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2<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>Porting to New Hardware or Operating Systems</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets Vsnapshot" /><meta name="keywords" content="ISO C++, internals" /><meta name="keywords" content="ISO C++, library" /><meta name="keywords" content="ISO C++, runtime, library" /><link rel="home" href="../index.html" title="The GNU C++ Library" /><link rel="up" href="appendix_porting.html" title="Appendix��B.�� Porting and Maintenance" /><link rel="prev" href="documentation_hacking.html" title="Writing and Generating Documentation" /><link rel="next" href="test.html" title="Testing" /></head><body><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Porting to New Hardware or Operating Systems</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="documentation_hacking.html">Prev</a>��</td><th width="60%" align="center">Appendix��B.��
3  Porting and Maintenance
5</th><td width="20%" align="right">��<a accesskey="n" href="test.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="appendix.porting.internals"></a>Porting to New Hardware or Operating Systems</h2></div></div></div><p>
6</p><p>This document explains how to port libstdc++ (the GNU C++ library) to
7a new target.
8</p><p>In order to make the GNU C++ library (libstdc++) work with a new
9target, you must edit some configuration files and provide some new
10header files.  Unless this is done, libstdc++ will use generic
11settings which may not be correct for your target; even if they are
12correct, they will likely be inefficient.
13   </p><p>Before you get started, make sure that you have a working C library on
14your target.  The C library need not precisely comply with any
15particular standard, but should generally conform to the requirements
16imposed by the ANSI/ISO standard.
17   </p><p>In addition, you should try to verify that the C++ compiler generally
18works.  It is difficult to test the C++ compiler without a working
19library, but you should at least try some minimal test cases.
20   </p><p>(Note that what we think of as a "target," the library refers to as
21a "host."  The comment at the top of <code class="code">configure.ac</code> explains why.)
22   </p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="internals.os"></a>Operating System</h3></div></div></div><p>If you are porting to a new operating system (as opposed to a new chip
23using an existing operating system), you will need to create a new
24directory in the <code class="code">config/os</code> hierarchy.  For example, the IRIX
25configuration files are all in <code class="code">config/os/irix</code>.  There is no set
26way to organize the OS configuration directory.  For example,
27<code class="code">config/os/solaris/solaris-2.6</code> and
28<code class="code">config/os/solaris/solaris-2.7</code> are used as configuration
29directories for these two versions of Solaris.  On the other hand, both
30Solaris 2.7 and Solaris 2.8 use the <code class="code">config/os/solaris/solaris-2.7</code>
31directory.  The important information is that there needs to be a
32directory under <code class="code">config/os</code> to store the files for your operating
34</p><p>You might have to change the <code class="code">configure.host</code> file to ensure that
35your new directory is activated.  Look for the switch statement that sets
36<code class="code">os_include_dir</code>, and add a pattern to handle your operating system
37if the default will not suffice.  The switch statement switches on only
38the OS portion of the standard target triplet; e.g., the <code class="code">solaris2.8</code>
39in <code class="code">sparc-sun-solaris2.8</code>.  If the new directory is named after the
40OS portion of the triplet (the default), then nothing needs to be changed.
41   </p><p>The first file to create in this directory, should be called
42<code class="code">os_defines.h</code>.  This file contains basic macro definitions
43that are required to allow the C++ library to work with your C library.
44   </p><p>Several libstdc++ source files unconditionally define the macro
45<code class="code">_POSIX_SOURCE</code>.  On many systems, defining this macro causes
46large portions of the C library header files to be eliminated
47at preprocessing time.  Therefore, you may have to <code class="code">#undef</code> this
48macro, or define other macros (like <code class="code">_LARGEFILE_SOURCE</code> or
49<code class="code">__EXTENSIONS__</code>).  You won't know what macros to define or
50undefine at this point; you'll have to try compiling the library and
51seeing what goes wrong.  If you see errors about calling functions
52that have not been declared, look in your C library headers to see if
53the functions are declared there, and then figure out what macros you
54need to define.  You will need to add them to the
55<code class="code">CPLUSPLUS_CPP_SPEC</code> macro in the GCC configuration file for your
56target.  It will not work to simply define these macros in
57<code class="code">os_defines.h</code>.
58   </p><p>At this time, there are a few libstdc++-specific macros which may be
60   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_CHECK</code> may be defined to 1 to check C99
61function declarations (which are not covered by specialization below)
62found in system headers against versions found in the library headers
63derived from the standard.
64   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_DYNAMIC</code> may be defined to an expression that
65yields 0 if and only if the system headers are exposing proper support
66for C99 functions (which are not covered by specialization below).  If
67defined, it must be 0 while bootstrapping the compiler/rebuilding the
69   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_LONG_LONG_CHECK</code> may be defined to 1 to check
70the set of C99 long long function declarations found in system headers
71against versions found in the library headers derived from the
74   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_LONG_LONG_DYNAMIC</code> may be defined to an
75expression that yields 0 if and only if the system headers are
76exposing proper support for the set of C99 long long functions.  If
77defined, it must be 0 while bootstrapping the compiler/rebuilding the
79   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_FP_MACROS_DYNAMIC</code> may be defined to an
80expression that yields 0 if and only if the system headers
81are exposing proper support for the related set of macros.  If defined,
82it must be 0 while bootstrapping the compiler/rebuilding the library.
83   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_FLOAT_TRANSCENDENTALS_CHECK</code> may be defined
84to 1 to check the related set of function declarations found in system
85headers against versions found in the library headers derived from
86the standard.
87   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_FLOAT_TRANSCENDENTALS_DYNAMIC</code> may be defined
88to an expression that yields 0 if and only if the system headers
89are exposing proper support for the related set of functions.  If defined,
90it must be 0 while bootstrapping the compiler/rebuilding the library.
91   </p><p><code class="code">_GLIBCXX_NO_OBSOLETE_ISINF_ISNAN_DYNAMIC</code> may be defined
92to an expression that yields 0 if and only if the system headers
93are exposing non-standard <code class="code">isinf(double)</code> and
94<code class="code">isnan(double)</code> functions in the global namespace. Those functions
95should be detected automatically by the <code class="code">configure</code> script when
96libstdc++ is built but if their presence depends on compilation flags or
97other macros the static configuration can be overridden.
98   </p><p>Finally, you should bracket the entire file in an include-guard, like
100   </p><pre class="programlisting">
106</pre><p>We recommend copying an existing <code class="code">os_defines.h</code> to use as a
107starting point.
108   </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="internals.cpu"></a>CPU</h3></div></div></div><p>If you are porting to a new chip (as opposed to a new operating system
109running on an existing chip), you will need to create a new directory in the
110<code class="code">config/cpu</code> hierarchy.  Much like the <a class="link" href="internals.html#internals.os" title="Operating System">Operating system</a> setup,
111there are no strict rules on how to organize the CPU configuration
112directory, but careful naming choices will allow the configury to find your
113setup files without explicit help.
114</p><p>We recommend that for a target triplet <code class="code">&lt;CPU&gt;-&lt;vendor&gt;-&lt;OS&gt;</code>, you
115name your configuration directory <code class="code">config/cpu/&lt;CPU&gt;</code>.  If you do this,
116the configury will find the directory by itself.  Otherwise you will need to
117edit the <code class="code">configure.host</code> file and, in the switch statement that sets
118<code class="code">cpu_include_dir</code>, add a pattern to handle your chip.
119   </p><p>Note that some chip families share a single configuration directory, for
120example, <code class="code">alpha</code>, <code class="code">alphaev5</code>, and <code class="code">alphaev6</code> all use the
121<code class="code">config/cpu/alpha</code> directory, and there is an entry in the
122<code class="code">configure.host</code> switch statement to handle this.
123   </p><p>The <code class="code">cpu_include_dir</code> sets default locations for the files controlling
124<a class="link" href="internals.html#internals.thread_safety" title="Thread Safety">Thread safety</a> and <a class="link" href="internals.html#internals.numeric_limits" title="Numeric Limits">Numeric limits</a>, if the defaults are not
125appropriate for your chip.
126   </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="internals.char_types"></a>Character Types</h3></div></div></div><p>The library requires that you provide three header files to implement
127character classification, analogous to that provided by the C libraries
128<code class="code">&lt;ctype.h&gt;</code> header.  You can model these on the files provided in
129<code class="code">config/os/generic</code>.  However, these files will almost
130certainly need some modification.
131</p><p>The first file to write is <code class="code">ctype_base.h</code>.  This file provides
132some very basic information about character classification.  The libstdc++
133library assumes that your C library implements <code class="code">&lt;ctype.h&gt;</code> by using
134a table (indexed by character code) containing integers, where each of
135these integers is a bit-mask indicating whether the character is
136upper-case, lower-case, alphabetic, etc.  The <code class="code">ctype_base.h</code>
137file gives the type of the integer, and the values of the various bit
138masks.  You will have to peer at your own <code class="code">&lt;ctype.h&gt;</code> to figure out
139how to define the values required by this file.
140   </p><p>The <code class="code">ctype_base.h</code> header file does not need include guards.
141It should contain a single <code class="code">struct</code> definition called
142<code class="code">ctype_base</code>.  This <code class="code">struct</code> should contain two type
143declarations, and one enumeration declaration, like this example, taken
144from the IRIX configuration:
145   </p><pre class="programlisting">
146  struct ctype_base
147     {
148       typedef unsigned int 	mask;
149       typedef int* 		__to_type;
151       enum
152       {
153	 space = _ISspace,
154	 print = _ISprint,
155	 cntrl = _IScntrl,
156	 upper = _ISupper,
157	 lower = _ISlower,
158	 alpha = _ISalpha,
159	 digit = _ISdigit,
160	 punct = _ISpunct,
161	 xdigit = _ISxdigit,
162	 alnum = _ISalnum,
163	 graph = _ISgraph
164       };
165     };
166</pre><p>The <code class="code">mask</code> type is the type of the elements in the table.  If your
167C library uses a table to map lower-case numbers to upper-case numbers,
168and vice versa, you should define <code class="code">__to_type</code> to be the type of the
169elements in that table.  If you don't mind taking a minor performance
170penalty, or if your library doesn't implement <code class="code">toupper</code> and
171<code class="code">tolower</code> in this way, you can pick any pointer-to-integer type,
172but you must still define the type.
173</p><p>The enumeration should give definitions for all the values in the above
174example, using the values from your native <code class="code">&lt;ctype.h&gt;</code>.  They can
175be given symbolically (as above), or numerically, if you prefer.  You do
176not have to include <code class="code">&lt;ctype.h&gt;</code> in this header; it will always be
177included before <code class="code">ctype_base.h</code> is included.
178   </p><p>The next file to write is <code class="code">ctype_configure_char.cc</code>.
179The first function that must be written is the <code class="code">ctype&lt;char&gt;::ctype</code> constructor.  Here is the IRIX example:
180   </p><pre class="programlisting">
181ctype&lt;char&gt;::ctype(const mask* __table = 0, bool __del = false,
182	   size_t __refs = 0)
183       : _Ctype_nois&lt;char&gt;(__refs), _M_del(__table != 0 &amp;&amp; __del),
184	 _M_toupper(NULL),
185	 _M_tolower(NULL),
186	 _M_ctable(NULL),
187	 _M_table(!__table
188		  ? (const mask*) (__libc_attr._ctype_tbl-&gt;_class + 1)
189		  : __table)
190       { }
191</pre><p>There are two parts of this that you might choose to alter. The first,
192and most important, is the line involving <code class="code">__libc_attr</code>.  That is
193IRIX system-dependent code that gets the base of the table mapping
194character codes to attributes.  You need to substitute code that obtains
195the address of this table on your system.  If you want to use your
196operating system's tables to map upper-case letters to lower-case, and
197vice versa, you should initialize <code class="code">_M_toupper</code> and
198<code class="code">_M_tolower</code> with those tables, in similar fashion.
199</p><p>Now, you have to write two functions to convert from upper-case to
200lower-case, and vice versa.  Here are the IRIX versions:
201   </p><pre class="programlisting">
202     char
203     ctype&lt;char&gt;::do_toupper(char __c) const
204     { return _toupper(__c); }
206     char
207     ctype&lt;char&gt;::do_tolower(char __c) const
208     { return _tolower(__c); }
209</pre><p>Your C library provides equivalents to IRIX's <code class="code">_toupper</code> and
210<code class="code">_tolower</code>.  If you initialized <code class="code">_M_toupper</code> and
211<code class="code">_M_tolower</code> above, then you could use those tables instead.
212</p><p>Finally, you have to provide two utility functions that convert strings
213of characters.  The versions provided here will always work - but you
214could use specialized routines for greater performance if you have
215machinery to do that on your system:
216   </p><pre class="programlisting">
217     const char*
218     ctype&lt;char&gt;::do_toupper(char* __low, const char* __high) const
219     {
220       while (__low &lt; __high)
221	 {
222	   *__low = do_toupper(*__low);
223	   ++__low;
224	 }
225       return __high;
226     }
228     const char*
229     ctype&lt;char&gt;::do_tolower(char* __low, const char* __high) const
230     {
231       while (__low &lt; __high)
232	 {
233	   *__low = do_tolower(*__low);
234	   ++__low;
235	 }
236       return __high;
237     }
238</pre><p>You must also provide the <code class="code">ctype_inline.h</code> file, which
239contains a few more functions.  On most systems, you can just copy
240<code class="code">config/os/generic/ctype_inline.h</code> and use it on your system.
241   </p><p>In detail, the functions provided test characters for particular
242properties; they are analogous to the functions like <code class="code">isalpha</code> and
243<code class="code">islower</code> provided by the C library.
244   </p><p>The first function is implemented like this on IRIX:
245   </p><pre class="programlisting">
246     bool
247     ctype&lt;char&gt;::
248     is(mask __m, char __c) const throw()
249     { return (_M_table)[(unsigned char)(__c)] &amp; __m; }
250</pre><p>The <code class="code">_M_table</code> is the table passed in above, in the constructor.
251This is the table that contains the bitmasks for each character.  The
252implementation here should work on all systems.
253</p><p>The next function is:
254   </p><pre class="programlisting">
255     const char*
256     ctype&lt;char&gt;::
257     is(const char* __low, const char* __high, mask* __vec) const throw()
258     {
259       while (__low &lt; __high)
260	 *__vec++ = (_M_table)[(unsigned char)(*__low++)];
261       return __high;
262     }
263</pre><p>This function is similar; it copies the masks for all the characters
264from <code class="code">__low</code> up until <code class="code">__high</code> into the vector given by
265<code class="code">__vec</code>.
266</p><p>The last two functions again are entirely generic:
267   </p><pre class="programlisting">
268     const char*
269     ctype&lt;char&gt;::
270     scan_is(mask __m, const char* __low, const char* __high) const throw()
271     {
272       while (__low &lt; __high &amp;&amp; !this-&gt;is(__m, *__low))
273	 ++__low;
274       return __low;
275     }
277     const char*
278     ctype&lt;char&gt;::
279     scan_not(mask __m, const char* __low, const char* __high) const throw()
280     {
281       while (__low &lt; __high &amp;&amp; this-&gt;is(__m, *__low))
282	 ++__low;
283       return __low;
284     }
285</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="internals.thread_safety"></a>Thread Safety</h3></div></div></div><p>The C++ library string functionality requires a couple of atomic
286operations to provide thread-safety.  If you don't take any special
287action, the library will use stub versions of these functions that are
288not thread-safe.  They will work fine, unless your applications are
290</p><p>If you want to provide custom, safe, versions of these functions, there
291are two distinct approaches.  One is to provide a version for your CPU,
292using assembly language constructs.  The other is to use the
293thread-safety primitives in your operating system.  In either case, you
294make a file called <code class="code">atomicity.h</code>, and the variable
295<code class="code">ATOMICITYH</code> must point to this file.
296   </p><p>If you are using the assembly-language approach, put this code in
297<code class="code">config/cpu/&lt;chip&gt;/atomicity.h</code>, where chip is the name of
298your processor (see <a class="link" href="internals.html#internals.cpu" title="CPU">CPU</a>).  No additional changes are necessary to
299locate the file in this case; <code class="code">ATOMICITYH</code> will be set by default.
300   </p><p>If you are using the operating system thread-safety primitives approach,
301you can also put this code in the same CPU directory, in which case no more
302work is needed to locate the file.  For examples of this approach,
303see the <code class="code">atomicity.h</code> file for IRIX or IA64.
304   </p><p>Alternatively, if the primitives are more closely related to the OS
305than they are to the CPU, you can put the <code class="code">atomicity.h</code> file in
306the <a class="link" href="internals.html#internals.os" title="Operating System">Operating system</a> directory instead.  In this case, you must
307edit <code class="code">configure.host</code>, and in the switch statement that handles
308operating systems, override the <code class="code">ATOMICITYH</code> variable to point to
309the appropriate <code class="code">os_include_dir</code>.  For examples of this approach,
310see the <code class="code">atomicity.h</code> file for AIX.
311   </p><p>With those bits out of the way, you have to actually write
312<code class="code">atomicity.h</code> itself.  This file should be wrapped in an
313include guard named <code class="code">_GLIBCXX_ATOMICITY_H</code>.  It should define one
314type, and two functions.
315   </p><p>The type is <code class="code">_Atomic_word</code>.  Here is the version used on IRIX:
316   </p><pre class="programlisting">
317typedef long _Atomic_word;
318</pre><p>This type must be a signed integral type supporting atomic operations.
319If you're using the OS approach, use the same type used by your system's
320primitives.  Otherwise, use the type for which your CPU provides atomic
322</p><p>Then, you must provide two functions.  The bodies of these functions
323must be equivalent to those provided here, but using atomic operations:
324   </p><pre class="programlisting">
325     static inline _Atomic_word
326     __attribute__ ((__unused__))
327     __exchange_and_add (_Atomic_word* __mem, int __val)
328     {
329       _Atomic_word __result = *__mem;
330       *__mem += __val;
331       return __result;
332     }
334     static inline void
335     __attribute__ ((__unused__))
336     __atomic_add (_Atomic_word* __mem, int __val)
337     {
338       *__mem += __val;
339     }
340</pre></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="internals.numeric_limits"></a>Numeric Limits</h3></div></div></div><p>The C++ library requires information about the fundamental data types,
341such as the minimum and maximum representable values of each type.
342You can define each of these values individually, but it is usually
343easiest just to indicate how many bits are used in each of the data
344types and let the library do the rest.  For information about the
345macros to define, see the top of <code class="code">include/bits/std_limits.h</code>.
346</p><p>If you need to define any macros, you can do so in <code class="code">os_defines.h</code>.
347However, if all operating systems for your CPU are likely to use the
348same values, you can provide a CPU-specific file instead so that you
349do not have to provide the same definitions for each operating system.
350To take that approach, create a new file called <code class="code">cpu_limits.h</code> in
351your CPU configuration directory (see <a class="link" href="internals.html#internals.cpu" title="CPU">CPU</a>).
352   </p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="internals.libtool"></a>Libtool</h3></div></div></div><p>The C++ library is compiled, archived and linked with libtool.
353Explaining the full workings of libtool is beyond the scope of this
354document, but there are a few, particular bits that are necessary for
356</p><p>Some parts of the libstdc++ library are compiled with the libtool
357<code class="code">--tags CXX</code> option (the C++ definitions for libtool).  Therefore,
358<code class="code">ltcf-cxx.sh</code> in the top-level directory needs to have the correct
359logic to compile and archive objects equivalent to the C version of libtool,
360<code class="code">ltcf-c.sh</code>.  Some libtool targets have definitions for C but not
361for C++, or C++ definitions which have not been kept up to date.
362   </p><p>The C++ run-time library contains initialization code that needs to be
363run as the library is loaded.  Often, that requires linking in special
364object files when the C++ library is built as a shared library, or
365taking other system-specific actions.
366   </p><p>The libstdc++ library is linked with the C version of libtool, even
367though it is a C++ library.  Therefore, the C version of libtool needs to
368ensure that the run-time library initializers are run.  The usual way to
369do this is to build the library using <code class="code">gcc -shared</code>.
370   </p><p>If you need to change how the library is linked, look at
371<code class="code">ltcf-c.sh</code> in the top-level directory.  Find the switch statement
372that sets <code class="code">archive_cmds</code>.  Here, adjust the setting for your
373operating system.
374   </p></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="documentation_hacking.html">Prev</a>��</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="appendix_porting.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">��<a accesskey="n" href="test.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Writing and Generating Documentation��</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="../index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">��Testing</td></tr></table></div></body></html>