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  • only in /netgear-R7000-V1.0.7.12_1.2.5/ap/gpl/amule/wxWidgets-2.8.12/src/mac/carbon/morefile/
2     File:       DirectoryCopy.h
4     Contains:   A robust, general purpose directory copy routine.
6     Version:    Technology: MoreFiles
7                 Release:    1.5.2
9     Copyright:  � 1992-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
11     Bugs?:      For bug reports, consult the following page on
12                 the World Wide Web:
14                     http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
19    You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
20    restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
21    responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
22    not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
23    after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
24    we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
25    descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
28#ifndef __DIRECTORYCOPY__
29#define __DIRECTORYCOPY__
31#ifndef __MACTYPES__
32#include <MacTypes.h>
35#ifndef __FILES__
36#include <Files.h>
39#include "Optimization.h"
43#pragma once
46#ifdef __cplusplus
47extern "C" {
51#pragma import on
55    #pragma options align=mac68k
57    #pragma pack(push, 2)
59    #pragma pack(2)
64enum {
65  getNextItemOp                 = 1,    /* couldn't access items in this directory - no access privileges */
66  copyDirCommentOp              = 2,    /* couldn't copy directory's Finder comment */
67  copyDirAccessPrivsOp          = 3,    /* couldn't copy directory's AFP access privileges */
68  copyDirFMAttributesOp         = 4,    /* couldn't copy directory's File Manager attributes */
69  dirCreateOp                   = 5,    /* couldn't create destination directory */
70  fileCopyOp                    = 6     /* couldn't copy file */
76typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , CopyErrProcPtr )(OSErr error, short failedOperation, short srcVRefNum, long srcDirID, ConstStr255Param srcName, short dstVRefNum, long dstDirID, ConstStr255Param dstName);
78    This is the prototype for the CopyErrProc function DirectoryCopy
79    calls if an error condition is detected sometime during the copy.  If
80    CopyErrProc returns false, then DirectoryCopy attempts to continue with
81    the directory copy operation.  If CopyErrProc returns true, then
82    DirectoryCopy stops the directory copy operation.
84    error           input:  The error result code that caused CopyErrProc to
85                            be called.
86    failedOperation input:  The operation that returned an error to
87                            DirectoryCopy.
88    srcVRefNum      input:  Source volume specification.
89    srcDirID        input:  Source directory ID.
90    srcName         input:  Source file or directory name, or nil if
91                            srcDirID specifies the directory.
92    dstVRefNum      input:  Destination volume specification.
93    dstDirID        input:  Destination directory ID.
94    dstName         input:  Destination file or directory name, or nil if
95                            dstDirID specifies the directory.
97    __________
99    Also see:   FilteredDirectoryCopy, FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, DirectoryCopy, FSpDirectoryCopy
101#define CallCopyErrProc(userRoutine, error, failedOperation, srcVRefNum, srcDirID, srcName, dstVRefNum, dstDirID, dstName) \
102    (*(userRoutine))((error), (failedOperation), (srcVRefNum), (srcDirID), (srcName), (dstVRefNum), (dstDirID), (dstName))
106typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , CopyFilterProcPtr )(const CInfoPBRec * cpbPtr);
108    This is the prototype for the CopyFilterProc function called by
109    FilteredDirectoryCopy and GetLevelSize. If true is returned,
110    the file/folder is included in the copy, otherwise it is excluded.
112    pb  input:  Points to the CInfoPBRec for the item under consideration.
114    __________
116    Also see:   FilteredDirectoryCopy, FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy
118#define CallCopyFilterProc(userRoutine, cpbPtr) \
119    (*(userRoutine))((cpbPtr))
125  short               srcVRefNum,
126  long                srcDirID,
127  ConstStr255Param    srcName,
128  short               dstVRefNum,
129  long                dstDirID,
130  ConstStr255Param    dstName,
131  ConstStr255Param    copyName,
132  void *              copyBufferPtr,
133  long                copyBufferSize,
134  Boolean             preflight,
135  CopyErrProcPtr      copyErrHandler,
136  CopyFilterProcPtr   copyFilterProc);
140    The FilteredDirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory
141    structure in a new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to
142    a buffer of copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data. The
143    larger the supplied buffer, the faster the copy. If
144    copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this routine allocates a buffer in the
145    application heap. If you pass a copy buffer to this routine, make
146    its size a multiple of 512 ($200) bytes for optimum performance.
148    The optional copyFilterProc parameter lets a routine you define
149    decide what files or directories are copied to the destination.
151    FilteredDirectoryCopy normally creates a new directory *in* the
152    specified destination directory and copies the source directory's
153    content into the new directory. However, if root parent directory
154    (fsRtParID) is passed as the dstDirID parameter and NULL is
155    passed as the dstName parameter, DirectoryCopy renames the
156    destination volume to the source directory's name (truncating
157    if the name is longer than 27 characters) and copies the source
158    directory's content into the destination volume's root directory.
159    This special case is supported by FilteredDirectoryCopy, but
160    not by FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy since with FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy,
161    the dstName parameter can not be NULL.
163    srcVRefNum      input:  Source volume specification.
164    srcDirID        input:  Source directory ID.
165    srcName         input:  Source directory name, or nil if
166                            srcDirID specifies the directory.
167    dstVRefNum      input:  Destination volume specification.
168    dstDirID        input:  Destination directory ID.
169    dstName         input:  Destination directory name, or nil if
170                            dstDirID specifies the directory.
171    copyName        input:  Points to the new directory name if the directory
172                            is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to
173                            be renamed.
174    copyBufferPtr   input:  Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that
175                            is used the i/o buffer for the copy or
176                            nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its
177                            own buffer in the application heap.
178    copyBufferSize  input:  The size of the buffer pointed to
179                            by copyBufferPtr.
180    preflight       input:  If true, DirectoryCopy makes sure there are
181                            enough allocation blocks on the destination
182                            volume to hold the directory's files before
183                            starting the copy.
184    copyErrHandler  input:  A pointer to the routine you want called if an
185                            error condition is detected during the copy, or
186                            nil if you don't want to handle error conditions.
187                            If you don't handle error conditions, the first
188                            error will cause the copy to quit and
189                            DirectoryCopy will return the error.
190                            Error handling is recommended...
191    copyFilterProc  input:  A pointer to the filter routine you want called
192                            for each item in the source directory, or NULL
193                            if you don't want to filter.
195    Result Codes
196        noErr               0       No error
197        readErr             �19     Driver does not respond to read requests
198        writErr             �20     Driver does not respond to write requests
199        badUnitErr          �21     Driver reference number does not
200                                    match unit table
201        unitEmptyErr        �22     Driver reference number specifies a
202                                    nil handle in unit table
203        abortErr            �27     Request aborted by KillIO
204        notOpenErr          �28     Driver not open
205        dskFulErr           -34     Destination volume is full
206        nsvErr              -35     No such volume
207        ioErr               -36     I/O error
208        bdNamErr            -37     Bad filename
209        tmfoErr             -42     Too many files open
210        fnfErr              -43     Source file not found, or destination
211                                    directory does not exist
212        wPrErr              -44     Volume locked by hardware
213        fLckdErr            -45     File is locked
214        vLckdErr            -46     Destination volume is read-only
215        fBsyErr             -47     The source or destination file could
216                                    not be opened with the correct access
217                                    modes
218        dupFNErr            -48     Destination file already exists
219        opWrErr             -49     File already open for writing
220        paramErr            -50     No default volume or function not
221                                    supported by volume
222        permErr             -54     File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
223        memFullErr          -108    Copy buffer could not be allocated
224        dirNFErr            -120    Directory not found or incomplete pathname
225        wrgVolTypErr        -123    Function not supported by volume
226        afpAccessDenied     -5000   User does not have the correct access
227        afpDenyConflict     -5006   The source or destination file could
228                                    not be opened with the correct access
229                                    modes
230        afpObjectTypeErr    -5025   Source is a directory, directory not found
231                                    or incomplete pathname
233    __________
235    Also see:   CopyErrProcPtr, CopyFilterProcPtr, FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy,
236                DirectoryCopy, FSpDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy
243  const FSSpec *      srcSpec,
244  const FSSpec *      dstSpec,
245  ConstStr255Param    copyName,
246  void *              copyBufferPtr,
247  long                copyBufferSize,
248  Boolean             preflight,
249  CopyErrProcPtr      copyErrHandler,
250  CopyFilterProcPtr   copyFilterProc);
254    The FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory
255    structure in a new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to
256    a buffer of copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data. The
257    larger the supplied buffer, the faster the copy. If
258    copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this routine allocates a buffer in the
259    application heap. If you pass a copy buffer to this routine, make
260    its size a multiple of 512 ($200) bytes for optimum performance.
262    The optional copyFilterProc parameter lets a routine you define
263    decide what files or directories are copied to the destination.
265    srcSpec         input:  An FSSpec record specifying the directory to copy.
266    dstSpec         input:  An FSSpec record specifying destination directory
267                            of the copy.
268    copyName        input:  Points to the new directory name if the directory
269                            is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to
270                            be renamed.
271    copyBufferPtr   input:  Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that
272                            is used the i/o buffer for the copy or
273                            nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its
274                            own buffer in the application heap.
275    copyBufferSize  input:  The size of the buffer pointed to
276                            by copyBufferPtr.
277    preflight       input:  If true, FSpDirectoryCopy makes sure there are
278                            enough allocation blocks on the destination
279                            volume to hold the directory's files before
280                            starting the copy.
281    copyErrHandler  input:  A pointer to the routine you want called if an
282                            error condition is detected during the copy, or
283                            nil if you don't want to handle error conditions.
284                            If you don't handle error conditions, the first
285                            error will cause the copy to quit and
286                            DirectoryCopy will return the error.
287                            Error handling is recommended...
288    copyFilterProc  input:  A pointer to the filter routine you want called
289                            for each item in the source directory, or NULL
290                            if you don't want to filter.
292    Result Codes
293        noErr               0       No error
294        readErr             �19     Driver does not respond to read requests
295        writErr             �20     Driver does not respond to write requests
296        badUnitErr          �21     Driver reference number does not
297                                    match unit table
298        unitEmptyErr        �22     Driver reference number specifies a
299                                    nil handle in unit table
300        abortErr            �27     Request aborted by KillIO
301        notOpenErr          �28     Driver not open
302        dskFulErr           -34     Destination volume is full
303        nsvErr              -35     No such volume
304        ioErr               -36     I/O error
305        bdNamErr            -37     Bad filename
306        tmfoErr             -42     Too many files open
307        fnfErr              -43     Source file not found, or destination
308                                    directory does not exist
309        wPrErr              -44     Volume locked by hardware
310        fLckdErr            -45     File is locked
311        vLckdErr            -46     Destination volume is read-only
312        fBsyErr             -47     The source or destination file could
313                                    not be opened with the correct access
314                                    modes
315        dupFNErr            -48     Destination file already exists
316        opWrErr             -49     File already open for writing
317        paramErr            -50     No default volume or function not
318                                    supported by volume
319        permErr             -54     File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
320        memFullErr          -108    Copy buffer could not be allocated
321        dirNFErr            -120    Directory not found or incomplete pathname
322        wrgVolTypErr        -123    Function not supported by volume
323        afpAccessDenied     -5000   User does not have the correct access
324        afpDenyConflict     -5006   The source or destination file could
325                                    not be opened with the correct access
326                                    modes
327        afpObjectTypeErr    -5025   Source is a directory, directory not found
328                                    or incomplete pathname
330    __________
332    Also see:   CopyErrProcPtr, CopyFilterProcPtr, FilteredDirectoryCopy,
333                DirectoryCopy, FSpDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy
340  short              srcVRefNum,
341  long               srcDirID,
342  ConstStr255Param   srcName,
343  short              dstVRefNum,
344  long               dstDirID,
345  ConstStr255Param   dstName,
346  ConstStr255Param   copyName,
347  void *             copyBufferPtr,
348  long               copyBufferSize,
349  Boolean            preflight,
350  CopyErrProcPtr     copyErrHandler);
354    The DirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory structure in a
355    new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to a buffer of
356    copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data.  The larger the
357    supplied buffer, the faster the copy.  If copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this
358    routine allocates a buffer in the application heap. If you pass a
359    copy buffer to this routine, make its size a multiple of 512
360    ($200) bytes for optimum performance.
362    DirectoryCopy normally creates a new directory *in* the specified
363    destination directory and copies the source directory's content into
364    the new directory. However, if root parent directory (fsRtParID)
365    is passed as the dstDirID parameter and NULL is passed as the
366    dstName parameter, DirectoryCopy renames the destination volume to
367    the source directory's name (truncating if the name is longer than
368    27 characters) and copies the source directory's content into the
369    destination volume's root directory. This special case is supported
370    by DirectoryCopy, but not by FSpDirectoryCopy since with
371    FSpDirectoryCopy, the dstName parameter can not be NULL.
373    srcVRefNum      input:  Source volume specification.
374    srcDirID        input:  Source directory ID.
375    srcName         input:  Source directory name, or nil if
376                            srcDirID specifies the directory.
377    dstVRefNum      input:  Destination volume specification.
378    dstDirID        input:  Destination directory ID.
379    dstName         input:  Destination directory name, or nil if
380                            dstDirID specifies the directory.
381    copyName        input:  Points to the new directory name if the directory
382                            is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to
383                            be renamed.
384    copyBufferPtr   input:  Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that
385                            is used the i/o buffer for the copy or
386                            nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its
387                            own buffer in the application heap.
388    copyBufferSize  input:  The size of the buffer pointed to
389                            by copyBufferPtr.
390    preflight       input:  If true, DirectoryCopy makes sure there are
391                            enough allocation blocks on the destination
392                            volume to hold the directory's files before
393                            starting the copy.
394    copyErrHandler  input:  A pointer to the routine you want called if an
395                            error condition is detected during the copy, or
396                            nil if you don't want to handle error conditions.
397                            If you don't handle error conditions, the first
398                            error will cause the copy to quit and
399                            DirectoryCopy will return the error.
400                            Error handling is recommended...
402    Result Codes
403        noErr               0       No error
404        readErr             �19     Driver does not respond to read requests
405        writErr             �20     Driver does not respond to write requests
406        badUnitErr          �21     Driver reference number does not
407                                    match unit table
408        unitEmptyErr        �22     Driver reference number specifies a
409                                    nil handle in unit table
410        abortErr            �27     Request aborted by KillIO
411        notOpenErr          �28     Driver not open
412        dskFulErr           -34     Destination volume is full
413        nsvErr              -35     No such volume
414        ioErr               -36     I/O error
415        bdNamErr            -37     Bad filename
416        tmfoErr             -42     Too many files open
417        fnfErr              -43     Source file not found, or destination
418                                    directory does not exist
419        wPrErr              -44     Volume locked by hardware
420        fLckdErr            -45     File is locked
421        vLckdErr            -46     Destination volume is read-only
422        fBsyErr             -47     The source or destination file could
423                                    not be opened with the correct access
424                                    modes
425        dupFNErr            -48     Destination file already exists
426        opWrErr             -49     File already open for writing
427        paramErr            -50     No default volume or function not
428                                    supported by volume
429        permErr             -54     File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
430        memFullErr          -108    Copy buffer could not be allocated
431        dirNFErr            -120    Directory not found or incomplete pathname
432        wrgVolTypErr        -123    Function not supported by volume
433        afpAccessDenied     -5000   User does not have the correct access
434        afpDenyConflict     -5006   The source or destination file could
435                                    not be opened with the correct access
436                                    modes
437        afpObjectTypeErr    -5025   Source is a directory, directory not found
438                                    or incomplete pathname
440    __________
442    Also see:   CopyErrProcPtr, FSpDirectoryCopy, FilteredDirectoryCopy,
443                FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy
450  const FSSpec *     srcSpec,
451  const FSSpec *     dstSpec,
452  ConstStr255Param   copyName,
453  void *             copyBufferPtr,
454  long               copyBufferSize,
455  Boolean            preflight,
456  CopyErrProcPtr     copyErrHandler);
460    The FSpDirectoryCopy function makes a copy of a directory structure in a
461    new location. If copyBufferPtr <> NIL, it points to a buffer of
462    copyBufferSize that is used to copy files data.  The larger the
463    supplied buffer, the faster the copy.  If copyBufferPtr = NIL, then this
464    routine allocates a buffer in the application heap. If you pass a
465    copy buffer to this routine, make its size a multiple of 512
466    ($200) bytes for optimum performance.
468    srcSpec         input:  An FSSpec record specifying the directory to copy.
469    dstSpec         input:  An FSSpec record specifying destination directory
470                            of the copy.
471    copyName        input:  Points to the new directory name if the directory
472                            is to be renamed or nil if the directory isn't to
473                            be renamed.
474    copyBufferPtr   input:  Points to a buffer of copyBufferSize that
475                            is used the i/o buffer for the copy or
476                            nil if you want DirectoryCopy to allocate its
477                            own buffer in the application heap.
478    copyBufferSize  input:  The size of the buffer pointed to
479                            by copyBufferPtr.
480    preflight       input:  If true, FSpDirectoryCopy makes sure there are
481                            enough allocation blocks on the destination
482                            volume to hold the directory's files before
483                            starting the copy.
484    copyErrHandler  input:  A pointer to the routine you want called if an
485                            error condition is detected during the copy, or
486                            nil if you don't want to handle error conditions.
487                            If you don't handle error conditions, the first
488                            error will cause the copy to quit and
489                            DirectoryCopy will return the error.
490                            Error handling is recommended...
492    Result Codes
493        noErr               0       No error
494        readErr             �19     Driver does not respond to read requests
495        writErr             �20     Driver does not respond to write requests
496        badUnitErr          �21     Driver reference number does not
497                                    match unit table
498        unitEmptyErr        �22     Driver reference number specifies a
499                                    nil handle in unit table
500        abortErr            �27     Request aborted by KillIO
501        notOpenErr          �28     Driver not open
502        dskFulErr           -34     Destination volume is full
503        nsvErr              -35     No such volume
504        ioErr               -36     I/O error
505        bdNamErr            -37     Bad filename
506        tmfoErr             -42     Too many files open
507        fnfErr              -43     Source file not found, or destination
508                                    directory does not exist
509        wPrErr              -44     Volume locked by hardware
510        fLckdErr            -45     File is locked
511        vLckdErr            -46     Destination volume is read-only
512        fBsyErr             -47     The source or destination file could
513                                    not be opened with the correct access
514                                    modes
515        dupFNErr            -48     Destination file already exists
516        opWrErr             -49     File already open for writing
517        paramErr            -50     No default volume or function not
518                                    supported by volume
519        permErr             -54     File is already open and cannot be opened using specified deny modes
520        memFullErr          -108    Copy buffer could not be allocated
521        dirNFErr            -120    Directory not found or incomplete pathname
522        wrgVolTypErr        -123    Function not supported by volume
523        afpAccessDenied     -5000   User does not have the correct access
524        afpDenyConflict     -5006   The source or destination file could
525                                    not be opened with the correct access
526                                    modes
527        afpObjectTypeErr    -5025   Source is a directory, directory not found
528                                    or incomplete pathname
530    __________
532    Also see:   CopyErrProcPtr, DirectoryCopy, FilteredDirectoryCopy,
533                FSpFilteredDirectoryCopy, FileCopy, FSpFileCopy
538#include "OptimizationEnd.h"
541    #pragma options align=reset
543    #pragma pack(pop)
545    #pragma pack()
549#pragma import off
551#pragma import reset
554#ifdef __cplusplus
558#endif /* __DIRECTORYCOPY__ */