package com.werken.saxpath
abstract com.werken.saxpath.TokenTypes extends java.lang.Object {
	public static final int LEFT_PAREN
	public static final int RIGHT_PAREN
	public static final int LEFT_BRACKET
	public static final int RIGHT_BRACKET
	public static final int PLUS
	public static final int MINUS
	public static final int LESS_THAN
	public static final int LESS_THAN_EQUALS
	public static final int GREATER_THAN
	public static final int GREATER_THAN_EQUALS
	public static final int SLASH
	public static final int DOUBLE_SLASH
	public static final int DOT
	public static final int DOT_DOT
	public static final int IDENTIFIER
	public static final int AT
	public static final int PIPE
	public static final int COLON
	public static final int DOUBLE_COLON
	public static final int STAR
	public static final int EQUALS
	public static final int NOT_EQUALS
	public static final int NOT
	public static final int DIV
	public static final int MOD
	public static final int DOLLAR
	public static final int LITERAL
	public static final int AND
	public static final int OR
	public static final int INTEGER
	public static final int DOUBLE
	public static final int COMMA
	public static final int SKIP
	public static final int EOF

package com.werken.saxpath
 com.werken.saxpath.XPathLexer extends java.lang.Object {
	private String xpath
	private int currentPosition
	private int endPosition
	private com.werken.saxpath.Token previousToken
	void  () 
	public void  (java.lang.String) 
		String xpath
	char LA (int) 
		int i
	com.werken.saxpath.Token and () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token at () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token colon () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token comma () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	void consume () 
	void consume (int) 
		int i
	int currentPosition () 
	com.werken.saxpath.Token div () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token dollar () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token dots () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token doubleColon () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	int endPosition () 
	com.werken.saxpath.Token equals () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token getPreviousToken () 
	public java.lang.String getXPath () 
	boolean hasMoreChars () 
	com.werken.saxpath.Token identifier () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
		int start
	com.werken.saxpath.Token identifierOrOperatorName () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
		com.werken.saxpath.Token previousToken
	boolean isIdentifierChar (char) 
		char c
	boolean isIdentifierStartChar (char) 
		char c
	com.werken.saxpath.Token leftBracket () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token leftParen () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token literal () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
		char match
		int start
	com.werken.saxpath.Token minus () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token mod () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	public com.werken.saxpath.Token nextToken () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token not () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token notEquals () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token number () 
		int start
		boolean periodAllowed
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token operatorName () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token or () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token pipe () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token plus () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token relationalOperator () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token rightBracket () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token rightParen () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	void setPreviousToken (com.werken.saxpath.Token) 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token previousToken
	void setXPath (java.lang.String) 
		String xpath
	com.werken.saxpath.Token slashes () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token star () 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	com.werken.saxpath.Token whitespace () 

package com.werken.saxpath
public com.werken.saxpath.XPathReader extends java.lang.Object implements org.saxpath.XPathReader com.werken.saxpath.TokenTypes  {
	private java.util.LinkedList tokens
	private com.werken.saxpath.XPathLexer lexer
	private org.saxpath.XPathHandler handler
	public void  () 
	int LA (int) 
		int position
	com.werken.saxpath.Token LT (int) 
		int position
		int i
	void abbrStep ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void absoluteLocationPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void additiveExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int operator
	void andExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		boolean create
	void arguments ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	int axisSpecifier ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int axis
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	void equalityExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int operator
	void expr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void filterExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void functionCall ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		String prefix
		String functionName
	public org.saxpath.XPathHandler getXPathHandler () 
	boolean isNodeTypeName (com.werken.saxpath.Token) 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token name
		String text
	void literal ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	void locationPath (boolean)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		boolean isAbsolute
	com.werken.saxpath.Token match (int) 
		int tokenType
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	void multiplicativeExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int operator
	void nameTest (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int axis
		String prefix
		String localName
	void nodeTest (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int axis
	void nodeTypeTest (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int axis
		String piName
		com.werken.saxpath.Token nodeTypeToken
		String nodeType
	void numberDouble ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	void numberInteger ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		com.werken.saxpath.Token token
	void orExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		boolean create
	public void parse (java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		String xpath
	void pathExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void predicate ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void predicateExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void predicates ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void relationalExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int operator
	void relativeLocationPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void setUpParse (java.lang.String) 
		String xpath
	public void setXPathHandler (org.saxpath.XPathHandler) 
		org.saxpath.XPathHandler handler
	void step (boolean)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		boolean first
		int axis
	void steps ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void throwInvalidAxis (java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		String invalidAxis
		String xpath
		int position
		String message
	void throwSyntaxException (java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		String message
		String xpath
		int position
	void throwUnexpected ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	void unaryExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		int operator
	void unionExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		boolean create
	void variableReference ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		String prefix
		String variableName

package com.werken.saxpath
 com.werken.saxpath.Token extends java.lang.Object {
	private int tokenType
	private String parseText
	private int tokenBegin
	private int tokenEnd
	public void  (int, java.lang.String, int, int) 
		int tokenType
		String parseText
		int tokenBegin
		int tokenEnd
	int getTokenBegin () 
	int getTokenEnd () 
	public java.lang.String getTokenText () 
	public int getTokenType () 
	private void setParseText (java.lang.String) 
		String parseText
	private void setTokenBegin (int) 
		int tokenBegin
	private void setTokenEnd (int) 
		int tokenEnd
	private void setTokenType (int) 
		int tokenType
	public java.lang.String toString () 

package com.werken.saxpath
 com.werken.saxpath.DefaultXPathHandler extends java.lang.Object implements org.saxpath.XPathHandler  {
	void  () 
	public void endAbsoluteLocationPath () 
	public void endAdditiveExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endAllNodeStep () 
	public void endAndExpr (boolean) 
		boolean create
	public void endCommentNodeStep () 
	public void endEqualityExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endFilterExpr () 
	public void endFunction () 
	public void endMultiplicativeExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endNameStep () 
	public void endOrExpr (boolean) 
		boolean create
	public void endPathExpr () 
	public void endPredicate () 
	public void endProcessingInstructionNodeStep () 
	public void endRelationalExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endRelativeLocationPath () 
	public void endTextNodeStep () 
	public void endUnaryExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endUnionExpr (boolean) 
		boolean create
	public void endXPath () 
	public static org.saxpath.XPathHandler getInstance () 
	public void literal (java.lang.String) 
		String literal
	public void number (double) 
		double number
	public void number (int) 
		int number
	public void startAbsoluteLocationPath () 
	public void startAdditiveExpr () 
	public void startAllNodeStep (int) 
		int axis
	public void startAndExpr () 
	public void startCommentNodeStep (int) 
		int axis
	public void startEqualityExpr () 
	public void startFilterExpr () 
	public void startFunction (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
		String prefix
		String functionName
	public void startMultiplicativeExpr () 
	public void startNameStep (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
		int axis
		String prefix
		String localName
	public void startOrExpr () 
	public void startPathExpr () 
	public void startPredicate () 
	public void startProcessingInstructionNodeStep (int, java.lang.String) 
		int axis
		String name
	public void startRelationalExpr () 
	public void startRelativeLocationPath () 
	public void startTextNodeStep (int) 
		int axis
	public void startUnaryExpr () 
	public void startUnionExpr () 
	public void startXPath () 
	public void variableReference (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
		String prefix
		String variableName

package com.werken.saxpath
 com.werken.saxpath.DefaultXPathHandler$Singleton extends java.lang.Object {
	static final com.werken.saxpath.DefaultXPathHandler instance
	static void  () 
	void  () 

package org.saxpath.helpers
public org.saxpath.helpers.XPathReaderFactory extends java.lang.Object {
	public static final String DRIVER_PROPERTY
	protected static final String DEFAULT_DRIVER
	private static boolean USE_DEFAULT
	static Class class$org$saxpath$helpers$XPathReaderFactory
	static Class class$org$saxpath$XPathReader
	static void  () 
	public void  () 
	static java.lang.Class class$ (java.lang.String) 
		String class$
		ClassNotFoundException forName
	public static org.saxpath.XPathReader createReader ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		String className
		boolean securityException
	public static org.saxpath.XPathReader createReader (java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
		String className
		Class readerClass
		org.saxpath.XPathReader reader
		ClassNotFoundException e
		IllegalAccessException e
		InstantiationException e

package org.saxpath
public abstract org.saxpath.SAXPathEventSource extends java.lang.Object {
	public abstract org.saxpath.XPathHandler getXPathHandler () 
	public abstract void setXPathHandler (org.saxpath.XPathHandler) 

package org.saxpath
public abstract org.saxpath.XPathReader extends java.lang.Object implements org.saxpath.SAXPathEventSource  {
	public abstract void parse (java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 

package org.saxpath.conformance
public org.saxpath.conformance.ConformanceXPathHandler extends java.lang.Object implements org.saxpath.XPathHandler  {
	private java.util.List events
	public void  () 
	private void addEvent (java.lang.String) 
		String eventStr
	public void endAbsoluteLocationPath () 
	public void endAdditiveExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endAllNodeStep () 
	public void endAndExpr (boolean) 
		boolean create
	public void endCommentNodeStep () 
	public void endEqualityExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endFilterExpr () 
	public void endFunction () 
	public void endMultiplicativeExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endNameStep () 
	public void endOrExpr (boolean) 
		boolean create
	public void endPathExpr () 
	public void endPredicate () 
	public void endProcessingInstructionNodeStep () 
	public void endRelationalExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endRelativeLocationPath () 
	public void endTextNodeStep () 
	public void endUnaryExpr (int) 
		int operator
	public void endUnionExpr (boolean) 
		boolean create
	public void endXPath () 
	public boolean equals (java.lang.Object) 
		Object thatObj
		org.saxpath.conformance.ConformanceXPathHandler that
	public void literal (java.lang.String) 
		String literal
	public void number (double) 
		double number
	public void number (int) 
		int number
	public void startAbsoluteLocationPath () 
	public void startAdditiveExpr () 
	public void startAllNodeStep (int) 
		int axis
	public void startAndExpr () 
	public void startCommentNodeStep (int) 
		int axis
	public void startEqualityExpr () 
	public void startFilterExpr () 
	public void startFunction (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
		String prefix
		String functionName
	public void startMultiplicativeExpr () 
	public void startNameStep (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
		int axis
		String prefix
		String localName
	public void startOrExpr () 
	public void startPathExpr () 
	public void startPredicate () 
	public void startProcessingInstructionNodeStep (int, java.lang.String) 
		int axis
		String name
	public void startRelationalExpr () 
	public void startRelativeLocationPath () 
	public void startTextNodeStep (int) 
		int axis
	public void startUnaryExpr () 
	public void startUnionExpr () 
	public void startXPath () 
	public java.lang.String toString () 
		java.util.Iterator eventIter
		int i
		StringBuffer buf
	public void variableReference (java.lang.String, java.lang.String) 
		String prefix
		String variableName

package org.saxpath
public abstract org.saxpath.Operator extends java.lang.Object {
	public static final int NO_OP
	public static final int EQUALS
	public static final int NOT_EQUALS
	public static final int LESS_THAN
	public static final int LESS_THAN_EQUALS
	public static final int GREATER_THAN
	public static final int GREATER_THAN_EQUALS
	public static final int ADD
	public static final int SUBTRACT
	public static final int MULTIPLY
	public static final int MOD
	public static final int DIV
	public static final int NEGATIVE

package org.saxpath
public org.saxpath.Axis extends java.lang.Object {
	public static final int INVALID_AXIS
	public static final int CHILD
	public static final int DESCENDANT
	public static final int PARENT
	public static final int ANCESTOR
	public static final int FOLLOWING_SIBLING
	public static final int PRECEDING_SIBLING
	public static final int FOLLOWING
	public static final int PRECEDING
	public static final int ATTRIBUTE
	public static final int NAMESPACE
	public static final int SELF
	public static final int DESCENDANT_OR_SELF
	public static final int ANCESTOR_OR_SELF
	public void  () 
	public static java.lang.String lookup (int) 
		int axisNum
	public static int lookup (java.lang.String) 
		String axisName

package org.saxpath
public org.saxpath.SAXPathException extends java.lang.Exception {
	public void  (java.lang.String) 
		String msg

package org.saxpath
public org.saxpath.XPathSyntaxException extends org.saxpath.SAXPathException {
	private String xpath
	private int position
	public void  (java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String) 
		String xpath
		int position
		String message
	public java.lang.String getMultilineMessage () 
		StringBuffer buf
	public int getPosition () 
	public java.lang.String getPositionMarker () 
		StringBuffer buf
		int pos
		int i
	public java.lang.String getXPath () 
	public java.lang.String toString () 

package org.saxpath
public abstract org.saxpath.XPathHandler extends java.lang.Object {
	public abstract void endAbsoluteLocationPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endAdditiveExpr (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endAllNodeStep ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endAndExpr (boolean)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endCommentNodeStep ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endEqualityExpr (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endFilterExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endFunction ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endMultiplicativeExpr (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endNameStep ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endOrExpr (boolean)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endPathExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endPredicate ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endProcessingInstructionNodeStep ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endRelationalExpr (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endRelativeLocationPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endTextNodeStep ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endUnaryExpr (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endUnionExpr (boolean)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void endXPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void literal (java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void number (double)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void number (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startAbsoluteLocationPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startAdditiveExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startAllNodeStep (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startAndExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startCommentNodeStep (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startEqualityExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startFilterExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startFunction (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startMultiplicativeExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startNameStep (int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startOrExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startPathExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startPredicate ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startProcessingInstructionNodeStep (int, java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startRelationalExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startRelativeLocationPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startTextNodeStep (int)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startUnaryExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startUnionExpr ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void startXPath ()  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 
	public abstract void variableReference (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)  throws org.saxpath.SAXPathException 

package org.saxpath
public org.saxpath.SAXPathParseException extends org.saxpath.SAXPathException {
	public void  (java.lang.String) 
		String msg