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2Creating a Cross-Platform Build System Using Bakefile
3The 10-minute, do-it-yourself wx project baking guide (with free sample recipes!)
5Status: DRAFT
6Author: Kevin Ollivier
7Date: 2/13/04
8License: wxWidgets License
11Supporting many different platforms can be a difficult challenge. The
12challenge for wxWidgets is especially great, because it supports a variety of
13different compilers and development environments, including MSVC, Borland C++,
14MinGW, DevCPP, GNU make/automake, among others. Maintaining such a large
15number of different project files and formats can quickly become overwhelming.
16To simplify the maintenance of these formats, one of the wxWidgets developers,
17Vaclav Slavik, created Bakefile, a XML-based makefile wrapper that generates
18all the native project files for wxWidgets. So now, even though wxWidgets
19supports all these formats, wxWidgets developers need only update one file -
20the Bakefile, and it handles the rest. But Bakefile isn't specific to
21wxWidgets in any way - you can use Bakefile for your own projects, too. This
22brief tutorial will take a look at how to do that. 
24Note that this tutorial assumes that you are familiar with how to build
25software using one of the supported Bakefile makefile systems, that you have
26some basic familiarity with how makefiles work, and that you are capable of
27setting environment variables on your platform. Also note that the terms Unix
28and Unix-based refers to all operating systems that share a Unix heritage,
29including FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, and various other operating systems.
31-- Getting Started --
33First, you'll need to install Bakefile. You can always find the latest version
34for download online at http://bakefile.sf.net. A binary installer is provided
35for Windows users, while users of Unix-based operating systems (OS) will need
36to unpack the tarball and run configure && make && make install. (Packages for
37some distros are also available, check http://bakefile.sf.net for details.)
39-- Setting Up Your wx Build Environment --
41Before you can build wxWidgets software using Bakefile or any other build
42system, you need to make sure that wxWidgets is built and that wxWidgets
43projects can find the wxWidgets includes and library files. wxWidgets build
44instructions can be found by going to the docs subfolder, then looking for the
45subfolder that corresponds to your platform (i.e. msw, gtk, mac) and reading
46"install.txt" there. Once you've done that, here are some extra steps you
47should take to make sure your Bakefile projects work with wxWidgets:
49On Windows
51Once you've built wxWidgets, you should create an environment variable named
52WXWIN and set it to the home folder of your wxWidgets source tree. (If you use
53the command line to build, you can also set or override WXWIN at build time by
54passing it in as an option to your makefile.)
56On Unix
58In a standard install, you need not do anything so long as wx-config is on
59your PATH. wx-config is all you need. (See the section of the book on using
60wx-config for more information.)
62-- A Sample wx Project Bakefile --
64Now that everything is setup, it's time to take Bakefile for a test run. I
65recommend that you use the wx sample Bakefile to get you started. It can be
66found in the 'build/bakefiles/wxpresets/sample' directory in the wxWidgets
67source tree. Here is the minimal.bkl Bakefile used in the sample:
71<?xml version="1.0" ?>
72<!-- $Id: bakefile_quickstart.txt 37501 2006-02-11 18:41:11Z KO $ -->
76    <include file="presets/wx.bkl"/>
78    <exe id="minimal" template="wx">
79        <app-type>gui</app-type>
80        <debug-info>on</debug-info>
81        <runtime-libs>dynamic</runtime-libs>
83        <sources>minimal.cpp</sources>
85        <wx-lib>core</wx-lib>
86        <wx-lib>base</wx-lib>
87    </exe>
92It's a complete sample ready to be baked, so go into the directory mentioned
93above and run the following command: 
95On Windows:
96bakefile -f msvc -I.. minimal.bkl
98On Unix:
99bakefile -f gnu -I.. minimal.bkl
101It should generate a makefile (makefile.vc or GNUmakefile, respectively) which
102you can use to build the software. Just build the software using the command
103"nmake -f makefile.vc" or "make -f GNUmakefile" respectively. Now let's take a
104look at some of the basic Bakefile concepts that you'll need to know to move
105on from here.
107-- Project Types --
109As mentioned earlier, Bakefile builds makefiles for many different
110development environments. The -f option accepts a list of formats that you
111would like to build, separated by commas. Valid values are:
113    autoconf      GNU autoconf Makefile.in files
114    borland       Borland C/C++ makefiles
115    cbuilderx     C++ Builder X project files
116    dmars         Digital Mars makefiles
117    dmars_smake   Digital Mars makefiles for SMAKE
118    gnu           GNU toolchain makefiles (Unix)
119    mingw         MinGW makefiles (mingw32-make)
120    msevc4prj     MS eMbedded Visual C++ 4 project files
121    msvc          MS Visual C++ nmake makefiles
122    msvc6prj      MS Visual C++ 6.0 project files
123    watcom        OpenWatcom makefiles
125TIP: autoconf Project Type
127You may notice that in the sample folder, there is also a file called
128configure.in. That file is the input for autoconf, which creates the configure
129scripts that you often see when you build software from source on Unix-based
130platforms. People use configure scripts because they make your Unix makefiles
131more portable by automatically detecting the right libraries and commands to
132use on the user's machine and OS. This is necessary because there are many
133Unix-based operating systems and they all are slightly different in various
134small ways.
136Bakefile does not generate a configure or configure.in script, so if you want
137to use configure scripts with your Unix-based software, you will need to learn
138how to use autoconf. Unfortunately, this topic deserves a book all its own and
139is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but a book on the subject can be found
140online at: http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/. Note that you do not need to
141use automake when you are using Bakefile, just autoconf, as Bakefile
142essentially does the same thing as automake. 
145-- Targets --
147Every project needs to have a target or targets, specifying what is to be
148built. In Bakefile, you specify the target by creating a tag named with the
149target type. The possible names for targets are:
151    exe         create an executable file
152    dll         create a shared library
153    lib         create a static library
154    module      create a library that is loaded at runtime (i.e. a plugin)
156Note the sample above is an "exe" target. Once you create the target, all the
157build settings, including flags and linker options, should be placed inside
158the target tag, as they are in the sample above.
160-- Adding Sources and Includes --
162Obviously, you need to be able to add source and include files to your
163project. You add sources using the "<sources>" tag (as shown above), and add
164include directories using the "<include>" tag. You can add multiple <sources>
165and <include> tags to add multiple source files, or you can also add multiple
166sources and includes into one tag by separating them with a space, like so:
168<sources>minimal.cpp minimal2.cpp minimal3.cpp</sources>
170If your sources are in a subfolder of your Bakefile, you use the slash "/"
171character to denote directories, even on Windows. (i.e. src/minimal.cpp) For
172more options and flags, please consult the Bakefile documentation in the 'doc'
173subfolder of Bakefile, or you can also find it on the Bakefile web site.
175-- Build Options --
177What if you want to offer a DEBUG and a RELEASE build? Or a UNICODE/ANSI
178build? You can do this in Bakefile by creating options. To create an option,
179use the "<option>" tag. A typical option has three important parts: a name, a
180default value, and a comma-separated list of values. For example, here is how
181to create a DEBUG option which builds debug by default:
183<option name="DEBUG">
184    <default-value>1</default-value>
185    <values>0 1</values>
188You can then test the value of this option and conditionally set build
189settings, flags, etc. For more information on both options and conditional
190statements, please refer to the Bakefile documentation.
192-- Bakefile Presets/Templates and Includes --
194It is common that most projects will reuse certain settings, or options, in
195their makefiles. (i.e. DEBUG or static/dynamic library options) Also, it is
196common to have to use settings from another project; for example, any project
197that uses wxWidgets will need to build using the same flags and options that
198wxWidgets was built with. Bakefile makes these things easier by allowing users
199to create Bakefile templates, where you can store common settings. 
201Bakefile ships with a couple of templates, found in the 'presets' subfolder of
202your Bakefile installation. The "simple.bkl" template adds a DEBUG option to
203makefiles so you can build in release or debug mode. To add this template to
204your project, simply add the tag "<include file="presets/simple.bkl"/>" to the
205top of your Bakefile. Then, when creating your target, add the
206"template="simple"" attribute to it. Now, once you build the makefile, your
207users can write commands like:
209nmake -f makefile.vc DEBUG=1
213make -f GNUmakefile DEBUG=1
215In order to build the software in debug mode.
217To simplify the building of wxWidgets-based projects, wxWidgets contains a a
218set of Bakefiles that automatically configure your build system to be
219compatible with wxWidgets. As you'll notice in the sample above, the sample
220project uses the wx template. Once you've included the template, your software
221will now build with wxWidgets support. 
223But since the wx presets don't exist in the Bakefile presets subfolder,
224Bakefile needs to know where to find these presets. The "-I" command adds the
225wxpresets folder to Bakefile's search path. 
227If you regularly include Bakefile presets in places other than the Bakefile
228presets folder, then you can set the BAKEFILE_PATHS environment variable so
229that Bakefile can find these Bakefiles and include them in your project. This
230way you no longer need to specify the -I flag each time you build.
232Lastly, it's important to note that the Win 32 wx project Bakefiles come with
233some common build options that users can use when building the software. These
234options are: 
236    Option              Values              Description
237    ------              ------              -------------
238    WX_MONOLITHIC       0(default),1        Set this to 1 if you built wx 
239                                            as a monolithic library
240    WX_SHARED           0(default),1        Specify static or dynamic wx libs
241    WX_UNICODE          0(defualt),1        Use ANSI or UNICODE wx libs
242    WX_DEBUG            0,1(default)        Use release or debug wx libs
243    *WX_VERSION         25,26(default)      Specify version of wx libs
245*Note: Any version of wx past 2.5 will be allowed here, so 25/26 is not a
246complete list of values. 
248These options are not needed under Unix as wx-config can be used to specify
249these options.
251-- bakefile_gen - Automated Bakefile Scripts --
253If you have a large project, you can imagine that the calls to Bakefile would
254get more and more complex and unwieldly to manage. For this reason, a script
255called bakefile_gen was created, which reads in a .bkgen file that provides
256all the commands needed to build all the makefiles your project supports. A
257discussion of how to use bakefile_gen is beyond the scope of this tutorial,
258but it deserves mention because it can be invaluable to large projects.
259Documentation on bakefile_gen can be found in the Bakefile documentation.
261-- Conclusion --
263This concludes our basic tutorial of the cross-platform Bakefile build system
264management tool. From here, please be sure to take a good look at the Bakefile
265documentation to see what else it is capable of. Please post questions to the
266bakefile-devel@lists.sourceforge.net list, or if you have questions specific
267to the wx template Bakefile, send an email to wx-users@lists.wxwidgets.org.
269Enjoy using Bakefile!