1228063Sbapt// Written in the D programming language.
41590SrgrimesNetworking client functionality as provided by $(HTTP _curl.haxx.se/libcurl,
51590Srgrimeslibcurl). The libcurl library must be installed on the system in order to use
61590Srgrimesthis module.
81590Srgrimes$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;)
101590Srgrimes$(DIVC quickindex,
111590Srgrimes$(BOOKTABLE ,
121590Srgrimes$(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions)
141590Srgrimes$(TR $(TDNW High level) $(TD $(MYREF download) $(MYREF upload) $(MYREF get)
151590Srgrimes$(MYREF post) $(MYREF put) $(MYREF del) $(MYREF options) $(MYREF trace)
161590Srgrimes$(MYREF connect) $(MYREF byLine) $(MYREF byChunk)
171590Srgrimes$(MYREF byLineAsync) $(MYREF byChunkAsync) )
19228063Sbapt$(TR $(TDNW Low level) $(TD $(MYREF HTTP) $(MYREF FTP) $(MYREF
201590SrgrimesSMTP) )
261590SrgrimesYou may need to link to the $(B curl) library, e.g. by adding $(D "libs": ["curl"])
271590Srgrimesto your $(B dub.json) file if you are using $(LINK2 http://code.dlang.org, DUB).
291590SrgrimesWindows x86 note:
301590SrgrimesA DMD compatible libcurl static library can be downloaded from the dlang.org
311590Srgrimes$(LINK2 http://dlang.org/download.html, download page).
331590SrgrimesCompared to using libcurl directly this module allows simpler client code for
341590Srgrimescommon uses, requires no unsafe operations, and integrates better with the rest
351590Srgrimesof the language. Futhermore it provides <a href="std_range.html">$(D range)</a>
3695060Sjmallettaccess to protocols supported by libcurl both synchronously and asynchronously.
381590SrgrimesA high level and a low level API are available. The high level API is built
391590Srgrimesentirely on top of the low level one.
411590SrgrimesThe high level API is for commonly used functionality such as HTTP/FTP get. The
421590Srgrimes$(LREF byLineAsync) and $(LREF byChunkAsync) provides asynchronous <a
431590Srgrimeshref="std_range.html">$(D ranges)</a> that performs the request in another
441590Srgrimesthread while handling a line/chunk in the current thread.
461590SrgrimesThe low level API allows for streaming and other advanced features.
48100014Sjmallett$(BOOKTABLE Cheat Sheet,
49100014Sjmallett$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)
511590Srgrimes$(LEADINGROW High level)
521590Srgrimes$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF download)) $(TD $(D
531590Srgrimesdownload("ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds", "/tmp/downloaded-ftp-file"))
541590Srgrimesdownloads file from URL to file system.)
561590Srgrimes$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF upload)) $(TD $(D
57upload("/tmp/downloaded-ftp-file", "ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds");)
58uploads file from file system to URL.)
60$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF get)) $(TD $(D
61get("dlang.org")) returns a char[] containing the dlang.org web page.)
63$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF put)) $(TD $(D
64put("dlang.org", "Hi")) returns a char[] containing
65the dlang.org web page. after a HTTP PUT of "hi")
67$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF post)) $(TD $(D
68post("dlang.org", "Hi")) returns a char[] containing
69the dlang.org web page. after a HTTP POST of "hi")
71$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byLine)) $(TD $(D
72byLine("dlang.org")) returns a range of char[] containing the
73dlang.org web page.)
75$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byChunk)) $(TD $(D
76byChunk("dlang.org", 10)) returns a range of ubyte[10] containing the
77dlang.org web page.)
79$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byLineAsync)) $(TD $(D
80byLineAsync("dlang.org")) returns a range of char[] containing the dlang.org web
81 page asynchronously.)
83$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byChunkAsync)) $(TD $(D
84byChunkAsync("dlang.org", 10)) returns a range of ubyte[10] containing the
85dlang.org web page asynchronously.)
87$(LEADINGROW Low level
89$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF HTTP)) $(TD $(D HTTP) struct for advanced usage))
90$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF FTP)) $(TD $(D FTP) struct for advanced usage))
91$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF SMTP)) $(TD $(D SMTP) struct for advanced usage))
97import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
99// Return a char[] containing the content specified by a URL
100auto content = get("dlang.org");
102// Post data and return a char[] containing the content specified by a URL
103auto content = post("mydomain.com/here.cgi", ["name1" : "value1", "name2" : "value2"]);
105// Get content of file from ftp server
106auto content = get("ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds");
108// Post and print out content line by line. The request is done in another thread.
109foreach (line; byLineAsync("dlang.org", "Post data"))
110    writeln(line);
112// Get using a line range and proxy settings
113auto client = HTTP();
114client.proxy = "";
115foreach (line; byLine("dlang.org", client))
116    writeln(line);
119For more control than the high level functions provide, use the low level API:
123import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
125// GET with custom data receivers
126auto http = HTTP("dlang.org");
127http.onReceiveHeader =
128    (in char[] key, in char[] value) { writeln(key, ": ", value); };
129http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { /+ drop +/ return data.length; };
133First, an instance of the reference-counted HTTP struct is created. Then the
134custom delegates are set. These will be called whenever the HTTP instance
135receives a header and a data buffer, respectively. In this simple example, the
136headers are written to stdout and the data is ignored. If the request should be
137stopped before it has finished then return something less than data.length from
138the onReceive callback. See $(LREF onReceiveHeader)/$(LREF onReceive) for more
139information. Finally the HTTP request is effected by calling perform(), which is
142Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/net/_curl.d)
144Copyright: Copyright Jonas Drewsen 2011-2012
145License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
146Authors: Jonas Drewsen. Some of the SMTP code contributed by Jimmy Cao.
148Credits: The functionally is based on $(HTTP _curl.haxx.se/libcurl, libcurl).
149         LibCurl is licensed under an MIT/X derivative license.
152         Copyright Jonas Drewsen 2011 - 2012.
153Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
154   (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
155         http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
157module std.net.curl;
159import core.thread;
160import etc.c.curl;
161import std.concurrency;
162import std.encoding;
163import std.exception;
164import std.meta;
165import std.range.primitives;
166import std.socket : InternetAddress;
167import std.traits;
168import std.typecons;
170import std.internal.cstring;
172public import etc.c.curl : CurlOption;
174version (unittest)
176    // Run unit test with the PHOBOS_TEST_ALLOW_NET=1 set in order to
177    // allow net traffic
178    import std.range;
179    import std.stdio;
181    import std.socket : Address, INADDR_LOOPBACK, Socket, SocketShutdown, TcpSocket;
183    private struct TestServer
184    {
185        string addr() { return _addr; }
187        void handle(void function(Socket s) dg)
188        {
189            tid.send(dg);
190        }
192    private:
193        string _addr;
194        Tid tid;
195        TcpSocket sock;
197        static void loop(shared TcpSocket listener)
198        {
199            try while (true)
200            {
201                void function(Socket) handler = void;
202                try
203                    handler = receiveOnly!(typeof(handler));
204                catch (OwnerTerminated)
205                    return;
206                handler((cast() listener).accept);
207            }
208            catch (Throwable e)
209            {
210                stderr.writeln(e);  // Bugzilla 7018
211            }
212        }
213    }
215    private TestServer startServer()
216    {
217        tlsInit = true;
218        auto sock = new TcpSocket;
219        sock.bind(new InternetAddress(INADDR_LOOPBACK, InternetAddress.PORT_ANY));
220        sock.listen(1);
221        auto addr = sock.localAddress.toString();
222        auto tid = spawn(&TestServer.loop, cast(shared) sock);
223        return TestServer(addr, tid, sock);
224    }
226    __gshared TestServer server;
227    bool tlsInit;
229    private ref TestServer testServer()
230    {
231        return initOnce!server(startServer());
232    }
234    static ~this()
235    {
236        // terminate server from a thread local dtor of the thread that started it,
237        //  because thread_joinall is called before shared module dtors
238        if (tlsInit && server.sock)
239        {
240            server.sock.shutdown(SocketShutdown.RECEIVE);
241            server.sock.close();
242        }
243    }
245    private struct Request(T)
246    {
247        string hdrs;
248        immutable(T)[] bdy;
249    }
251    private Request!T recvReq(T=char)(Socket s)
252    {
253        import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
254        import std.algorithm.searching : find, canFind;
255        import std.conv : to;
256        import std.regex : ctRegex, matchFirst;
258        ubyte[1024] tmp=void;
259        ubyte[] buf;
261        while (true)
262        {
263            auto nbytes = s.receive(tmp[]);
264            assert(nbytes >= 0);
266            immutable beg = buf.length > 3 ? buf.length - 3 : 0;
267            buf ~= tmp[0 .. nbytes];
268            auto bdy = buf[beg .. $].find(cast(ubyte[])"\r\n\r\n");
269            if (bdy.empty)
270                continue;
272            auto hdrs = cast(string) buf[0 .. $ - bdy.length];
273            bdy.popFrontN(4);
274            // no support for chunked transfer-encoding
275            if (auto m = hdrs.matchFirst(ctRegex!(`Content-Length: ([0-9]+)`, "i")))
276            {
277                import std.uni : asUpperCase;
278                if (hdrs.asUpperCase.canFind("EXPECT: 100-CONTINUE"))
279                    s.send(httpContinue);
281                size_t remain = m.captures[1].to!size_t - bdy.length;
282                while (remain)
283                {
284                    nbytes = s.receive(tmp[0 .. min(remain, $)]);
285                    assert(nbytes >= 0);
286                    buf ~= tmp[0 .. nbytes];
287                    remain -= nbytes;
288                }
289            }
290            else
291            {
292                assert(bdy.empty);
293            }
294            bdy = buf[hdrs.length + 4 .. $];
295            return typeof(return)(hdrs, cast(immutable(T)[])bdy);
296        }
297    }
299    private string httpOK(string msg)
300    {
301        import std.conv : to;
303        return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~
304            "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"~
305            "Content-Length: "~msg.length.to!string~"\r\n"~
306            "\r\n"~
307            msg;
308    }
310    private string httpOK()
311    {
312        return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~
313            "Content-Length: 0\r\n"~
314            "\r\n";
315    }
317    private string httpNotFound()
318    {
319        return "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"~
320            "Content-Length: 0\r\n"~
321            "\r\n";
322    }
324    private enum httpContinue = "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n";
326version (StdDdoc) import std.stdio;
328// Default data timeout for Protocols
329private enum _defaultDataTimeout = dur!"minutes"(2);
336        $(DDOC_PARAM_ID $(DDOC_PARAM dlTotal))
337        $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC total bytes to download)
338        )
340        $(DDOC_PARAM_ID $(DDOC_PARAM dlNow))
341        $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC currently downloaded bytes)
342        )
344        $(DDOC_PARAM_ID $(DDOC_PARAM ulTotal))
345        $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC total bytes to upload)
346        )
348        $(DDOC_PARAM_ID $(DDOC_PARAM ulNow))
349        $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC currently uploaded bytes)
350        )
354/** Connection type used when the URL should be used to auto detect the protocol.
355  *
356  * This struct is used as placeholder for the connection parameter when calling
357  * the high level API and the connection type (HTTP/FTP) should be guessed by
358  * inspecting the URL parameter.
359  *
360  * The rules for guessing the protocol are:
361  * 1, if URL starts with ftp://, ftps:// or ftp. then FTP connection is assumed.
362  * 2, HTTP connection otherwise.
363  *
364  * Example:
365  * ---
366  * import std.net.curl;
367  * // Two requests below will do the same.
368  * string content;
369  *
370  * // Explicit connection provided
371  * content = get!HTTP("dlang.org");
372  *
373  * // Guess connection type by looking at the URL
374  * content = get!AutoProtocol("ftp://foo.com/file");
375  * // and since AutoProtocol is default this is the same as
376  * content = get("ftp://foo.com/file");
377  * // and will end up detecting FTP from the url and be the same as
378  * content = get!FTP("ftp://foo.com/file");
379  * ---
380  */
381struct AutoProtocol { }
383// Returns true if the url points to an FTP resource
384private bool isFTPUrl(const(char)[] url)
386    import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
387    import std.uni : toLower;
389    return startsWith(url.toLower(), "ftp://", "ftps://", "ftp.") != 0;
392// Is true if the Conn type is a valid Curl Connection type.
393private template isCurlConn(Conn)
395    enum auto isCurlConn = is(Conn : HTTP) ||
396        is(Conn : FTP) || is(Conn : AutoProtocol);
399/** HTTP/FTP download to local file system.
400 *
401 * Params:
402 * url = resource to download
403 * saveToPath = path to store the downloaded content on local disk
404 * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will
405 *        guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.
406 *
407 * Example:
408 * ----
409 * import std.net.curl;
410 * download("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", "/tmp/downloaded-http-file");
411 * ----
412 */
413void download(Conn = AutoProtocol)(const(char)[] url, string saveToPath, Conn conn = Conn())
414if (isCurlConn!Conn)
416    static if (is(Conn : HTTP) || is(Conn : FTP))
417    {
418        import std.stdio : File;
419        conn.url = url;
420        auto f = File(saveToPath, "wb");
421        conn.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { f.rawWrite(data); return data.length; };
422        conn.perform();
423    }
424    else
425    {
426        if (isFTPUrl(url))
427            return download!FTP(url, saveToPath, FTP());
428        else
429            return download!HTTP(url, saveToPath, HTTP());
430    }
433@system unittest
435    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
436    static import std.file;
438    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
439    {
440        testServer.handle((s) {
441            assert(s.recvReq.hdrs.canFind("GET /"));
442            s.send(httpOK("Hello world"));
443        });
444        auto fn = std.file.deleteme;
445        scope (exit)
446        {
447            if (std.file.exists(fn))
448                std.file.remove(fn);
449        }
450        download(host, fn);
451        assert(std.file.readText(fn) == "Hello world");
452    }
455/** Upload file from local files system using the HTTP or FTP protocol.
456 *
457 * Params:
458 * loadFromPath = path load data from local disk.
459 * url = resource to upload to
460 * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will
461 *        guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.
462 *
463 * Example:
464 * ----
465 * import std.net.curl;
466 * upload("/tmp/downloaded-ftp-file", "ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds");
467 * upload("/tmp/downloaded-http-file", "d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2");
468 * ----
469 */
470void upload(Conn = AutoProtocol)(string loadFromPath, const(char)[] url, Conn conn = Conn())
471if (isCurlConn!Conn)
473    static if (is(Conn : HTTP))
474    {
475        conn.url = url;
476        conn.method = HTTP.Method.put;
477    }
478    else static if (is(Conn : FTP))
479    {
480        conn.url = url;
481        conn.handle.set(CurlOption.upload, 1L);
482    }
483    else
484    {
485        if (isFTPUrl(url))
486            return upload!FTP(loadFromPath, url, FTP());
487        else
488            return upload!HTTP(loadFromPath, url, HTTP());
489    }
491    static if (is(Conn : HTTP) || is(Conn : FTP))
492    {
493        import std.stdio : File;
494        auto f = File(loadFromPath, "rb");
495        conn.onSend = buf => f.rawRead(buf).length;
496        immutable sz = f.size;
497        if (sz != ulong.max)
498            conn.contentLength = sz;
499        conn.perform();
500    }
503@system unittest
505    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
506    static import std.file;
508    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
509    {
510        auto fn = std.file.deleteme;
511        scope (exit)
512        {
513            if (std.file.exists(fn))
514                std.file.remove(fn);
515        }
516        std.file.write(fn, "upload data\n");
517        testServer.handle((s) {
518            auto req = s.recvReq;
519            assert(req.hdrs.canFind("PUT /path"));
520            assert(req.bdy.canFind("upload data"));
521            s.send(httpOK());
522        });
523        upload(fn, host ~ "/path");
524    }
527/** HTTP/FTP get content.
528 *
529 * Params:
530 * url = resource to get
531 * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will
532 *        guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.
533 *
534 * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values
535 * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). If asking
536 * for $(D char), content will be converted from the connection character set
537 * (specified in HTTP response headers or FTP connection properties, both ISO-8859-1
538 * by default) to UTF-8.
539 *
540 * Example:
541 * ----
542 * import std.net.curl;
543 * auto content = get("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2");
544 * ----
545 *
546 * Returns:
547 * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL.
548 *
549 * Throws:
550 *
551 * $(D CurlException) on error.
552 *
553 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
554 */
555T[] get(Conn = AutoProtocol, T = char)(const(char)[] url, Conn conn = Conn())
556if ( isCurlConn!Conn && (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) )
558    static if (is(Conn : HTTP))
559    {
560        conn.method = HTTP.Method.get;
561        return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, "", conn);
563    }
564    else static if (is(Conn : FTP))
565    {
566        return _basicFTP!(T)(url, "", conn);
567    }
568    else
569    {
570        if (isFTPUrl(url))
571            return get!(FTP,T)(url, FTP());
572        else
573            return get!(HTTP,T)(url, HTTP());
574    }
577@system unittest
579    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
581    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
582    {
583        testServer.handle((s) {
584            assert(s.recvReq.hdrs.canFind("GET /path"));
585            s.send(httpOK("GETRESPONSE"));
586        });
587        auto res = get(host ~ "/path");
588        assert(res == "GETRESPONSE");
589    }
593/** HTTP post content.
594 *
595 * Params:
596 *     url = resource to post to
597 *     postDict = data to send as the body of the request. An associative array
598 *                of $(D string) is accepted and will be encoded using
599 *                www-form-urlencoding
600 *     postData = data to send as the body of the request. An array
601 *                of an arbitrary type is accepted and will be cast to ubyte[]
602 *                before sending it.
603 *     conn = HTTP connection to use
604 *     T    = The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values
605 *            are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). If asking
606 *            for $(D char), content will be converted from the connection character set
607 *            (specified in HTTP response headers or FTP connection properties, both ISO-8859-1
608 *            by default) to UTF-8.
609 *
610 * Examples:
611 * ----
612 * import std.net.curl;
613 *
614 * auto content1 = post("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", ["name1" : "value1", "name2" : "value2"]);
615 * auto content2 = post("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", [1,2,3,4]);
616 * ----
617 *
618 * Returns:
619 * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL.
620 *
621 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
622 */
623T[] post(T = char, PostUnit)(const(char)[] url, const(PostUnit)[] postData, HTTP conn = HTTP())
624if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte))
626    conn.method = HTTP.Method.post;
627    return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, postData, conn);
630@system unittest
632    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
634    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
635    {
636        testServer.handle((s) {
637            auto req = s.recvReq;
638            assert(req.hdrs.canFind("POST /path"));
639            assert(req.bdy.canFind("POSTBODY"));
640            s.send(httpOK("POSTRESPONSE"));
641        });
642        auto res = post(host ~ "/path", "POSTBODY");
643        assert(res == "POSTRESPONSE");
644    }
647@system unittest
649    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
651    auto data = new ubyte[](256);
652    foreach (i, ref ub; data)
653        ub = cast(ubyte) i;
655    testServer.handle((s) {
656        auto req = s.recvReq!ubyte;
657        assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));
658        assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[253, 254, 255]));
659        s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41]));
660    });
661    auto res = post!ubyte(testServer.addr, data);
662    assert(res == cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41]);
665/// ditto
666T[] post(T = char)(const(char)[] url, string[string] postDict, HTTP conn = HTTP())
667if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte))
669    import std.uri : urlEncode;
671    return post(url, urlEncode(postDict), conn);
674@system unittest
676    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://" ~ testServer.addr])
677    {
678        testServer.handle((s) {
679            auto req = s.recvReq!char;
680            s.send(httpOK(req.bdy));
681        });
682        auto res = post(host ~ "/path", ["name1" : "value1", "name2" : "value2"]);
683        assert(res == "name1=value1&name2=value2" || res == "name2=value2&name1=value1");
684    }
687/** HTTP/FTP put content.
688 *
689 * Params:
690 * url = resource to put
691 * putData = data to send as the body of the request. An array
692 *           of an arbitrary type is accepted and will be cast to ubyte[]
693 *           before sending it.
694 * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will
695 *        guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.
696 *
697 * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values
698 * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). If asking
699 * for $(D char), content will be converted from the connection character set
700 * (specified in HTTP response headers or FTP connection properties, both ISO-8859-1
701 * by default) to UTF-8.
702 *
703 * Example:
704 * ----
705 * import std.net.curl;
706 * auto content = put("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2",
707 *                      "Putting this data");
708 * ----
709 *
710 * Returns:
711 * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL.
712 *
713 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
714 */
715T[] put(Conn = AutoProtocol, T = char, PutUnit)(const(char)[] url, const(PutUnit)[] putData,
716                                                  Conn conn = Conn())
717if ( isCurlConn!Conn && (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) )
719    static if (is(Conn : HTTP))
720    {
721        conn.method = HTTP.Method.put;
722        return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, putData, conn);
723    }
724    else static if (is(Conn : FTP))
725    {
726        return _basicFTP!(T)(url, putData, conn);
727    }
728    else
729    {
730        if (isFTPUrl(url))
731            return put!(FTP,T)(url, putData, FTP());
732        else
733            return put!(HTTP,T)(url, putData, HTTP());
734    }
737@system unittest
739    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
741    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
742    {
743        testServer.handle((s) {
744            auto req = s.recvReq;
745            assert(req.hdrs.canFind("PUT /path"));
746            assert(req.bdy.canFind("PUTBODY"));
747            s.send(httpOK("PUTRESPONSE"));
748        });
749        auto res = put(host ~ "/path", "PUTBODY");
750        assert(res == "PUTRESPONSE");
751    }
755/** HTTP/FTP delete content.
756 *
757 * Params:
758 * url = resource to delete
759 * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will
760 *        guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.
761 *
762 * Example:
763 * ----
764 * import std.net.curl;
765 * del("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2");
766 * ----
767 *
768 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
769 */
770void del(Conn = AutoProtocol)(const(char)[] url, Conn conn = Conn())
771if (isCurlConn!Conn)
773    static if (is(Conn : HTTP))
774    {
775        conn.method = HTTP.Method.del;
776        _basicHTTP!char(url, cast(void[]) null, conn);
777    }
778    else static if (is(Conn : FTP))
779    {
780        import std.algorithm.searching : findSplitAfter;
781        import std.conv : text;
783        auto trimmed = url.findSplitAfter("ftp://")[1];
784        auto t = trimmed.findSplitAfter("/");
785        enum minDomainNameLength = 3;
786        enforce!CurlException(t[0].length > minDomainNameLength,
787                                text("Invalid FTP URL for delete ", url));
788        conn.url = t[0];
790        enforce!CurlException(!t[1].empty,
791                                text("No filename specified to delete for URL ", url));
792        conn.addCommand("DELE " ~ t[1]);
793        conn.perform();
794    }
795    else
796    {
797        if (isFTPUrl(url))
798            return del!FTP(url, FTP());
799        else
800            return del!HTTP(url, HTTP());
801    }
804@system unittest
806    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
808    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
809    {
810        testServer.handle((s) {
811            auto req = s.recvReq;
812            assert(req.hdrs.canFind("DELETE /path"));
813            s.send(httpOK());
814        });
815        del(host ~ "/path");
816    }
820/** HTTP options request.
821 *
822 * Params:
823 * url = resource make a option call to
824 * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will
825 *        guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.
826 *
827 * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values
828 * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]).
829 *
830 * Example:
831 * ----
832 * import std.net.curl;
833 * auto http = HTTP();
834 * options("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", http);
835 * writeln("Allow set to " ~ http.responseHeaders["Allow"]);
836 * ----
837 *
838 * Returns:
839 * A T[] range containing the options of the resource pointed to by the URL.
840 *
841 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
842 */
843T[] options(T = char)(const(char)[] url, HTTP conn = HTTP())
844if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte))
846    conn.method = HTTP.Method.options;
847    return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, null, conn);
850@system unittest
852    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
854    testServer.handle((s) {
855        auto req = s.recvReq;
856        assert(req.hdrs.canFind("OPTIONS /path"));
857        s.send(httpOK("OPTIONSRESPONSE"));
858    });
859    auto res = options(testServer.addr ~ "/path");
860    assert(res == "OPTIONSRESPONSE");
864/** HTTP trace request.
865 *
866 * Params:
867 * url = resource make a trace call to
868 * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will
869 *        guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only.
870 *
871 * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values
872 * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]).
873 *
874 * Example:
875 * ----
876 * import std.net.curl;
877 * trace("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl1");
878 * ----
879 *
880 * Returns:
881 * A T[] range containing the trace info of the resource pointed to by the URL.
882 *
883 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
884 */
885T[] trace(T = char)(const(char)[] url, HTTP conn = HTTP())
886if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte))
888    conn.method = HTTP.Method.trace;
889    return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, cast(void[]) null, conn);
892@system unittest
894    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
896    testServer.handle((s) {
897        auto req = s.recvReq;
898        assert(req.hdrs.canFind("TRACE /path"));
899        s.send(httpOK("TRACERESPONSE"));
900    });
901    auto res = trace(testServer.addr ~ "/path");
902    assert(res == "TRACERESPONSE");
906/** HTTP connect request.
907 *
908 * Params:
909 * url = resource make a connect to
910 * conn = HTTP connection to use
911 *
912 * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values
913 * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]).
914 *
915 * Example:
916 * ----
917 * import std.net.curl;
918 * connect("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl1");
919 * ----
920 *
921 * Returns:
922 * A T[] range containing the connect info of the resource pointed to by the URL.
923 *
924 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
925 */
926T[] connect(T = char)(const(char)[] url, HTTP conn = HTTP())
927if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte))
929    conn.method = HTTP.Method.connect;
930    return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, cast(void[]) null, conn);
933@system unittest
935    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
937    testServer.handle((s) {
938        auto req = s.recvReq;
939        assert(req.hdrs.canFind("CONNECT /path"));
940        s.send(httpOK("CONNECTRESPONSE"));
941    });
942    auto res = connect(testServer.addr ~ "/path");
943    assert(res == "CONNECTRESPONSE");
947/** HTTP patch content.
948 *
949 * Params:
950 * url = resource to patch
951 * patchData = data to send as the body of the request. An array
952 *           of an arbitrary type is accepted and will be cast to ubyte[]
953 *           before sending it.
954 * conn = HTTP connection to use
955 *
956 * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values
957 * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]).
958 *
959 * Example:
960 * ----
961 * auto http = HTTP();
962 * http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
963 * auto content = patch("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", `{"title": "Patched Title"}`, http);
964 * ----
965 *
966 * Returns:
967 * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL.
968 *
969 * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method)
970 */
971T[] patch(T = char, PatchUnit)(const(char)[] url, const(PatchUnit)[] patchData,
972                               HTTP conn = HTTP())
973if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte))
975    conn.method = HTTP.Method.patch;
976    return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, patchData, conn);
979@system unittest
981    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
983    testServer.handle((s) {
984        auto req = s.recvReq;
985        assert(req.hdrs.canFind("PATCH /path"));
986        assert(req.bdy.canFind("PATCHBODY"));
987        s.send(httpOK("PATCHRESPONSE"));
988    });
989    auto res = patch(testServer.addr ~ "/path", "PATCHBODY");
990    assert(res == "PATCHRESPONSE");
995 * Helper function for the high level interface.
996 *
997 * It performs an HTTP request using the client which must have
998 * been setup correctly before calling this function.
999 */
1000private auto _basicHTTP(T)(const(char)[] url, const(void)[] sendData, HTTP client)
1002    import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
1003    import std.format : format;
1005    immutable doSend = sendData !is null &&
1006        (client.method == HTTP.Method.post ||
1007         client.method == HTTP.Method.put ||
1008         client.method == HTTP.Method.patch);
1010    scope (exit)
1011    {
1012        client.onReceiveHeader = null;
1013        client.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
1014        client.onReceive = null;
1016        if (doSend)
1017        {
1018            client.onSend = null;
1019            client.handle.onSeek = null;
1020            client.contentLength = 0;
1021        }
1022    }
1023    client.url = url;
1024    HTTP.StatusLine statusLine;
1025    import std.array : appender;
1026    auto content = appender!(ubyte[])();
1027    client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data)
1028    {
1029        content ~= data;
1030        return data.length;
1031    };
1033    if (doSend)
1034    {
1035        client.contentLength = sendData.length;
1036        auto remainingData = sendData;
1037        client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] buf)
1038        {
1039            size_t minLen = min(buf.length, remainingData.length);
1040            if (minLen == 0) return 0;
1041            buf[0 .. minLen] = remainingData[0 .. minLen];
1042            remainingData = remainingData[minLen..$];
1043            return minLen;
1044        };
1045        client.handle.onSeek = delegate(long offset, CurlSeekPos mode)
1046        {
1047            switch (mode)
1048            {
1049                case CurlSeekPos.set:
1050                    remainingData = sendData[cast(size_t) offset..$];
1051                    return CurlSeek.ok;
1052                default:
1053                    // As of curl 7.18.0, libcurl will not pass
1054                    // anything other than CurlSeekPos.set.
1055                    return CurlSeek.cantseek;
1056            }
1057        };
1058    }
1060    client.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] key,
1061                              in char[] value)
1062    {
1063        if (key == "content-length")
1064        {
1065            import std.conv : to;
1066            content.reserve(value.to!size_t);
1067        }
1068    };
1069    client.onReceiveStatusLine = (HTTP.StatusLine l) { statusLine = l; };
1070    client.perform();
1071    enforce(statusLine.code / 100 == 2, new HTTPStatusException(statusLine.code,
1072            format("HTTP request returned status code %d (%s)", statusLine.code, statusLine.reason)));
1074    return _decodeContent!T(content.data, client.p.charset);
1077@system unittest
1079    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
1081    testServer.handle((s) {
1082        auto req = s.recvReq;
1083        assert(req.hdrs.canFind("GET /path"));
1084        s.send(httpNotFound());
1085    });
1086    auto e = collectException!HTTPStatusException(get(testServer.addr ~ "/path"));
1087    assert(e.msg == "HTTP request returned status code 404 (Not Found)");
1088    assert(e.status == 404);
1091// Bugzilla 14760 - content length must be reset after post
1092@system unittest
1094    import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
1096    testServer.handle((s) {
1097        auto req = s.recvReq;
1098        assert(req.hdrs.canFind("POST /"));
1099        assert(req.bdy.canFind("POSTBODY"));
1100        s.send(httpOK("POSTRESPONSE"));
1102        req = s.recvReq;
1103        assert(req.hdrs.canFind("TRACE /"));
1104        assert(req.bdy.empty);
1105        s.blocking = false;
1106        ubyte[6] buf = void;
1107        assert(s.receive(buf[]) < 0);
1108        s.send(httpOK("TRACERESPONSE"));
1109    });
1110    auto http = HTTP();
1111    auto res = post(testServer.addr, "POSTBODY", http);
1112    assert(res == "POSTRESPONSE");
1113    res = trace(testServer.addr, http);
1114    assert(res == "TRACERESPONSE");
1117@system unittest // charset detection and transcoding to T
1119    testServer.handle((s) {
1120        s.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~
1121        "Content-Length: 4\r\n"~
1122        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n" ~
1123        "\r\n" ~
1124        "��bc");
1125    });
1126    auto client = HTTP();
1127    auto result = _basicHTTP!char(testServer.addr, "", client);
1128    assert(result == "��bc");
1130    testServer.handle((s) {
1131        s.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~
1132        "Content-Length: 3\r\n"~
1133        "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n" ~
1134        "\r\n" ~
1135        0xE4 ~ "bc");
1136    });
1137    client = HTTP();
1138    result = _basicHTTP!char(testServer.addr, "", client);
1139    assert(result == "��bc");
1143 * Helper function for the high level interface.
1144 *
1145 * It performs an FTP request using the client which must have
1146 * been setup correctly before calling this function.
1147 */
1148private auto _basicFTP(T)(const(char)[] url, const(void)[] sendData, FTP client)
1150    import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
1152    scope (exit)
1153    {
1154        client.onReceive = null;
1155        if (!sendData.empty)
1156            client.onSend = null;
1157    }
1159    ubyte[] content;
1161    if (client.encoding.empty)
1162        client.encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
1164    client.url = url;
1165    client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data)
1166    {
1167        content ~= data;
1168        return data.length;
1169    };
1171    if (!sendData.empty)
1172    {
1173        client.handle.set(CurlOption.upload, 1L);
1174        client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] buf)
1175        {
1176            size_t minLen = min(buf.length, sendData.length);
1177            if (minLen == 0) return 0;
1178            buf[0 .. minLen] = sendData[0 .. minLen];
1179            sendData = sendData[minLen..$];
1180            return minLen;
1181        };
1182    }
1184    client.perform();
1186    return _decodeContent!T(content, client.encoding);
1189/* Used by _basicHTTP() and _basicFTP() to decode ubyte[] to
1190 * correct string format
1191 */
1192private auto _decodeContent(T)(ubyte[] content, string encoding)
1194    static if (is(T == ubyte))
1195    {
1196        return content;
1197    }
1198    else
1199    {
1200        import std.format : format;
1202        // Optimally just return the utf8 encoded content
1203        if (encoding == "UTF-8")
1204            return cast(char[])(content);
1206        // The content has to be re-encoded to utf8
1207        auto scheme = EncodingScheme.create(encoding);
1208        enforce!CurlException(scheme !is null,
1209                                format("Unknown encoding '%s'", encoding));
1211        auto strInfo = decodeString(content, scheme);
1212        enforce!CurlException(strInfo[0] != size_t.max,
1213                                format("Invalid encoding sequence for encoding '%s'",
1214                                       encoding));
1216        return strInfo[1];
1217    }
1220alias KeepTerminator = Flag!"keepTerminator";
1222struct ByLineBuffer(Char)
1224    bool linePresent;
1225    bool EOF;
1226    Char[] buffer;
1227    ubyte[] decodeRemainder;
1229    bool append(const(ubyte)[] data)
1230    {
1231        byLineBuffer ~= data;
1232    }
1234    @property bool linePresent()
1235    {
1236        return byLinePresent;
1237    }
1239    Char[] get()
1240    {
1241        if (!linePresent)
1242        {
1243            // Decode ubyte[] into Char[] until a Terminator is found.
1244            // If not Terminator is found and EOF is false then raise an
1245            // exception.
1246        }
1247        return byLineBuffer;
1248    }
1252/** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of lines.
1253 *
1254 * A range of lines is returned when the request is complete. If the method or
1255 * other request properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter
1256 * with a HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set.
1257 *
1258 * Example:
1259 * ----
1260 * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
1261 * foreach (line; byLine("dlang.org"))
1262 *     writeln(line);
1263 * ----
1264 *
1265 * Params:
1266 * url = The url to receive content from
1267 * keepTerminator = $(D Yes.keepTerminator) signals that the line terminator should be
1268 *                  returned as part of the lines in the range.
1269 * terminator = The character that terminates a line
1270 * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP.
1271 *
1272 * Returns:
1273 * A range of Char[] with the content of the resource pointer to by the URL
1274 */
1275auto byLine(Conn = AutoProtocol, Terminator = char, Char = char)
1276           (const(char)[] url, KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No.keepTerminator,
1277            Terminator terminator = '\n', Conn conn = Conn())
1278if (isCurlConn!Conn && isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Terminator)
1280    static struct SyncLineInputRange
1281    {
1283        private Char[] lines;
1284        private Char[] current;
1285        private bool currentValid;
1286        private bool keepTerminator;
1287        private Terminator terminator;
1289        this(Char[] lines, bool kt, Terminator terminator)
1290        {
1291            this.lines = lines;
1292            this.keepTerminator = kt;
1293            this.terminator = terminator;
1294            currentValid = true;
1295            popFront();
1296        }
1298        @property @safe bool empty()
1299        {
1300            return !currentValid;
1301        }
1303        @property @safe Char[] front()
1304        {
1305            enforce!CurlException(currentValid, "Cannot call front() on empty range");
1306            return current;
1307        }
1309        void popFront()
1310        {
1311            import std.algorithm.searching : findSplitAfter, findSplit;
1313            enforce!CurlException(currentValid, "Cannot call popFront() on empty range");
1314            if (lines.empty)
1315            {
1316                currentValid = false;
1317                return;
1318            }
1320            if (keepTerminator)
1321            {
1322                auto r = findSplitAfter(lines, [ terminator ]);
1323                if (r[0].empty)
1324                {
1325                    current = r[1];
1326                    lines = r[0];
1327                }
1328                else
1329                {
1330                    current = r[0];
1331                    lines = r[1];
1332                }
1333            }
1334            else
1335            {
1336                auto r = findSplit(lines, [ terminator ]);
1337                current = r[0];
1338                lines = r[2];
1339            }
1340        }
1341    }
1343    auto result = _getForRange!Char(url, conn);
1344    return SyncLineInputRange(result, keepTerminator == Yes.keepTerminator, terminator);
1347@system unittest
1349    import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
1351    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
1352    {
1353        testServer.handle((s) {
1354            auto req = s.recvReq;
1355            s.send(httpOK("Line1\nLine2\nLine3"));
1356        });
1357        assert(byLine(host).equal(["Line1", "Line2", "Line3"]));
1358    }
1361/** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of chunks.
1362 *
1363 * A range of chunks is returned when the request is complete. If the method or
1364 * other request properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter
1365 * with a HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set.
1366 *
1367 * Example:
1368 * ----
1369 * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
1370 * foreach (chunk; byChunk("dlang.org", 100))
1371 *     writeln(chunk); // chunk is ubyte[100]
1372 * ----
1373 *
1374 * Params:
1375 * url = The url to receive content from
1376 * chunkSize = The size of each chunk
1377 * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP.
1378 *
1379 * Returns:
1380 * A range of ubyte[chunkSize] with the content of the resource pointer to by the URL
1381 */
1382auto byChunk(Conn = AutoProtocol)
1383            (const(char)[] url, size_t chunkSize = 1024, Conn conn = Conn())
1384if (isCurlConn!(Conn))
1386    static struct SyncChunkInputRange
1387    {
1388        private size_t chunkSize;
1389        private ubyte[] _bytes;
1390        private size_t offset;
1392        this(ubyte[] bytes, size_t chunkSize)
1393        {
1394            this._bytes = bytes;
1395            this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
1396        }
1398        @property @safe auto empty()
1399        {
1400            return offset == _bytes.length;
1401        }
1403        @property ubyte[] front()
1404        {
1405            size_t nextOffset = offset + chunkSize;
1406            if (nextOffset > _bytes.length) nextOffset = _bytes.length;
1407            return _bytes[offset .. nextOffset];
1408        }
1410        @safe void popFront()
1411        {
1412            offset += chunkSize;
1413            if (offset > _bytes.length) offset = _bytes.length;
1414        }
1415    }
1417    auto result = _getForRange!ubyte(url, conn);
1418    return SyncChunkInputRange(result, chunkSize);
1421@system unittest
1423    import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
1425    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
1426    {
1427        testServer.handle((s) {
1428            auto req = s.recvReq;
1429            s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
1430        });
1431        assert(byChunk(host, 2).equal([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]));
1432    }
1435private T[] _getForRange(T,Conn)(const(char)[] url, Conn conn)
1437    static if (is(Conn : HTTP))
1438    {
1439        conn.method = conn.method == HTTP.Method.undefined ? HTTP.Method.get : conn.method;
1440        return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, null, conn);
1441    }
1442    else static if (is(Conn : FTP))
1443    {
1444        return _basicFTP!(T)(url, null, conn);
1445    }
1446    else
1447    {
1448        if (isFTPUrl(url))
1449            return get!(FTP,T)(url, FTP());
1450        else
1451            return get!(HTTP,T)(url, HTTP());
1452    }
1456  Main thread part of the message passing protocol used for all async
1457  curl protocols.
1458 */
1459private mixin template WorkerThreadProtocol(Unit, alias units)
1461    @property bool empty()
1462    {
1463        tryEnsureUnits();
1464        return state == State.done;
1465    }
1467    @property Unit[] front()
1468    {
1469        import std.format : format;
1470        tryEnsureUnits();
1471        assert(state == State.gotUnits,
1472               format("Expected %s but got $s",
1473                      State.gotUnits, state));
1474        return units;
1475    }
1477    void popFront()
1478    {
1479        import std.format : format;
1480        tryEnsureUnits();
1481        assert(state == State.gotUnits,
1482               format("Expected %s but got $s",
1483                      State.gotUnits, state));
1484        state = State.needUnits;
1485        // Send to worker thread for buffer reuse
1486        workerTid.send(cast(immutable(Unit)[]) units);
1487        units = null;
1488    }
1490    /** Wait for duration or until data is available and return true if data is
1491         available
1492    */
1493    bool wait(Duration d)
1494    {
1495        import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch;
1497        if (state == State.gotUnits)
1498            return true;
1500        enum noDur = dur!"hnsecs"(0);
1501        StopWatch sw;
1502        sw.start();
1503        while (state != State.gotUnits && d > noDur)
1504        {
1505            final switch (state)
1506            {
1507            case State.needUnits:
1508                receiveTimeout(d,
1509                        (Tid origin, CurlMessage!(immutable(Unit)[]) _data)
1510                        {
1511                            if (origin != workerTid)
1512                                return false;
1513                            units = cast(Unit[]) _data.data;
1514                            state = State.gotUnits;
1515                            return true;
1516                        },
1517                        (Tid origin, CurlMessage!bool f)
1518                        {
1519                            if (origin != workerTid)
1520                                return false;
1521                            state = state.done;
1522                            return true;
1523                        }
1524                        );
1525                break;
1526            case State.gotUnits: return true;
1527            case State.done:
1528                return false;
1529            }
1530            d -= sw.peek();
1531            sw.reset();
1532        }
1533        return state == State.gotUnits;
1534    }
1536    enum State
1537    {
1538        needUnits,
1539        gotUnits,
1540        done
1541    }
1542    State state;
1544    void tryEnsureUnits()
1545    {
1546        while (true)
1547        {
1548            final switch (state)
1549            {
1550            case State.needUnits:
1551                receive(
1552                        (Tid origin, CurlMessage!(immutable(Unit)[]) _data)
1553                        {
1554                            if (origin != workerTid)
1555                                return false;
1556                            units = cast(Unit[]) _data.data;
1557                            state = State.gotUnits;
1558                            return true;
1559                        },
1560                        (Tid origin, CurlMessage!bool f)
1561                        {
1562                            if (origin != workerTid)
1563                                return false;
1564                            state = state.done;
1565                            return true;
1566                        }
1567                        );
1568                break;
1569            case State.gotUnits: return;
1570            case State.done:
1571                return;
1572            }
1573        }
1574    }
1577// @@@@BUG 15831@@@@
1578// this should be inside byLineAsync
1579// Range that reads one line at a time asynchronously.
1580private static struct AsyncLineInputRange(Char)
1582    private Char[] line;
1583    mixin WorkerThreadProtocol!(Char, line);
1585    private Tid workerTid;
1586    private State running;
1588    private this(Tid tid, size_t transmitBuffers, size_t bufferSize)
1589    {
1590        workerTid = tid;
1591        state = State.needUnits;
1593        // Send buffers to other thread for it to use.  Since no mechanism is in
1594        // place for moving ownership a cast to shared is done here and casted
1595        // back to non-shared in the receiving end.
1596        foreach (i ; 0 .. transmitBuffers)
1597        {
1598            auto arr = new Char[](bufferSize);
1599            workerTid.send(cast(immutable(Char[]))arr);
1600        }
1601    }
1604/** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of lines asynchronously.
1605 *
1606 * A range of lines is returned immediately and the request that fetches the
1607 * lines is performed in another thread. If the method or other request
1608 * properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter with a
1609 * HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set.
1610 *
1611 * If $(D postData) is non-_null the method will be set to $(D post) for HTTP
1612 * requests.
1613 *
1614 * The background thread will buffer up to transmitBuffers number of lines
1615 * before it stops receiving data from network. When the main thread reads the
1616 * lines from the range it frees up buffers and allows for the background thread
1617 * to receive more data from the network.
1618 *
1619 * If no data is available and the main thread accesses the range it will block
1620 * until data becomes available. An exception to this is the $(D wait(Duration)) method on
1621 * the $(LREF AsyncLineInputRange). This method will wait at maximum for the
1622 * specified duration and return true if data is available.
1623 *
1624 * Example:
1625 * ----
1626 * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
1627 * // Get some pages in the background
1628 * auto range1 = byLineAsync("www.google.com");
1629 * auto range2 = byLineAsync("www.wikipedia.org");
1630 * foreach (line; byLineAsync("dlang.org"))
1631 *     writeln(line);
1632 *
1633 * // Lines already fetched in the background and ready
1634 * foreach (line; range1) writeln(line);
1635 * foreach (line; range2) writeln(line);
1636 * ----
1637 *
1638 * ----
1639 * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
1640 * // Get a line in a background thread and wait in
1641 * // main thread for 2 seconds for it to arrive.
1642 * auto range3 = byLineAsync("dlang.com");
1643 * if (range3.wait(dur!"seconds"(2)))
1644 *     writeln(range3.front);
1645 * else
1646 *     writeln("No line received after 2 seconds!");
1647 * ----
1648 *
1649 * Params:
1650 * url = The url to receive content from
1651 * postData = Data to HTTP Post
1652 * keepTerminator = $(D Yes.keepTerminator) signals that the line terminator should be
1653 *                  returned as part of the lines in the range.
1654 * terminator = The character that terminates a line
1655 * transmitBuffers = The number of lines buffered asynchronously
1656 * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP.
1657 *
1658 * Returns:
1659 * A range of Char[] with the content of the resource pointer to by the
1660 * URL.
1661 */
1662auto byLineAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol, Terminator = char, Char = char, PostUnit)
1663            (const(char)[] url, const(PostUnit)[] postData,
1664             KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No.keepTerminator,
1665             Terminator terminator = '\n',
1666             size_t transmitBuffers = 10, Conn conn = Conn())
1667if (isCurlConn!Conn && isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Terminator)
1669    static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol))
1670    {
1671        if (isFTPUrl(url))
1672            return byLineAsync(url, postData, keepTerminator,
1673                               terminator, transmitBuffers, FTP());
1674        else
1675            return byLineAsync(url, postData, keepTerminator,
1676                               terminator, transmitBuffers, HTTP());
1677    }
1678    else
1679    {
1680        // 50 is just an arbitrary number for now
1681        setMaxMailboxSize(thisTid, 50, OnCrowding.block);
1682        auto tid = spawn(&_spawnAsync!(Conn, Char, Terminator));
1683        tid.send(thisTid);
1684        tid.send(terminator);
1685        tid.send(keepTerminator == Yes.keepTerminator);
1687        _asyncDuplicateConnection(url, conn, postData, tid);
1689        return AsyncLineInputRange!Char(tid, transmitBuffers,
1690                                        Conn.defaultAsyncStringBufferSize);
1691    }
1694/// ditto
1695auto byLineAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol, Terminator = char, Char = char)
1696            (const(char)[] url, KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No.keepTerminator,
1697             Terminator terminator = '\n',
1698             size_t transmitBuffers = 10, Conn conn = Conn())
1700    static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol))
1701    {
1702        if (isFTPUrl(url))
1703            return byLineAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, keepTerminator,
1704                               terminator, transmitBuffers, FTP());
1705        else
1706            return byLineAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, keepTerminator,
1707                               terminator, transmitBuffers, HTTP());
1708    }
1709    else
1710    {
1711        return byLineAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, keepTerminator,
1712                           terminator, transmitBuffers, conn);
1713    }
1716@system unittest
1718    import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
1720    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
1721    {
1722        testServer.handle((s) {
1723            auto req = s.recvReq;
1724            s.send(httpOK("Line1\nLine2\nLine3"));
1725        });
1726        assert(byLineAsync(host).equal(["Line1", "Line2", "Line3"]));
1727    }
1730// @@@@BUG 15831@@@@
1731// this should be inside byLineAsync
1732// Range that reads one chunk at a time asynchronously.
1733private static struct AsyncChunkInputRange
1735    private ubyte[] chunk;
1736    mixin WorkerThreadProtocol!(ubyte, chunk);
1738    private Tid workerTid;
1739    private State running;
1741    private this(Tid tid, size_t transmitBuffers, size_t chunkSize)
1742    {
1743        workerTid = tid;
1744        state = State.needUnits;
1746        // Send buffers to other thread for it to use.  Since no mechanism is in
1747        // place for moving ownership a cast to shared is done here and a cast
1748        // back to non-shared in the receiving end.
1749        foreach (i ; 0 .. transmitBuffers)
1750        {
1751            ubyte[] arr = new ubyte[](chunkSize);
1752            workerTid.send(cast(immutable(ubyte[]))arr);
1753        }
1754    }
1757/** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of chunks asynchronously.
1758 *
1759 * A range of chunks is returned immediately and the request that fetches the
1760 * chunks is performed in another thread. If the method or other request
1761 * properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter with a
1762 * HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set.
1763 *
1764 * If $(D postData) is non-_null the method will be set to $(D post) for HTTP
1765 * requests.
1766 *
1767 * The background thread will buffer up to transmitBuffers number of chunks
1768 * before is stops receiving data from network. When the main thread reads the
1769 * chunks from the range it frees up buffers and allows for the background
1770 * thread to receive more data from the network.
1771 *
1772 * If no data is available and the main thread access the range it will block
1773 * until data becomes available. An exception to this is the $(D wait(Duration))
1774 * method on the $(LREF AsyncChunkInputRange). This method will wait at maximum for the specified
1775 * duration and return true if data is available.
1776 *
1777 * Example:
1778 * ----
1779 * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
1780 * // Get some pages in the background
1781 * auto range1 = byChunkAsync("www.google.com", 100);
1782 * auto range2 = byChunkAsync("www.wikipedia.org");
1783 * foreach (chunk; byChunkAsync("dlang.org"))
1784 *     writeln(chunk); // chunk is ubyte[100]
1785 *
1786 * // Chunks already fetched in the background and ready
1787 * foreach (chunk; range1) writeln(chunk);
1788 * foreach (chunk; range2) writeln(chunk);
1789 * ----
1790 *
1791 * ----
1792 * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
1793 * // Get a line in a background thread and wait in
1794 * // main thread for 2 seconds for it to arrive.
1795 * auto range3 = byChunkAsync("dlang.com", 10);
1796 * if (range3.wait(dur!"seconds"(2)))
1797 *     writeln(range3.front);
1798 * else
1799 *     writeln("No chunk received after 2 seconds!");
1800 * ----
1801 *
1802 * Params:
1803 * url = The url to receive content from
1804 * postData = Data to HTTP Post
1805 * chunkSize = The size of the chunks
1806 * transmitBuffers = The number of chunks buffered asynchronously
1807 * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP.
1808 *
1809 * Returns:
1810 * A range of ubyte[chunkSize] with the content of the resource pointer to by
1811 * the URL.
1812 */
1813auto byChunkAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol, PostUnit)
1814           (const(char)[] url, const(PostUnit)[] postData,
1815            size_t chunkSize = 1024, size_t transmitBuffers = 10,
1816            Conn conn = Conn())
1817if (isCurlConn!(Conn))
1819    static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol))
1820    {
1821        if (isFTPUrl(url))
1822            return byChunkAsync(url, postData, chunkSize,
1823                                transmitBuffers, FTP());
1824        else
1825            return byChunkAsync(url, postData, chunkSize,
1826                                transmitBuffers, HTTP());
1827    }
1828    else
1829    {
1830        // 50 is just an arbitrary number for now
1831        setMaxMailboxSize(thisTid, 50, OnCrowding.block);
1832        auto tid = spawn(&_spawnAsync!(Conn, ubyte));
1833        tid.send(thisTid);
1835        _asyncDuplicateConnection(url, conn, postData, tid);
1837        return AsyncChunkInputRange(tid, transmitBuffers, chunkSize);
1838    }
1841/// ditto
1842auto byChunkAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol)
1843           (const(char)[] url,
1844            size_t chunkSize = 1024, size_t transmitBuffers = 10,
1845            Conn conn = Conn())
1846if (isCurlConn!(Conn))
1848    static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol))
1849    {
1850        if (isFTPUrl(url))
1851            return byChunkAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, chunkSize,
1852                                transmitBuffers, FTP());
1853        else
1854            return byChunkAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, chunkSize,
1855                                transmitBuffers, HTTP());
1856    }
1857    else
1858    {
1859        return byChunkAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, chunkSize,
1860                            transmitBuffers, conn);
1861    }
1864@system unittest
1866    import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
1868    foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr])
1869    {
1870        testServer.handle((s) {
1871            auto req = s.recvReq;
1872            s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));
1873        });
1874        assert(byChunkAsync(host, 2).equal([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]));
1875    }
1879/* Used by byLineAsync/byChunkAsync to duplicate an existing connection
1880 * that can be used exclusively in a spawned thread.
1881 */
1882private void _asyncDuplicateConnection(Conn, PostData)
1883    (const(char)[] url, Conn conn, PostData postData, Tid tid)
1885    // no move semantic available in std.concurrency ie. must use casting.
1886    auto connDup = conn.dup();
1887    connDup.url = url;
1889    static if ( is(Conn : HTTP) )
1890    {
1891        connDup.p.headersOut = null;
1892        connDup.method = conn.method == HTTP.Method.undefined ?
1893            HTTP.Method.get : conn.method;
1894        if (postData !is null)
1895        {
1896            if (connDup.method == HTTP.Method.put)
1897            {
1898                connDup.handle.set(CurlOption.infilesize_large,
1899                                   postData.length);
1900            }
1901            else
1902            {
1903                // post
1904                connDup.method = HTTP.Method.post;
1905                connDup.handle.set(CurlOption.postfieldsize_large,
1906                                   postData.length);
1907            }
1908            connDup.handle.set(CurlOption.copypostfields,
1909                               cast(void*) postData.ptr);
1910        }
1911        tid.send(cast(ulong) connDup.handle.handle);
1912        tid.send(connDup.method);
1913    }
1914    else
1915    {
1916        enforce!CurlException(postData is null,
1917                                "Cannot put ftp data using byLineAsync()");
1918        tid.send(cast(ulong) connDup.handle.handle);
1919        tid.send(HTTP.Method.undefined);
1920    }
1921    connDup.p.curl.handle = null; // make sure handle is not freed
1925  Mixin template for all supported curl protocols. This is the commom
1926  functionallity such as timeouts and network interface settings. This should
1927  really be in the HTTP/FTP/SMTP structs but the documentation tool does not
1928  support a mixin to put its doc strings where a mixin is done. Therefore docs
1929  in this template is copied into each of HTTP/FTP/SMTP below.
1931private mixin template Protocol()
1934    /// Value to return from $(D onSend)/$(D onReceive) delegates in order to
1935    /// pause a request
1936    alias requestPause = CurlReadFunc.pause;
1938    /// Value to return from onSend delegate in order to abort a request
1939    alias requestAbort = CurlReadFunc.abort;
1941    static uint defaultAsyncStringBufferSize = 100;
1943    /**
1944       The curl handle used by this connection.
1945    */
1946    @property ref Curl handle() return
1947    {
1948        return p.curl;
1949    }
1951    /**
1952       True if the instance is stopped. A stopped instance is not usable.
1953    */
1954    @property bool isStopped()
1955    {
1956        return p.curl.stopped;
1957    }
1959    /// Stop and invalidate this instance.
1960    void shutdown()
1961    {
1962        p.curl.shutdown();
1963    }
1965    /** Set verbose.
1966        This will print request information to stderr.
1967     */
1968    @property void verbose(bool on)
1969    {
1970        p.curl.set(CurlOption.verbose, on ? 1L : 0L);
1971    }
1973    // Connection settings
1975    /// Set timeout for activity on connection.
1976    @property void dataTimeout(Duration d)
1977    {
1978        p.curl.set(CurlOption.low_speed_limit, 1);
1979        p.curl.set(CurlOption.low_speed_time, d.total!"seconds");
1980    }
1982    /** Set maximum time an operation is allowed to take.
1983        This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc.
1984     */
1985    @property void operationTimeout(Duration d)
1986    {
1987        p.curl.set(CurlOption.timeout_ms, d.total!"msecs");
1988    }
1990    /// Set timeout for connecting.
1991    @property void connectTimeout(Duration d)
1992    {
1993        p.curl.set(CurlOption.connecttimeout_ms, d.total!"msecs");
1994    }
1996    // Network settings
1998    /** Proxy
1999     *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy)
2000     */
2001    @property void proxy(const(char)[] host)
2002    {
2003        p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxy, host);
2004    }
2006    /** Proxy port
2007     *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXYPORT, _proxy_port)
2008     */
2009    @property void proxyPort(ushort port)
2010    {
2011        p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxyport, cast(long) port);
2012    }
2014    /// Type of proxy
2015    alias CurlProxy = etc.c.curl.CurlProxy;
2017    /** Proxy type
2018     *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy_type)
2019     */
2020    @property void proxyType(CurlProxy type)
2021    {
2022        p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxytype, cast(long) type);
2023    }
2025    /// DNS lookup timeout.
2026    @property void dnsTimeout(Duration d)
2027    {
2028        p.curl.set(CurlOption.dns_cache_timeout, d.total!"msecs");
2029    }
2031    /**
2032     * The network interface to use in form of the the IP of the interface.
2033     *
2034     * Example:
2035     * ----
2036     * theprotocol.netInterface = "";
2037     * theprotocol.netInterface = [ 192, 168, 1, 32 ];
2038     * ----
2039     *
2040     * See: $(REF InternetAddress, std,socket)
2041     */
2042    @property void netInterface(const(char)[] i)
2043    {
2044        p.curl.set(CurlOption.intrface, i);
2045    }
2047    /// ditto
2048    @property void netInterface(const(ubyte)[4] i)
2049    {
2050        import std.format : format;
2051        const str = format("%d.%d.%d.%d", i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]);
2052        netInterface = str;
2053    }
2055    /// ditto
2056    @property void netInterface(InternetAddress i)
2057    {
2058        netInterface = i.toAddrString();
2059    }
2061    /**
2062       Set the local outgoing port to use.
2063       Params:
2064       port = the first outgoing port number to try and use
2065    */
2066    @property void localPort(ushort port)
2067    {
2068        p.curl.set(CurlOption.localport, cast(long) port);
2069    }
2071    /**
2072       Set the no proxy flag for the specified host names.
2073       Params:
2074       test = a list of comma host names that do not require
2075              proxy to get reached
2076    */
2077    void setNoProxy(string hosts)
2078    {
2079        p.curl.set(CurlOption.noproxy, hosts);
2080    }
2082    /**
2083       Set the local outgoing port range to use.
2084       This can be used together with the localPort property.
2085       Params:
2086       range = if the first port is occupied then try this many
2087               port number forwards
2088    */
2089    @property void localPortRange(ushort range)
2090    {
2091        p.curl.set(CurlOption.localportrange, cast(long) range);
2092    }
2094    /** Set the tcp no-delay socket option on or off.
2095        See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTTCPNODELAY, nodelay)
2096    */
2097    @property void tcpNoDelay(bool on)
2098    {
2099        p.curl.set(CurlOption.tcp_nodelay, cast(long) (on ? 1 : 0) );
2100    }
2102    /** Sets whether SSL peer certificates should be verified.
2103        See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTSSLVERIFYPEER, verifypeer)
2104    */
2105    @property void verifyPeer(bool on)
2106    {
2107      p.curl.set(CurlOption.ssl_verifypeer, on ? 1 : 0);
2108    }
2110    /** Sets whether the host within an SSL certificate should be verified.
2111        See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTSSLVERIFYHOST, verifypeer)
2112    */
2113    @property void verifyHost(bool on)
2114    {
2115      p.curl.set(CurlOption.ssl_verifyhost, on ? 2 : 0);
2116    }
2118    // Authentication settings
2120    /**
2121       Set the user name, password and optionally domain for authentication
2122       purposes.
2124       Some protocols may need authentication in some cases. Use this
2125       function to provide credentials.
2127       Params:
2128       username = the username
2129       password = the password
2130       domain = used for NTLM authentication only and is set to the NTLM domain
2131                name
2132    */
2133    void setAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password,
2134                           const(char)[] domain = "")
2135    {
2136        import std.format : format;
2137        if (!domain.empty)
2138            username = format("%s/%s", domain, username);
2139        p.curl.set(CurlOption.userpwd, format("%s:%s", username, password));
2140    }
2142    @system unittest
2143    {
2144        import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
2146        testServer.handle((s) {
2147            auto req = s.recvReq;
2148            assert(req.hdrs.canFind("GET /"));
2149            assert(req.hdrs.canFind("Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz"));
2150            s.send(httpOK());
2151        });
2153        auto http = HTTP(testServer.addr);
2154        http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data.length; };
2155        http.setAuthentication("user", "pass");
2156        http.perform();
2158        // Bugzilla 17540
2159        http.setNoProxy("www.example.com");
2160    }
2162    /**
2163       Set the user name and password for proxy authentication.
2165       Params:
2166       username = the username
2167       password = the password
2168    */
2169    void setProxyAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password)
2170    {
2171        import std.array : replace;
2172        import std.format : format;
2174        p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxyuserpwd,
2175            format("%s:%s",
2176                username.replace(":", "%3A"),
2177                password.replace(":", "%3A"))
2178        );
2179    }
2181    /**
2182     * The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending. The
2183     * length of the $(D void[]) specifies the maximum number of bytes that can
2184     * be sent.
2185     *
2186     * Returns:
2187     * The callback returns the number of elements in the buffer that have been
2188     * filled and are ready to send.
2189     * The special value $(D .abortRequest) can be returned in order to abort the
2190     * current request.
2191     * The special value $(D .pauseRequest) can be returned in order to pause the
2192     * current request.
2193     *
2194     * Example:
2195     * ----
2196     * import std.net.curl;
2197     * string msg = "Hello world";
2198     * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org");
2199     * client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] data)
2200     * {
2201     *     auto m = cast(void[]) msg;
2202     *     size_t length = m.length > data.length ? data.length : m.length;
2203     *     if (length == 0) return 0;
2204     *     data[0 .. length] = m[0 .. length];
2205     *     msg = msg[length..$];
2206     *     return length;
2207     * };
2208     * client.perform();
2209     * ----
2210     */
2211    @property void onSend(size_t delegate(void[]) callback)
2212    {
2213        p.curl.clear(CurlOption.postfields); // cannot specify data when using callback
2214        p.curl.onSend = callback;
2215    }
2217    /**
2218      * The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the
2219      * incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the
2220      * callback returns.
2221      *
2222      * Returns:
2223      * The callback returns the number of incoming bytes read. If the entire array is
2224      * not read the request will abort.
2225      * The special value .pauseRequest can be returned in order to pause the
2226      * current request.
2227      *
2228      * Example:
2229      * ----
2230      * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
2231      * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org");
2232      * client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data)
2233      * {
2234      *     writeln("Got data", to!(const(char)[])(data));
2235      *     return data.length;
2236      * };
2237      * client.perform();
2238      * ----
2239      */
2240    @property void onReceive(size_t delegate(ubyte[]) callback)
2241    {
2242        p.curl.onReceive = callback;
2243    }
2245    /**
2246      * The event handler that gets called to inform of upload/download progress.
2247      *
2248      * Params:
2249      * dlTotal = total bytes to download
2250      * dlNow = currently downloaded bytes
2251      * ulTotal = total bytes to upload
2252      * ulNow = currently uploaded bytes
2253      *
2254      * Returns:
2255      * Return 0 from the callback to signal success, return non-zero to abort
2256      *          transfer
2257      *
2258      * Example:
2259      * ----
2260      * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
2261      * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org");
2262      * client.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dl, size_t dln, size_t ul, size_t ult)
2263      * {
2264      *     writeln("Progress: downloaded ", dln, " of ", dl);
2265      *     writeln("Progress: uploaded ", uln, " of ", ul);
2266      * };
2267      * client.perform();
2268      * ----
2269      */
2270    @property void onProgress(int delegate(size_t dlTotal, size_t dlNow,
2271                                           size_t ulTotal, size_t ulNow) callback)
2272    {
2273        p.curl.onProgress = callback;
2274    }
2278  Decode $(D ubyte[]) array using the provided EncodingScheme up to maxChars
2279  Returns: Tuple of ubytes read and the $(D Char[]) characters decoded.
2280           Not all ubytes are guaranteed to be read in case of decoding error.
2282private Tuple!(size_t,Char[])
2283decodeString(Char = char)(const(ubyte)[] data,
2284                          EncodingScheme scheme,
2285                          size_t maxChars = size_t.max)
2287    Char[] res;
2288    immutable startLen = data.length;
2289    size_t charsDecoded = 0;
2290    while (data.length && charsDecoded < maxChars)
2291    {
2292        immutable dchar dc = scheme.safeDecode(data);
2293        if (dc == INVALID_SEQUENCE)
2294        {
2295            return typeof(return)(size_t.max, cast(Char[]) null);
2296        }
2297        charsDecoded++;
2298        res ~= dc;
2299    }
2300    return typeof(return)(startLen-data.length, res);
2304  Decode $(D ubyte[]) array using the provided $(D EncodingScheme) until a the
2305  line terminator specified is found. The basesrc parameter is effectively
2306  prepended to src as the first thing.
2308  This function is used for decoding as much of the src buffer as
2309  possible until either the terminator is found or decoding fails. If
2310  it fails as the last data in the src it may mean that the src buffer
2311  were missing some bytes in order to represent a correct code
2312  point. Upon the next call to this function more bytes have been
2313  received from net and the failing bytes should be given as the
2314  basesrc parameter. It is done this way to minimize data copying.
2316  Returns: true if a terminator was found
2317           Not all ubytes are guaranteed to be read in case of decoding error.
2318           any decoded chars will be inserted into dst.
2320private bool decodeLineInto(Terminator, Char = char)(ref const(ubyte)[] basesrc,
2321                                                     ref const(ubyte)[] src,
2322                                                     ref Char[] dst,
2323                                                     EncodingScheme scheme,
2324                                                     Terminator terminator)
2326    import std.algorithm.searching : endsWith;
2328    // if there is anything in the basesrc then try to decode that
2329    // first.
2330    if (basesrc.length != 0)
2331    {
2332        // Try to ensure 4 entries in the basesrc by copying from src.
2333        immutable blen = basesrc.length;
2334        immutable len = (basesrc.length + src.length) >= 4 ?
2335                     4 : basesrc.length + src.length;
2336        basesrc.length = len;
2338        immutable dchar dc = scheme.safeDecode(basesrc);
2339        if (dc == INVALID_SEQUENCE)
2340        {
2341            enforce!CurlException(len != 4, "Invalid code sequence");
2342            return false;
2343        }
2344        dst ~= dc;
2345        src = src[len-basesrc.length-blen .. $]; // remove used ubytes from src
2346        basesrc.length = 0;
2347    }
2349    while (src.length)
2350    {
2351        const lsrc = src;
2352        dchar dc = scheme.safeDecode(src);
2353        if (dc == INVALID_SEQUENCE)
2354        {
2355            if (src.empty)
2356            {
2357                // The invalid sequence was in the end of the src.  Maybe there
2358                // just need to be more bytes available so these last bytes are
2359                // put back to src for later use.
2360                src = lsrc;
2361                return false;
2362            }
2363            dc = '?';
2364        }
2365        dst ~= dc;
2367        if (dst.endsWith(terminator))
2368            return true;
2369    }
2370    return false; // no terminator found
2374  * HTTP client functionality.
2375  *
2376  * Example:
2377  * ---
2378  * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
2379  *
2380  * // Get with custom data receivers
2381  * auto http = HTTP("dlang.org");
2382  * http.onReceiveHeader =
2383  *     (in char[] key, in char[] value) { writeln(key ~ ": " ~ value); };
2384  * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { /+ drop +/ return data.length; };
2385  * http.perform();
2386  *
2387  * // Put with data senders
2388  * auto msg = "Hello world";
2389  * http.contentLength = msg.length;
2390  * http.onSend = (void[] data)
2391  * {
2392  *     auto m = cast(void[]) msg;
2393  *     size_t len = m.length > data.length ? data.length : m.length;
2394  *     if (len == 0) return len;
2395  *     data[0 .. len] = m[0 .. len];
2396  *     msg = msg[len..$];
2397  *     return len;
2398  * };
2399  * http.perform();
2400  *
2401  * // Track progress
2402  * http.method = HTTP.Method.get;
2403  * http.url = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/"
2404  *            "5/53/Wikipedia-logo-en-big.png";
2405  * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data.length; };
2406  * http.onProgress = (size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow,
2407  *                    size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow)
2408  * {
2409  *     writeln("Progress ", dltotal, ", ", dlnow, ", ", ultotal, ", ", ulnow);
2410  *     return 0;
2411  * };
2412  * http.perform();
2413  * ---
2414  *
2415  * See_Also: $(_HTTP www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt, RFC2616)
2416  *
2417  */
2418struct HTTP
2420    mixin Protocol;
2422    import std.datetime.systime : SysTime;
2424    /// Authentication method equal to $(REF CurlAuth, etc,c,curl)
2425    alias AuthMethod = CurlAuth;
2427    static private uint defaultMaxRedirects = 10;
2429    private struct Impl
2430    {
2431        ~this()
2432        {
2433            if (headersOut !is null)
2434                Curl.curl.slist_free_all(headersOut);
2435            if (curl.handle !is null) // work around RefCounted/emplace bug
2436                curl.shutdown();
2437        }
2438        Curl curl;
2439        curl_slist* headersOut;
2440        string[string] headersIn;
2441        string charset;
2443        /// The status line of the final sub-request in a request.
2444        StatusLine status;
2445        private void delegate(StatusLine) onReceiveStatusLine;
2447        /// The HTTP method to use.
2448        Method method = Method.undefined;
2450        @system @property void onReceiveHeader(void delegate(in char[] key,
2451                                                     in char[] value) callback)
2452        {
2453            import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
2454            import std.regex : regex, match;
2455            import std.uni : toLower;
2457            // Wrap incoming callback in order to separate http status line from
2458            // http headers.  On redirected requests there may be several such
2459            // status lines. The last one is the one recorded.
2460            auto dg = (in char[] header)
2461            {
2462                import std.utf : UTFException;
2463                try
2464                {
2465                    if (header.empty)
2466                    {
2467                        // header delimiter
2468                        return;
2469                    }
2470                    if (header.startsWith("HTTP/"))
2471                    {
2472                        headersIn.clear();
2473                        if (parseStatusLine(header, status))
2474                        {
2475                            if (onReceiveStatusLine != null)
2476                                onReceiveStatusLine(status);
2477                        }
2478                        return;
2479                    }
2481                    // Normal http header
2482                    auto m = match(cast(char[]) header, regex("(.*?): (.*)$"));
2484                    auto fieldName = m.captures[1].toLower().idup;
2485                    if (fieldName == "content-type")
2486                    {
2487                        auto mct = match(cast(char[]) m.captures[2],
2488                                         regex("charset=([^;]*)", "i"));
2489                        if (!mct.empty && mct.captures.length > 1)
2490                            charset = mct.captures[1].idup;
2491                    }
2493                    if (!m.empty && callback !is null)
2494                        callback(fieldName, m.captures[2]);
2495                    headersIn[fieldName] = m.captures[2].idup;
2496                }
2497                catch (UTFException e)
2498                {
2499                    //munch it - a header should be all ASCII, any "wrong UTF" is broken header
2500                }
2501            };
2503            curl.onReceiveHeader = dg;
2504        }
2505    }
2507    private RefCounted!Impl p;
2509    /// Parse status line, as received from / generated by cURL.
2510    private static bool parseStatusLine(in char[] header, out StatusLine status) @safe
2511    {
2512        import std.conv : to;
2513        import std.regex : regex, match;
2515        const m = match(header, regex(r"^HTTP/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))? (\d+)(?: (.*))?$"));
2516        if (m.empty)
2517            return false; // Invalid status line
2518        else
2519        {
2520            status.majorVersion = to!ushort(m.captures[1]);
2521            status.minorVersion = m.captures[2].length ? to!ushort(m.captures[2]) : 0;
2522            status.code = to!ushort(m.captures[3]);
2523            status.reason = m.captures[4].idup;
2524            return true;
2525        }
2526    }
2528    @safe unittest
2529    {
2530        StatusLine status;
2531        assert(parseStatusLine("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", status)
2532            && status == StatusLine(1, 1, 200, "OK"));
2533        assert(parseStatusLine("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified", status)
2534            && status == StatusLine(1, 0, 304, "Not Modified"));
2535        // The HTTP2 protocol is binary; cURL generates this fake text header.
2536        assert(parseStatusLine("HTTP/2 200", status)
2537            && status == StatusLine(2, 0, 200, null));
2538    }
2540    /** Time condition enumeration as an alias of $(REF CurlTimeCond, etc,c,curl)
2542        $(HTTP www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.25, _RFC2616 Section 14.25)
2543    */
2544    alias TimeCond = CurlTimeCond;
2546    /**
2547       Constructor taking the url as parameter.
2548    */
2549    static HTTP opCall(const(char)[] url)
2550    {
2551        HTTP http;
2552        http.initialize();
2553        http.url = url;
2554        return http;
2555    }
2557    ///
2558    static HTTP opCall()
2559    {
2560        HTTP http;
2561        http.initialize();
2562        return http;
2563    }
2565    ///
2566    HTTP dup()
2567    {
2568        HTTP copy;
2569        copy.initialize();
2570        copy.p.method = p.method;
2571        curl_slist* cur = p.headersOut;
2572        curl_slist* newlist = null;
2573        while (cur)
2574        {
2575            newlist = Curl.curl.slist_append(newlist, cur.data);
2576            cur = cur.next;
2577        }
2578        copy.p.headersOut = newlist;
2579        copy.p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpheader, copy.p.headersOut);
2580        copy.p.curl = p.curl.dup();
2581        copy.dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout;
2582        copy.onReceiveHeader = null;
2583        return copy;
2584    }
2586    private void initialize()
2587    {
2588        p.curl.initialize();
2589        maxRedirects = HTTP.defaultMaxRedirects;
2590        p.charset = "ISO-8859-1"; // Default charset defined in HTTP RFC
2591        p.method = Method.undefined;
2592        setUserAgent(HTTP.defaultUserAgent);
2593        dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout;
2594        onReceiveHeader = null;
2595        verifyPeer = true;
2596        verifyHost = true;
2597    }
2599    /**
2600       Perform a http request.
2602       After the HTTP client has been setup and possibly assigned callbacks the
2603       $(D perform()) method will start performing the request towards the
2604       specified server.
2606       Params:
2607       throwOnError = whether to throw an exception or return a CurlCode on error
2608    */
2609    CurlCode perform(ThrowOnError throwOnError = Yes.throwOnError)
2610    {
2611        p.status.reset();
2613        CurlOption opt;
2614        final switch (p.method)
2615        {
2616        case Method.head:
2617            p.curl.set(CurlOption.nobody, 1L);
2618            opt = CurlOption.nobody;
2619            break;
2620        case Method.undefined:
2621        case Method.get:
2622            p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpget, 1L);
2623            opt = CurlOption.httpget;
2624            break;
2625        case Method.post:
2626            p.curl.set(CurlOption.post, 1L);
2627            opt = CurlOption.post;
2628            break;
2629        case Method.put:
2630            p.curl.set(CurlOption.upload, 1L);
2631            opt = CurlOption.upload;
2632            break;
2633        case Method.del:
2634            p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "DELETE");
2635            opt = CurlOption.customrequest;
2636            break;
2637        case Method.options:
2638            p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "OPTIONS");
2639            opt = CurlOption.customrequest;
2640            break;
2641        case Method.trace:
2642            p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "TRACE");
2643            opt = CurlOption.customrequest;
2644            break;
2645        case Method.connect:
2646            p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "CONNECT");
2647            opt = CurlOption.customrequest;
2648            break;
2649        case Method.patch:
2650            p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "PATCH");
2651            opt = CurlOption.customrequest;
2652            break;
2653        }
2655        scope (exit) p.curl.clear(opt);
2656        return p.curl.perform(throwOnError);
2657    }
2659    /// The URL to specify the location of the resource.
2660    @property void url(const(char)[] url)
2661    {
2662        import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
2663        import std.uni : toLower;
2664        if (!startsWith(url.toLower(), "http://", "https://"))
2665            url = "http://" ~ url;
2666        p.curl.set(CurlOption.url, url);
2667    }
2669    /// Set the CA certificate bundle file to use for SSL peer verification
2670    @property void caInfo(const(char)[] caFile)
2671    {
2672        p.curl.set(CurlOption.cainfo, caFile);
2673    }
2675    // This is a workaround for mixed in content not having its
2676    // docs mixed in.
2677    version (StdDdoc)
2678    {
2679        /// Value to return from $(D onSend)/$(D onReceive) delegates in order to
2680        /// pause a request
2681        alias requestPause = CurlReadFunc.pause;
2683        /// Value to return from onSend delegate in order to abort a request
2684        alias requestAbort = CurlReadFunc.abort;
2686        /**
2687           True if the instance is stopped. A stopped instance is not usable.
2688        */
2689        @property bool isStopped();
2691        /// Stop and invalidate this instance.
2692        void shutdown();
2694        /** Set verbose.
2695            This will print request information to stderr.
2696        */
2697        @property void verbose(bool on);
2699        // Connection settings
2701        /// Set timeout for activity on connection.
2702        @property void dataTimeout(Duration d);
2704        /** Set maximum time an operation is allowed to take.
2705            This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc.
2706          */
2707        @property void operationTimeout(Duration d);
2709        /// Set timeout for connecting.
2710        @property void connectTimeout(Duration d);
2712        // Network settings
2714        /** Proxy
2715         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy)
2716         */
2717        @property void proxy(const(char)[] host);
2719        /** Proxy port
2720         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXYPORT, _proxy_port)
2721         */
2722        @property void proxyPort(ushort port);
2724        /// Type of proxy
2725        alias CurlProxy = etc.c.curl.CurlProxy;
2727        /** Proxy type
2728         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy_type)
2729         */
2730        @property void proxyType(CurlProxy type);
2732        /// DNS lookup timeout.
2733        @property void dnsTimeout(Duration d);
2735        /**
2736         * The network interface to use in form of the the IP of the interface.
2737         *
2738         * Example:
2739         * ----
2740         * theprotocol.netInterface = "";
2741         * theprotocol.netInterface = [ 192, 168, 1, 32 ];
2742         * ----
2743         *
2744         * See: $(REF InternetAddress, std,socket)
2745         */
2746        @property void netInterface(const(char)[] i);
2748        /// ditto
2749        @property void netInterface(const(ubyte)[4] i);
2751        /// ditto
2752        @property void netInterface(InternetAddress i);
2754        /**
2755           Set the local outgoing port to use.
2756           Params:
2757           port = the first outgoing port number to try and use
2758        */
2759        @property void localPort(ushort port);
2761        /**
2762           Set the local outgoing port range to use.
2763           This can be used together with the localPort property.
2764           Params:
2765           range = if the first port is occupied then try this many
2766           port number forwards
2767        */
2768        @property void localPortRange(ushort range);
2770        /** Set the tcp no-delay socket option on or off.
2771            See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTTCPNODELAY, nodelay)
2772        */
2773        @property void tcpNoDelay(bool on);
2775        // Authentication settings
2777        /**
2778           Set the user name, password and optionally domain for authentication
2779           purposes.
2781           Some protocols may need authentication in some cases. Use this
2782           function to provide credentials.
2784           Params:
2785           username = the username
2786           password = the password
2787           domain = used for NTLM authentication only and is set to the NTLM domain
2788           name
2789        */
2790        void setAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password,
2791                               const(char)[] domain = "");
2793        /**
2794           Set the user name and password for proxy authentication.
2796           Params:
2797           username = the username
2798           password = the password
2799        */
2800        void setProxyAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password);
2802        /**
2803         * The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending. The
2804         * length of the $(D void[]) specifies the maximum number of bytes that can
2805         * be sent.
2806         *
2807         * Returns:
2808         * The callback returns the number of elements in the buffer that have been
2809         * filled and are ready to send.
2810         * The special value $(D .abortRequest) can be returned in order to abort the
2811         * current request.
2812         * The special value $(D .pauseRequest) can be returned in order to pause the
2813         * current request.
2814         *
2815         * Example:
2816         * ----
2817         * import std.net.curl;
2818         * string msg = "Hello world";
2819         * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org");
2820         * client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] data)
2821         * {
2822         *     auto m = cast(void[]) msg;
2823         *     size_t length = m.length > data.length ? data.length : m.length;
2824         *     if (length == 0) return 0;
2825         *     data[0 .. length] = m[0 .. length];
2826         *     msg = msg[length..$];
2827         *     return length;
2828         * };
2829         * client.perform();
2830         * ----
2831         */
2832        @property void onSend(size_t delegate(void[]) callback);
2834        /**
2835         * The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the
2836         * incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the
2837         * callback returns.
2838         *
2839         * Returns:
2840         * The callback returns the incoming bytes read. If not the entire array is
2841         * the request will abort.
2842         * The special value .pauseRequest can be returned in order to pause the
2843         * current request.
2844         *
2845         * Example:
2846         * ----
2847         * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
2848         * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org");
2849         * client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data)
2850         * {
2851         *     writeln("Got data", to!(const(char)[])(data));
2852         *     return data.length;
2853         * };
2854         * client.perform();
2855         * ----
2856         */
2857        @property void onReceive(size_t delegate(ubyte[]) callback);
2859        /**
2860         * Register an event handler that gets called to inform of
2861         * upload/download progress.
2862         *
2863         * Callback_parameters:
2864         * $(CALLBACK_PARAMS)
2865         *
2866         * Callback_returns: Return 0 to signal success, return non-zero to
2867         * abort transfer.
2868         *
2869         * Example:
2870         * ----
2871         * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
2872         * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org");
2873         * client.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dl, size_t dln, size_t ul, size_t ult)
2874         * {
2875         *     writeln("Progress: downloaded ", dln, " of ", dl);
2876         *     writeln("Progress: uploaded ", uln, " of ", ul);
2877         * };
2878         * client.perform();
2879         * ----
2880         */
2881        @property void onProgress(int delegate(size_t dlTotal, size_t dlNow,
2882                                               size_t ulTotal, size_t ulNow) callback);
2883    }
2885    /** Clear all outgoing headers.
2886    */
2887    void clearRequestHeaders()
2888    {
2889        if (p.headersOut !is null)
2890            Curl.curl.slist_free_all(p.headersOut);
2891        p.headersOut = null;
2892        p.curl.clear(CurlOption.httpheader);
2893    }
2895    /** Add a header e.g. "X-CustomField: Something is fishy".
2896     *
2897     * There is no remove header functionality. Do a $(LREF clearRequestHeaders)
2898     * and set the needed headers instead.
2899     *
2900     * Example:
2901     * ---
2902     * import std.net.curl;
2903     * auto client = HTTP();
2904     * client.addRequestHeader("X-Custom-ABC", "This is the custom value");
2905     * auto content = get("dlang.org", client);
2906     * ---
2907     */
2908    void addRequestHeader(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] value)
2909    {
2910        import std.format : format;
2911        import std.uni : icmp;
2913        if (icmp(name, "User-Agent") == 0)
2914            return setUserAgent(value);
2915        string nv = format("%s: %s", name, value);
2916        p.headersOut = Curl.curl.slist_append(p.headersOut,
2917                                              nv.tempCString().buffPtr);
2918        p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpheader, p.headersOut);
2919    }
2921    /**
2922     * The default "User-Agent" value send with a request.
2923     * It has the form "Phobos-std.net.curl/$(I PHOBOS_VERSION) (libcurl/$(I CURL_VERSION))"
2924     */
2925    static string defaultUserAgent() @property
2926    {
2927        import std.compiler : version_major, version_minor;
2928        import std.format : format, sformat;
2930        // http://curl.haxx.se/docs/versions.html
2931        enum fmt = "Phobos-std.net.curl/%d.%03d (libcurl/%d.%d.%d)";
2932        enum maxLen = fmt.length - "%d%03d%d%d%d".length + 10 + 10 + 3 + 3 + 3;
2934        static char[maxLen] buf = void;
2935        static string userAgent;
2937        if (!userAgent.length)
2938        {
2939            auto curlVer = Curl.curl.version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW).version_num;
2940            userAgent = cast(immutable) sformat(
2941                buf, fmt, version_major, version_minor,
2942                curlVer >> 16 & 0xFF, curlVer >> 8 & 0xFF, curlVer & 0xFF);
2943        }
2944        return userAgent;
2945    }
2947    /** Set the value of the user agent request header field.
2948     *
2949     * By default a request has it's "User-Agent" field set to $(LREF
2950     * defaultUserAgent) even if $(D setUserAgent) was never called.  Pass
2951     * an empty string to suppress the "User-Agent" field altogether.
2952     */
2953    void setUserAgent(const(char)[] userAgent)
2954    {
2955        p.curl.set(CurlOption.useragent, userAgent);
2956    }
2958    /**
2959     * Get various timings defined in $(REF CurlInfo, etc, c, curl).
2960     * The value is usable only if the return value is equal to $(D etc.c.curl.CurlError.ok).
2961     *
2962     * Params:
2963     *      timing = one of the timings defined in $(REF CurlInfo, etc, c, curl).
2964     *               The values are:
2965     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.namelookup_time),
2966     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.connect_time),
2967     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.pretransfer_time),
2968     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.starttransfer_time),
2969     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.redirect_time),
2970     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.appconnect_time),
2971     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.total_time).
2972     *      val    = the actual value of the inquired timing.
2973     *
2974     * Returns:
2975     *      The return code of the operation. The value stored in val
2976     *      should be used only if the return value is $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.ok).
2977     *
2978     * Example:
2979     * ---
2980     * import std.net.curl;
2981     * import etc.c.curl : CurlError, CurlInfo;
2982     *
2983     * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org");
2984     * client.perform();
2985     *
2986     * double val;
2987     * CurlCode code;
2988     *
2989     * code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.namelookup_time, val);
2990     * assert(code == CurlError.ok);
2991     * ---
2992     */
2993    CurlCode getTiming(CurlInfo timing, ref double val)
2994    {
2995        return p.curl.getTiming(timing, val);
2996    }
2998    /** The headers read from a successful response.
2999     *
3000     */
3001    @property string[string] responseHeaders()
3002    {
3003        return p.headersIn;
3004    }
3006    /// HTTP method used.
3007    @property void method(Method m)
3008    {
3009        p.method = m;
3010    }
3012    /// ditto
3013    @property Method method()
3014    {
3015        return p.method;
3016    }
3018    /**
3019       HTTP status line of last response. One call to perform may
3020       result in several requests because of redirection.
3021    */
3022    @property StatusLine statusLine()
3023    {
3024        return p.status;
3025    }
3027    /// Set the active cookie string e.g. "name1=value1;name2=value2"
3028    void setCookie(const(char)[] cookie)
3029    {
3030        p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookie, cookie);
3031    }
3033    /// Set a file path to where a cookie jar should be read/stored.
3034    void setCookieJar(const(char)[] path)
3035    {
3036        p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookiefile, path);
3037        if (path.length)
3038            p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookiejar, path);
3039    }
3041    /// Flush cookie jar to disk.
3042    void flushCookieJar()
3043    {
3044        p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookielist, "FLUSH");
3045    }
3047    /// Clear session cookies.
3048    void clearSessionCookies()
3049    {
3050        p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookielist, "SESS");
3051    }
3053    /// Clear all cookies.
3054    void clearAllCookies()
3055    {
3056        p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookielist, "ALL");
3057    }
3059    /**
3060       Set time condition on the request.
3062       Params:
3063       cond =  $(D CurlTimeCond.{none,ifmodsince,ifunmodsince,lastmod})
3064       timestamp = Timestamp for the condition
3066       $(HTTP www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.25, _RFC2616 Section 14.25)
3067    */
3068    void setTimeCondition(HTTP.TimeCond cond, SysTime timestamp)
3069    {
3070        p.curl.set(CurlOption.timecondition, cond);
3071        p.curl.set(CurlOption.timevalue, timestamp.toUnixTime());
3072    }
3074    /** Specifying data to post when not using the onSend callback.
3075      *
3076      * The data is NOT copied by the library.  Content-Type will default to
3077      * application/octet-stream.  Data is not converted or encoded by this
3078      * method.
3079      *
3080      * Example:
3081      * ----
3082      * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
3083      * auto http = HTTP("http://www.mydomain.com");
3084      * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln(to!(const(char)[])(data)); return data.length; };
3085      * http.postData = [1,2,3,4,5];
3086      * http.perform();
3087      * ----
3088      */
3089    @property void postData(const(void)[] data)
3090    {
3091        setPostData(data, "application/octet-stream");
3092    }
3094    /** Specifying data to post when not using the onSend callback.
3095      *
3096      * The data is NOT copied by the library.  Content-Type will default to
3097      * text/plain.  Data is not converted or encoded by this method.
3098      *
3099      * Example:
3100      * ----
3101      * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
3102      * auto http = HTTP("http://www.mydomain.com");
3103      * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln(to!(const(char)[])(data)); return data.length; };
3104      * http.postData = "The quick....";
3105      * http.perform();
3106      * ----
3107      */
3108    @property void postData(const(char)[] data)
3109    {
3110        setPostData(data, "text/plain");
3111    }
3113    /**
3114     * Specify data to post when not using the onSend callback, with
3115     * user-specified Content-Type.
3116     * Params:
3117     *  data = Data to post.
3118     *  contentType = MIME type of the data, for example, "text/plain" or
3119     *      "application/octet-stream". See also:
3120     *      $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type,
3121     *      Internet media type) on Wikipedia.
3122     * -----
3123     * import std.net.curl;
3124     * auto http = HTTP("http://onlineform.example.com");
3125     * auto data = "app=login&username=bob&password=s00perS3kret";
3126     * http.setPostData(data, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
3127     * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data.length; };
3128     * http.perform();
3129     * -----
3130     */
3131    void setPostData(const(void)[] data, string contentType)
3132    {
3133        // cannot use callback when specifying data directly so it is disabled here.
3134        p.curl.clear(CurlOption.readfunction);
3135        addRequestHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
3136        p.curl.set(CurlOption.postfields, cast(void*) data.ptr);
3137        p.curl.set(CurlOption.postfieldsize, data.length);
3138        if (method == Method.undefined)
3139            method = Method.post;
3140    }
3142    @system unittest
3143    {
3144        import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
3146        testServer.handle((s) {
3147            auto req = s.recvReq!ubyte;
3148            assert(req.hdrs.canFind("POST /path"));
3149            assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));
3150            assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[253, 254, 255]));
3151            s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41]));
3152        });
3153        auto data = new ubyte[](256);
3154        foreach (i, ref ub; data)
3155            ub = cast(ubyte) i;
3157        auto http = HTTP(testServer.addr~"/path");
3158        http.postData = data;
3159        ubyte[] res;
3160        http.onReceive = (data) { res ~= data; return data.length; };
3161        http.perform();
3162        assert(res == cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41]);
3163    }
3165    /**
3166      * Set the event handler that receives incoming headers.
3167      *
3168      * The callback will receive a header field key, value as parameter. The
3169      * $(D const(char)[]) arrays are not valid after the delegate has returned.
3170      *
3171      * Example:
3172      * ----
3173      * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
3174      * auto http = HTTP("dlang.org");
3175      * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln(to!(const(char)[])(data)); return data.length; };
3176      * http.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] key, in char[] value) { writeln(key, " = ", value); };
3177      * http.perform();
3178      * ----
3179      */
3180    @property void onReceiveHeader(void delegate(in char[] key,
3181                                                 in char[] value) callback)
3182    {
3183        p.onReceiveHeader = callback;
3184    }
3186    /**
3187       Callback for each received StatusLine.
3189       Notice that several callbacks can be done for each call to
3190       $(D perform()) due to redirections.
3192       See_Also: $(LREF StatusLine)
3193     */
3194    @property void onReceiveStatusLine(void delegate(StatusLine) callback)
3195    {
3196        p.onReceiveStatusLine = callback;
3197    }
3199    /**
3200       The content length in bytes when using request that has content
3201       e.g. POST/PUT and not using chunked transfer. Is set as the
3202       "Content-Length" header.  Set to ulong.max to reset to chunked transfer.
3203    */
3204    @property void contentLength(ulong len)
3205    {
3206        import std.conv : to;
3208        CurlOption lenOpt;
3210        // Force post if necessary
3211        if (p.method != Method.put && p.method != Method.post &&
3212            p.method != Method.patch)
3213            p.method = Method.post;
3215        if (p.method == Method.post || p.method == Method.patch)
3216            lenOpt = CurlOption.postfieldsize_large;
3217        else
3218            lenOpt = CurlOption.infilesize_large;
3220        if (size_t.max != ulong.max && len == size_t.max)
3221            len = ulong.max; // check size_t.max for backwards compat, turn into error
3223        if (len == ulong.max)
3224        {
3225            // HTTP 1.1 supports requests with no length header set.
3226            addRequestHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");
3227            addRequestHeader("Expect", "100-continue");
3228        }
3229        else
3230        {
3231            p.curl.set(lenOpt, to!curl_off_t(len));
3232        }
3233    }
3235    /**
3236       Authentication method as specified in $(LREF AuthMethod).
3237    */
3238    @property void authenticationMethod(AuthMethod authMethod)
3239    {
3240        p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpauth, cast(long) authMethod);
3241    }
3243    /**
3244       Set max allowed redirections using the location header.
3245       uint.max for infinite.
3246    */
3247    @property void maxRedirects(uint maxRedirs)
3248    {
3249        if (maxRedirs == uint.max)
3250        {
3251            // Disable
3252            p.curl.set(CurlOption.followlocation, 0);
3253        }
3254        else
3255        {
3256            p.curl.set(CurlOption.followlocation, 1);
3257            p.curl.set(CurlOption.maxredirs, maxRedirs);
3258        }
3259    }
3261    /** <a name="HTTP.Method"/>The standard HTTP methods :
3262     *  $(HTTP www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html#sec5.1.1, _RFC2616 Section 5.1.1)
3263     */
3264    enum Method
3265    {
3266        undefined,
3267        head, ///
3268        get,  ///
3269        post, ///
3270        put,  ///
3271        del,  ///
3272        options, ///
3273        trace,   ///
3274        connect,  ///
3275        patch, ///
3276    }
3278    /**
3279       HTTP status line ie. the first line returned in an HTTP response.
3281       If authentication or redirections are done then the status will be for
3282       the last response received.
3283    */
3284    struct StatusLine
3285    {
3286        ushort majorVersion; /// Major HTTP version ie. 1 in HTTP/1.0.
3287        ushort minorVersion; /// Minor HTTP version ie. 0 in HTTP/1.0.
3288        ushort code;         /// HTTP status line code e.g. 200.
3289        string reason;       /// HTTP status line reason string.
3291        /// Reset this status line
3292        @safe void reset()
3293        {
3294            majorVersion = 0;
3295            minorVersion = 0;
3296            code = 0;
3297            reason = "";
3298        }
3300        ///
3301        string toString() const
3302        {
3303            import std.format : format;
3304            return format("%s %s (%s.%s)",
3305                          code, reason, majorVersion, minorVersion);
3306        }
3307    }
3309} // HTTP
3311@system unittest // charset/Charset/CHARSET/...
3313    import std.meta : AliasSeq;
3315    foreach (c; AliasSeq!("charset", "Charset", "CHARSET", "CharSet", "charSet",
3316        "ChArSeT", "cHaRsEt"))
3317    {
3318        testServer.handle((s) {
3319            s.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~
3320                "Content-Length: 0\r\n"~
3321                "Content-Type: text/plain; " ~ c ~ "=foo\r\n" ~
3322                "\r\n");
3323        });
3325        auto http = HTTP(testServer.addr);
3326        http.perform();
3327        assert(http.p.charset == "foo");
3329        // Bugzilla 16736
3330        double val;
3331        CurlCode code;
3333        code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.total_time, val);
3334        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3335        code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.namelookup_time, val);
3336        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3337        code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.connect_time, val);
3338        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3339        code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.pretransfer_time, val);
3340        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3341        code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.starttransfer_time, val);
3342        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3343        code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.redirect_time, val);
3344        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3345        code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.appconnect_time, val);
3346        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3347    }
3351   FTP client functionality.
3353   See_Also: $(HTTP tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959, RFC959)
3355struct FTP
3358    mixin Protocol;
3360    private struct Impl
3361    {
3362        ~this()
3363        {
3364            if (commands !is null)
3365                Curl.curl.slist_free_all(commands);
3366            if (curl.handle !is null) // work around RefCounted/emplace bug
3367                curl.shutdown();
3368        }
3369        curl_slist* commands;
3370        Curl curl;
3371        string encoding;
3372    }
3374    private RefCounted!Impl p;
3376    /**
3377       FTP access to the specified url.
3378    */
3379    static FTP opCall(const(char)[] url)
3380    {
3381        FTP ftp;
3382        ftp.initialize();
3383        ftp.url = url;
3384        return ftp;
3385    }
3387    ///
3388    static FTP opCall()
3389    {
3390        FTP ftp;
3391        ftp.initialize();
3392        return ftp;
3393    }
3395    ///
3396    FTP dup()
3397    {
3398        FTP copy = FTP();
3399        copy.initialize();
3400        copy.p.encoding = p.encoding;
3401        copy.p.curl = p.curl.dup();
3402        curl_slist* cur = p.commands;
3403        curl_slist* newlist = null;
3404        while (cur)
3405        {
3406            newlist = Curl.curl.slist_append(newlist, cur.data);
3407            cur = cur.next;
3408        }
3409        copy.p.commands = newlist;
3410        copy.p.curl.set(CurlOption.postquote, copy.p.commands);
3411        copy.dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout;
3412        return copy;
3413    }
3415    private void initialize()
3416    {
3417        p.curl.initialize();
3418        p.encoding = "ISO-8859-1";
3419        dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout;
3420    }
3422    /**
3423       Performs the ftp request as it has been configured.
3425       After a FTP client has been setup and possibly assigned callbacks the $(D
3426       perform()) method will start performing the actual communication with the
3427       server.
3429       Params:
3430       throwOnError = whether to throw an exception or return a CurlCode on error
3431    */
3432    CurlCode perform(ThrowOnError throwOnError = Yes.throwOnError)
3433    {
3434        return p.curl.perform(throwOnError);
3435    }
3437    /// The URL to specify the location of the resource.
3438    @property void url(const(char)[] url)
3439    {
3440        import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
3441        import std.uni : toLower;
3443        if (!startsWith(url.toLower(), "ftp://", "ftps://"))
3444            url = "ftp://" ~ url;
3445        p.curl.set(CurlOption.url, url);
3446    }
3448    // This is a workaround for mixed in content not having its
3449    // docs mixed in.
3450    version (StdDdoc)
3451    {
3452        /// Value to return from $(D onSend)/$(D onReceive) delegates in order to
3453        /// pause a request
3454        alias requestPause = CurlReadFunc.pause;
3456        /// Value to return from onSend delegate in order to abort a request
3457        alias requestAbort = CurlReadFunc.abort;
3459        /**
3460           True if the instance is stopped. A stopped instance is not usable.
3461        */
3462        @property bool isStopped();
3464        /// Stop and invalidate this instance.
3465        void shutdown();
3467        /** Set verbose.
3468            This will print request information to stderr.
3469        */
3470        @property void verbose(bool on);
3472        // Connection settings
3474        /// Set timeout for activity on connection.
3475        @property void dataTimeout(Duration d);
3477        /** Set maximum time an operation is allowed to take.
3478            This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc.
3479          */
3480        @property void operationTimeout(Duration d);
3482        /// Set timeout for connecting.
3483        @property void connectTimeout(Duration d);
3485        // Network settings
3487        /** Proxy
3488         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy)
3489         */
3490        @property void proxy(const(char)[] host);
3492        /** Proxy port
3493         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXYPORT, _proxy_port)
3494         */
3495        @property void proxyPort(ushort port);
3497        /// Type of proxy
3498        alias CurlProxy = etc.c.curl.CurlProxy;
3500        /** Proxy type
3501         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy_type)
3502         */
3503        @property void proxyType(CurlProxy type);
3505        /// DNS lookup timeout.
3506        @property void dnsTimeout(Duration d);
3508        /**
3509         * The network interface to use in form of the the IP of the interface.
3510         *
3511         * Example:
3512         * ----
3513         * theprotocol.netInterface = "";
3514         * theprotocol.netInterface = [ 192, 168, 1, 32 ];
3515         * ----
3516         *
3517         * See: $(REF InternetAddress, std,socket)
3518         */
3519        @property void netInterface(const(char)[] i);
3521        /// ditto
3522        @property void netInterface(const(ubyte)[4] i);
3524        /// ditto
3525        @property void netInterface(InternetAddress i);
3527        /**
3528           Set the local outgoing port to use.
3529           Params:
3530           port = the first outgoing port number to try and use
3531        */
3532        @property void localPort(ushort port);
3534        /**
3535           Set the local outgoing port range to use.
3536           This can be used together with the localPort property.
3537           Params:
3538           range = if the first port is occupied then try this many
3539           port number forwards
3540        */
3541        @property void localPortRange(ushort range);
3543        /** Set the tcp no-delay socket option on or off.
3544            See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTTCPNODELAY, nodelay)
3545        */
3546        @property void tcpNoDelay(bool on);
3548        // Authentication settings
3550        /**
3551           Set the user name, password and optionally domain for authentication
3552           purposes.
3554           Some protocols may need authentication in some cases. Use this
3555           function to provide credentials.
3557           Params:
3558           username = the username
3559           password = the password
3560           domain = used for NTLM authentication only and is set to the NTLM domain
3561           name
3562        */
3563        void setAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password,
3564                               const(char)[] domain = "");
3566        /**
3567           Set the user name and password for proxy authentication.
3569           Params:
3570           username = the username
3571           password = the password
3572        */
3573        void setProxyAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password);
3575        /**
3576         * The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending. The
3577         * length of the $(D void[]) specifies the maximum number of bytes that can
3578         * be sent.
3579         *
3580         * Returns:
3581         * The callback returns the number of elements in the buffer that have been
3582         * filled and are ready to send.
3583         * The special value $(D .abortRequest) can be returned in order to abort the
3584         * current request.
3585         * The special value $(D .pauseRequest) can be returned in order to pause the
3586         * current request.
3587         *
3588         */
3589        @property void onSend(size_t delegate(void[]) callback);
3591        /**
3592         * The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the
3593         * incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the
3594         * callback returns.
3595         *
3596         * Returns:
3597         * The callback returns the incoming bytes read. If not the entire array is
3598         * the request will abort.
3599         * The special value .pauseRequest can be returned in order to pause the
3600         * current request.
3601         *
3602         */
3603        @property void onReceive(size_t delegate(ubyte[]) callback);
3605        /**
3606         * The event handler that gets called to inform of upload/download progress.
3607         *
3608         * Callback_parameters:
3609         * $(CALLBACK_PARAMS)
3610         *
3611         * Callback_returns:
3612         * Return 0 from the callback to signal success, return non-zero to
3613         * abort transfer.
3614         */
3615        @property void onProgress(int delegate(size_t dlTotal, size_t dlNow,
3616                                               size_t ulTotal, size_t ulNow) callback);
3617    }
3619    /** Clear all commands send to ftp server.
3620    */
3621    void clearCommands()
3622    {
3623        if (p.commands !is null)
3624            Curl.curl.slist_free_all(p.commands);
3625        p.commands = null;
3626        p.curl.clear(CurlOption.postquote);
3627    }
3629    /** Add a command to send to ftp server.
3630     *
3631     * There is no remove command functionality. Do a $(LREF clearCommands) and
3632     * set the needed commands instead.
3633     *
3634     * Example:
3635     * ---
3636     * import std.net.curl;
3637     * auto client = FTP();
3638     * client.addCommand("RNFR my_file.txt");
3639     * client.addCommand("RNTO my_renamed_file.txt");
3640     * upload("my_file.txt", "ftp.digitalmars.com", client);
3641     * ---
3642     */
3643    void addCommand(const(char)[] command)
3644    {
3645        p.commands = Curl.curl.slist_append(p.commands,
3646                                            command.tempCString().buffPtr);
3647        p.curl.set(CurlOption.postquote, p.commands);
3648    }
3650    /// Connection encoding. Defaults to ISO-8859-1.
3651    @property void encoding(string name)
3652    {
3653        p.encoding = name;
3654    }
3656    /// ditto
3657    @property string encoding()
3658    {
3659        return p.encoding;
3660    }
3662    /**
3663       The content length in bytes of the ftp data.
3664    */
3665    @property void contentLength(ulong len)
3666    {
3667        import std.conv : to;
3668        p.curl.set(CurlOption.infilesize_large, to!curl_off_t(len));
3669    }
3671    /**
3672     * Get various timings defined in $(REF CurlInfo, etc, c, curl).
3673     * The value is usable only if the return value is equal to $(D etc.c.curl.CurlError.ok).
3674     *
3675     * Params:
3676     *      timing = one of the timings defined in $(REF CurlInfo, etc, c, curl).
3677     *               The values are:
3678     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.namelookup_time),
3679     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.connect_time),
3680     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.pretransfer_time),
3681     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.starttransfer_time),
3682     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.redirect_time),
3683     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.appconnect_time),
3684     *               $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.total_time).
3685     *      val    = the actual value of the inquired timing.
3686     *
3687     * Returns:
3688     *      The return code of the operation. The value stored in val
3689     *      should be used only if the return value is $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.ok).
3690     *
3691     * Example:
3692     * ---
3693     * import std.net.curl;
3694     * import etc.c.curl : CurlError, CurlInfo;
3695     *
3696     * auto client = FTP();
3697     * client.addCommand("RNFR my_file.txt");
3698     * client.addCommand("RNTO my_renamed_file.txt");
3699     * upload("my_file.txt", "ftp.digitalmars.com", client);
3700     *
3701     * double val;
3702     * CurlCode code;
3703     *
3704     * code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.namelookup_time, val);
3705     * assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3706     * ---
3707     */
3708    CurlCode getTiming(CurlInfo timing, ref double val)
3709    {
3710        return p.curl.getTiming(timing, val);
3711    }
3713    @system unittest
3714    {
3715        auto client = FTP();
3717        double val;
3718        CurlCode code;
3720        code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.total_time, val);
3721        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3722        code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.namelookup_time, val);
3723        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3724        code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.connect_time, val);
3725        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3726        code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.pretransfer_time, val);
3727        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3728        code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.starttransfer_time, val);
3729        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3730        code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.redirect_time, val);
3731        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3732        code = client.getTiming(CurlInfo.appconnect_time, val);
3733        assert(code == CurlError.ok);
3734    }
3738  * Basic SMTP protocol support.
3739  *
3740  * Example:
3741  * ---
3742  * import std.net.curl;
3743  *
3744  * // Send an email with SMTPS
3745  * auto smtp = SMTP("smtps://smtp.gmail.com");
3746  * smtp.setAuthentication("from.addr@gmail.com", "password");
3747  * smtp.mailTo = ["<to.addr@gmail.com>"];
3748  * smtp.mailFrom = "<from.addr@gmail.com>";
3749  * smtp.message = "Example Message";
3750  * smtp.perform();
3751  * ---
3752  *
3753  * See_Also: $(HTTP www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2821.txt, RFC2821)
3754  */
3755struct SMTP
3757    mixin Protocol;
3759    private struct Impl
3760    {
3761        ~this()
3762        {
3763            if (curl.handle !is null) // work around RefCounted/emplace bug
3764                curl.shutdown();
3765        }
3766        Curl curl;
3768        @property void message(string msg)
3769        {
3770            import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
3772            auto _message = msg;
3773            /**
3774                This delegate reads the message text and copies it.
3775            */
3776            curl.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] data)
3777            {
3778                if (!msg.length) return 0;
3779                size_t to_copy = min(data.length, _message.length);
3780                data[0 .. to_copy] = (cast(void[])_message)[0 .. to_copy];
3781                _message = _message[to_copy..$];
3782                return to_copy;
3783            };
3784        }
3785    }
3787    private RefCounted!Impl p;
3789    /**
3790        Sets to the URL of the SMTP server.
3791    */
3792    static SMTP opCall(const(char)[] url)
3793    {
3794        SMTP smtp;
3795        smtp.initialize();
3796        smtp.url = url;
3797        return smtp;
3798    }
3800    ///
3801    static SMTP opCall()
3802    {
3803        SMTP smtp;
3804        smtp.initialize();
3805        return smtp;
3806    }
3808    /+ TODO: The other structs have this function.
3809    SMTP dup()
3810    {
3811        SMTP copy = SMTP();
3812        copy.initialize();
3813        copy.p.encoding = p.encoding;
3814        copy.p.curl = p.curl.dup();
3815        curl_slist* cur = p.commands;
3816        curl_slist* newlist = null;
3817        while (cur)
3818        {
3819            newlist = Curl.curl.slist_append(newlist, cur.data);
3820            cur = cur.next;
3821        }
3822        copy.p.commands = newlist;
3823        copy.p.curl.set(CurlOption.postquote, copy.p.commands);
3824        copy.dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout;
3825        return copy;
3826    }
3827    +/
3829    /**
3830        Performs the request as configured.
3831        Params:
3832        throwOnError = whether to throw an exception or return a CurlCode on error
3833    */
3834    CurlCode perform(ThrowOnError throwOnError = Yes.throwOnError)
3835    {
3836        return p.curl.perform(throwOnError);
3837    }
3839    /// The URL to specify the location of the resource.
3840    @property void url(const(char)[] url)
3841    {
3842        import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith;
3843        import std.uni : toLower;
3845        auto lowered = url.toLower();
3847        if (lowered.startsWith("smtps://"))
3848        {
3849            p.curl.set(CurlOption.use_ssl, CurlUseSSL.all);
3850        }
3851        else
3852        {
3853            enforce!CurlException(lowered.startsWith("smtp://"),
3854                                    "The url must be for the smtp protocol.");
3855        }
3856        p.curl.set(CurlOption.url, url);
3857    }
3859    private void initialize()
3860    {
3861        p.curl.initialize();
3862        p.curl.set(CurlOption.upload, 1L);
3863        dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout;
3864        verifyPeer = true;
3865        verifyHost = true;
3866    }
3868    // This is a workaround for mixed in content not having its
3869    // docs mixed in.
3870    version (StdDdoc)
3871    {
3872        /// Value to return from $(D onSend)/$(D onReceive) delegates in order to
3873        /// pause a request
3874        alias requestPause = CurlReadFunc.pause;
3876        /// Value to return from onSend delegate in order to abort a request
3877        alias requestAbort = CurlReadFunc.abort;
3879        /**
3880           True if the instance is stopped. A stopped instance is not usable.
3881        */
3882        @property bool isStopped();
3884        /// Stop and invalidate this instance.
3885        void shutdown();
3887        /** Set verbose.
3888            This will print request information to stderr.
3889        */
3890        @property void verbose(bool on);
3892        // Connection settings
3894        /// Set timeout for activity on connection.
3895        @property void dataTimeout(Duration d);
3897        /** Set maximum time an operation is allowed to take.
3898            This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc.
3899          */
3900        @property void operationTimeout(Duration d);
3902        /// Set timeout for connecting.
3903        @property void connectTimeout(Duration d);
3905        // Network settings
3907        /** Proxy
3908         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy)
3909         */
3910        @property void proxy(const(char)[] host);
3912        /** Proxy port
3913         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXYPORT, _proxy_port)
3914         */
3915        @property void proxyPort(ushort port);
3917        /// Type of proxy
3918        alias CurlProxy = etc.c.curl.CurlProxy;
3920        /** Proxy type
3921         *  See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy_type)
3922         */
3923        @property void proxyType(CurlProxy type);
3925        /// DNS lookup timeout.
3926        @property void dnsTimeout(Duration d);
3928        /**
3929         * The network interface to use in form of the the IP of the interface.
3930         *
3931         * Example:
3932         * ----
3933         * theprotocol.netInterface = "";
3934         * theprotocol.netInterface = [ 192, 168, 1, 32 ];
3935         * ----
3936         *
3937         * See: $(REF InternetAddress, std,socket)
3938         */
3939        @property void netInterface(const(char)[] i);
3941        /// ditto
3942        @property void netInterface(const(ubyte)[4] i);
3944        /// ditto
3945        @property void netInterface(InternetAddress i);
3947        /**
3948           Set the local outgoing port to use.
3949           Params:
3950           port = the first outgoing port number to try and use
3951        */
3952        @property void localPort(ushort port);
3954        /**
3955           Set the local outgoing port range to use.
3956           This can be used together with the localPort property.
3957           Params:
3958           range = if the first port is occupied then try this many
3959           port number forwards
3960        */
3961        @property void localPortRange(ushort range);
3963        /** Set the tcp no-delay socket option on or off.
3964            See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTTCPNODELAY, nodelay)
3965        */
3966        @property void tcpNoDelay(bool on);
3968        // Authentication settings
3970        /**
3971           Set the user name, password and optionally domain for authentication
3972           purposes.
3974           Some protocols may need authentication in some cases. Use this
3975           function to provide credentials.
3977           Params:
3978           username = the username
3979           password = the password
3980           domain = used for NTLM authentication only and is set to the NTLM domain
3981           name
3982        */
3983        void setAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password,
3984                               const(char)[] domain = "");
3986        /**
3987           Set the user name and password for proxy authentication.
3989           Params:
3990           username = the username
3991           password = the password
3992        */
3993        void setProxyAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password);
3995        /**
3996         * The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending. The
3997         * length of the $(D void[]) specifies the maximum number of bytes that can
3998         * be sent.
3999         *
4000         * Returns:
4001         * The callback returns the number of elements in the buffer that have been
4002         * filled and are ready to send.
4003         * The special value $(D .abortRequest) can be returned in order to abort the
4004         * current request.
4005         * The special value $(D .pauseRequest) can be returned in order to pause the
4006         * current request.
4007         */
4008        @property void onSend(size_t delegate(void[]) callback);
4010        /**
4011         * The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the
4012         * incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the
4013         * callback returns.
4014         *
4015         * Returns:
4016         * The callback returns the incoming bytes read. If not the entire array is
4017         * the request will abort.
4018         * The special value .pauseRequest can be returned in order to pause the
4019         * current request.
4020         */
4021        @property void onReceive(size_t delegate(ubyte[]) callback);
4023        /**
4024         * The event handler that gets called to inform of upload/download progress.
4025         *
4026         * Callback_parameters:
4027         * $(CALLBACK_PARAMS)
4028         *
4029         * Callback_returns:
4030         * Return 0 from the callback to signal success, return non-zero to
4031         * abort transfer.
4032         */
4033        @property void onProgress(int delegate(size_t dlTotal, size_t dlNow,
4034                                               size_t ulTotal, size_t ulNow) callback);
4035    }
4037    /**
4038        Setter for the sender's email address.
4039    */
4040    @property void mailFrom()(const(char)[] sender)
4041    {
4042        assert(!sender.empty, "Sender must not be empty");
4043        p.curl.set(CurlOption.mail_from, sender);
4044    }
4046    /**
4047        Setter for the recipient email addresses.
4048    */
4049    void mailTo()(const(char)[][] recipients...)
4050    {
4051        assert(!recipients.empty, "Recipient must not be empty");
4052        curl_slist* recipients_list = null;
4053        foreach (recipient; recipients)
4054        {
4055            recipients_list =
4056                Curl.curl.slist_append(recipients_list,
4057                                  recipient.tempCString().buffPtr);
4058        }
4059        p.curl.set(CurlOption.mail_rcpt, recipients_list);
4060    }
4062    /**
4063        Sets the message body text.
4064    */
4066    @property void message(string msg)
4067    {
4068        p.message = msg;
4069    }
4073    Exception thrown on errors in std.net.curl functions.
4075class CurlException : Exception
4077    /++
4078        Params:
4079            msg  = The message for the exception.
4080            file = The file where the exception occurred.
4081            line = The line number where the exception occurred.
4082            next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
4083      +/
4084    @safe pure nothrow
4085    this(string msg,
4086         string file = __FILE__,
4087         size_t line = __LINE__,
4088         Throwable next = null)
4089    {
4090        super(msg, file, line, next);
4091    }
4095    Exception thrown on timeout errors in std.net.curl functions.
4097class CurlTimeoutException : CurlException
4099    /++
4100        Params:
4101            msg  = The message for the exception.
4102            file = The file where the exception occurred.
4103            line = The line number where the exception occurred.
4104            next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
4105      +/
4106    @safe pure nothrow
4107    this(string msg,
4108         string file = __FILE__,
4109         size_t line = __LINE__,
4110         Throwable next = null)
4111    {
4112        super(msg, file, line, next);
4113    }
4117    Exception thrown on HTTP request failures, e.g. 404 Not Found.
4119class HTTPStatusException : CurlException
4121    /++
4122        Params:
4123            status = The HTTP status code.
4124            msg  = The message for the exception.
4125            file = The file where the exception occurred.
4126            line = The line number where the exception occurred.
4127            next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
4128      +/
4129    @safe pure nothrow
4130    this(int status,
4131         string msg,
4132         string file = __FILE__,
4133         size_t line = __LINE__,
4134         Throwable next = null)
4135    {
4136        super(msg, file, line, next);
4137        this.status = status;
4138    }
4140    immutable int status; /// The HTTP status code
4143/// Equal to $(REF CURLcode, etc,c,curl)
4144alias CurlCode = CURLcode;
4146import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No;
4147/// Flag to specify whether or not an exception is thrown on error.
4148alias ThrowOnError = Flag!"throwOnError";
4150private struct CurlAPI
4152    static struct API
4153    {
4154    extern(C):
4155        import core.stdc.config : c_long;
4156        CURLcode function(c_long flags) global_init;
4157        void function() global_cleanup;
4158        curl_version_info_data * function(CURLversion) version_info;
4159        CURL* function() easy_init;
4160        CURLcode function(CURL *curl, CURLoption option,...) easy_setopt;
4161        CURLcode function(CURL *curl) easy_perform;
4162        CURLcode function(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info,...) easy_getinfo;
4163        CURL* function(CURL *curl) easy_duphandle;
4164        char* function(CURLcode) easy_strerror;
4165        CURLcode function(CURL *handle, int bitmask) easy_pause;
4166        void function(CURL *curl) easy_cleanup;
4167        curl_slist* function(curl_slist *, char *) slist_append;
4168        void function(curl_slist *) slist_free_all;
4169    }
4170    __gshared API _api;
4171    __gshared void* _handle;
4173    static ref API instance() @property
4174    {
4175        import std.concurrency : initOnce;
4176        initOnce!_handle(loadAPI());
4177        return _api;
4178    }
4180    static void* loadAPI()
4181    {
4182        version (Posix)
4183        {
4184            import core.sys.posix.dlfcn : dlsym, dlopen, dlclose, RTLD_LAZY;
4185            alias loadSym = dlsym;
4186        }
4187        else version (Windows)
4188        {
4189            import core.sys.windows.windows : GetProcAddress, GetModuleHandleA,
4190                LoadLibraryA;
4191            alias loadSym = GetProcAddress;
4192        }
4193        else
4194            static assert(0, "unimplemented");
4196        void* handle;
4197        version (Posix)
4198            handle = dlopen(null, RTLD_LAZY);
4199        else version (Windows)
4200            handle = GetModuleHandleA(null);
4201        assert(handle !is null);
4203        // try to load curl from the executable to allow static linking
4204        if (loadSym(handle, "curl_global_init") is null)
4205        {
4206            import std.format : format;
4207            version (Posix)
4208                dlclose(handle);
4210            version (OSX)
4211                static immutable names = ["libcurl.4.dylib"];
4212            else version (Posix)
4213            {
4214                static immutable names = ["libcurl.so", "libcurl.so.4",
4215                "libcurl-gnutls.so.4", "libcurl-nss.so.4", "libcurl.so.3"];
4216            }
4217            else version (Windows)
4218                static immutable names = ["libcurl.dll", "curl.dll"];
4220            foreach (name; names)
4221            {
4222                version (Posix)
4223                    handle = dlopen(name.ptr, RTLD_LAZY);
4224                else version (Windows)
4225                    handle = LoadLibraryA(name.ptr);
4226                if (handle !is null) break;
4227            }
4229            enforce!CurlException(handle !is null, "Failed to load curl, tried %(%s, %).".format(names));
4230        }
4232        foreach (i, FP; typeof(API.tupleof))
4233        {
4234            enum name = __traits(identifier, _api.tupleof[i]);
4235            auto p = enforce!CurlException(loadSym(handle, "curl_"~name),
4236                                           "Couldn't load curl_"~name~" from libcurl.");
4237            _api.tupleof[i] = cast(FP) p;
4238        }
4240        enforce!CurlException(!_api.global_init(CurlGlobal.all),
4241                              "Failed to initialize libcurl");
4243        static extern(C) void cleanup()
4244        {
4245            if (_handle is null) return;
4246            _api.global_cleanup();
4247            version (Posix)
4248            {
4249                import core.sys.posix.dlfcn : dlclose;
4250                dlclose(_handle);
4251            }
4252            else version (Windows)
4253            {
4254                import core.sys.windows.windows : FreeLibrary;
4255                FreeLibrary(_handle);
4256            }
4257            else
4258                static assert(0, "unimplemented");
4259            _api = API.init;
4260            _handle = null;
4261        }
4263        import core.stdc.stdlib : atexit;
4264        atexit(&cleanup);
4266        return handle;
4267    }
4271  Wrapper to provide a better interface to libcurl than using the plain C API.
4272  It is recommended to use the $(D HTTP)/$(D FTP) etc. structs instead unless
4273  raw access to libcurl is needed.
4275  Warning: This struct uses interior pointers for callbacks. Only allocate it
4276  on the stack if you never move or copy it. This also means passing by reference
4277  when passing Curl to other functions. Otherwise always allocate on
4278  the heap.
4280struct Curl
4282    alias OutData = void[];
4283    alias InData = ubyte[];
4284    private bool _stopped;
4286    private static auto ref curl() @property { return CurlAPI.instance; }
4288    // A handle should not be used by two threads simultaneously
4289    private CURL* handle;
4291    // May also return $(D CURL_READFUNC_ABORT) or $(D CURL_READFUNC_PAUSE)
4292    private size_t delegate(OutData) _onSend;
4293    private size_t delegate(InData) _onReceive;
4294    private void delegate(in char[]) _onReceiveHeader;
4295    private CurlSeek delegate(long,CurlSeekPos) _onSeek;
4296    private int delegate(curl_socket_t,CurlSockType) _onSocketOption;
4297    private int delegate(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow,
4298                         size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow) _onProgress;
4300    alias requestPause = CurlReadFunc.pause;
4301    alias requestAbort = CurlReadFunc.abort;
4303    /**
4304       Initialize the instance by creating a working curl handle.
4305    */
4306    void initialize()
4307    {
4308        enforce!CurlException(!handle, "Curl instance already initialized");
4309        handle = curl.easy_init();
4310        enforce!CurlException(handle, "Curl instance couldn't be initialized");
4311        _stopped = false;
4312        set(CurlOption.nosignal, 1);
4313    }
4315    ///
4316    @property bool stopped() const
4317    {
4318        return _stopped;
4319    }
4321    /**
4322       Duplicate this handle.
4324       The new handle will have all options set as the one it was duplicated
4325       from. An exception to this is that all options that cannot be shared
4326       across threads are reset thereby making it safe to use the duplicate
4327       in a new thread.
4328    */
4329    Curl dup()
4330    {
4331        Curl copy;
4332        copy.handle = curl.easy_duphandle(handle);
4333        copy._stopped = false;
4335        with (CurlOption) {
4336            auto tt = AliasSeq!(file, writefunction, writeheader,
4337                headerfunction, infile, readfunction, ioctldata, ioctlfunction,
4338                seekdata, seekfunction, sockoptdata, sockoptfunction,
4339                opensocketdata, opensocketfunction, progressdata,
4340                progressfunction, debugdata, debugfunction, interleavedata,
4341                interleavefunction, chunk_data, chunk_bgn_function,
4342                chunk_end_function, fnmatch_data, fnmatch_function, cookiejar, postfields);
4344            foreach (option; tt)
4345                copy.clear(option);
4346        }
4348        // The options are only supported by libcurl when it has been built
4349        // against certain versions of OpenSSL - if your libcurl uses an old
4350        // OpenSSL, or uses an entirely different SSL engine, attempting to
4351        // clear these normally will raise an exception
4352        copy.clearIfSupported(CurlOption.ssl_ctx_function);
4353        copy.clearIfSupported(CurlOption.ssh_keydata);
4355        // Enable for curl version > 7.21.7
4356        static if (LIBCURL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7 &&
4357                   LIBCURL_VERSION_MINOR >= 21 &&
4358                   LIBCURL_VERSION_PATCH >= 7)
4359        {
4360            copy.clear(CurlOption.closesocketdata);
4361            copy.clear(CurlOption.closesocketfunction);
4362        }
4364        copy.set(CurlOption.nosignal, 1);
4366        // copy.clear(CurlOption.ssl_ctx_data); Let ssl function be shared
4367        // copy.clear(CurlOption.ssh_keyfunction); Let key function be shared
4369        /*
4370          Allow sharing of conv functions
4371          copy.clear(CurlOption.conv_to_network_function);
4372          copy.clear(CurlOption.conv_from_network_function);
4373          copy.clear(CurlOption.conv_from_utf8_function);
4374        */
4376        return copy;
4377    }
4379    private void _check(CurlCode code)
4380    {
4381        enforce!CurlTimeoutException(code != CurlError.operation_timedout,
4382                                       errorString(code));
4384        enforce!CurlException(code == CurlError.ok,
4385                                errorString(code));
4386    }
4388    private string errorString(CurlCode code)
4389    {
4390        import core.stdc.string : strlen;
4391        import std.format : format;
4393        auto msgZ = curl.easy_strerror(code);
4394        // doing the following (instead of just using std.conv.to!string) avoids 1 allocation
4395        return format("%s on handle %s", msgZ[0 .. strlen(msgZ)], handle);
4396    }
4398    private void throwOnStopped(string message = null)
4399    {
4400        auto def = "Curl instance called after being cleaned up";
4401        enforce!CurlException(!stopped,
4402                                message == null ? def : message);
4403    }
4405    /**
4406        Stop and invalidate this curl instance.
4407        Warning: Do not call this from inside a callback handler e.g. $(D onReceive).
4408    */
4409    void shutdown()
4410    {
4411        throwOnStopped();
4412        _stopped = true;
4413        curl.easy_cleanup(this.handle);
4414        this.handle = null;
4415    }
4417    /**
4418       Pausing and continuing transfers.
4419    */
4420    void pause(bool sendingPaused, bool receivingPaused)
4421    {
4422        throwOnStopped();
4423        _check(curl.easy_pause(this.handle,
4424                               (sendingPaused ? CurlPause.send_cont : CurlPause.send) |
4425                               (receivingPaused ? CurlPause.recv_cont : CurlPause.recv)));
4426    }
4428    /**
4429       Set a string curl option.
4430       Params:
4431       option = A $(REF CurlOption, etc,c,curl) as found in the curl documentation
4432       value = The string
4433    */
4434    void set(CurlOption option, const(char)[] value)
4435    {
4436        throwOnStopped();
4437        _check(curl.easy_setopt(this.handle, option, value.tempCString().buffPtr));
4438    }
4440    /**
4441       Set a long curl option.
4442       Params:
4443       option = A $(REF CurlOption, etc,c,curl) as found in the curl documentation
4444       value = The long
4445    */
4446    void set(CurlOption option, long value)
4447    {
4448        throwOnStopped();
4449        _check(curl.easy_setopt(this.handle, option, value));
4450    }
4452    /**
4453       Set a void* curl option.
4454       Params:
4455       option = A $(REF CurlOption, etc,c,curl) as found in the curl documentation
4456       value = The pointer
4457    */
4458    void set(CurlOption option, void* value)
4459    {
4460        throwOnStopped();
4461        _check(curl.easy_setopt(this.handle, option, value));
4462    }
4464    /**
4465       Clear a pointer option.
4466       Params:
4467       option = A $(REF CurlOption, etc,c,curl) as found in the curl documentation
4468    */
4469    void clear(CurlOption option)
4470    {
4471        throwOnStopped();
4472        _check(curl.easy_setopt(this.handle, option, null));
4473    }
4475    /**
4476       Clear a pointer option. Does not raise an exception if the underlying
4477       libcurl does not support the option. Use sparingly.
4478       Params:
4479       option = A $(REF CurlOption, etc,c,curl) as found in the curl documentation
4480    */
4481    void clearIfSupported(CurlOption option)
4482    {
4483        throwOnStopped();
4484        auto rval = curl.easy_setopt(this.handle, option, null);
4485        if (rval != CurlError.unknown_option && rval != CurlError.not_built_in)
4486            _check(rval);
4487    }
4489    /**
4490       perform the curl request by doing the HTTP,FTP etc. as it has
4491       been setup beforehand.
4493       Params:
4494       throwOnError = whether to throw an exception or return a CurlCode on error
4495    */
4496    CurlCode perform(ThrowOnError throwOnError = Yes.throwOnError)
4497    {
4498        throwOnStopped();
4499        CurlCode code = curl.easy_perform(this.handle);
4500        if (throwOnError)
4501            _check(code);
4502        return code;
4503    }
4505    /**
4506       Get the various timings like name lookup time, total time, connect time etc.
4507       The timed category is passed through the timing parameter while the timing
4508       value is stored at val. The value is usable only if res is equal to
4509       $(D etc.c.curl.CurlError.ok).
4510    */
4511    CurlCode getTiming(CurlInfo timing, ref double val)
4512    {
4513        CurlCode code;
4514        code = curl.easy_getinfo(handle, timing, &val);
4515        return code;
4516    }
4518    /**
4519      * The event handler that receives incoming data.
4520      *
4521      * Params:
4522      * callback = the callback that receives the $(D ubyte[]) data.
4523      * Be sure to copy the incoming data and not store
4524      * a slice.
4525      *
4526      * Returns:
4527      * The callback returns the incoming bytes read. If not the entire array is
4528      * the request will abort.
4529      * The special value HTTP.pauseRequest can be returned in order to pause the
4530      * current request.
4531      *
4532      * Example:
4533      * ----
4534      * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
4535      * Curl curl;
4536      * curl.initialize();
4537      * curl.set(CurlOption.url, "http://dlang.org");
4538      * curl.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln("Got data", to!(const(char)[])(data)); return data.length;};
4539      * curl.perform();
4540      * ----
4541      */
4542    @property void onReceive(size_t delegate(InData) callback)
4543    {
4544        _onReceive = (InData id)
4545        {
4546            throwOnStopped("Receive callback called on cleaned up Curl instance");
4547            return callback(id);
4548        };
4549        set(CurlOption.file, cast(void*) &this);
4550        set(CurlOption.writefunction, cast(void*) &Curl._receiveCallback);
4551    }
4553    /**
4554      * The event handler that receives incoming headers for protocols
4555      * that uses headers.
4556      *
4557      * Params:
4558      * callback = the callback that receives the header string.
4559      * Make sure the callback copies the incoming params if
4560      * it needs to store it because they are references into
4561      * the backend and may very likely change.
4562      *
4563      * Example:
4564      * ----
4565      * import std.net.curl, std.stdio;
4566      * Curl curl;
4567      * curl.initialize();
4568      * curl.set(CurlOption.url, "http://dlang.org");
4569      * curl.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] header) { writeln(header); };
4570      * curl.perform();
4571      * ----
4572      */
4573    @property void onReceiveHeader(void delegate(in char[]) callback)
4574    {
4575        _onReceiveHeader = (in char[] od)
4576        {
4577            throwOnStopped("Receive header callback called on "~
4578                           "cleaned up Curl instance");
4579            callback(od);
4580        };
4581        set(CurlOption.writeheader, cast(void*) &this);
4582        set(CurlOption.headerfunction,
4583            cast(void*) &Curl._receiveHeaderCallback);
4584    }
4586    /**
4587      * The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending.
4588      *
4589      * Params:
4590      * callback = the callback that has a $(D void[]) buffer to be filled
4591      *
4592      * Returns:
4593      * The callback returns the number of elements in the buffer that have been
4594      * filled and are ready to send.
4595      * The special value $(D Curl.abortRequest) can be returned in
4596      * order to abort the current request.
4597      * The special value $(D Curl.pauseRequest) can be returned in order to
4598      * pause the current request.
4599      *
4600      * Example:
4601      * ----
4602      * import std.net.curl;
4603      * Curl curl;
4604      * curl.initialize();
4605      * curl.set(CurlOption.url, "http://dlang.org");
4606      *
4607      * string msg = "Hello world";
4608      * curl.onSend = (void[] data)
4609      * {
4610      *     auto m = cast(void[]) msg;
4611      *     size_t length = m.length > data.length ? data.length : m.length;
4612      *     if (length == 0) return 0;
4613      *     data[0 .. length] = m[0 .. length];
4614      *     msg = msg[length..$];
4615      *     return length;
4616      * };
4617      * curl.perform();
4618      * ----
4619      */
4620    @property void onSend(size_t delegate(OutData) callback)
4621    {
4622        _onSend = (OutData od)
4623        {
4624            throwOnStopped("Send callback called on cleaned up Curl instance");
4625            return callback(od);
4626        };
4627        set(CurlOption.infile, cast(void*) &this);
4628        set(CurlOption.readfunction, cast(void*) &Curl._sendCallback);
4629    }
4631    /**
4632      * The event handler that gets called when the curl backend needs to seek
4633      * the data to be sent.
4634      *
4635      * Params:
4636      * callback = the callback that receives a seek offset and a seek position
4637      *            $(REF CurlSeekPos, etc,c,curl)
4638      *
4639      * Returns:
4640      * The callback returns the success state of the seeking
4641      * $(REF CurlSeek, etc,c,curl)
4642      *
4643      * Example:
4644      * ----
4645      * import std.net.curl;
4646      * Curl curl;
4647      * curl.initialize();
4648      * curl.set(CurlOption.url, "http://dlang.org");
4649      * curl.onSeek = (long p, CurlSeekPos sp)
4650      * {
4651      *     return CurlSeek.cantseek;
4652      * };
4653      * curl.perform();
4654      * ----
4655      */
4656    @property void onSeek(CurlSeek delegate(long, CurlSeekPos) callback)
4657    {
4658        _onSeek = (long ofs, CurlSeekPos sp)
4659        {
4660            throwOnStopped("Seek callback called on cleaned up Curl instance");
4661            return callback(ofs, sp);
4662        };
4663        set(CurlOption.seekdata, cast(void*) &this);
4664        set(CurlOption.seekfunction, cast(void*) &Curl._seekCallback);
4665    }
4667    /**
4668      * The event handler that gets called when the net socket has been created
4669      * but a $(D connect()) call has not yet been done. This makes it possible to set
4670      * misc. socket options.
4671      *
4672      * Params:
4673      * callback = the callback that receives the socket and socket type
4674      * $(REF CurlSockType, etc,c,curl)
4675      *
4676      * Returns:
4677      * Return 0 from the callback to signal success, return 1 to signal error
4678      * and make curl close the socket
4679      *
4680      * Example:
4681      * ----
4682      * import std.net.curl;
4683      * Curl curl;
4684      * curl.initialize();
4685      * curl.set(CurlOption.url, "http://dlang.org");
4686      * curl.onSocketOption = delegate int(curl_socket_t s, CurlSockType t) { /+ do stuff +/ };
4687      * curl.perform();
4688      * ----
4689      */
4690    @property void onSocketOption(int delegate(curl_socket_t,
4691                                               CurlSockType) callback)
4692    {
4693        _onSocketOption = (curl_socket_t sock, CurlSockType st)
4694        {
4695            throwOnStopped("Socket option callback called on "~
4696                           "cleaned up Curl instance");
4697            return callback(sock, st);
4698        };
4699        set(CurlOption.sockoptdata, cast(void*) &this);
4700        set(CurlOption.sockoptfunction,
4701            cast(void*) &Curl._socketOptionCallback);
4702    }
4704    /**
4705      * The event handler that gets called to inform of upload/download progress.
4706      *
4707      * Params:
4708      * callback = the callback that receives the (total bytes to download,
4709      * currently downloaded bytes, total bytes to upload, currently uploaded
4710      * bytes).
4711      *
4712      * Returns:
4713      * Return 0 from the callback to signal success, return non-zero to abort
4714      * transfer
4715      *
4716      * Example:
4717      * ----
4718      * import std.net.curl;
4719      * Curl curl;
4720      * curl.initialize();
4721      * curl.set(CurlOption.url, "http://dlang.org");
4722      * curl.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t uln)
4723      * {
4724      *     writeln("Progress: downloaded bytes ", dlnow, " of ", dltotal);
4725      *     writeln("Progress: uploaded bytes ", ulnow, " of ", ultotal);
4726      *     curl.perform();
4727      * };
4728      * ----
4729      */
4730    @property void onProgress(int delegate(size_t dlTotal,
4731                                           size_t dlNow,
4732                                           size_t ulTotal,
4733                                           size_t ulNow) callback)
4734    {
4735        _onProgress = (size_t dlt, size_t dln, size_t ult, size_t uln)
4736        {
4737            throwOnStopped("Progress callback called on cleaned "~
4738                           "up Curl instance");
4739            return callback(dlt, dln, ult, uln);
4740        };
4741        set(CurlOption.noprogress, 0);
4742        set(CurlOption.progressdata, cast(void*) &this);
4743        set(CurlOption.progressfunction, cast(void*) &Curl._progressCallback);
4744    }
4746    // Internal C callbacks to register with libcurl
4747    extern (C) private static
4748    size_t _receiveCallback(const char* str,
4749                            size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* ptr)
4750    {
4751        auto b = cast(Curl*) ptr;
4752        if (b._onReceive != null)
4753            return b._onReceive(cast(InData)(str[0 .. size*nmemb]));
4754        return size*nmemb;
4755    }
4757    extern (C) private static
4758    size_t _receiveHeaderCallback(const char* str,
4759                                  size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* ptr)
4760    {
4761        import std.string : chomp;
4763        auto b = cast(Curl*) ptr;
4764        auto s = str[0 .. size*nmemb].chomp();
4765        if (b._onReceiveHeader != null)
4766            b._onReceiveHeader(s);
4768        return size*nmemb;
4769    }
4771    extern (C) private static
4772    size_t _sendCallback(char *str, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *ptr)
4773    {
4774        Curl* b = cast(Curl*) ptr;
4775        auto a = cast(void[]) str[0 .. size*nmemb];
4776        if (b._onSend == null)
4777            return 0;
4778        return b._onSend(a);
4779    }
4781    extern (C) private static
4782    int _seekCallback(void *ptr, curl_off_t offset, int origin)
4783    {
4784        auto b = cast(Curl*) ptr;
4785        if (b._onSeek == null)
4786            return CurlSeek.cantseek;
4788        // origin: CurlSeekPos.set/current/end
4789        // return: CurlSeek.ok/fail/cantseek
4790        return b._onSeek(cast(long) offset, cast(CurlSeekPos) origin);
4791    }
4793    extern (C) private static
4794    int _socketOptionCallback(void *ptr,
4795                              curl_socket_t curlfd, curlsocktype purpose)
4796    {
4797        auto b = cast(Curl*) ptr;
4798        if (b._onSocketOption == null)
4799            return 0;
4801        // return: 0 ok, 1 fail
4802        return b._onSocketOption(curlfd, cast(CurlSockType) purpose);
4803    }
4805    extern (C) private static
4806    int _progressCallback(void *ptr,
4807                          double dltotal, double dlnow,
4808                          double ultotal, double ulnow)
4809    {
4810        auto b = cast(Curl*) ptr;
4811        if (b._onProgress == null)
4812            return 0;
4814        // return: 0 ok, 1 fail
4815        return b._onProgress(cast(size_t) dltotal, cast(size_t) dlnow,
4816                             cast(size_t) ultotal, cast(size_t) ulnow);
4817    }
4821// Internal messages send between threads.
4822// The data is wrapped in this struct in order to ensure that
4823// other std.concurrency.receive calls does not pick up our messages
4824// by accident.
4825private struct CurlMessage(T)
4827    public T data;
4830private static CurlMessage!T curlMessage(T)(T data)
4832    return CurlMessage!T(data);
4835// Pool of to be used for reusing buffers
4836private struct Pool(Data)
4838    private struct Entry
4839    {
4840        Data data;
4841        Entry* next;
4842    }
4843    private Entry*  root;
4844    private Entry* freeList;
4846    @safe @property bool empty()
4847    {
4848        return root == null;
4849    }
4851    @safe nothrow void push(Data d)
4852    {
4853        if (freeList == null)
4854        {
4855            // Allocate new Entry since there is no one
4856            // available in the freeList
4857            freeList = new Entry;
4858        }
4859        freeList.data = d;
4860        Entry* oldroot = root;
4861        root = freeList;
4862        freeList = freeList.next;
4863        root.next = oldroot;
4864    }
4866    @safe Data pop()
4867    {
4868        enforce!Exception(root != null, "pop() called on empty pool");
4869        auto d = root.data;
4870        auto n = root.next;
4871        root.next = freeList;
4872        freeList = root;
4873        root = n;
4874        return d;
4875    }
4878// Shared function for reading incoming chunks of data and
4879// sending the to a parent thread
4880private static size_t _receiveAsyncChunks(ubyte[] data, ref ubyte[] outdata,
4881                                          Pool!(ubyte[]) freeBuffers,
4882                                          ref ubyte[] buffer, Tid fromTid,
4883                                          ref bool aborted)
4885    immutable datalen = data.length;
4887    // Copy data to fill active buffer
4888    while (!data.empty)
4889    {
4891        // Make sure a buffer is present
4892        while ( outdata.empty && freeBuffers.empty)
4893        {
4894            // Active buffer is invalid and there are no
4895            // available buffers in the pool. Wait for buffers
4896            // to return from main thread in order to reuse
4897            // them.
4898            receive((immutable(ubyte)[] buf)
4899                    {
4900                        buffer = cast(ubyte[]) buf;
4901                        outdata = buffer[];
4902                    },
4903                    (bool flag) { aborted = true; }
4904                    );
4905            if (aborted) return cast(size_t) 0;
4906        }
4907        if (outdata.empty)
4908        {
4909            buffer = freeBuffers.pop();
4910            outdata = buffer[];
4911        }
4913        // Copy data
4914        auto copyBytes = outdata.length < data.length ?
4915            outdata.length : data.length;
4917        outdata[0 .. copyBytes] = data[0 .. copyBytes];
4918        outdata = outdata[copyBytes..$];
4919        data = data[copyBytes..$];
4921        if (outdata.empty)
4922            fromTid.send(thisTid, curlMessage(cast(immutable(ubyte)[])buffer));
4923    }
4925    return datalen;
4928// ditto
4929private static void _finalizeAsyncChunks(ubyte[] outdata, ref ubyte[] buffer,
4930                                         Tid fromTid)
4932    if (!outdata.empty)
4933    {
4934        // Resize the last buffer
4935        buffer.length = buffer.length - outdata.length;
4936        fromTid.send(thisTid, curlMessage(cast(immutable(ubyte)[])buffer));
4937    }
4941// Shared function for reading incoming lines of data and sending the to a
4942// parent thread
4943private static size_t _receiveAsyncLines(Terminator, Unit)
4944    (const(ubyte)[] data, ref EncodingScheme encodingScheme,
4945     bool keepTerminator, Terminator terminator,
4946     ref const(ubyte)[] leftOverBytes, ref bool bufferValid,
4947     ref Pool!(Unit[]) freeBuffers, ref Unit[] buffer,
4948     Tid fromTid, ref bool aborted)
4950    import std.format : format;
4952    immutable datalen = data.length;
4954    // Terminator is specified and buffers should be resized as determined by
4955    // the terminator
4957    // Copy data to active buffer until terminator is found.
4959    // Decode as many lines as possible
4960    while (true)
4961    {
4963        // Make sure a buffer is present
4964        while (!bufferValid && freeBuffers.empty)
4965        {
4966            // Active buffer is invalid and there are no available buffers in
4967            // the pool. Wait for buffers to return from main thread in order to
4968            // reuse them.
4969            receive((immutable(Unit)[] buf)
4970                    {
4971                        buffer = cast(Unit[]) buf;
4972                        buffer.length = 0;
4973                        buffer.assumeSafeAppend();
4974                        bufferValid = true;
4975                    },
4976                    (bool flag) { aborted = true; }
4977                    );
4978            if (aborted) return cast(size_t) 0;
4979        }
4980        if (!bufferValid)
4981        {
4982            buffer = freeBuffers.pop();
4983            bufferValid = true;
4984        }
4986        // Try to read a line from left over bytes from last onReceive plus the
4987        // newly received bytes.
4988        try
4989        {
4990            if (decodeLineInto(leftOverBytes, data, buffer,
4991                               encodingScheme, terminator))
4992            {
4993                if (keepTerminator)
4994                {
4995                    fromTid.send(thisTid,
4996                                 curlMessage(cast(immutable(Unit)[])buffer));
4997                }
4998                else
4999                {
5000                    static if (isArray!Terminator)
5001                        fromTid.send(thisTid,
5002                                     curlMessage(cast(immutable(Unit)[])
5003                                             buffer[0..$-terminator.length]));
5004                    else
5005                        fromTid.send(thisTid,
5006                                     curlMessage(cast(immutable(Unit)[])
5007                                             buffer[0..$-1]));
5008                }
5009                bufferValid = false;
5010            }
5011            else
5012            {
5013                // Could not decode an entire line. Save
5014                // bytes left in data for next call to
5015                // onReceive. Can be up to a max of 4 bytes.
5016                enforce!CurlException(data.length <= 4,
5017                                        format(
5018                                        "Too many bytes left not decoded %s"~
5019                                        " > 4. Maybe the charset specified in"~
5020                                        " headers does not match "~
5021                                        "the actual content downloaded?",
5022                                        data.length));
5023                leftOverBytes ~= data;
5024                break;
5025            }
5026        }
5027        catch (CurlException ex)
5028        {
5029            prioritySend(fromTid, cast(immutable(CurlException))ex);
5030            return cast(size_t) 0;
5031        }
5032    }
5033    return datalen;
5036// ditto
5037private static
5038void _finalizeAsyncLines(Unit)(bool bufferValid, Unit[] buffer, Tid fromTid)
5040    if (bufferValid && buffer.length != 0)
5041        fromTid.send(thisTid, curlMessage(cast(immutable(Unit)[])buffer[0..$]));
5045// Spawn a thread for handling the reading of incoming data in the
5046// background while the delegate is executing.  This will optimize
5047// throughput by allowing simultaneous input (this struct) and
5048// output (e.g. AsyncHTTPLineOutputRange).
5049private static void _spawnAsync(Conn, Unit, Terminator = void)()
5051    Tid fromTid = receiveOnly!Tid();
5053    // Get buffer to read into
5054    Pool!(Unit[]) freeBuffers;  // Free list of buffer objects
5056    // Number of bytes filled into active buffer
5057    Unit[] buffer;
5058    bool aborted = false;
5060    EncodingScheme encodingScheme;
5061    static if ( !is(Terminator == void))
5062    {
5063        // Only lines reading will receive a terminator
5064        const terminator = receiveOnly!Terminator();
5065        const keepTerminator = receiveOnly!bool();
5067        // max number of bytes to carry over from an onReceive
5068        // callback. This is 4 because it is the max code units to
5069        // decode a code point in the supported encodings.
5070        auto leftOverBytes =  new const(ubyte)[4];
5071        leftOverBytes.length = 0;
5072        auto bufferValid = false;
5073    }
5074    else
5075    {
5076        Unit[] outdata;
5077    }
5079    // no move semantic available in std.concurrency ie. must use casting.
5080    auto connDup = cast(CURL*) receiveOnly!ulong();
5081    auto client = Conn();
5082    client.p.curl.handle = connDup;
5084    // receive a method for both ftp and http but just use it for http
5085    auto method = receiveOnly!(HTTP.Method)();
5087    client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data)
5088    {
5089        // If no terminator is specified the chunk size is fixed.
5090        static if ( is(Terminator == void) )
5091            return _receiveAsyncChunks(data, outdata, freeBuffers, buffer,
5092                                       fromTid, aborted);
5093        else
5094            return _receiveAsyncLines(data, encodingScheme,
5095                                      keepTerminator, terminator, leftOverBytes,
5096                                      bufferValid, freeBuffers, buffer,
5097                                      fromTid, aborted);
5098    };
5100    static if ( is(Conn == HTTP) )
5101    {
5102        client.method = method;
5103        // register dummy header handler
5104        client.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] key, in char[] value)
5105        {
5106            if (key == "content-type")
5107                encodingScheme = EncodingScheme.create(client.p.charset);
5108        };
5109    }
5110    else
5111    {
5112        encodingScheme = EncodingScheme.create(client.encoding);
5113    }
5115    // Start the request
5116    CurlCode code;
5117    try
5118    {
5119        code = client.perform(No.throwOnError);
5120    }
5121    catch (Exception ex)
5122    {
5123        prioritySend(fromTid, cast(immutable(Exception)) ex);
5124        fromTid.send(thisTid, curlMessage(true)); // signal done
5125        return;
5126    }
5128    if (code != CurlError.ok)
5129    {
5130        if (aborted && (code == CurlError.aborted_by_callback ||
5131                        code == CurlError.write_error))
5132        {
5133            fromTid.send(thisTid, curlMessage(true)); // signal done
5134            return;
5135        }
5136        prioritySend(fromTid, cast(immutable(CurlException))
5137                     new CurlException(client.p.curl.errorString(code)));
5139        fromTid.send(thisTid, curlMessage(true)); // signal done
5140        return;
5141    }
5143    // Send remaining data that is not a full chunk size
5144    static if ( is(Terminator == void) )
5145        _finalizeAsyncChunks(outdata, buffer, fromTid);
5146    else
5147        _finalizeAsyncLines(bufferValid, buffer, fromTid);
5149    fromTid.send(thisTid, curlMessage(true)); // signal done