2// Name:        pile.h
3// Purpose:     Forty Thieves patience game
4// Author:      Chris Breeze
5// Modified by:
6// Created:     21/07/97
7// RCS-ID:      $Id: pile.h 29660 2004-10-05 15:38:40Z ABX $
8// Copyright:   (c) 1993-1998 Chris Breeze
9// Licence:     wxWindows licence
11// Last modified: 22nd July 1998 - ported to wxWidgets 2.0
14//| Description:                                                |
15//| The base class for holding piles of playing cards.          |
16//| This is the basic building block for card games. A pile     |
17//| has a position on the screen and an offset for each         |
18//| card placed on it e.g. a pack has no offset, but the        |
19//| discard pile may be fanned out across the screen.           |
20//|                                                             |
21//| The pile knows how to draw itself, though this may be       |
22//| overridden if the default layout needs to be changed.       |
23//| One or more cards can be removed from the top of a pile,    |
24//| and single cards can be added to the top of a pile.         |
25//| Functions are provided which redraw the screen when         |
26//| cards are added or removed.                                 |
27//|                                                             |
28//| Cards know which way up they are and how to draw            |
29//| themselves. Piles are lists of cards. Piles know which      |
30//| cards they contain and where they are to be drawn.          |
32#ifndef _PILE_H_
33#define _PILE_H_
34#include "card.h"
36const int NumCards = 2 * PackSize;
40// A class defining a pile of cards with a position on the screen //
42class Pile {
44    Pile(int x, int y, int dx = 0, int dy = 0);
45    virtual ~Pile(){};
47    // General functions
48    virtual void ResetPile() { m_topCard = -1; }
49    virtual void Redraw(wxDC& pDC);
51    // Card query functions
52    virtual Card* GetCard(int x, int y); // Get pointer to card at x, y
53    Card* GetTopCard();                     // Get pointer to top card
54    virtual void GetCardPos(Card* card, int& x, int& y);
55    // Get position of a card
56    virtual void GetTopCardPos(int& x, int& y);
57    // Get position of the top card
58    int GetNumCards() { return m_topCard + 1; } // Number of cards in pile
59    bool Overlap(int x, int y); // does card at x,y overlap the pile?
60    int CalcDistance(int x, int y); // calculates the square of the distance
61                                    // of a card at (x,y) from the top of the pile
63    // Functions removing one or more cards from the top of a pile
64    virtual bool CanCardLeave(Card* card);
65    Card* RemoveTopCard();
66    virtual Card* RemoveTopCard(wxDC& pDC, int xOffset = 0, int yOffset = 0);
68    // Functions to add a card to the top of a pile
69    virtual bool AcceptCard(Card*) { return false; }
70    virtual void AddCard(Card* card); // Add card to top of pile
71    virtual void AddCard(wxDC& pDC, Card* card); // Add card + redraw it
72        void SetPos(int x,int y) {m_x = x;m_y = y;};
75    int   m_x, m_y; // Position of the pile on the screen
76    int   m_dx, m_dy; // Offset when drawing the pile
77    Card* m_cards[NumCards]; // Array of cards in this pile
78    int   m_topCard; // Array index of the top card
81#endif // _PILE_H_