$NetBSD: ref.so,v 1.1 2013/11/22 16:00:45 christos Exp $

Copyright (c) 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996
Keith Bostic. All rights reserved.

See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.

@(#)ref.so 8.9 (Berkeley) 8/17/96

indented paragraph, with spaces between the items, bold font
.tm arg 1 \\$1 arg 2 \\$2 arg 3 \\$3
.nr PS \\n(ps .nr ps 0 .ip "\\$1" \\$2 .nr ps \\n(PS

.. indented paragraph, no spaces between the items, bold font
.tm arg 1 \\$1 arg 2 \\$2 arg 3 \\$3
.nr PS \\n(ps .nr ps 0 .ns .ip "\\$1" \\$2 .nr ps \\n(PS

.. start nested .IP
.ba +5n .. end nested .IP
.ba -5n .. nested .IP, no spaces, normal font
.tm arg 1 \\$1 arg 2 \\$2 arg 3 \\$3
.nr PS \\n(ps .nr ps 0 .ns .ip "\\$1" 9n .nr ps \\n(PS .. typewriter font
\fC\\$1\\$2 .. ex/vi names in command font
\fB\\$1/\\$2\\$3 .. command names
\fB\\$1\\$2 .. key words for index
.. option names
\fB\\$1\\$2 .. paren quoted (typewriter font)
(\*(lq\\$1\*(rq)\\$2 .. quoted bold
\*(lq\\$1\*(rq\\$2 .. quoted command
\*(lq\\$1\*(rq\\$2 .. quoted option
\*(lq\\$1\*(rq\\$2 .. quoted (no font change)
\*(lq\\$1\*(rq\\$2 .. quoted (typewriter font)
\*(lq\\$1\*(rq\\$2 .. section macro to build TOC
.(x \\$2 .)x .sh \\$1 "\\$2" .. manual section
\fI\\$1(\\$2)\\$3 ..