containers.xml revision 1.3
1<chapter xmlns="" version="5.0" 
2	 xml:id="std.containers" xreflabel="Containers">
3<?dbhtml filename="containers.html"?>
6  Containers
7  <indexterm><primary>Containers</primary></indexterm>
9  <keywordset>
10    <keyword>ISO C++</keyword>
11    <keyword>library</keyword>
12  </keywordset>
17<!-- Sect1 01 : Sequences -->
18<section xml:id="std.containers.sequences" xreflabel="Sequences"><info><title>Sequences</title></info>
19<?dbhtml filename="sequences.html"?>
22<section xml:id="containers.sequences.list" xreflabel="list"><info><title>list</title></info>
23<?dbhtml filename="list.html"?>
25  <section xml:id="sequences.list.size" xreflabel="list::size() is O(n)"><info><title>list::size() is O(n)</title></info>
27   <para>
28     Yes it is, and that was okay until the 2011 edition of the C++ standard.
29     In future GCC will change it to O(1) but O(N) was a decision that we
30     preserved when we imported SGI's STL implementation.  The following is
31     quoted from <link xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="">their FAQ</link>:
32   </para>
33   <blockquote>
34     <para>
35       The size() member function, for list and slist, takes time
36       proportional to the number of elements in the list.  This was a
37       deliberate tradeoff.  The only way to get a constant-time
38       size() for linked lists would be to maintain an extra member
39       variable containing the list's size.  This would require taking
40       extra time to update that variable (it would make splice() a
41       linear time operation, for example), and it would also make the
42       list larger.  Many list algorithms don't require that extra
43       word (algorithms that do require it might do better with
44       vectors than with lists), and, when it is necessary to maintain
45       an explicit size count, it's something that users can do
46       themselves.
47     </para>
48     <para>
49       This choice is permitted by the C++ standard. The standard says
50       that size() <quote>should</quote> be constant time, and
51       <quote>should</quote> does not mean the same thing as
52       <quote>shall</quote>.  This is the officially recommended ISO
53       wording for saying that an implementation is supposed to do
54       something unless there is a good reason not to.
55      </para>
56      <para>
57	One implication of linear time size(): you should never write
58      </para>
59	 <programlisting>
60	 if (L.size() == 0)
61	     ...
62	 </programlisting>
64	 <para>
65	 Instead, you should write
66	 </para>
68	 <programlisting>
69	 if (L.empty())
70	     ...
71	 </programlisting>
72   </blockquote>
73  </section>
78<!-- Sect1 02 : Associative -->
79<section xml:id="std.containers.associative" xreflabel="Associative"><info><title>Associative</title></info>
80<?dbhtml filename="associative.html"?>
83  <section xml:id="containers.associative.insert_hints" xreflabel="Insertion Hints"><info><title>Insertion Hints</title></info>
85   <para>
86     Section [23.1.2], Table 69, of the C++ standard lists this
87     function for all of the associative containers (map, set, etc):
88   </para>
89   <programlisting>
90      a.insert(p,t);
91   </programlisting>
92   <para>
93     where 'p' is an iterator into the container 'a', and 't' is the
94     item to insert.  The standard says that <quote><code>t</code> is
95     inserted as close as possible to the position just prior to
96     <code>p</code>.</quote> (Library DR #233 addresses this topic,
97     referring to <link xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="">N1780</link>.
98     Since version 4.2 GCC implements the resolution to DR 233, so
99     that insertions happen as close as possible to the hint. For
100     earlier releases the hint was only used as described below.
101   </para>
102   <para>
103     Here we'll describe how the hinting works in the libstdc++
104     implementation, and what you need to do in order to take
105     advantage of it.  (Insertions can change from logarithmic
106     complexity to amortized constant time, if the hint is properly
107     used.)  Also, since the current implementation is based on the
108     SGI STL one, these points may hold true for other library
109     implementations also, since the HP/SGI code is used in a lot of
110     places.
111   </para>
112   <para>
113     In the following text, the phrases <emphasis>greater
114     than</emphasis> and <emphasis>less than</emphasis> refer to the
115     results of the strict weak ordering imposed on the container by
116     its comparison object, which defaults to (basically)
117     <quote>&lt;</quote>.  Using those phrases is semantically sloppy,
118     but I didn't want to get bogged down in syntax.  I assume that if
119     you are intelligent enough to use your own comparison objects,
120     you are also intelligent enough to assign <quote>greater</quote>
121     and <quote>lesser</quote> their new meanings in the next
122     paragraph.  *grin*
123   </para>
124   <para>
125     If the <code>hint</code> parameter ('p' above) is equivalent to:
126   </para>
127     <itemizedlist>
128      <listitem>
129	<para>
130	  <code>begin()</code>, then the item being inserted should
131	  have a key less than all the other keys in the container.
132	  The item will be inserted at the beginning of the container,
133	  becoming the new entry at <code>begin()</code>.
134      </para>
135      </listitem>
136      <listitem>
137	<para>
138	  <code>end()</code>, then the item being inserted should have
139	  a key greater than all the other keys in the container.  The
140	  item will be inserted at the end of the container, becoming
141	  the new entry before <code>end()</code>.
142      </para>
143      </listitem>
144      <listitem>
145	<para>
146	  neither <code>begin()</code> nor <code>end()</code>, then:
147	  Let <code>h</code> be the entry in the container pointed to
148	  by <code>hint</code>, that is, <code>h = *hint</code>.  Then
149	  the item being inserted should have a key less than that of
150	  <code>h</code>, and greater than that of the item preceding
151	  <code>h</code>.  The new item will be inserted between
152	  <code>h</code> and <code>h</code>'s predecessor.
153	  </para>
154      </listitem>
155     </itemizedlist>
156   <para>
157     For <code>multimap</code> and <code>multiset</code>, the
158     restrictions are slightly looser: <quote>greater than</quote>
159     should be replaced by <quote>not less than</quote>and <quote>less
160     than</quote> should be replaced by <quote>not greater
161     than.</quote> (Why not replace greater with
162     greater-than-or-equal-to?  You probably could in your head, but
163     the mathematicians will tell you that it isn't the same thing.)
164   </para>
165   <para>
166     If the conditions are not met, then the hint is not used, and the
167     insertion proceeds as if you had called <code> a.insert(t)
168     </code> instead.  (<emphasis>Note </emphasis> that GCC releases
169     prior to 3.0.2 had a bug in the case with <code>hint ==
170     begin()</code> for the <code>map</code> and <code>set</code>
171     classes.  You should not use a hint argument in those releases.)
172   </para>
173   <para>
174     This behavior goes well with other containers'
175     <code>insert()</code> functions which take an iterator: if used,
176     the new item will be inserted before the iterator passed as an
177     argument, same as the other containers.
178   </para>
179   <para>
180     <emphasis>Note </emphasis> also that the hint in this
181     implementation is a one-shot.  The older insertion-with-hint
182     routines check the immediately surrounding entries to ensure that
183     the new item would in fact belong there.  If the hint does not
184     point to the correct place, then no further local searching is
185     done; the search begins from scratch in logarithmic time.
186   </para>
187  </section>
190  <section xml:id="containers.associative.bitset" xreflabel="bitset"><info><title>bitset</title></info>
191    <?dbhtml filename="bitset.html"?>
193    <section xml:id="associative.bitset.size_variable" xreflabel="Variable"><info><title>Size Variable</title></info>
195      <para>
196	No, you cannot write code of the form
197      </para>
198      <!-- Careful, the leading spaces in PRE show up directly. -->
199   <programlisting>
200      #include &lt;bitset&gt;
202      void foo (size_t n)
203      {
204	  std::bitset&lt;n&gt;   bits;
205	  ....
206      }
207   </programlisting>
208   <para>
209     because <code>n</code> must be known at compile time.  Your
210     compiler is correct; it is not a bug.  That's the way templates
211     work.  (Yes, it <emphasis>is</emphasis> a feature.)
212   </para>
213   <para>
214     There are a couple of ways to handle this kind of thing.  Please
215     consider all of them before passing judgement.  They include, in
216     no chaptericular order:
217   </para>
218      <itemizedlist>
219	<listitem><para>A very large N in <code>bitset&lt;N&gt;</code>.</para></listitem>
220	<listitem><para>A container&lt;bool&gt;.</para></listitem>
221	<listitem><para>Extremely weird solutions.</para></listitem>
222      </itemizedlist>
223   <para>
224     <emphasis>A very large N in
225     <code>bitset&lt;N&gt;</code>.����</emphasis> It has been
226     pointed out a few times in newsgroups that N bits only takes up
227     (N/8) bytes on most systems, and division by a factor of eight is
228     pretty impressive when speaking of memory.  Half a megabyte given
229     over to a bitset (recall that there is zero space overhead for
230     housekeeping info; it is known at compile time exactly how large
231     the set is) will hold over four million bits.  If you're using
232     those bits as status flags (e.g.,
233     <quote>changed</quote>/<quote>unchanged</quote> flags), that's a
234     <emphasis>lot</emphasis> of state.
235   </para>
236   <para>
237     You can then keep track of the <quote>maximum bit used</quote>
238     during some testing runs on representative data, make note of how
239     many of those bits really need to be there, and then reduce N to
240     a smaller number.  Leave some extra space, of course.  (If you
241     plan to write code like the incorrect example above, where the
242     bitset is a local variable, then you may have to talk your
243     compiler into allowing that much stack space; there may be zero
244     space overhead, but it's all allocated inside the object.)
245   </para>
246   <para>
247     <emphasis>A container&lt;bool&gt;.����</emphasis> The
248     Committee made provision for the space savings possible with that
249     (N/8) usage previously mentioned, so that you don't have to do
250     wasteful things like <code>Container&lt;char&gt;</code> or
251     <code>Container&lt;short int&gt;</code>.  Specifically,
252     <code>vector&lt;bool&gt;</code> is required to be specialized for
253     that space savings.
254   </para>
255   <para>
256     The problem is that <code>vector&lt;bool&gt;</code> doesn't
257     behave like a normal vector anymore.  There have been
258     journal articles which discuss the problems (the ones by Herb
259     Sutter in the May and July/August 1999 issues of C++ Report cover
260     it well).  Future revisions of the ISO C++ Standard will change
261     the requirement for <code>vector&lt;bool&gt;</code>
262     specialization.  In the meantime, <code>deque&lt;bool&gt;</code>
263     is recommended (although its behavior is sane, you probably will
264     not get the space savings, but the allocation scheme is different
265     than that of vector).
266   </para>
267   <para>
268     <emphasis>Extremely weird solutions.����</emphasis> If
269     you have access to the compiler and linker at runtime, you can do
270     something insane, like figuring out just how many bits you need,
271     then writing a temporary source code file.  That file contains an
272     instantiation of <code>bitset</code> for the required number of
273     bits, inside some wrapper functions with unchanging signatures.
274     Have your program then call the compiler on that file using
275     Position Independent Code, then open the newly-created object
276     file and load those wrapper functions.  You'll have an
277     instantiation of <code>bitset&lt;N&gt;</code> for the exact
278     <code>N</code> that you need at the time.  Don't forget to delete
279     the temporary files.  (Yes, this <emphasis>can</emphasis> be, and
280     <emphasis>has been</emphasis>, done.)
281   </para>
282   <!-- I wonder if this next paragraph will get me in trouble... -->
283   <para>
284     This would be the approach of either a visionary genius or a
285     raving lunatic, depending on your programming and management
286     style.  Probably the latter.
287   </para>
288   <para>
289     Which of the above techniques you use, if any, are up to you and
290     your intended application.  Some time/space profiling is
291     indicated if it really matters (don't just guess).  And, if you
292     manage to do anything along the lines of the third category, the
293     author would love to hear from you...
294   </para>
295   <para>
296     Also note that the implementation of bitset used in libstdc++ has
297     <link linkend="manual.ext.containers.sgi">some extensions</link>.
298   </para>
300    </section>
301    <section xml:id="associative.bitset.type_string" xreflabel="Type String"><info><title>Type String</title></info>
303      <para>
304      </para>
305   <para>
306     Bitmasks do not take char* nor const char* arguments in their
307     constructors.  This is something of an accident, but you can read
308     about the problem: follow the library's <quote>Links</quote> from
309     the homepage, and from the C++ information <quote>defect
310     reflector</quote> link, select the library issues list.  Issue
311     number 116 describes the problem.
312   </para>
313   <para>
314     For now you can simply make a temporary string object using the
315     constructor expression:
316   </para>
317   <programlisting>
318      std::bitset&lt;5&gt; b ( std::string(<quote>10110</quote>) );
319   </programlisting>
321   <para>
322     instead of
323   </para>
325    <programlisting>
326      std::bitset&lt;5&gt; b ( <quote>10110</quote> );    // invalid
327    </programlisting>
328    </section>
329  </section>
333<!-- Sect1 03 : Unordered Associative -->
334<section xml:id="std.containers.unordered" xreflabel="Unordered">
335  <info><title>Unordered Associative</title></info>
336  <?dbhtml filename="unordered_associative.html"?>
338  <section xml:id="containers.unordered.hash" xreflabel="Hash">
339    <info><title>Hash Code</title></info>
341  <section xml:id="containers.unordered.cache" xreflabel="Cache">
342    <info><title>Hash Code Caching Policy</title></info>
344    <para>
345      The unordered containers in libstdc++ may cache the hash code for each
346      element alongside the element itself. In some cases not recalculating
347      the hash code every time it's needed can improve performance, but the
348      additional memory overhead can also reduce performance, so whether an
349      unordered associative container caches the hash code or not depends on
350      a number of factors. The caching policy for GCC 4.8 is described below.
351    </para>
352    <para>
353      The C++ standard requires that <code>erase</code> and <code>swap</code>
354      operations must not throw exceptions. Those operations might need an
355      element's hash code, but cannot use the hash function if it could
356      throw.
357      This means the hash codes will be cached unless the hash function
358      has a non-throwing exception specification such as <code>noexcept</code>
359      or <code>throw()</code>.
360    </para>
361    <para>
362      Secondly, libstdc++ also needs the hash code in the implementation of
363      <code>local_iterator</code> and <code>const_local_iterator</code> in
364      order to know when the iterator has reached the end of the bucket.
365      This means that the local iterator types will embed a copy of the hash
366      function when possible.
367      Because the local iterator types must be DefaultConstructible and
368      CopyAssignable, if the hash function type does not model those concepts
369      then it cannot be embedded and so the hash code must be cached.
370      Note that a hash function might not be safe to use when
371      default-constructed (e.g if it a function pointer) so a hash
372      function that is contained in a local iterator won't be used until
373      the iterator is valid, so the hash function has been copied from a
374      correctly-initialized object.
375    </para>
376    <para>
377      If the hash function is non-throwing, DefaultConstructible and
378      CopyAssignable then libstdc++ doesn't need to cache the hash code for
379      correctness, but might still do so for performance if computing a
380      hash code is an expensive operation, as it may be for arbitrarily
381      long strings.
382      As an extension libstdc++ provides a trait type to describe whether
383      a hash function is fast. By default hash functions are assumed to be
384      fast unless the trait is specialized for the hash function and the
385      trait's value is false, in which case the hash code will always be
386      cached.
387      The trait can be specialized for user-defined hash functions like so:
388    </para>
389    <programlisting>
390      #include &lt;unordered_set&gt;
392      struct hasher
393      {
394        std::size_t operator()(int val) const noexcept
395        {
396          // Some very slow computation of a hash code from an int !
397          ...
398        }
399      }
401      namespace std
402      {
403        template&lt;&gt;
404          struct __is_fast_hash&lt;hasher&gt; : std::false_type
405          { };
406      }
407    </programlisting>
408  </section>
413<!-- Sect1 04 : Interacting with C -->
414<section xml:id="std.containers.c" xreflabel="Interacting with C"><info><title>Interacting with C</title></info>
415<?dbhtml filename="containers_and_c.html"?>
418  <section xml:id="containers.c.vs_array" xreflabel="Containers vs. Arrays"><info><title>Containers vs. Arrays</title></info>
420   <para>
421     You're writing some code and can't decide whether to use builtin
422     arrays or some kind of container.  There are compelling reasons
423     to use one of the container classes, but you're afraid that
424     you'll eventually run into difficulties, change everything back
425     to arrays, and then have to change all the code that uses those
426     data types to keep up with the change.
427   </para>
428   <para>
429     If your code makes use of the standard algorithms, this isn't as
430     scary as it sounds.  The algorithms don't know, nor care, about
431     the kind of <quote>container</quote> on which they work, since
432     the algorithms are only given endpoints to work with.  For the
433     container classes, these are iterators (usually
434     <code>begin()</code> and <code>end()</code>, but not always).
435     For builtin arrays, these are the address of the first element
436     and the <link linkend="iterators.predefined.end">past-the-end</link> element.
437   </para>
438   <para>
439     Some very simple wrapper functions can hide all of that from the
440     rest of the code.  For example, a pair of functions called
441     <code>beginof</code> can be written, one that takes an array,
442     another that takes a vector.  The first returns a pointer to the
443     first element, and the second returns the vector's
444     <code>begin()</code> iterator.
445   </para>
446   <para>
447     The functions should be made template functions, and should also
448     be declared inline.  As pointed out in the comments in the code
449     below, this can lead to <code>beginof</code> being optimized out
450     of existence, so you pay absolutely nothing in terms of increased
451     code size or execution time.
452   </para>
453   <para>
454     The result is that if all your algorithm calls look like
455   </para>
456   <programlisting>
457   std::transform(beginof(foo), endof(foo), beginof(foo), SomeFunction);
458   </programlisting>
459   <para>
460     then the type of foo can change from an array of ints to a vector
461     of ints to a deque of ints and back again, without ever changing
462     any client code.
463   </para>
466// beginof
467template&lt;typename T&gt;
468  inline typename vector&lt;T&gt;::iterator
469  beginof(vector&lt;T&gt; &amp;v)
470  { return v.begin(); }
472template&lt;typename T, unsigned int sz&gt;
473  inline T*
474  beginof(T (&amp;array)[sz]) { return array; }
476// endof
477template&lt;typename T&gt;
478  inline typename vector&lt;T&gt;::iterator
479  endof(vector&lt;T&gt; &amp;v)
480  { return v.end(); }
482template&lt;typename T, unsigned int sz&gt;
483  inline T*
484  endof(T (&amp;array)[sz]) { return array + sz; }
486// lengthof
487template&lt;typename T&gt;
488  inline typename vector&lt;T&gt;::size_type
489  lengthof(vector&lt;T&gt; &amp;v)
490  { return v.size(); }
492template&lt;typename T, unsigned int sz&gt;
493  inline unsigned int
494  lengthof(T (&amp;)[sz]) { return sz; }
497   <para>
498     Astute readers will notice two things at once: first, that the
499     container class is still a <code>vector&lt;T&gt;</code> instead
500     of a more general <code>Container&lt;T&gt;</code>.  This would
501     mean that three functions for <code>deque</code> would have to be
502     added, another three for <code>list</code>, and so on.  This is
503     due to problems with getting template resolution correct; I find
504     it easier just to give the extra three lines and avoid confusion.
505   </para>
506   <para>
507     Second, the line
508   </para>
509   <programlisting>
510    inline unsigned int lengthof (T (&amp;)[sz]) { return sz; }
511   </programlisting>
512   <para>
513     looks just weird!  Hint:  unused parameters can be left nameless.
514   </para>
515  </section>