Theory revision 1.22
1Theory and pragmatics of the tz code and data
4----- Outline -----
6	Scope of the tz database
7	Names of time zone rules
8	Time zone abbreviations
9	Accuracy of the tz database
10	Time and date functions
11	Calendrical issues
12	Time and time zones on Mars
15----- Scope of the tz database -----
17The tz database attempts to record the history and predicted future of
18all computer-based clocks that track civil time.  To represent this
19data, the world is partitioned into regions whose clocks all agree
20about time stamps that occur after the somewhat-arbitrary cutoff point
21of the POSIX Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).  For each such region,
22the database records all known clock transitions, and labels the region
23with a notable location.  Although 1970 is a somewhat-arbitrary
24cutoff, there are significant challenges to moving the cutoff earlier
25even by a decade or two, due to the wide variety of local practices
26before computer timekeeping became prevalent.
28Clock transitions before 1970 are recorded for each such location,
29because most systems support time stamps before 1970 and could
30misbehave if data entries were omitted for pre-1970 transitions.
31However, the database is not designed for and does not suffice for
32applications requiring accurate handling of all past times everywhere,
33as it would take far too much effort and guesswork to record all
34details of pre-1970 civil timekeeping.
36As described below, reference source code for using the tz database is
37also available.  The tz code is upwards compatible with POSIX, an
38international standard for UNIX-like systems.  As of this writing, the
39current edition of POSIX is:
41  The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7
42  IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition
43  <>
47----- Names of time zone rules -----
49Each of the database's time zone rules has a unique name.
50Inexperienced users are not expected to select these names unaided.
51Distributors should provide documentation and/or a simple selection
52interface that explains the names; for one example, see the 'tzselect'
53program in the tz code.  The Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
54<> contains data that may be useful for other
55selection interfaces.
57The time zone rule naming conventions attempt to strike a balance
58among the following goals:
60 * Uniquely identify every region where clocks have agreed since 1970.
61   This is essential for the intended use: static clocks keeping local
62   civil time.
64 * Indicate to experts where that region is.
66 * Be robust in the presence of political changes.  For example, names
67   of countries are ordinarily not used, to avoid incompatibilities
68   when countries change their name (e.g. Zaire->Congo) or when
69   locations change countries (e.g. Hong Kong from UK colony to
70   China).
72 * Be portable to a wide variety of implementations.
74 * Use a consistent naming conventions over the entire world.
76Names normally have the form AREA/LOCATION, where AREA is the name
77of a continent or ocean, and LOCATION is the name of a specific
78location within that region.  North and South America share the same
79area, 'America'.  Typical names are 'Africa/Cairo', 'America/New_York',
80and 'Pacific/Honolulu'.
82Here are the general rules used for choosing location names,
83in decreasing order of importance:
85	Use only valid POSIX file name components (i.e., the parts of
86		names other than '/').  Do not use the file name
87		components '.' and '..'.  Within a file name component,
88		use only ASCII letters, '.', '-' and '_'.  Do not use
89		digits, as that might create an ambiguity with POSIX
90		TZ strings.  A file name component must not exceed 14
91		characters or start with '-'.  E.g., prefer 'Brunei'
92		to 'Bandar_Seri_Begawan'.  Exceptions: see the discussion
93		of legacy names below.
94	A name must not be empty, or contain '//', or start or end with '/'.
95	Do not use names that differ only in case.  Although the reference
96		implementation is case-sensitive, some other implementations
97		are not, and they would mishandle names differing only in case.
98	If one name A is an initial prefix of another name AB (ignoring case),
99		then B must not start with '/', as a regular file cannot have
100		the same name as a directory in POSIX.  For example,
101		'America/New_York' precludes 'America/New_York/Bronx'.
102	Uninhabited regions like the North Pole and Bouvet Island
103		do not need locations, since local time is not defined there.
104	There should typically be at least one name for each ISO 3166-1
105		officially assigned two-letter code for an inhabited country
106		or territory.
107	If all the clocks in a region have agreed since 1970,
108		don't bother to include more than one location
109		even if subregions' clocks disagreed before 1970.
110		Otherwise these tables would become annoyingly large.
111	If a name is ambiguous, use a less ambiguous alternative;
112		e.g. many cities are named San Jos�� and Georgetown, so
113		prefer 'Costa_Rica' to 'San_Jose' and 'Guyana' to 'Georgetown'.
114	Keep locations compact.  Use cities or small islands, not countries
115		or regions, so that any future time zone changes do not split
116		locations into different time zones.  E.g. prefer 'Paris'
117		to 'France', since France has had multiple time zones.
118	Use mainstream English spelling, e.g. prefer 'Rome' to 'Roma', and
119		prefer 'Athens' to the Greek '����������' or the Romanized 'Ath��na'.
120		The POSIX file name restrictions encourage this rule.
121	Use the most populous among locations in a zone,
122		e.g. prefer 'Shanghai' to 'Beijing'.  Among locations with
123		similar populations, pick the best-known location,
124		e.g. prefer 'Rome' to 'Milan'.
125	Use the singular form, e.g. prefer 'Canary' to 'Canaries'.
126	Omit common suffixes like '_Islands' and '_City', unless that
127		would lead to ambiguity.  E.g. prefer 'Cayman' to
128		'Cayman_Islands' and 'Guatemala' to 'Guatemala_City',
129		but prefer 'Mexico_City' to 'Mexico' because the country
130		of Mexico has several time zones.
131	Use '_' to represent a space.
132	Omit '.' from abbreviations in names, e.g. prefer 'St_Helena'
133		to 'St._Helena'.
134	Do not change established names if they only marginally
135		violate the above rules.  For example, don't change
136		the existing name 'Rome' to 'Milan' merely because
137		Milan's population has grown to be somewhat greater
138		than Rome's.
139	If a name is changed, put its old spelling in the 'backward' file.
140		This means old spellings will continue to work.
142The file '' lists geographical locations used to name time
143zone rules.  It is intended to be an exhaustive list of names for
144geographic regions as described above; this is a subset of the names
145in the data.  Although a '' location's longitude
146corresponds to its LMT offset with one hour for every 15 degrees east
147longitude, this relationship is not exact.
149Older versions of this package used a different naming scheme,
150and these older names are still supported.
151See the file 'backward' for most of these older names
152(e.g., 'US/Eastern' instead of 'America/New_York').
153The other old-fashioned names still supported are
154'WET', 'CET', 'MET', and 'EET' (see the file 'europe').
156Older versions of this package defined legacy names that are
157incompatible with the first rule of location names, but which are
158still supported.  These legacy names are mostly defined in the file
159'etcetera'.  Also, the file 'backward' defines the legacy names
160'GMT0', 'GMT-0', 'GMT+0' and 'Canada/East-Saskatchewan', and the file
161'northamerica' defines the legacy names 'EST5EDT', 'CST6CDT',
162'MST7MDT', and 'PST8PDT'.
164Excluding 'backward' should not affect the other data.  If
165'backward' is excluded, excluding 'etcetera' should not affect the
166remaining data.
169----- Time zone abbreviations -----
171When this package is installed, it generates time zone abbreviations
172like 'EST' to be compatible with human tradition and POSIX.
173Here are the general rules used for choosing time zone abbreviations,
174in decreasing order of importance:
176	Use three or more characters that are ASCII alphanumerics or '+' or '-'.
177		Previous editions of this database also used characters like
178		' ' and '?', but these characters have a special meaning to
179		the shell and cause commands like
180			set `date`
181		to have unexpected effects.
182		Previous editions of this rule required upper-case letters,
183		but the Congressman who introduced Chamorro Standard Time
184		preferred "ChST", so lower-case letters are now allowed.
185		Also, POSIX from 2001 on relaxed the rule to allow '-', '+',
186		and alphanumeric characters from the portable character set
187		in the current locale.  In practice ASCII alphanumerics and
188		'+' and '-' are safe in all locales.
190		In other words, in the C locale the POSIX extended regular
191		expression [-+[:alnum:]]{3,} should match the abbreviation.
192		This guarantees that all abbreviations could have been
193		specified by a POSIX TZ string.
195	Use abbreviations that are in common use among English-speakers,
196		e.g. 'EST' for Eastern Standard Time in North America.
197		We assume that applications translate them to other languages
198		as part of the normal localization process; for example,
199		a French application might translate 'EST' to 'HNE'.
201	For zones whose times are taken from a city's longitude, use the
202		traditional xMT notation, e.g. 'PMT' for Paris Mean Time.
203		The only name like this in current use is 'GMT'.
205	Use 'LMT' for local mean time of locations before the introduction
206		of standard time; see "Scope of the tz database".
208	If there is no common English abbreviation, use numeric offsets like
209		-05 and +0830 that are generated by zic's %z notation.
211    [The remaining guidelines predate the introduction of %z.
212    They are problematic as they mean tz data entries invent
213    notation rather than record it.  These guidelines are now
214    deprecated and the plan is to gradually move to %z for
215    inhabited locations and to "-00" for uninhabited locations.]
217	If there is no common English abbreviation, abbreviate the English
218		translation of the usual phrase used by native speakers.
219		If this is not available or is a phrase mentioning the country
220		(e.g. "Cape Verde Time"), then:
222		When a country is identified with a single or principal zone,
223			append 'T' to the country's ISO	code, e.g. 'CVT' for
224			Cape Verde Time.  For summer time append 'ST';
225			for double summer time append 'DST'; etc.
226		Otherwise, take the first three letters of an English place
227			name identifying each zone and append 'T', 'ST', etc.
228			as before; e.g. 'VLAST' for VLAdivostok Summer Time.
230	Use UT (with time zone abbreviation '-00') for locations while
231		uninhabited.  The leading '-' is a flag that the time
232		zone is in some sense undefined; this notation is
233		derived from Internet RFC 3339.
235Application writers should note that these abbreviations are ambiguous
236in practice: e.g. 'CST' has a different meaning in China than
237it does in the United States.  In new applications, it's often better
238to use numeric UT offsets like '-0600' instead of time zone
239abbreviations like 'CST'; this avoids the ambiguity.
242----- Accuracy of the tz database -----
244The tz database is not authoritative, and it surely has errors.
245Corrections are welcome and encouraged; see the file CONTRIBUTING.
246Users requiring authoritative data should consult national standards
247bodies and the references cited in the database's comments.
249Errors in the tz database arise from many sources:
251 * The tz database predicts future time stamps, and current predictions
252   will be incorrect after future governments change the rules.
253   For example, if today someone schedules a meeting for 13:00 next
254   October 1, Casablanca time, and tomorrow Morocco changes its
255   daylight saving rules, software can mess up after the rule change
256   if it blithely relies on conversions made before the change.
258 * The pre-1970 entries in this database cover only a tiny sliver of how
259   clocks actually behaved; the vast majority of the necessary
260   information was lost or never recorded.  Thousands more zones would
261   be needed if the tz database's scope were extended to cover even
262   just the known or guessed history of standard time; for example,
263   the current single entry for France would need to split into dozens
264   of entries, perhaps hundreds.  And in most of the world even this
265   approach would be misleading due to widespread disagreement or
266   indifference about what times should be observed.  In her 2015 book
267   "The Global Transformation of Time, 1870-1950", Vanessa Ogle writes
268   "Outside of Europe and North America there was no system of time
269   zones at all, often not even a stable landscape of mean times,
270   prior to the middle decades of the twentieth century".  See:
271   Timothy Shenk, Booked: A Global History of Time. Dissent 2015-12-17
274 * Most of the pre-1970 data entries come from unreliable sources, often
275   astrology books that lack citations and whose compilers evidently
276   invented entries when the true facts were unknown, without
277   reporting which entries were known and which were invented.
278   These books often contradict each other or give implausible entries,
279   and on the rare occasions when they are checked they are
280   typically found to be incorrect.
282 * For the UK the tz database relies on years of first-class work done by
283   Joseph Myers and others; see <>.
284   Other countries are not done nearly as well.
286 * Sometimes, different people in the same city would maintain clocks
287   that differed significantly.  Railway time was used by railroad
288   companies (which did not always agree with each other),
289   church-clock time was used for birth certificates, etc.
290   Often this was merely common practice, but sometimes it was set by law.
291   For example, from 1891 to 1911 the UT offset in France was legally
292   0:09:21 outside train stations and 0:04:21 inside.
294 * Although a named location in the tz database stands for the
295   containing region, its pre-1970 data entries are often accurate for
296   only a small subset of that region.  For example, Europe/London
297   stands for the United Kingdom, but its pre-1847 times are valid
298   only for locations that have London's exact meridian, and its 1847
299   transition to GMT is known to be valid only for the L&NW and the
300   Caledonian railways.
302 * The tz database does not record the earliest time for which a zone's
303   data entries are thereafter valid for every location in the region.
304   For example, Europe/London is valid for all locations in its
305   region after GMT was made the standard time, but the date of
306   standardization (1880-08-02) is not in the tz database, other than
307   in commentary.  For many zones the earliest time of validity is
308   unknown.
310 * The tz database does not record a region's boundaries, and in many
311   cases the boundaries are not known.  For example, the zone
312   America/Kentucky/Louisville represents a region around the city of
313   Louisville, the boundaries of which are unclear.
315 * Changes that are modeled as instantaneous transitions in the tz
316   database were often spread out over hours, days, or even decades.
318 * Even if the time is specified by law, locations sometimes
319   deliberately flout the law.
321 * Early timekeeping practices, even assuming perfect clocks, were
322   often not specified to the accuracy that the tz database requires.
324 * Sometimes historical timekeeping was specified more precisely
325   than what the tz database can handle.  For example, from 1909 to
326   1937 Netherlands clocks were legally UT +00:19:32.13, but the tz
327   database cannot represent the fractional second.
329 * Even when all the timestamp transitions recorded by the tz database
330   are correct, the tz rules that generate them may not faithfully
331   reflect the historical rules.  For example, from 1922 until World
332   War II the UK moved clocks forward the day following the third
333   Saturday in April unless that was Easter, in which case it moved
334   clocks forward the previous Sunday.  Because the tz database has no
335   way to specify Easter, these exceptional years are entered as
336   separate tz Rule lines, even though the legal rules did not change.
338 * The tz database models pre-standard time using the proleptic Gregorian
339   calendar and local mean time (LMT), but many people used other
340   calendars and other timescales.  For example, the Roman Empire used
341   the Julian calendar, and had 12 varying-length daytime hours with a
342   non-hour-based system at night.
344 * Early clocks were less reliable, and data entries do not represent
345   this unreliability.
347 * As for leap seconds, civil time was not based on atomic time before
348   1972, and we don't know the history of earth's rotation accurately
349   enough to map SI seconds to historical solar time to more than
350   about one-hour accuracy.  See: Morrison LV, Stephenson FR.
351   Historical values of the Earth's clock error Delta T and the
352   calculation of eclipses. J Hist Astron. 2004;35:327-36
353   <>;
354   Historical values of the Earth's clock error. J Hist Astron. 2005;36:339
355   <>.
357 * The relationship between POSIX time (that is, UTC but ignoring leap
358   seconds) and UTC is not agreed upon after 1972.  Although the POSIX
359   clock officially stops during an inserted leap second, at least one
360   proposed standard has it jumping back a second instead; and in
361   practice POSIX clocks more typically either progress glacially during
362   a leap second, or are slightly slowed while near a leap second.
364 * The tz database does not represent how uncertain its information is.
365   Ideally it would contain information about when data entries are
366   incomplete or dicey.  Partial temporal knowledge is a field of
367   active research, though, and it's not clear how to apply it here.
369In short, many, perhaps most, of the tz database's pre-1970 and future
370time stamps are either wrong or misleading.  Any attempt to pass the
371tz database off as the definition of time should be unacceptable to
372anybody who cares about the facts.  In particular, the tz database's
373LMT offsets should not be considered meaningful, and should not prompt
374creation of zones merely because two locations differ in LMT or
375transitioned to standard time at different dates.
378----- Time and date functions -----
380The tz code contains time and date functions that are upwards
381compatible with those of POSIX.
383POSIX has the following properties and limitations.
385*	In POSIX, time display in a process is controlled by the
386	environment variable TZ.  Unfortunately, the POSIX TZ string takes
387	a form that is hard to describe and is error-prone in practice.
388	Also, POSIX TZ strings can't deal with other (for example, Israeli)
389	daylight saving time rules, or situations where more than two
390	time zone abbreviations are used in an area.
392	The POSIX TZ string takes the following form:
394		stdoffset[dst[offset][,date[/time],date[/time]]]
396	where:
398	std and dst
399		are 3 or more characters specifying the standard
400		and daylight saving time (DST) zone names.
401		Starting with POSIX.1-2001, std and dst may also be
402		in a quoted form like "<UTC+10>"; this allows
403		"+" and "-" in the names.
404	offset
405		is of the form '[+-]hh:[mm[:ss]]' and specifies the
406		offset west of UT.  'hh' may be a single digit; 0<=hh<=24.
407		The default DST offset is one hour ahead of standard time.
408	date[/time],date[/time]
409		specifies the beginning and end of DST.  If this is absent,
410		the system supplies its own rules for DST, and these can
411		differ from year to year; typically US DST rules are used.
412	time
413		takes the form 'hh:[mm[:ss]]' and defaults to 02:00.
414		This is the same format as the offset, except that a
415		leading '+' or '-' is not allowed.
416	date
417		takes one of the following forms:
418		Jn (1<=n<=365)
419			origin-1 day number not counting February 29
420		n (0<=n<=365)
421			origin-0 day number counting February 29 if present
422		Mm.n.d (0[Sunday]<=d<=6[Saturday], 1<=n<=5, 1<=m<=12)
423			for the dth day of week n of month m of the year,
424			where week 1 is the first week in which day d appears,
425			and '5' stands for the last week in which day d appears
426			(which may be either the 4th or 5th week).
427			Typically, this is the only useful form;
428			the n and Jn forms are rarely used.
430	Here is an example POSIX TZ string, for US Pacific time using rules
431	appropriate from 1987 through 2006:
433		TZ='PST8PDT,M4.1.0/02:00,M10.5.0/02:00'
435	This POSIX TZ string is hard to remember, and mishandles time stamps
436	before 1987 and after 2006.  With this package you can use this
437	instead:
439		TZ='America/Los_Angeles'
441*	POSIX does not define the exact meaning of TZ values like "EST5EDT".
442	Typically the current US DST rules are used to interpret such values,
443	but this means that the US DST rules are compiled into each program
444	that does time conversion.  This means that when US time conversion
445	rules change (as in the United States in 1987), all programs that
446	do time conversion must be recompiled to ensure proper results.
448*	The TZ environment variable is process-global, which makes it hard
449	to write efficient, thread-safe applications that need access
450	to multiple time zones.
452*	In POSIX, there's no tamper-proof way for a process to learn the
453	system's best idea of local wall clock.  (This is important for
454	applications that an administrator wants used only at certain times -
455	without regard to whether the user has fiddled the "TZ" environment
456	variable.  While an administrator can "do everything in UTC" to get
457	around the problem, doing so is inconvenient and precludes handling
458	daylight saving time shifts - as might be required to limit phone
459	calls to off-peak hours.)
461*	POSIX provides no convenient and efficient way to determine the UT
462	offset and time zone abbreviation of arbitrary time stamps,
463	particularly for time zone settings that do not fit into the
464	POSIX model.
466*	POSIX requires that systems ignore leap seconds.
468*	The tz code attempts to support all the time_t implementations
469	allowed by POSIX.  The time_t type represents a nonnegative count of
470	seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC, ignoring leap seconds.
471	In practice, time_t is usually a signed 64- or 32-bit integer; 32-bit
472	signed time_t values stop working after 2038-01-19 03:14:07 UTC, so
473	new implementations these days typically use a signed 64-bit integer.
474	Unsigned 32-bit integers are used on one or two platforms,
475	and 36-bit and 40-bit integers are also used occasionally.
476	Although earlier POSIX versions allowed time_t to be a
477	floating-point type, this was not supported by any practical
478	systems, and POSIX.1-2013 and the tz code both require time_t
479	to be an integer type.
481These are the extensions that have been made to the POSIX functions:
483*	The "TZ" environment variable is used in generating the name of a file
484	from which time zone information is read (or is interpreted a la
485	POSIX); "TZ" is no longer constrained to be a three-letter time zone
486	name followed by a number of hours and an optional three-letter
487	daylight time zone name.  The daylight saving time rules to be used
488	for a particular time zone are encoded in the time zone file;
489	the format of the file allows U.S., Australian, and other rules to be
490	encoded, and allows for situations where more than two time zone
491	abbreviations are used.
493	It was recognized that allowing the "TZ" environment variable to
494	take on values such as "America/New_York" might cause "old" programs
495	(that expect "TZ" to have a certain form) to operate incorrectly;
496	consideration was given to using some other environment variable
497	(for example, "TIMEZONE") to hold the string used to generate the
498	time zone information file name.  In the end, however, it was decided
499	to continue using "TZ": it is widely used for time zone purposes;
500	separately maintaining both "TZ" and "TIMEZONE" seemed a nuisance;
501	and systems where "new" forms of "TZ" might cause problems can simply
502	use TZ values such as "EST5EDT" which can be used both by
503	"new" programs (a la POSIX) and "old" programs (as zone names and
504	offsets).
506*	The code supports platforms with a UT offset member in struct tm,
507	e.g., tm_gmtoff.
509*	The code supports platforms with a time zone abbreviation member in
510	struct tm, e.g., tm_zone.
512*	Since the "TZ" environment variable can now be used to control time
513	conversion, the "daylight" and "timezone" variables are no longer
514	needed.  (These variables are defined and set by "tzset"; however, their
515	values will not be used by "localtime.")
517*	Functions tzalloc, tzfree, localtime_rz, and mktime_z for
518	more-efficient thread-safe applications that need to use
519	multiple time zones.  The tzalloc and tzfree functions
520	allocate and free objects of type timezone_t, and localtime_rz
521	and mktime_z are like localtime_r and mktime with an extra
522	timezone_t argument.  The functions were inspired by NetBSD.
524*	A function "tzsetwall" has been added to arrange for the system's
525	best approximation to local wall clock time to be delivered by
526	subsequent calls to "localtime."  Source code for portable
527	applications that "must" run on local wall clock time should call
528	"tzsetwall();" if such code is moved to "old" systems that don't
529	provide tzsetwall, you won't be able to generate an executable program.
530	(These time zone functions also arrange for local wall clock time to be
531	used if tzset is called - directly or indirectly - and there's no "TZ"
532	environment variable; portable applications should not, however, rely
533	on this behavior since it's not the way SVR2 systems behave.)
535*	Negative time_t values are supported, on systems where time_t is signed.
537*	These functions can account for leap seconds, thanks to Bradley White.
539Points of interest to folks with other systems:
541*	Code compatible with this package is already part of many platforms,
542	including GNU/Linux, Android, the BSDs, Chromium OS, Cygwin, AIX, iOS,
543	BlackBery 10, macOS, Microsoft Windows, OpenVMS, and Solaris.
544	On such hosts, the primary use of this package
545	is to update obsolete time zone rule tables.
546	To do this, you may need to compile the time zone compiler
547	'zic' supplied with this package instead of using the system 'zic',
548	since the format of zic's input is occasionally extended,
549	and a platform may still be shipping an older zic.
551*	The UNIX Version 7 "timezone" function is not present in this package;
552	it's impossible to reliably map timezone's arguments (a "minutes west
553	of GMT" value and a "daylight saving time in effect" flag) to a
554	time zone abbreviation, and we refuse to guess.
555	Programs that in the past used the timezone function may now examine
556	tzname[localtime(&clock)->tm_isdst] to learn the correct time
557	zone abbreviation to use.  Alternatively, use
558	localtime(&clock)->tm_zone if this has been enabled.
560*	The 4.2BSD gettimeofday function is not used in this package.
561	This formerly let users obtain the current UTC offset and DST flag,
562	but this functionality was removed in later versions of BSD.
564*	In SVR2, time conversion fails for near-minimum or near-maximum
565	time_t values when doing conversions for places that don't use UT.
566	This package takes care to do these conversions correctly.
567	A comment in the source code tells how to get compatibly wrong
568	results.
570The functions that are conditionally compiled if STD_INSPIRED is defined
571should, at this point, be looked on primarily as food for thought.  They are
572not in any sense "standard compatible" - some are not, in fact, specified in
573*any* standard.  They do, however, represent responses of various authors to
574standardization proposals.
576Other time conversion proposals, in particular the one developed by folks at
577Hewlett Packard, offer a wider selection of functions that provide capabilities
578beyond those provided here.  The absence of such functions from this package
579is not meant to discourage the development, standardization, or use of such
580functions.  Rather, their absence reflects the decision to make this package
581contain valid extensions to POSIX, to ensure its broad acceptability.  If
582more powerful time conversion functions can be standardized, so much the
586----- Interface stability -----
588The tz code and data supply the following interfaces:
590 * A set of zone names as per "Names of time zone rules" above.
592 * Library functions described in "Time and date functions" above.
594 * The programs tzselect, zdump, and zic, documented in their man pages.
596 * The format of zic input files, documented in the zic man page.
598 * The format of zic output files, documented in the tzfile man page.
600 * The format of zone table files, documented in
602 * The format of the country code file, documented in
604When these interfaces are changed, an effort is made to preserve
605backward compatibility.  For example, tz data files typically do not
606rely on recently-added zic features, so that users can run older zic
607versions to process newer data files.
609Interfaces not listed above are less stable.  For example, users
610should not rely on particular UT offsets or abbreviations for time
611stamps, as data entries are often based on guesswork and these guesses
612may be corrected or improved.
615----- Calendrical issues -----
617Calendrical issues are a bit out of scope for a time zone database,
618but they indicate the sort of problems that we would run into if we
619extended the time zone database further into the past.  An excellent
620resource in this area is Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold,
621Calendrical Calculations: Third Edition, Cambridge University Press (2008)
623Other information and sources are given below.  They sometimes disagree.
628Gregorian calendar adopted 1582-12-20.
629French Revolutionary calendar used 1793-11-24 through 1805-12-31,
630and (in Paris only) 1871-05-06 through 1871-05-23.
635From Chris Carrier (1996-12-02):
636On 1929-10-01 the Soviet Union instituted an "Eternal Calendar"
637with 30-day months plus 5 holidays, with a 5-day week.
638On 1931-12-01 it changed to a 6-day week; in 1934 it reverted to the
639Gregorian calendar while retaining the 6-day week; on 1940-06-27 it
640reverted to the 7-day week.  With the 6-day week the usual days
641off were the 6th, 12th, 18th, 24th and 30th of the month.
642(Source: Evitiar Zerubavel, _The Seven Day Circle_)
645Mark Brader reported a similar story in "The Book of Calendars", edited
646by Frank Parise (1982, Facts on File, ISBN 0-8719-6467-8), page 377.  But:
648From: Petteri Sulonen (via Usenet)
649Date: 14 Jan 1999 00:00:00 GMT
652If your source is correct, how come documents between 1929 and 1940 were
653still dated using the conventional, Gregorian calendar?
655I can post a scan of a document dated December 1, 1934, signed by
656Yenukidze, the secretary, on behalf of Kalinin, the President of the
657Executive Committee of the Supreme Soviet, if you like.
661Sweden (and Finland)
663From: Mark Brader
664Subject: Re: Gregorian reform - a part of locale?
666Date: 1996-07-06
668In 1700, Denmark made the transition from Julian to Gregorian.  Sweden
669decided to *start* a transition in 1700 as well, but rather than have one of
670those unsightly calendar gaps :-), they simply decreed that the next leap
671year after 1696 would be in 1744 - putting the whole country on a calendar
672different from both Julian and Gregorian for a period of 40 years.
674However, in 1704 something went wrong and the plan was not carried through;
675they did, after all, have a leap year that year.  And one in 1708.  In 1712
676they gave it up and went back to Julian, putting 30 days in February that
679Then in 1753, Sweden made the transition to Gregorian in the usual manner,
680getting there only 13 years behind the original schedule.
682(A previous posting of this story was challenged, and Swedish readers
683produced the following references to support it: "Tider��kning och historia"
684by Natanael Beckman (1924) and "Tid, en bok om tider��kning och
685kalenderv��sen" by Lars-Olof Lod��n (1968).
688Grotefend's data
690From: "Michael Palmer" [with one obvious typo fixed]
691Subject: Re: Gregorian Calendar (was Re: Another FHC related question
692Newsgroups: soc.genealogy.german
693Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 02:32:48 -800
696The following is a(n incomplete) listing, arranged chronologically, of
697European states, with the date they converted from the Julian to the
698Gregorian calendar:
70004/15 Oct 1582 - Italy (with exceptions), Spain, Portugal, Poland (Roman
701                 Catholics and Danzig only)
70209/20 Dec 1582 - France, Lorraine
70421 Dec 1582/
705   01 Jan 1583 - Holland, Brabant, Flanders, Hennegau
70610/21 Feb 1583 - bishopric of Liege (L��ttich)
70713/24 Feb 1583 - bishopric of Augsburg
70804/15 Oct 1583 - electorate of Trier
70905/16 Oct 1583 - Bavaria, bishoprics of Freising, Eichstedt, Regensburg,
710                 Salzburg, Brixen
71113/24 Oct 1583 - Austrian Oberelsa�� and Breisgau
71220/31 Oct 1583 - bishopric of Basel
71302/13 Nov 1583 - duchy of J��lich-Berg
71402/13 Nov 1583 - electorate and city of K��ln
71504/15 Nov 1583 - bishopric of W��rzburg
71611/22 Nov 1583 - electorate of Mainz
71716/27 Nov 1583 - bishopric of Strassburg and the margraviate of Baden
71817/28 Nov 1583 - bishopric of M��nster and duchy of Cleve
71914/25 Dec 1583 - Steiermark
72106/17 Jan 1584 - Austria and Bohemia
72211/22 Jan 1584 - Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz, Zug, Freiburg, Solothurn
72312/23 Jan 1584 - Silesia and the Lausitz
72422 Jan/
725   02 Feb 1584 - Hungary (legally on 21 Oct 1587)
726      Jun 1584 - Unterwalden
72701/12 Jul 1584 - duchy of Westfalen
72916/27 Jun 1585 - bishopric of Paderborn
73114/25 Dec 1590 - Transylvania
73322 Aug/
734   02 Sep 1612 - duchy of Prussia
73613/24 Dec 1614 - Pfalz-Neuburg
738          1617 - duchy of Kurland (reverted to the Julian calendar in
739                 1796)
741          1624 - bishopric of Osnabr��ck
743          1630 - bishopric of Minden
74515/26 Mar 1631 - bishopric of Hildesheim
747          1655 - Kanton Wallis
74905/16 Feb 1682 - city of Strassburg
75118 Feb/
752   01 Mar 1700 - Protestant Germany (including Swedish possessions in
753                 Germany), Denmark, Norway
75430 Jun/
755   12 Jul 1700 - Gelderland, Zutphen
75610 Nov/
757   12 Dec 1700 - Utrecht, Overijssel
75931 Dec 1700/
760   12 Jan 1701 - Friesland, Groningen, Z��rich, Bern, Basel, Geneva,
761                 Turgau, and Schaffhausen
763          1724 - Glarus, Appenzell, and the city of St. Gallen
76501 Jan 1750    - Pisa and Florence
76702/14 Sep 1752 - Great Britain
76917 Feb/
770   01 Mar 1753 - Sweden
7721760-1812      - Graub��nden
774The Russian empire (including Finland and the Baltic states) did not
775convert to the Gregorian calendar until the Soviet revolution of 1917.
777Source: H. Grotefend, _Taschenbuch der Zeitrechnung des deutschen
778Mittelalters und der Neuzeit_, herausgegeben von Dr. O. Grotefend
779(Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1941), pp. 26-28.
782----- Time and time zones on Mars -----
784Some people's work schedules use Mars time.  Jet Propulsion Laboratory
785(JPL) coordinators have kept Mars time on and off at least since 1997
786for the Mars Pathfinder mission.  Some of their family members have
787also adapted to Mars time.  Dozens of special Mars watches were built
788for JPL workers who kept Mars time during the Mars Exploration
789Rovers mission (2004).  These timepieces look like normal Seikos and
790Citizens but use Mars seconds rather than terrestrial seconds.
792A Mars solar day is called a "sol" and has a mean period equal to
793about 24 hours 39 minutes 35.244 seconds in terrestrial time.  It is
794divided into a conventional 24-hour clock, so each Mars second equals
795about 1.02749125 terrestrial seconds.
797The prime meridian of Mars goes through the center of the crater
798Airy-0, named in honor of the British astronomer who built the
799Greenwich telescope that defines Earth's prime meridian.  Mean solar
800time on the Mars prime meridian is called Mars Coordinated Time (MTC).
802Each landed mission on Mars has adopted a different reference for
803solar time keeping, so there is no real standard for Mars time zones.
804For example, the Mars Exploration Rover project (2004) defined two
805time zones "Local Solar Time A" and "Local Solar Time B" for its two
806missions, each zone designed so that its time equals local true solar
807time at approximately the middle of the nominal mission.  Such a "time
808zone" is not particularly suited for any application other than the
809mission itself.
811Many calendars have been proposed for Mars, but none have achieved
812wide acceptance.  Astronomers often use Mars Sol Date (MSD) which is a
813sequential count of Mars solar days elapsed since about 1873-12-29
81412:00 GMT.
816The tz database does not currently support Mars time, but it is
817documented here in the hopes that support will be added eventually.
821Michael Allison and Robert Schmunk,
822"Technical Notes on Mars Solar Time as Adopted by the Mars24 Sunclock"
823<> (2012-08-08).
825Jia-Rui Chong, "Workdays Fit for a Martian", Los Angeles Times
827(2004-01-14), pp A1, A20-A21.
829Tom Chmielewski, "Jet Lag Is Worse on Mars", The Atlantic (2015-02-26)
834This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of 2009-05-17 by
835Arthur David Olson.
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