1Authors of MPFR (in chronological order of initial contribution):
3Guillaume Hanrot        Main author
4Fabrice Rouillier       Original version of mul_ui.c, gmp_op.c
5Paul Zimmermann         Main author
6Sylvie Boldo            Original version of agm.c and log.c
7Jean-Luc R��my           Original version of zeta.c
8Emmanuel Jeandel        Original version of exp3.c, const_pi.c, sincos.c
9Mathieu Dutour          acos.c, asin.c, atan.c and early gamma.c
10Vincent Lef��vre         Main author
11David Daney             Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, base-2
12                        and base-10 exponential and logarithm, factorial
13Alain Delplanque        Rewritten get_str.c
14Ludovic Meunier         Error function (erf.c)
15Patrick P��lissier       Main author
16Laurent Fousse          Original version of sum.c
17Damien Stehl��           Function mpfr_get_ld_2exp
18Philippe Th��veny        Main author
19Sylvain Chevillard      Original version of ai.c
20Charles Karney          mpfr_nrandom and mpfr_erandom functions
21Fredrik Johansson       New version of mpfr_const_euler
22Micka��l Gastineau       MPFRbench program
23Jianyang Pan            Formally proven code for mpfr_add1sp1
25The main authors are included in the MPFR mailing-list <mpfr@inria.fr>.
26This is the preferred way to contact us. For further information, please
27look at the MPFR web page <https://www.mpfr.org/>.