Theory revision 1.2
1#	$NetBSD: Theory,v 1.2 1998/01/09 04:11:55 perry Exp $
2from: @(#)Theory	7.5
5----- Outline -----
7	Time and date functions
8	Names of time zone regions
9	Time zone abbreviations
12----- Time and date functions -----
14These time and date functions are upwards compatible with POSIX.1,
15an international standard for Unix-like systems.
16As of this writing, the current edition of POSIX.1 is:
18  Information technology --Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX (R))
19  -- Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language]
20  ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996
21  ANSI/IEEE Std 1003.1, 1996 Edition
22  1996-07-12
24POSIX.1 has the following properties and limitations.
26*	In POSIX.1, time display in a process is controlled by the
27	environment variable TZ.  Unfortunately, the POSIX.1 TZ string takes
28	a form that is hard to describe and is error-prone in practice.
29	Also, POSIX.1 TZ strings can't deal with other (for example, Israeli)
30	daylight saving time rules, or situations where more than two
31	time zone abbreviations are used in an area.
33	The POSIX.1 TZ string takes the following form:
35		stdoffset[dst[offset],date[/time],date[/time]]
37	where:
39	std and dst
40		are 3 or more characters specifying the standard
41		and daylight saving time (DST) zone names.
42	offset
43		is of the form `[-]hh:[mm[:ss]]' and specifies the
44		offset west of UTC.  The default DST offset is one hour
45		ahead of standard time.
46	date[/time],date[/time]
47		specifies the beginning and end of DST.  If this is absent,
48		the system supplies its own rules for DST, and these can
49		differ from year to year; typically US DST rules are used.
50	time
51		takes the form `hh:[mm[:ss]]' and defaults to 02:00.
52	date
53		takes one of the following forms:
54		Jn (1<=n<=365)
55			origin-1 day number not counting February 29
56		n (0<=n<=365)
57			origin-0 day number counting February 29 if present
58		Mm.n.d (0[Sunday]<=d<=6[Saturday], 1<=n<=5, 1<=m<=12)
59			for the dth day of week n of month m of the year,
60			where week 1 is the first week in which day d appears,
61			and `5' stands for the last week in which day d appears
62			(which may be either the 4th or 5th week).
64*	In POSIX.1, when a TZ value like "EST5EDT" is parsed,
65	typically the current US DST rules are used,
66	but this means that the US DST rules are compiled into each program
67	that does time conversion.  This means that when US time conversion
68	rules change (as in the United States in 1987), all programs that
69	do time conversion must be recompiled to ensure proper results.
71*	In POSIX.1, there's no tamper-proof way for a process to learn the
72	system's best idea of local wall clock.  (This is important for
73	applications that an administrator wants used only at certain times--
74	without regard to whether the user has fiddled the "TZ" environment
75	variable.  While an administrator can "do everything in GMT" to get
76	around the problem, doing so is inconvenient and precludes handling
77	daylight saving time shifts--as might be required to limit phone
78	calls to off-peak hours.)
80*	POSIX.1 requires that systems ignore leap seconds.
82These are the extensions that have been made to the POSIX.1 functions:
84*	The "TZ" environment variable is used in generating the name of a file
85	from which time zone information is read (or is interpreted a la
86	POSIX); "TZ" is no longer constrained to be a three-letter time zone
87	name followed by a number of hours and an optional three-letter
88	daylight time zone name.  The daylight saving time rules to be used
89	for a particular time zone are encoded in the time zone file;
90	the format of the file allows U.S., Australian, and other rules to be
91	encoded, and allows for situations where more than two time zone
92	abbreviations are used.
94	It was recognized that allowing the "TZ" environment variable to
95	take on values such as "America/New_York" might cause "old" programs
96	(that expect "TZ" to have a certain form) to operate incorrectly;
97	consideration was given to using some other environment variable
98	(for example, "TIMEZONE") to hold the string used to generate the
99	time zone information file name.  In the end, however, it was decided
100	to continue using "TZ":  it is widely used for time zone purposes;
101	separately maintaining both "TZ" and "TIMEZONE" seemed a nuisance;
102	and systems where "new" forms of "TZ" might cause problems can simply
103	use TZ values such as "EST5EDT" which can be used both by
104	"new" programs (a la POSIX) and "old" programs (as zone names and
105	offsets).
107*	To handle places where more than two time zone abbreviations are used,
108	the functions "localtime" and "gmtime" set tzname[tmp->tm_isdst]
109	(where "tmp" is the value the function returns) to the time zone
110	abbreviation to be used.  This differs from POSIX.1, where the elements
111	of tzname are only changed as a result of calls to tzset.
113*	Since the "TZ" environment variable can now be used to control time
114	conversion, the "daylight" and "timezone" variables are no longer
115	needed.  (These variables are defined and set by "tzset"; however, their
116	values will not be used by "localtime.")
118*	The "localtime" function has been set up to deliver correct results
119	for near-minimum or near-maximum time_t values.  (A comment in the
120	source code tells how to get compatibly wrong results).
122*	A function "tzsetwall" has been added to arrange for the system's
123	best approximation to local wall clock time to be delivered by
124	subsequent calls to "localtime."  Source code for portable
125	applications that "must" run on local wall clock time should call
126	"tzsetwall();" if such code is moved to "old" systems that don't
127	provide tzsetwall, you won't be able to generate an executable program.
128	(These time zone functions also arrange for local wall clock time to be
129	used if tzset is called--directly or indirectly--and there's no "TZ"
130	environment variable; portable applications should not, however, rely
131	on this behavior since it's not the way SVR2 systems behave.)
133*	These functions can account for leap seconds, thanks to Bradley White
134	(
136Points of interest to folks with other systems:
138*	This package is already part of many POSIX-compliant hosts,
139	including BSD, HP, Linux, Network Appliance, SCO, SGI, and Sun.
140	On such hosts, the primary use of this package
141	is to update obsolete time zone rule tables.
142	To do this, you may need to compile the time zone compiler
143	`zic' supplied with this package instead of using the system `zic',
144	since the format of zic's input changed slightly in late 1994,
145	and many vendors still do not support the new input format.
147*	The Unix Version 7 "timezone" function is not present in this package;
148	it's impossible to reliably map timezone's arguments (a "minutes west
149	of GMT" value and a "daylight saving time in effect" flag) to a
150	time zone abbreviation, and we refuse to guess.
151	Programs that in the past used the timezone function may now examine
152	tzname[localtime(&clock)->tm_isdst] to learn the correct time
153	zone abbreviation to use.  Alternatively, use
154	localtime(&clock)->tm_zone if this has been enabled.
156*	The 4.2BSD gettimeofday function is not used in this package.
157	This formerly let users obtain the current UTC offset and DST flag,
158	but this functionality was removed in later versions of BSD.
160*	In SVR2, time conversion fails for near-minimum or near-maximum
161	time_t values when doing conversions for places that don't use GMT.
162	This package takes care to do these conversions correctly.
164The functions that are conditionally compiled if STD_INSPIRED is defined
165should, at this point, be looked on primarily as food for thought.  They are
166not in any sense "standard compatible"--some are not, in fact, specified in
167*any* standard.  They do, however, represent responses of various authors to
168standardization proposals.
170Other time conversion proposals, in particular the one developed by folks at
171Hewlett Packard, offer a wider selection of functions that provide capabilities
172beyond those provided here.  The absence of such functions from this package
173is not meant to discourage the development, standardization, or use of such
174functions.  Rather, their absence reflects the decision to make this package
175contain valid extensions to POSIX.1, to ensure its broad
176acceptability.  If more powerful time conversion functions can be standardized,
177so much the better.
180----- Names of time zone rule files -----
182The names of this package's installed time zone rule files are chosen to
183help minimize possible future incompatibilities due to political events.
184Ordinarily, names of countries are not used, to avoid incompatibilities
185when countries change their name (e.g. Zaire->Congo) or
186when locations change countries (e.g. Hong Kong from UK colony to China).
188Names normally have the form AREA/LOCATION, where AREA is the name
189of a continent or ocean, and LOCATION is the name of a specific
190location within that region.  North and South America share the same
191area, `America'.  Typical names are `Africa/Cairo', `America/New_York',
192and `Pacific/Honolulu'.
194Here are the general rules used for choosing location names,
195in decreasing order of importance:
197	Use only valid Posix file names.  Use only Ascii letters, digits, `.',
198		`-' and `_'.  Do not exceed 14 characters or start with `-'.
199		E.g. prefer `Brunei' to `Bandar_Seri_Begawan'.
200	Include at least one location per time zone rule set per country.
201		One such location is enough.
202	If all the clocks in a country's region have agreed since 1970,
203		don't bother to include more than one location
204		even if subregions' clocks disagreed before 1970.
205		Otherwise these tables would become annoyingly large.
206	If a name is ambiguous, use a less ambiguous alternative;
207		e.g. many cities are named San Jose and Georgetown, so
208		prefer `Costa_Rica' to `San_Jose' and `Guyana' to `Georgetown'.
209	Keep locations compact.  Use cities or small islands, not countries
210		or regions, so that any future time zone changes do not split
211		locations into different time zones.  E.g. prefer `Paris'
212		to `France', since France has had multiple time zones.
213	Use traditional English spelling, e.g. prefer `Rome' to `Roma', and
214		prefer `Athens' to the true name (which uses Greek letters).
215		The Posix file name restrictions encourage this rule.
216	Use the most populous among locations in a country's time zone,
217		e.g. prefer `Shanghai' to `Beijing'.  Among locations with
218		similar populations, pick the best-known location,
219		e.g. prefer `Rome' to `Milan'.
220	Use the singular form, e.g. prefer `Canary' to `Canaries'.
221	Omit common suffixes like `_Islands' and `_City', unless that
222		would lead to ambiguity.  E.g. prefer `Cayman' to
223		`Cayman_Islands' and `Guatemala' to `Guatemala_City',
224		but prefer `Mexico_City' to `Mexico' because the country
225		of Mexico has several time zones.
226	Use `_' to represent a space.
227	Omit `.' from abbreviations in names, e.g. prefer `St_Helena'
228		to `St._Helena'.
230The file `' lists the geographical locations used to name
231time zone rule files.
233Older versions of this package used a different naming scheme,
234and these older names are still supported.
235See the file `backwards' for most of these older names
236(e.g. `US/Eastern' instead of `America/New_York').
237The other old-fashioned names still supported are
238`WET', `CET', `MET', `EET' (see the file `europe'),
239and `Factory' (see the file `factory').
242----- Time zone abbreviations -----
244When this package is installed, it generates time zone abbreviations
245like `EST' to be compatible with human tradition and POSIX.1.
246Here are the general rules used for choosing time zone abbreviations,
247in decreasing order of importance:
249	Use abbreviations that consist of 3 or more upper-case Ascii letters,
250		except use "___" for locations while uninhabited.
251		Posix.1 requires at least 3 characters, and the restriction to
252		upper-case Ascii letters follows most traditions.
253		Previous editions of this database also used characters like
254		' ' and '?', but these characters have a special meaning to
255		the shell and cause commands like
256			set `date`
257		to have unexpected effects.  In theory, the character set could
258		be !%./@A-Z^_a-z{}, but these tables use only upper-case
259		Ascii letters (and "___").
260	Use abbreviations that are in common use among English-speakers,
261		e.g. `EST' for Eastern Standard Time in North America.
262		We assume that applications translate them to other languages
263		as part of the normal localization process; for example,
264		a French application might translate `EST' to `HNE'.
265	For zones whose times are taken from a city's longitude, use the
266		traditional xMT notation, e.g. `PMT' for Paris Mean Time.
267		The only name like this in current use is `GMT'.
268	If there is no common English abbreviation, abbreviate the English
269		translation of the usual phrase used by native speakers.
270		If this is not available or is a phrase mentioning the country
271		(e.g. ``Cape Verde Time''), then:
273		When a country has a single or principal time zone region,
274			append `T' to the country's ISO	code, e.g. `CVT' for
275			Cape Verde Time.  For summer time append `ST';
276			for double summer time append `DST'; etc.
277		When a country has multiple time zones, take the first three
278			letters of an English place name identifying each zone
279			and then append `T', `ST', etc. as before;
280			e.g. `VLAST' for VLAdivostok Summer Time.
282Application writers should note that these abbreviations are ambiguous
283in practice: e.g. `EST' has a different meaning in Australia than
284it does in the United States.  In new applications, it's often better
285to use numeric GMT offsets like `-0500' instead of time zone
286abbreviations like `EST'; this avoids the ambiguity.