase.
159  ->do_it is the function called to issue the transfer request. What we call
160  the DO action internally. If the DO is not enough and things need to be kept
161  getting done for the entire DO sequence to complete, ->doing is then usually
162  also provided. Each protocol that needs to do multiple commands or similar
163  for do/doing need to implement their own state machines (see SCP, SFTP,
164  FTP). Some protocols (only FTP and only due to historical reasons) has a
165  separate piece of the DO state called DO_MORE.
167  ->doing keeps getting called while issuing the transfer request command(s)
169  ->done gets called when the transfer is complete and DONE. That's after the
170  main data has been transferred.
172  ->do_more gets called during the DO_MORE state. The FTP protocol uses this
173  state when setting up the second connection.
175  ->proto_getsock
176  ->doing_getsock
177  ->domore_getsock
178  ->perform_getsock
179  Functions that return socket information. Which socket(s) to wait for which
180  action(s) during the particular multi state.
182  ->disconnect is called immediately before the TCP connection is shutdown.
184  ->readwrite gets called during transfer to allow the protocol to do extra
185  reads/writes
187  ->defport is the default report TCP or UDP port this protocol uses
189  ->protocol is one or more bits in the CURLPROTO_* set. The SSL versions have
190  their "base" protocol set and then the SSL variation. Like "HTTP|HTTPS".
192  ->flags is a bitmask with additional information about the protocol that will
193  make it get treated differently by the generic engine:
195    PROTOPT_SSL - will make it connect and negotiate SSL
197    PROTOPT_DUAL - this protocol uses two connections
199    PROTOPT_CLOSEACTION - this protocol has actions to do before closing the
200    connection. This flag is no longer used by code, yet still set for a bunch
201    protocol handlers.
203    PROTOPT_DIRLOCK - "direction lock". The SSH protocols set this bit to
204    limit which "direction" of socket actions that the main engine will
205    concern itself about.
207    PROTOPT_NONETWORK - a protocol that doesn't use network (read file:)
209    PROTOPT_NEEDSPWD - this protocol needs a password and will use a default
210    one unless one is provided
212    PROTOPT_NOURLQUERY - this protocol can't handle a query part on the URL
213    (?foo=bar)
216  1.5 conncache
218  Is a hash table with connections for later re-use. Each SessionHandle has
219  a pointer to its connection cache. Each multi handle sets up a connection
220  cache that all added SessionHandles share by default.
223  1.6 Curl_share
225  The libcurl share API allocates a Curl_share struct, exposed to the external
226  API as "CURLSH *".
228  The idea is that the struct can have a set of own versions of caches and
229  pools and then by providing this struct in the CURLOPT_SHARE option, those
230  specific SessionHandles will use the caches/pools that this share handle
231  holds.
233  Then individual SessionHandle structs can be made to share specific things
234  that they otherwise wouldn't, such as cookies.
236  The Curl_share struct can currently hold cookies, DNS cache and the SSL
237  session cache.
240  1.7 CookieInfo
242  This is the main cookie struct. It holds all known cookies and related
243  information. Each SessionHandle has its own private CookieInfo even when
244  they are added to a multi handle. They can be made to share cookies by using
245  the share API.