extensions.xml revision 1.1
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6<part id="manual.ext" xreflabel="Extensions">
7<?dbhtml filename="extensions.html"?>
10  <keywordset>
11    <keyword>
12      ISO C++
13    </keyword>
14    <keyword>
15      library
16    </keyword>
17  </keywordset>
21  Extensions
22  <indexterm><primary>Extensions</primary></indexterm>
26  <title></title>
28  Here we will make an attempt at describing the non-Standard extensions to
29  the library.  Some of these are from SGI's STL, some of these are GNU's,
30  and some just seemed to appear on the doorstep.
32<para><emphasis>Before</emphasis> you leap in and use any of these
33extensions, be aware of two things:
36   <listitem>
37     <para>
38     Non-Standard means exactly that.
39     </para>
40     <para>
41       The behavior, and the very
42       existence, of these extensions may change with little or no
43       warning.  (Ideally, the really good ones will appear in the next
44       revision of C++.)  Also, other platforms, other compilers, other
45       versions of g++ or libstdc++ may not recognize these names, or
46       treat them differently, or...
47     </para>
48   </listitem>
49   <listitem>
50     <para>
51       You should know how to access these headers properly.
52     </para>
53   </listitem>
57<!-- Chapter 01 : Compile Time Checks -->
58<chapter id="manual.ext.compile_checks" xreflabel="Compile Time Checks">
59<?dbhtml filename="ext_compile_checks.html"?>
60  <title>Compile Time Checks</title>
61  <para>
62    Also known as concept checking.
63  </para>
64   <para>In 1999, SGI added <emphasis>concept checkers</emphasis> to their implementation
65      of the STL:  code which checked the template parameters of
66      instantiated pieces of the STL, in order to insure that the parameters
67      being used met the requirements of the standard.  For example,
68      the Standard requires that types passed as template parameters to
69      <code>vector</code> be <quote>Assignable</quote> (which means what you think
70      it means).  The checking was done during compilation, and none of
71      the code was executed at runtime.
72   </para>
73   <para>Unfortunately, the size of the compiler files grew significantly
74      as a result.  The checking code itself was cumbersome.  And bugs
75      were found in it on more than one occasion.
76   </para>
77   <para>The primary author of the checking code, Jeremy Siek, had already
78      started work on a replacement implementation.  The new code has been
79      formally reviewed and accepted into
80      <ulink url="http://www.boost.org/libs/concept_check/concept_check.htm">the
81      Boost libraries</ulink>, and we are pleased to incorporate it into the
82      GNU C++ library.
83   </para>
84   <para>The new version imposes a much smaller space overhead on the generated
85      object file.  The checks are also cleaner and easier to read and
86      understand.
87   </para>
88   <para>They are off by default for all versions of GCC from 3.0 to 3.4 (the
89      latest release at the time of writing).
90      They can be enabled at configure time with
91      <link linkend="manual.intro.setup.configure"><literal>--enable-concept-checks</literal></link>.
92      You can enable them on a per-translation-unit basis with
93      <code>#define _GLIBCXX_CONCEPT_CHECKS</code> for GCC 3.4 and higher
94      (or with <code>#define _GLIBCPP_CONCEPT_CHECKS</code> for versions
95      3.1, 3.2 and 3.3).
96   </para>
98   <para>Please note that the upcoming C++ standard has first-class
99   support for template parameter constraints based on concepts in the core
100   language. This will obviate the need for the library-simulated concept
101   checking described above.
102   </para>
106<!-- Chapter 02 : Debug Mode -->
107<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
108	    parse="xml" href="debug_mode.xml">
111<!-- Chapter 03 : Parallel Mode -->
112<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
113	    parse="xml" href="parallel_mode.xml">
116<!-- Chapter 04 : Profile Mode -->
117<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
118	    parse="xml" href="profile_mode.xml">
122<!-- Chapter 05 : Allocators -->
123<chapter id="manual.ext.allocator" xreflabel="Allocators">
124<?dbhtml filename="ext_allocators.html"?>
125  <title>Allocators</title>
127  <!-- Section 01 : __mt_alloc -->
128  <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
129	      parse="xml" href="mt_allocator.xml">
130  </xi:include>
132  <!-- Section 02 : bitmap_allocator -->
133  <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
134	      parse="xml" href="bitmap_allocator.xml">
135  </xi:include>
139<!-- Chapter 06 : Containers -->
140<chapter id="manual.ext.containers" xreflabel="Containers">
141<?dbhtml filename="ext_containers.html"?>
142  <title>Containers</title>
143  <para>
144  </para>
145  <sect1 id="manual.ext.containers.pbds" xreflabel="Policy Based Data Structures">
146    <title>Policy Based Data Structures</title>
147    <para>
148      <ulink
149      url="http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/ext/pb_ds/index.html">More details here</ulink>.
150    </para>
151  </sect1>
153  <sect1 id="manual.ext.containers.sgi" xreflabel="SGI ext">
154    <title>HP/SGI</title>
155    <para>
156    </para>
158<para>A few extensions and nods to backwards-compatibility have been made with
159   containers.  Those dealing with older SGI-style allocators are dealt with
160   elsewhere.  The remaining ones all deal with bits:
162<para>The old pre-standard <code>bit_vector</code> class is present for
163   backwards compatibility.  It is simply a typedef for the
164   <code>vector&lt;bool&gt;</code> specialization.
166<para>The <code>bitset</code> class has a number of extensions, described in the
167   rest of this item.  First, we'll mention that this implementation of
168   <code>bitset&lt;N&gt;</code> is specialized for cases where N number of
169   bits will fit into a single word of storage.  If your choice of N is
170   within that range (&lt;=32 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, for example), then all
171   of the operations will be faster.
173<para>There are
174   versions of single-bit test, set, reset, and flip member functions which
175   do no range-checking.  If we call them member functions of an instantiation
176   of &quot;bitset&lt;N&gt;,&quot; then their names and signatures are:
178   <programlisting>
179   bitset&lt;N&gt;&amp;   _Unchecked_set   (size_t pos);
180   bitset&lt;N&gt;&amp;   _Unchecked_set   (size_t pos, int val);
181   bitset&lt;N&gt;&amp;   _Unchecked_reset (size_t pos);
182   bitset&lt;N&gt;&amp;   _Unchecked_flip  (size_t pos);
183   bool         _Unchecked_test  (size_t pos);
184   </programlisting>
185   <para>Note that these may in fact be removed in the future, although we have
186   no present plans to do so (and there doesn't seem to be any immediate
187   reason to).
189<para>The semantics of member function <code>operator[]</code> are not specified
190   in the C++ standard.  A long-standing defect report calls for sensible
191   obvious semantics, which are already implemented here:  <code>op[]</code>
192   on a const bitset returns a bool, and for a non-const bitset returns a
193   <code>reference</code> (a nested type).  However, this implementation does
194   no range-checking on the index argument, which is in keeping with other
195   containers' <code>op[]</code> requirements.  The defect report's proposed
196   resolution calls for range-checking to be done.  We'll just wait and see...
198<para>Finally, two additional searching functions have been added.  They return
199   the index of the first &quot;on&quot; bit, and the index of the first
200   &quot;on&quot; bit that is after <code>prev</code>, respectively:
202   <programlisting>
203   size_t _Find_first() const;
204   size_t _Find_next (size_t prev) const;</programlisting>
205<para>The same caveat given for the _Unchecked_* functions applies here also.
207  </sect1>
210  <sect1 id="manual.ext.containers.deprecated_sgi" xreflabel="SGI ext dep">
211    <title>Deprecated HP/SGI</title>
213   <para>
214     The SGI hashing classes <classname>hash_set</classname> and
215     <classname>hash_set</classname> have been deprecated by the
216     unordered_set, unordered_multiset, unordered_map,
217     unordered_multimap containers in TR1 and the upcoming C++0x, and
218     may be removed in future releases.
219   </para>
221   <para>The SGI headers</para>
222   <programlisting>
223     &lt;hash_map&gt;
224     &lt;hash_set&gt;
225     &lt;rope&gt;
226     &lt;slist&gt;
227     &lt;rb_tree&gt;
228   </programlisting>
229   <para>are all here;
230      <code>&lt;hash_map&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;hash_set&gt;</code>
231      are deprecated but available as backwards-compatible extensions,
232      as discussed further below.  <code>&lt;rope&gt;</code> is the
233      SGI specialization for large strings (&quot;rope,&quot;
234      &quot;large strings,&quot; get it? Love that geeky humor.)
235      <code>&lt;slist&gt;</code> is a singly-linked list, for when the
236      doubly-linked <code>list&lt;&gt;</code> is too much space
237      overhead, and <code>&lt;rb_tree&gt;</code> exposes the red-black
238      tree classes used in the implementation of the standard maps and
239      sets.
240   </para>
241   <para>Each of the associative containers map, multimap, set, and multiset
242      have a counterpart which uses a
243      <ulink url="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/HashFunction.html">hashing
244      function</ulink> to do the arranging, instead of a strict weak ordering
245      function.  The classes take as one of their template parameters a
246      function object that will return the hash value; by default, an
247      instantiation of
248      <ulink url="http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/hash.html">hash</ulink>.
249      You should specialize this functor for your class, or define your own,
250      before trying to use one of the hashing classes.
251   </para>
252   <para>The hashing classes support all the usual associative container
253      functions, as well as some extra constructors specifying the number
254      of buckets, etc.
255   </para>
256   <para>Why would you want to use a hashing class instead of the
257      <quote>normal</quote>implementations?  Matt Austern writes:
258   </para>
259   <blockquote>
260     <para>
261       <emphasis>[W]ith a well chosen hash function, hash tables
262       generally provide much better average-case performance than
263       binary search trees, and much worse worst-case performance.  So
264       if your implementation has hash_map, if you don't mind using
265       nonstandard components, and if you aren't scared about the
266       possibility of pathological cases, you'll probably get better
267       performance from hash_map.
268     </emphasis>
269     </para>
270   </blockquote>
272  </sect1>
275<!-- Chapter 07 : Utilities -->
276<chapter id="manual.ext.util" xreflabel="Utilities">
277<?dbhtml filename="ext_utilities.html"?>
278  <title>Utilities</title>
279  <para>
280    The &lt;functional&gt; header contains many additional functors
281    and helper functions, extending section 20.3.  They are
282    implemented in the file stl_function.h:
283  </para>
284  <itemizedlist>
285  <listitem>
286  <para><code>identity_element</code> for addition and multiplication. *
287  </para>
288  </listitem>
289  <listitem>
290    <para>The functor <code>identity</code>, whose <code>operator()</code>
291      returns the argument unchanged. *
292  </para>
293  </listitem>
294  <listitem>
295    <para>Composition functors <code>unary_function</code> and
296      <code>binary_function</code>, and their helpers <code>compose1</code>
297      and <code>compose2</code>. *
298    </para>
299  </listitem>
300  <listitem>
301  <para><code>select1st</code> and <code>select2nd</code>, to strip pairs. *
302  </para>
303  </listitem>
304  <listitem><para><code>project1st</code> and <code>project2nd</code>. * </para></listitem>
305  <listitem><para>A set of functors/functions which always return the same result.  They
306      are <code>constant_void_fun</code>, <code>constant_binary_fun</code>,
307      <code>constant_unary_fun</code>, <code>constant0</code>,
308      <code>constant1</code>, and <code>constant2</code>. * </para></listitem>
309  <listitem><para>The class <code>subtractive_rng</code>. * </para></listitem>
310  <listitem><para>mem_fun adaptor helpers <code>mem_fun1</code> and
311      <code>mem_fun1_ref</code> are provided for backwards compatibility. </para></listitem>
314  20.4.1 can use several different allocators; they are described on the
315   main extensions page.
318  20.4.3 is extended with a special version of
319  <code>get_temporary_buffer</code> taking a second argument.  The
320  argument is a pointer, which is ignored, but can be used to specify
321  the template type (instead of using explicit function template
322  arguments like the standard version does).  That is, in addition to
329you can also use
333get_temporary_buffer(5, (int*)0);
336  A class <code>temporary_buffer</code> is given in stl_tempbuf.h. *
339  The specialized algorithms of section 20.4.4 are extended with
340  <code>uninitialized_copy_n</code>. *
345<!-- Chapter 08 : Algorithms -->
346<chapter id="manual.ext.algorithms" xreflabel="Algorithms">
347<?dbhtml filename="ext_algorithms.html"?>
348  <title>Algorithms</title>
349<para>25.1.6 (count, count_if) is extended with two more versions of count
350   and count_if.  The standard versions return their results.  The
351   additional signatures return void, but take a final parameter by
352   reference to which they assign their results, e.g.,
354   <programlisting>
355   void count (first, last, value, n);</programlisting>
356<para>25.2 (mutating algorithms) is extended with two families of signatures,
357   random_sample and random_sample_n.
359<para>25.2.1 (copy) is extended with
361   <programlisting>
362   copy_n (_InputIter first, _Size count, _OutputIter result);</programlisting>
363<para>which copies the first 'count' elements at 'first' into 'result'.
365<para>25.3 (sorting 'n' heaps 'n' stuff) is extended with some helper
366   predicates.  Look in the doxygen-generated pages for notes on these.
368   <itemizedlist>
369    <listitem><para><code>is_heap</code> tests whether or not a range is a heap.</para></listitem>
370    <listitem><para><code>is_sorted</code> tests whether or not a range is sorted in
371	nondescending order.</para></listitem>
372   </itemizedlist>
373<para>25.3.8 (lexicographical_compare) is extended with
375   <programlisting>
376   lexicographical_compare_3way(_InputIter1 first1, _InputIter1 last1,
377				 _InputIter2 first2, _InputIter2 last2)</programlisting>
378<para>which does... what?
383<!-- Chapter 09 : Numerics -->
384<chapter id="manual.ext.numerics" xreflabel="Numerics">
385<?dbhtml filename="ext_numerics.html"?>
386  <title>Numerics</title>
387<para>26.4, the generalized numeric operations such as accumulate, are extended
388   with the following functions:
390   <programlisting>
391   power (x, n);
392   power (x, n, moniod_operation);</programlisting>
393<para>Returns, in FORTRAN syntax, &quot;x ** n&quot; where n&gt;=0.  In the
394   case of n == 0, returns the identity element for the
395   monoid operation.  The two-argument signature uses multiplication (for
396   a true &quot;power&quot; implementation), but addition is supported as well.
397   The operation functor must be associative.
399<para>The <code>iota</code> function wins the award for Extension With the
400   Coolest Name.  It &quot;assigns sequentially increasing values to a range.
401   That is, it assigns value to *first, value + 1 to *(first + 1) and so
402   on.&quot;  Quoted from SGI documentation.
404   <programlisting>
405   void iota(_ForwardIter first, _ForwardIter last, _Tp value);</programlisting>
408<!-- Chapter 10 : Iterators -->
409<chapter id="manual.ext.iterators" xreflabel="Iterators">
410<?dbhtml filename="ext_iterators.html"?>
411  <title>Iterators</title>
412<para>24.3.2 describes <code>struct iterator</code>, which didn't exist in the
413   original HP STL implementation (the language wasn't rich enough at the
414   time).  For backwards compatibility, base classes are provided which
415   declare the same nested typedefs:
417   <itemizedlist>
418    <listitem><para>input_iterator</para></listitem>
419    <listitem><para>output_iterator</para></listitem>
420    <listitem><para>forward_iterator</para></listitem>
421    <listitem><para>bidirectional_iterator</para></listitem>
422    <listitem><para>random_access_iterator</para></listitem>
423   </itemizedlist>
424<para>24.3.4 describes iterator operation <code>distance</code>, which takes
425   two iterators and returns a result.  It is extended by another signature
426   which takes two iterators and a reference to a result.  The result is
427   modified, and the function returns nothing.
432<!-- Chapter 11 : IO -->
433<chapter id="manual.ext.io" xreflabel="IO">
434<?dbhtml filename="ext_io.html"?>
435  <title>Input and Output</title>
437  <para>
438    Extensions allowing <code>filebuf</code>s to be constructed from
439    "C" types like  FILE*s and file descriptors.
440  </para>
442  <sect1 id="manual.ext.io.filebuf_derived" xreflabel="Derived filebufs">
443    <title>Derived filebufs</title>
445   <para>The v2 library included non-standard extensions to construct
446      <code>std::filebuf</code>s from C stdio types such as
447      <code>FILE*</code>s and POSIX file descriptors.
448      Today the recommended way to use stdio types with libstdc++
449      IOStreams is via the <code>stdio_filebuf</code> class (see below),
450      but earlier releases provided slightly different mechanisms.
451   </para>
452   <itemizedlist>
453     <listitem><para>3.0.x <code>filebuf</code>s have another ctor with this signature:
454	<code>basic_filebuf(__c_file_type*, ios_base::openmode, int_type);
455	</code>
456	 This comes in very handy in a number of places, such as
457	 attaching Unix sockets, pipes, and anything else which uses file
458	 descriptors, into the IOStream buffering classes.  The three
459	 arguments are as follows:
460	 <itemizedlist>
461	  <listitem><para><code>__c_file_type*      F   </code>
462	      // the __c_file_type typedef usually boils down to stdio's FILE
463	  </para></listitem>
464	  <listitem><para><code>ios_base::openmode  M   </code>
465	      // same as all the other uses of openmode
466	  </para></listitem>
467	  <listitem><para><code>int_type            B   </code>
468	      // buffer size, defaults to BUFSIZ if not specified
469	  </para></listitem>
470	 </itemizedlist>
471	 For those wanting to use file descriptors instead of FILE*'s, I
472	 invite you to contemplate the mysteries of C's <code>fdopen()</code>.
473     </para></listitem>
474     <listitem><para>In library snapshot 3.0.95 and later, <code>filebuf</code>s bring
475	 back an old extension:  the <code>fd()</code> member function.  The
476	 integer returned from this function can be used for whatever file
477	 descriptors can be used for on your platform.  Naturally, the
478	 library cannot track what you do on your own with a file descriptor,
479	 so if you perform any I/O directly, don't expect the library to be
480	 aware of it.
481     </para></listitem>
482     <listitem><para>Beginning with 3.1, the extra <code>filebuf</code> constructor and
483	 the <code>fd()</code> function were removed from the standard
484	 filebuf.  Instead, <code>&lt;ext/stdio_filebuf.h&gt;</code> contains
485	 a derived class called
486	 <ulink url="http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/latest-doxygen/a00074.html"><code>__gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf</code></ulink>.
487	 This class can be constructed from a C <code>FILE*</code> or a file
488	 descriptor, and provides the <code>fd()</code> function.
489     </para></listitem>
490   </itemizedlist>
491   <para>If you want to access a <code>filebuf</code>'s file descriptor to
492      implement file locking (e.g. using the <code>fcntl()</code> system
493      call) then you might be interested in Henry Suter's RWLock class.
494      <!-- url="http://suter.home.cern.ch/suter/RWLock.html" -->
495   </para>
497    <para>
498    </para>
499  </sect1>
502<!-- Chapter 12 : Demangling -->
503<chapter id="manual.ext.demangle" xreflabel="Demangling">
504<?dbhtml filename="ext_demangling.html"?>
505  <title>Demangling</title>
506  <para>
507    Transforming C++ ABI identifiers (like RTTI symbols) into the
508    original C++ source identifiers is called
509    <quote>demangling.</quote>
510  </para>
511  <para>
512    If you have read the <ulink
513    url="http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/latest-doxygen/a01115.html">source
514    documentation for <code>namespace abi</code></ulink> then you are
515    aware of the cross-vendor C++ ABI in use by GCC.  One of the
516    exposed functions is used for demangling,
517    <code>abi::__cxa_demangle</code>.
518  </para>
519  <para>
520    In programs like <command>c++filt</command>, the linker, and other tools
521    have the ability to decode C++ ABI names, and now so can you.
522  </para>
523  <para>
524    (The function itself might use different demanglers, but that's the
525    whole point of abstract interfaces.  If we change the implementation,
526    you won't notice.)
527  </para>
528  <para>
529    Probably the only times you'll be interested in demangling at runtime
530    are when you're seeing <code>typeid</code> strings in RTTI, or when
531    you're handling the runtime-support exception classes.  For example:
532  </para>
533   <programlisting>
534#include &lt;exception&gt;
535#include &lt;iostream&gt;
536#include &lt;cxxabi.h&gt;
538struct empty { };
540template &lt;typename T, int N&gt;
541  struct bar { };
544int main()
546  int     status;
547  char   *realname;
549  // exception classes not in &lt;stdexcept&gt;, thrown by the implementation
550  // instead of the user
551  std::bad_exception  e;
552  realname = abi::__cxa_demangle(e.what(), 0, 0, &amp;status);
553  std::cout &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; "\t=&gt; " &lt;&lt; realname &lt;&lt; "\t: " &lt;&lt; status &lt;&lt; '\n';
554  free(realname);
557  // typeid
558  bar&lt;empty,17&gt;          u;
559  const std::type_info  &amp;ti = typeid(u);
561  realname = abi::__cxa_demangle(ti.name(), 0, 0, &amp;status);
562  std::cout &lt;&lt; ti.name() &lt;&lt; "\t=&gt; " &lt;&lt; realname &lt;&lt; "\t: " &lt;&lt; status &lt;&lt; '\n';
563  free(realname);
565  return 0;
567   </programlisting>
568   <para>
569     This prints
570   </para>
572   <screen>
573   <computeroutput>
574      St13bad_exception       =&gt; std::bad_exception   : 0
575      3barI5emptyLi17EE       =&gt; bar&lt;empty, 17&gt;       : 0
576   </computeroutput>
577   </screen>
579   <para>
580     The demangler interface is described in the source documentation
581     linked to above.  It is actually written in C, so you don't need to
582     be writing C++ in order to demangle C++.  (That also means we have to
583     use crummy memory management facilities, so don't forget to free()
584     the returned char array.)
585   </para>
588<!-- Chapter 13 : Concurrency -->
589<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
590	    parse="xml" href="concurrency_extensions.xml">