1/* Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2   Contributed by Oracle.
4   This file is part of GNU Binutils.
6   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
9   any later version.
11   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14   GNU General Public License for more details.
16   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18   Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
19   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
21#include "config.h"
22#include <stdio.h>
23#include <stdlib.h>
24#include <unistd.h>
25#include <string.h>
26#include <errno.h>
27#include <getopt.h>
29#include "Application.h"
30#include "i18n.h"
31#include "util.h"
33static int verbose = 0;
35class Gprofng : Application
38  Gprofng (int _argc, char *_argv[]);
39  ~Gprofng ();
40  void start();
41  void usage();
44  void exec_cmd(char *tool_name, int argc, char **argv);
45  int argc;
46  char **argv;
50main (int argc, char *argv[])
52  Gprofng *gprofng = new Gprofng (argc, argv);
53  gprofng->start();
54  delete gprofng;
55  return 0;
58Gprofng::Gprofng (int _argc, char *_argv[]) : Application(_argc, _argv, NULL)
60  argc = _argc;
61  argv = _argv;
64Gprofng::~Gprofng () { }
67Gprofng::usage ()
69  /*
70   * Isolate the first line because it has an argument.
71   * Otherwise it would be at the end of this long list.
72   */
73  printf ( GTXT (
74    "Usage: %s [OPTION(S)] COMMAND [KEYWORD] [ARGUMENTS]\n"), whoami);
76  printf ( GTXT (
77    "\n"
78    "This is the driver for the GPROFNG tools suite to gather and analyze performance data.\n"
79    "\n"
80    "Options:\n"
81    "\n"
82    " --version           print the version number and exit.\n"
83    " --help              print usage information and exit.\n"
84    " --check             verify if the hardware and software environment is supported.\n"
85    " --verbose {on|off}  enable (on) or disable (off) verbose mode; the default is \"off\".\n"
86    "\n"
87    "Commands:\n"
88    "\n"
89    "The driver supports various commands. These are listed below.\n"
90    "\n"
91    "It is also possible to invoke the lower level commands directly, but since these \n"
92    "are subject to change, in particular the options, we recommend to use the driver.\n"
93    "\n"
94    "The man pages for the commands below can be viewed using the command name with\n"
95    "\"gprofng\" replaced by \"gp\" and the spaces replaced by a dash (\"-\"). For\n"
96    "example the man page name for \"gprofng collect app\" is \"gp-collect-app\".\n"
97    "\n"
98    "The following combination of commands and keywords are supported:\n"
99    "\n"
100    "Collect performance data\n"
101    "\n"
102    " gprofng collect app     collect application performance data.\n"
103    "\n"
104    "Display the performance results\n"
105    "\n"
106    " gprofng display text    display the performance data in ASCII format.\n"
107    " gprofng display html    generate an HTML file from one or more experiments.\n"
109    " gprofng display gui     invoke the GUI to graphically analyze the results.\n"
111    " gprofng display src     display source or disassembly with compiler annotations.\n"
112    "\n"
113    "Miscellaneous commands\n"
114    "\n"
115    " gprofng archive         include binaries and source code in an experiment directory.\n"
116    "\n"
117    "Environment:\n"
118    "\n"
119    "The following environment variables are supported:\n"
120    "\n"
121    " GPROFNG_MAX_CALL_STACK_DEPTH  set the depth of the call stack (default is 256).\n"
122    "\n"
123    " GPROFNG_USE_JAVA_OPTIONS      may be set when profiling a C/C++ application\n"
124    "                               that uses dlopen() to execute Java code.\n"
125    "\n"
126    " GPROFNG_SSH_REMOTE_DISPLAY    use this variable to define the ssh command\n"
127    "                               executed by the remote display tool.\n"
128    "\n"
129    " GPROFNG_SKIP_VALIDATION       set this variable to disable checking hardware,\n"
130    "                               system, and Java versions.\n"
131    "\n"
132    " GPROFNG_ALLOW_CORE_DUMP       set this variable to allow a core file to be\n"
133    "                               generated; otherwise an error report is created on /tmp.\n"
134    "\n"
135    " GPROFNG_ARCHIVE               use this variable to define the settings for automatic\n"
136    "                               archiving upon experiment recording completion.\n"
137    "\n"
138    " GPROFNG_ARCHIVE_COMMON_DIR    set this variable to the location of the common archive.\n"
139    "\n"
140    " GPROFNG_JAVA_MAX_CALL_STACK_DEPTH  set the depth of the Java call stack; the default\n"
141    "                                    is 256; set to 0 to disable capturing of call stacks.\n"
142    "\n"
143    " GPROFNG_JAVA_NATIVE_MAX_CALL_STACK_DEPTH  set the depth of the Java native call stack;\n"
144    "                                           the default is 256; set to 0 to disable capturing\n"
145    "                                           of call stacks (JNI and assembly call stacks\n"
146    "                                           are not captured).\n"
147    "\n"
148    "Documentation:\n"
149    "\n"
150    "A getting started guide for gprofng is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and\n"
151    "gprofng programs are properly installed at your site, the command \"info gprofng\"\n"
152    "should give you access to this document.\n"
153    "\n"
154    "See also:\n"
155    "\n"
156    "gp-archive(1), gp-collect-app(1), gp-display-html(1), gp-display-src(1), gp-display-text(1)\n"));
159  printf ( GTXT (
160    "Usage: %s [--verbose] [--version] [--help] <tool-name> [<keyword>] <args>\n"
161    "\n%s\n"
162    "   archive         Archive binaries and sources\n"
163    "   collect [app]   Collect performance data\n"
164    "   display [text]  Print an ASCII report\n"
165    "   display gui     Graphical tool for analyzing an experiment\n"
166    "   display html    Generate an HTML file from an experiment\n"
167    "   display src     Print source or dissasembly\n"),
168    whoami, getenv ("_BUILDING_MANPAGE")
169	   ? "*Available subcommands*"
170	   : "Available Subcommands");
175Gprofng::exec_cmd (char *tool_name, int argc, char **argv)
177  static const struct
178  {
179    const char *tool_name;
180    const char *keyword;
181    const char *app_name;
182  } app_names [] = {
183    { "archive", NULL, "gp-archive"},
184    { "collect", "app", "gp-collect-app"},
185    { "collect", "kernel", "gp-collect-kernel"},
186    { "display", "text", "gp-display-text"},
187    { "display", "gui", "gp-display-gui"},
188    { "display", "html", "gp-display-html"},
189    { "display", "src", "gp-display-src"},
190    { NULL, NULL}
191  };
193  const char *keyword = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "";
194  int first = -1;
195  int find_tool_name = -1;
196  for (int i = 0; app_names[i].tool_name; i++)
197    if (!strcmp (tool_name, app_names[i].tool_name))
198      {
199	if (app_names[i].keyword == NULL)
200	  {
201	    first = i;
202	    break;
203	  }
204	if (!strcmp (keyword, app_names[i].keyword))
205	  {
206	    first = i;
207	    argc--;
208	    argv++;
209	    break;
210	  }
211	if (find_tool_name == -1)
212	  find_tool_name = i;
213      }
215  if (first == -1)
216    {
217      if (find_tool_name == -1)
218	fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("%s: error: keyword '%s' is not supported\n"),
219		 get_basename (get_name ()), tool_name);
220      else if (*keyword == 0)
221	fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("%s %s: error: no qualifier\n"),
222		 get_basename (get_name ()), tool_name);
223      else
224	fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("%s %s: error: qualifier '%s' is not supported\n"),
225		 get_basename (get_name ()), tool_name, keyword);
226      exit (1);
227    }
229  const char *aname = app_names[first].app_name;;
231  char **arr = (char **) malloc ((argc + 3) * sizeof (char *));
232  int n = 0;
233  char *pname = get_name ();
234  arr[n++] = dbe_sprintf ("%.*s%s", (int) (get_basename (pname) - pname),
235			    pname, aname);
236  if (app_names[first].keyword)
237    arr[n++] = dbe_sprintf ("--whoami=%s %s %s", whoami, tool_name,
238			    app_names[first].keyword);
239  else
240    arr[n++] = dbe_sprintf ("--whoami=%s %s", whoami, tool_name);
241  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
242    arr[n++] = argv[i];
243  arr[n] = NULL;
244  if (verbose)
245    {
246      printf ("gprofng::exec\n");
247      for (int i = 0; arr[i]; i++)
248	printf ("%5d: %s\n", i, arr[i]);
249      printf("\n");
250    }
251  execv (arr[0], arr);
253  // If execv returns, it must have failed.
254  fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("%s failed: %s\n"), arr[0], STR (strerror (errno)));
255  exit(1);
259Gprofng::start ()
261  if (argc == 1)
262    {
263      usage ();
264      exit (0);
265    }
266  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
267    {
268      char *s = argv[i];
269      if (*s != '-')
270	{
271	  exec_cmd(s, argc - i, argv + i);
272	  return;
273	}
274      else if (!strcmp (s, "--help"))
275	{
276	  usage ();
277	  exit (0);
278	}
279      else if (!strcmp (s, "--version") || !strcmp (s, "-v"))
280	{
281	   Application::print_version_info ();
282	   exit (0);
283	}
284      else if (!strcmp (s, "--verbose"))
285	verbose = 1;
286      else if (!strcmp (s, "--check"))
287	{
288	  fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("%s: error: --check is not implemented yet\n"),
289		   get_basename (get_name ()));
290	  exit (1);
291	}
292      else
293	{
294	  fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("%s: error: unknown option %s\n"),
295		   get_basename (get_name ()), s);
296	  exit(1);
297	}
298    }
299  fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("%s: error: expected argument after options\n"),
300	   get_basename (get_name ()));