rb_flowinfo_example.txt revision
1Following are examples of rb_flowinfo.d.
3This is a simple script to trace the flow of Ruby methods.  Here it traces the 
4example program, Code/Ruby/func_abc.rb.
6# rb_flowinfo.d
7C    PID  DELTA(us)              FILE:LINE TYPE     -- NAME
80 146395          2       func_abc.rb:3    method   -> Module::method_added
90 146395         26       func_abc.rb:3    method   <- Module::method_added
100 146395         25       func_abc.rb:8    method   -> Module::method_added
110 146395         11       func_abc.rb:8    method   <- Module::method_added
120 146395         16       func_abc.rb:14   method   -> Module::method_added
130 146395         10       func_abc.rb:14   method   <- Module::method_added
140 146395         15       func_abc.rb:20   method   -> Object::func_a
150 146395         12       func_abc.rb:15   method     -> Object::print
160 146395         20       func_abc.rb:15   method       -> IO::write
170 146395        110       func_abc.rb:15   method       <- IO::write
180 146395         11       func_abc.rb:15   method     <- Object::print
190 146395         11       func_abc.rb:16   method     -> Object::sleep
200 146395    1003728       func_abc.rb:16   method     <- Object::sleep
210 146395         35       func_abc.rb:17   method     -> Object::func_b
220 146395         20       func_abc.rb:9    method       -> Object::print
230 146395         12       func_abc.rb:9    method         -> IO::write
240 146395         42       func_abc.rb:9    method         <- IO::write
250 146395         11       func_abc.rb:9    method       <- Object::print
260 146395         11       func_abc.rb:10   method       -> Object::sleep
270 146395    1009976       func_abc.rb:10   method       <- Object::sleep
280 146395         35       func_abc.rb:11   method       -> Object::func_c
290 146395         20       func_abc.rb:4    method         -> Object::print
300 146395         12       func_abc.rb:4    method           -> IO::write
310 146395         38       func_abc.rb:4    method           <- IO::write
320 146395         11       func_abc.rb:4    method         <- Object::print
330 146395         11       func_abc.rb:5    method         -> Object::sleep
340 146395    1009883       func_abc.rb:5    method         <- Object::sleep
350 146395         29       func_abc.rb:5    method       <- Object::func_c
360 146395         12       func_abc.rb:11   method     <- Object::func_b
370 146395         11       func_abc.rb:17   method   <- Object::func_a
40As each method is entered, the last column is indented by 2 spaces. This
41shows which method is calling which.
43The DELTA(us) column shows the change in time from the previous line to the
44current line.
46The LINE column shows the line in the file what was being executed. Refer
47to the source program to see what this line refers to.
49If the output looks shuffled, check the CPU "C" column - if it changes,
50then the output is probably shuffled. See Notes/ALLsnoop_notes.txt for
51details and suggested workarounds.
53See Notes/ALLflow_notes.txt for important notes about reading flow outputs.