119370Spst.Dd June 23 2020
219370Spst.Dt NTPQ @NTPQ_MS@ User Commands
419370Spst.\"  EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION  (ntpq-opts.mdoc)
619370Spst.\"  It has been AutoGen-ed  June 23, 2020 at 02:20:53 AM by AutoGen 5.18.5
719370Spst.\"  From the definitions    ntpq-opts.def
819370Spst.\"  and the template file   agmdoc-cmd.tpl
919370Spst.Sh NAME
1019370Spst.Nm ntpq
1119370Spst.Nd standard NTP query program
1219370Spst.Sh SYNOPSIS
1419370Spst.\" Mixture of short (flag) options and long options
1519370Spst.Op Fl flags
1619370Spst.Op Fl flag Op Ar value
1719370Spst.Op Fl \-option\-name Ns Oo Oo Ns "=| " Oc Ns Ar value Oc
1819370Spst[ host ...]
2019370Spst.Sh DESCRIPTION
2419370Spstutility program is used to query NTP servers to monitor NTP operations
2519370Spstand performance, requesting
2619370Spstinformation about current state and/or changes in that state.
2719370SpstThe program may be run either in interactive mode or controlled using
2819370Spstcommand line arguments.
2919370SpstRequests to read and write arbitrary
3019370Spstvariables can be assembled, with raw and pretty\-printed output
3119370Spstoptions being available.
3419370Spstutility can also obtain and print a
3519370Spstlist of peers in a common format by sending multiple queries to the
3819370SpstIf one or more request options is included on the command line
4119370Spstis executed, each of the requests will be sent
4219370Spstto the NTP servers running on each of the hosts given as command
4319370Spstline arguments, or on localhost by default.
4419370SpstIf no request options
4519370Spstare given,
4719370Spstwill attempt to read commands from the
4819370Spststandard input and execute these on the NTP server running on the
4919370Spstfirst host given on the command line, again defaulting to localhost
5019370Spstwhen no other host is specified.
5319370Spstutility will prompt for
5419370Spstcommands if the standard input is a terminal device.
5719370Spstuses NTP mode 6 packets to communicate with the
5819370SpstNTP server, and hence can be used to query any compatible server on
5919370Spstthe network which permits it.
6019370SpstNote that since NTP is a UDP protocol
6119370Spstthis communication will be somewhat unreliable, especially over
6219370Spstlarge distances in terms of network topology.
6519370Spstutility makes
6619370Spstone attempt to retransmit requests, and will time requests out if
6719370Spstthe remote host is not heard from within a suitable timeout
7019370SpstNote that in contexts where a host name is expected, a
7119370Spst.Fl 4
7219370Spstqualifier preceding the host name forces resolution to the IPv4
7319370Spstnamespace, while a
7419370Spst.Fl 6
7519370Spstqualifier forces resolution to the IPv6 namespace.
7619370SpstFor examples and usage, see the
7719370Spst.Dq NTP Debugging Techniques
8019370SpstSpecifying a
8119370Spstcommand line option other than
8219370Spst.Fl i
8419370Spst.Fl n
8619370Spstcause the specified query (queries) to be sent to the indicated
8719370Spsthost(s) immediately.
9019370Spstwill attempt to read
9119370Spstinteractive format commands from the standard input.
9219370Spst.Ss "Internal Commands"
9419370SpstInteractive format commands consist of a keyword followed by zero
9519370Spstto four arguments.
9619370SpstOnly enough characters of the full keyword to
9719370Spstuniquely identify the command need be typed.
10019370Spstnumber of interactive format commands are executed entirely within
10319370Spstutility itself and do not result in NTP
10419370Spstrequests being sent to a server.
10519370SpstThese are described following.
10619370Spst.Bl -tag -width "help [command]" -compact -offset indent
10719370Spst.It Ic ? Op Ar command
10819370Spst.It Ic help Op Ar command
11019370Spst.Ql \&?
11119370Spstby itself will print a list of all the commands
11219370Spstknown to
11319370Spst.Nm .
11519370Spst.Ql \&?
11619370Spstfollowed by a command name will print function and usage
11719370Spstinformation about the command.
11819370Spst.It Ic addvars Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Op ,...
11919370Spst.It Ic rmvars Ar name Ns Op ,...
12019370Spst.It Ic clearvars
12119370Spst.It Ic showvars
12219370SpstThe arguments to this command consist of a list of
12319370Spstitems of the form
12419370Spst.Ar name Ns Op \&= Ns Ar value ,
12519370Spstwhere the
12619370Spst.No \&= Ns Ar value
12719370Spstis ignored, and can be omitted,
12819370Spstin requests to the server to read variables.
13119370Spstutility maintains an internal list in which data to be included in
13219370Spstmessages can be assembled, and displayed or set using the
13319370Spst.Ic readlist
13519370Spst.Ic writelist
13619370Spstcommands described below.
13819370Spst.Ic addvars
13919370Spstcommand allows variables and their optional values to be added to
14019370Spstthe list.
14119370SpstIf more than one variable is to be added, the list should
14219370Spstbe comma\-separated and not contain white space.
14419370Spst.Ic rmvars
14519370Spstcommand can be used to remove individual variables from the list,
14619370Spstwhile the
14719370Spst.Ic clearvars
14819370Spstcommand removes all variables from the
15119370Spst.Ic showvars
15219370Spstcommand displays the current list of optional variables.
15319370Spst.It Ic authenticate Op Cm yes Ns | Ns Cm no
15619370Spstdoes not authenticate requests unless
15719370Spstthey are write requests.
15819370SpstThe command
15919370Spst.Ic authenticate Cm yes
16219370Spstto send authentication with all requests it
16419370SpstAuthenticated requests causes some servers to handle
16519370Spstrequests slightly differently.
16619370SpstThe command
16719370Spst.Ic authenticate
17019370Spstto display whether or not
17119370Spstit is currently authenticating requests.
17219370Spst.It Ic cooked
17319370SpstCauses output from query commands to be "cooked", so that
17419370Spstvariables which are recognized by
17619370Spstwill have their
17719370Spstvalues reformatted for human consumption.
17819370SpstVariables which
18019370Spstcould not decode completely are
18119370Spstmarked with a trailing
18219370Spst.Ql \&? .
18319370Spst.It Ic debug Op Cm more Ns | Ns Cm less Ns | Ns Cm off
18419370SpstWith no argument, displays the current debug level.
18519370SpstOtherwise, the debugging level is changed as indicated.
18619370Spst.It Ic delay Op Ar milliseconds
18719370SpstSpecify a time interval to be added to timestamps included in
18819370Spstrequests which require authentication.
18919370SpstThis is used to enable
19019370Spst(unreliable) server reconfiguration over long delay network paths
19119370Spstor between machines whose clocks are unsynchronized.
19219370SpstActually the
19319370Spstserver does not now require timestamps in authenticated requests,
19419370Spstso this command may be obsolete.
19519370SpstWithout any arguments, displays the current delay.
19619370Spst.It Ic drefid Op Cm hash Ns | Ns Cm ipv4
19719370SpstDisplay refids as IPv4 or hash.
19819370SpstWithout any arguments, displays whether refids are shown as IPv4
19919370Spstaddresses or hashes.
20019370Spst.It Ic exit
20219370Spst.Nm .
20319370Spst.It Ic host Op Ar name
20419370SpstSet the host to which future queries will be sent.
20619370Spst.Ar name
20719370Spstmay be either a host name or a numeric address.
20819370SpstWithout any arguments, displays the current host.
20919370Spst.It Ic hostnames Op Cm yes Ns | Ns Cm no
21119370Spst.Cm yes
21219370Spstis specified, host names are printed in
21319370Spstinformation displays.
21519370Spst.Cm no
21619370Spstis specified, numeric
21719370Spstaddresses are printed instead.
21819370SpstThe default is
21919370Spst.Cm yes ,
22119370Spstmodified using the command line
22219370Spst.Fl n
22419370SpstWithout any arguments, displays whether host names or numeric addresses
22519370Spstare shown.
22619370Spst.It Ic keyid Op Ar keyid
22719370SpstThis command allows the specification of a key number to be
22819370Spstused to authenticate configuration requests.
22919370SpstThis must correspond
23019370Spstto the
23119370Spst.Cm controlkey
23219370Spstkey number the server has been configured to use for this
23419370SpstWithout any arguments, displays the current
23519370Spst.Ar keyid .
23619370Spst.It Ic keytype Op Ar digest
23719370SpstSpecify the digest algorithm to use for authenticating requests, with default
23819370Spst.Cm MD5 .
24119370Spstwas built with OpenSSL support, and OpenSSL is installed,
24219370Spst.Ar digest
24319370Spstcan be any message digest algorithm supported by OpenSSL.
24419370SpstIf no argument is given, the current
24519370Spst.Ic keytype Ar digest
24619370Spstalgorithm used is displayed.
24719370Spst.It Ic ntpversion Op Cm 1 Ns | Ns Cm 2 Ns | Ns Cm 3 Ns | Ns Cm 4
24819370SpstSets the NTP version number which
25019370Spstclaims in
25219370SpstDefaults to 3, and note that mode 6 control messages (and
25319370Spstmodes, for that matter) didn't exist in NTP version 1.
25419370SpstThere appear
25519370Spstto be no servers left which demand version 1.
25619370SpstWith no argument, displays the current NTP version that will be used
25719370Spstwhen communicating with servers.
25819370Spst.It Ic passwd
25919370SpstThis command prompts you to type in a password (which will not
26019370Spstbe echoed) which will be used to authenticate configuration
26219370SpstThe password must correspond to the key configured for
26319370Spstuse by the NTP server for this purpose if such requests are to be
26519370Spst.It Ic poll Oo Ar n Oc Op Cm verbose
26619370SpstPoll an NTP server in client mode
26719370Spst.Ar n
26919370SpstPoll not implemented yet.
27019370Spst.It Ic quit
27219370Spst.Nm .
27319370Spst.It Ic raw
27419370SpstCauses all output from query commands is printed as received
27519370Spstfrom the remote server.
27619370SpstThe only formating/interpretation done on
27719370Spstthe data is to transform nonascii data into a printable (but barely
27819370Spstunderstandable) form.
27919370Spst.It Ic timeout Op Ar milliseconds
28019370SpstSpecify a timeout period for responses to server queries.
28219370Spstdefault is about 5000 milliseconds.
28319370SpstWithout any arguments, displays the current timeout period.
28419370SpstNote that since
28619370Spstretries each query once after a timeout, the total waiting time for
28719370Spsta timeout will be twice the timeout value set.
28819370Spst.It Ic version
28919370SpstDisplay the version of the
29319370Spst.Ss "Control Message Commands"
29419370SpstAssociation ids are used to identify system, peer and clock variables.
29519370SpstSystem variables are assigned an association id of zero and system name
29619370Spstspace, while each association is assigned a nonzero association id and
29719370Spstpeer namespace.
29819370SpstMost control commands send a single message to the server and expect a
29919370Spstsingle response message.
30019370SpstThe exceptions are the
30119370Spst.Ic peers
30219370Spstcommand, which sends a series of messages,
30319370Spstand the
30419370Spst.Ic mreadlist
30619370Spst.Ic mreadvar
30719370Spstcommands, which iterate over a range of associations.
30819370Spst.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
30919370Spst.It Ic apeers
31019370SpstDisplay a list of peers in the form:
31119370Spst.Dl [tally]remote refid assid st t when pool reach delay offset jitter
31219370Spstwhere the output is just like the
31319370Spst.Ic peers
31419370Spstcommand except that the
31519370Spst.Cm refid
31619370Spstis displayed in hex format and the association number is also displayed.
31719370Spst.It Ic associations
31819370SpstDisplay a list of mobilized associations in the form:
31919370Spst.Dl ind assid status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt
32019370Spst.Bl -column -offset indent ".Sy Variable" "see the select field of the peer status word"
32119370Spst.It Sy Variable Ta Sy Description
32219370Spst.It Cm ind Ta index on this list
32319370Spst.It Cm assid Ta association id
32419370Spst.It Cm status Ta peer status word
32519370Spst.It Cm conf Ta Cm yes : No persistent, Cm no : No ephemeral
32619370Spst.It Cm reach Ta Cm yes : No reachable, Cm no : No unreachable
32719370Spst.It Cm auth Ta Cm ok , Cm yes , Cm bad No and Cm none
32819370Spst.It Cm condition Ta selection status \&(see the Cm select No field of the peer status word\&)
32919370Spst.It Cm last_event Ta event report \&(see the Cm event No field of the peer status word\&)
33019370Spst.It Cm cnt Ta event count \&(see the Cm count No field of the peer status word\&)
33219370Spst.It Ic authinfo
33319370SpstDisplay the authentication statistics counters:
33419370Spsttime since reset, stored keys, free keys, key lookups, keys not found,
33519370Spstuncached keys, expired keys, encryptions, decryptions.
33619370Spst.It Ic clocklist Op Ar associd
33719370Spst.It Ic cl Op Ar associd
33819370SpstDisplay all clock variables in the variable list for those associations
33919370Spstsupporting a reference clock.
34019370Spst.It Ic clockvar Oo Ar associd Oc Oo Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Oc Ns Op ,...
34119370Spst.It Ic cv Oo Ar associd Oc Oo Ar name Ns Oo \&= Ns Ar value Oc Ns Oc Ns Op ,...
34219370SpstDisplay a list of clock variables for those associations supporting a
34319370Spstreference clock.
34419370Spst.It Ic :config Ar "configuration command line"
34519370SpstSend the remainder of the command line, including whitespace, to the
34619370Spstserver as a run\-time configuration command in the same format as a line
34719370Spstin the configuration file.
34819370SpstThis command is experimental until further notice and clarification.
34919370SpstAuthentication is of course required.
35019370Spst.It Ic config\-from\-file Ar filename
35119370SpstSend each line of
35219370Spst.Ar filename
35319370Spstto the server as run\-time configuration commands in the same format as
35419370Spstlines in the configuration file.
35519370SpstThis command is experimental until further notice and clarification.
35619370SpstAuthentication is required.
35719370Spst.It Ic ifstats
35819370SpstDisplay status and statistics counters for each local network interface address:
35919370Spstinterface number, interface name and address or broadcast, drop, flag,
36019370Spstttl, mc, received, sent, send failed, peers, uptime.
36119370SpstAuthentication is required.
36219370Spst.It Ic iostats
36319370SpstDisplay network and reference clock I/O statistics:
36419370Spsttime since reset, receive buffers, free receive buffers, used receive buffers,
36519370Spstlow water refills, dropped packets, ignored packets, received packets,
36619370Spstpackets sent, packet send failures, input wakeups, useful input wakeups.
36719370Spst.It Ic kerninfo
36819370SpstDisplay kernel loop and PPS statistics:
36919370Spstassocid, status, pll offset, pll frequency, maximum error,
37019370Spstestimated error, kernel status, pll time constant, precision,
37119370Spstfrequency tolerance, pps frequency, pps stability, pps jitter,
37219370Spstcalibration interval, calibration cycles, jitter exceeded,
37319370Spststability exceeded, calibration errors.
37419370SpstAs with other ntpq output, times are in milliseconds; very small values
37519370Spstmay be shown as exponentials.
37619370SpstThe precision value displayed is in milliseconds as well, unlike the
37719370Spstprecision system variable.
37819370Spst.It Ic lassociations
37919370SpstPerform the same function as the associations command, except display
38019370Spstmobilized and unmobilized associations, including all clients.
38119370Spst.It Ic lopeers Op Fl 4 Ns | Ns Fl 6
38219370SpstDisplay a list of all peers and clients showing
38319370Spst.Cm dstadr
38419370Spst(associated with the given IP version).
38519370Spst.It Ic lpassociations
38619370SpstDisplay the last obtained list of associations, including all clients.
38719370Spst.It Ic lpeers Op Fl 4 Ns | Ns Fl 6
38819370SpstDisplay a list of all peers and clients (associated with the given IP version).
38919370Spst.It Ic monstats
39019370SpstDisplay monitor facility status, statistics, and limits:
39119370Spstenabled, addresses, peak addresses, maximum addresses,
39219370Spstreclaim above count, reclaim older than, kilobytes, maximum kilobytes.
39319370Spst.It Ic mreadlist Ar associdlo Ar associdhi
39419370Spst.It Ic mrl Ar associdlo Ar associdhi
39519370SpstPerform the same function as the
39619370Spst.Ic readlist
39719370Spstcommand for a range of association ids.
39819370Spst.It Ic mreadvar Ar associdlo Ar associdhi Oo Ar name Oc Ns Op ,...
39919370SpstThis range may be determined from the list displayed by any
40019370Spstcommand showing associations.
40119370Spst.It Ic mrv Ar associdlo Ar associdhi Oo Ar name Oc Ns Op ,...
40219370SpstPerform the same function as the
40319370Spst.Ic readvar
40419370Spstcommand for a range of association ids.
40519370SpstThis range may be determined from the list displayed by any
40619370Spstcommand showing associations.
40719370Spst.It Xo Ic mrulist Oo Cm limited | Cm kod | Cm mincount Ns \&= Ns Ar count |
40819370Spst.Cm laddr Ns \&= Ns Ar localaddr | Cm sort Ns \&= Ns Oo \&\- Oc Ns Ar sortorder |
40919370Spst.Cm resany Ns \&= Ns Ar hexmask | Cm resall Ns \&= Ns Ar hexmask Oc
41119370SpstDisplay traffic counts of the most recently seen source addresses
41219370Spstcollected and maintained by the monitor facility.
41319370SpstWith the exception of
41419370Spst.Cm sort Ns \&= Ns Oo \&\- Oc Ns Ar sortorder ,
41519370Spstthe options filter the list returned by
41619370Spst.Xr ntpd 8 .
41819370Spst.Cm limited
42019370Spst.Cm kod
42119370Spstoptions return only entries representing client addresses from which the
42219370Spstlast packet received triggered either discarding or a KoD response.
42419370Spst.Cm mincount Ns = Ns Ar count
42519370Spstoption filters entries representing less than
42619370Spst.Ar count
42919370Spst.Cm laddr Ns = Ns Ar localaddr
43019370Spstoption filters entries for packets received on any local address other than
43119370Spst.Ar localaddr .
43219370Spst.Cm resany Ns = Ns Ar hexmask
43419370Spst.Cm resall Ns = Ns Ar hexmask
43519370Spstfilter entries containing none or less than all, respectively, of the bits in
43619370Spst.Ar hexmask ,
43719370Spstwhich must begin with
43819370Spst.Cm 0x .
44019370Spst.Ar sortorder
44119370Spstdefaults to
44219370Spst.Cm lstint
44319370Spstand may be 
44419370Spst.Cm addr ,
44519370Spst.Cm avgint ,
44619370Spst.Cm count ,
44719370Spst.Cm lstint ,
44819370Spstor any of those preceded by
44919370Spst.Ql \&\-
45019370Spstto reverse the sort order.
45119370SpstThe output columns are:
45219370Spst.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
45319370Spst.It Column
45519370Spst.It Ic lstint
45619370SpstInterval in seconds between the receipt of the most recent packet from
45719370Spstthis address and the completion of the retrieval of the MRU list by
45819370Spst.Nm .
45919370Spst.It Ic avgint
46019370SpstAverage interval in s between packets from this address.
46119370Spst.It Ic rstr
46219370SpstRestriction flags associated with this address.
46319370SpstMost are copied unchanged from the matching
46419370Spst.Ic restrict
46519370Spstcommand, however 0x400 (kod) and 0x20 (limited) flags are cleared unless
46619370Spstthe last packet from this address triggered a rate control response.
46719370Spst.It Ic r
46819370SpstRate control indicator, either
46919370Spsta period,
47019370Spst.Ic L
47219370Spst.Ic K
47319370Spstfor no rate control response,
47419370Spstrate limiting by discarding, or rate limiting with a KoD response, respectively.
47519370Spst.It Ic m
47619370SpstPacket mode.
47719370Spst.It Ic v
47819370SpstPacket version number.
47919370Spst.It Ic count
48019370SpstPackets received from this address.
48119370Spst.It Ic rport
48219370SpstSource port of last packet from this address.
48319370Spst.It Ic remote address
48419370Spsthost or DNS name, numeric address, or address followed by
48519370Spstclaimed DNS name which could not be verified in parentheses.
48719370Spst.It Ic opeers Op Fl 4 | Fl 6
48819370SpstObtain and print the old\-style list of all peers and clients showing
48919370Spst.Cm dstadr
49019370Spst(associated with the given IP version),
49119370Spstrather than the
49219370Spst.Cm refid .
49319370Spst.It Ic passociations
49419370SpstPerform the same function as the
49519370Spst.Ic associations
49719370Spstexcept that it uses previously stored data rather than making a new query.
49819370Spst.It Ic peers
49919370SpstDisplay a list of peers in the form:
50019370Spst.Dl [tally]remote refid st t when pool reach delay offset jitter
50119370Spst.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
50219370Spst.It Variable
50419370Spst.It Cm [tally]
50519370Spstsingle\-character code indicating current value of the
50619370Spst.Ic select
50719370Spstfield of the
50819370Spst.Lk decode.html#peer "peer status word"
50919370Spst.It Cm remote
51019370Spsthost name (or IP number) of peer.
51119370SpstThe value displayed will be truncated to 15 characters unless the
51319370Spst.Fl w
51419370Spstoption is given, in which case the full value will be displayed
51519370Spston the first line, and if too long,
51619370Spstthe remaining data will be displayed on the next line.
51719370Spst.It Cm refid
51819370Spstsource IP address or
51919370Spst.Lk decode.html#kiss "'kiss code"
52019370Spst.It Cm st
52119370Spststratum: 0 for local reference clocks, 1 for servers with local
52219370Spstreference clocks, ..., 16 for unsynchronized server clocks
52319370Spst.It Cm t
52419370Spst.Ic u :
52519370Spstunicast or manycast client,
52619370Spst.Ic b :
52719370Spstbroadcast or multicast client,
52819370Spst.Ic p :
52919370Spstpool source,
53019370Spst.Ic l :
53119370Spstlocal (reference clock),
53219370Spst.Ic s :
53319370Spstsymmetric (peer),
53419370Spst.Ic A :
53519370Spstmanycast server,
53619370Spst.Ic B :
53719370Spstbroadcast server,
53819370Spst.Ic M :
53919370Spstmulticast server
54019370Spst.It Cm when
54119370Spsttime in seconds, minutes, hours, or days since the last packet
54219370Spstwas received, or
54319370Spst.Ql \&\-
54419370Spstif a packet has never been received
54519370Spst.It Cm poll
54619370Spstpoll interval (s)
54719370Spst.It Cm reach
54819370Spstreach shift register (octal)
54919370Spst.It Cm delay
55019370Spstroundtrip delay
55119370Spst.It Cm offset
55219370Spstoffset of server relative to this host
55319370Spst.It Cm jitter
55419370Spstoffset RMS error estimate.
55619370Spst.It Ic pstats Ar associd
55719370SpstDisplay the statistics for the peer with the given
55819370Spst.Ar associd :
55919370Spstassocid, status, remote host, local address, time last received,
56019370Spsttime until next send, reachability change, packets sent,
56119370Spstpackets received, bad authentication, bogus origin, duplicate,
56219370Spstbad dispersion, bad reference time, candidate order.
56319370Spst.It Ic readlist Op Ar associd
56419370Spst.It Ic rl Op Ar associd
56519370SpstDisplay all system or peer variables.
56619370SpstIf the
56719370Spst.Ar associd
56819370Spstis omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
56919370Spst.It Ic readvar Op Ar associd Ar name Ns Oo Ns = Ns Ar value Oc Op , ...
57019370Spst.It Ic rv Op Ar associd Ar name Ns Oo Ns = Ns Ar value Oc Op , ...
57119370SpstDisplay the specified system or peer variables.
57319370Spst.Ar associd
57419370Spstis zero, the variables are from the
57519370Spst.Sx System Variables
57619370Spstname space, otherwise they are from the
57719370Spst.Sx Peer Variables
57819370Spstname space.
58019370Spst.Ar associd
58119370Spstis required, as the same name can occur in both spaces.
58219370SpstIf no
58319370Spst.Ar name
58419370Spstis included, all operative variables in the name space are displayed.
58519370SpstIn this case only, if the
58619370Spst.Ar associd
58719370Spstis omitted, it is assumed to be zero.
58819370SpstMultiple names are specified with comma separators and without whitespace.
58919370SpstNote that time values are represented in milliseconds
59019370Spstand frequency values in parts\-per\-million (PPM).
59119370SpstSome NTP timestamps are represented in the format
59219370Spst.Ar YYYY Ns Ar MM Ar DD Ar TTTT ,
59419370Spst.Ar YYYY
59519370Spstis the year,
59619370Spst.Ar MM
59719370Spstthe month of year,
59819370Spst.Ar DD
59919370Spstthe day of month and
60019370Spst.Ar TTTT
601the time of day.
602.It Ic reslist
603Display the access control (restrict) list for
604.Nm .
605Authentication is required.
606.It Ic saveconfig Ar filename
607Save the current configuration,
608including any runtime modifications made by
609.Ic :config
611.Ic config\-from\-file ,
612to the NTP server host file
613.Ar filename .
614This command will be rejected by the server unless
615.Lk miscopt.html#saveconfigdir "saveconfigdir"
616appears in the
617.Xr ntpd 8
618configuration file.
619.Ar filename
620can use
621.Xr date 1
622format specifiers to substitute the current date and time, for
624.D1 Ic saveconfig Pa ntp\-%Y%m%d\-%H%M%S.conf .
625The filename used is stored in system variable
626.Cm savedconfig .
627Authentication is required.
628.It Ic sysinfo
629Display system operational summary:
630associd, status, system peer, system peer mode, leap indicator,
631stratum, log2 precision, root delay, root dispersion,
632reference id, reference time, system jitter, clock jitter,
633clock wander, broadcast delay, symm. auth. delay.
634.It Ic sysstats
635Display system uptime and packet counts maintained in the
636protocol module:
637uptime, sysstats reset, packets received, current version,
638older version, bad length or format, authentication failed,
639declined, restricted, rate limited, KoD responses,
640processed for time.
641.It Ic timerstats
642Display interval timer counters:
643time since reset, timer overruns, calls to transmit.
644.It Ic writelist Ar associd
645Set all system or peer variables included in the variable list.
646.It Ic writevar Ar associd Ar name Ns = Ns Ar value Op , ...
647Set the specified variables in the variable list.
648If the
649.Ar associd
650is zero, the variables are from the
651.Sx System Variables
652name space, otherwise they are from the
653.Sx Peer Variables
654name space.
656.Ar associd
657is required, as the same name can occur in both spaces.
658Authentication is required.
660.Ss Status Words and Kiss Codes
661The current state of the operating program is shown
662in a set of status words
663maintained by the system.
664Status information is also available on a per\-association basis.
665These words are displayed by the
666.Ic readlist
668.Ic associations
669commands both in hexadecimal and in decoded short tip strings.
670The codes, tips and short explanations are documented on the
671.Lk decode.html "Event Messages and Status Words"
673The page also includes a list of system and peer messages,
674the code for the latest of which is included in the status word.
676Information resulting from protocol machine state transitions
677is displayed using an informal set of ASCII strings called
678.Lk decode.html#kiss "kiss codes" .
679The original purpose was for kiss\-o'\-death (KoD) packets
680sent by the server to advise the client of an unusual condition.
681They are now displayed, when appropriate,
682in the reference identifier field in various billboards.
683.Ss System Variables
684The following system variables appear in the
685.Ic readlist
687Not all variables are displayed in some configurations.
689.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
690.It Variable
692.It Cm status
693.Lk decode.html#sys "system status word"
694.It Cm version
695NTP software version and build time
696.It Cm processor
697hardware platform and version
698.It Cm system
699operating system and version
700.It Cm leap
701leap warning indicator (0\-3)
702.It Cm stratum
703stratum (1\-15)
704.It Cm precision
705precision (log2 s)
706.It Cm rootdelay
707total roundtrip delay to the primary reference clock
708.It Cm rootdisp
709total dispersion to the primary reference clock
710.It Cm refid
711reference id or
712.Lk decode.html#kiss "kiss code"
713.It Cm reftime
714reference time
715.It Ic clock
716date and time of day
717.It Cm peer
718system peer association id
719.It Cm tc
720time constant and poll exponent (log2 s) (3\-17)
721.It Cm mintc
722minimum time constant (log2 s) (3\-10)
723.It Cm offset
724combined offset of server relative to this host
725.It Cm frequency
726frequency drift (PPM) relative to hardware clock
727.It Cm sys_jitter
728combined system jitter
729.It Cm clk_wander
730clock frequency wander (PPM)
731.It Cm clk_jitter
732clock jitter
733.It Cm tai
734TAI\-UTC offset (s)
735.It Cm leapsec
736NTP seconds when the next leap second is/was inserted
737.It Cm expire
738NTP seconds when the NIST leapseconds file expires
740The jitter and wander statistics are exponentially\-weighted RMS averages.
741The system jitter is defined in the NTPv4 specification;
742the clock jitter statistic is computed by the clock discipline module.
744When the NTPv4 daemon is compiled with the OpenSSL software library,
745additional system variables are displayed,
746including some or all of the following,
747depending on the particular Autokey dance:
748.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
749.It Variable
751.It Cm host
752Autokey host name for this host
753.It Cm ident
754Autokey group name for this host
755.It Cm flags
756host flags  (see Autokey specification)
757.It Cm digest
758OpenSSL message digest algorithm
759.It Cm signature
760OpenSSL digest/signature scheme
761.It Cm update
762NTP seconds at last signature update
763.It Cm cert
764certificate subject, issuer and certificate flags
765.It Cm until
766NTP seconds when the certificate expires
768.Ss Peer Variables
769The following peer variables appear in the
770.Ic readlist
771billboard for each association.
772Not all variables are displayed in some configurations.
774.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
775.It Variable
777.It Cm associd
778association id
779.It Cm status
780.Lk decode.html#peer "peer status word"
781.It Cm srcadr
782source (remote) IP address
783.It Cm srcport
784source (remote) port
785.It Cm dstadr
786destination (local) IP address
787.It Cm dstport
788destination (local) port
789.It Cm leap
790leap indicator (0\-3)
791.It Cm stratum
792stratum (0\-15)
793.It Cm precision
794precision (log2 s)
795.It Cm rootdelay
796total roundtrip delay to the primary reference clock
797.It Cm rootdisp
798total root dispersion to the primary reference clock
799.It Cm refid
800reference id or
801.Lk decode.html#kiss "kiss code"
802.It Cm reftime
803reference time
804.It Cm rec
805last packet received time
806.It Cm reach
807reach register (octal)
808.It Cm unreach
809unreach counter
810.It Cm hmode
811host mode (1\-6)
812.It Cm pmode
813peer mode (1\-5)
814.It Cm hpoll
815host poll exponent (log2 s) (3\-17)
816.It Cm ppoll
817peer poll exponent (log2 s) (3\-17)
818.It Cm headway
819headway (see
820.Lk rate.html "Rate Management and the Kiss\-o'\-Death Packet" )
821.It Cm flash
822.Lk decode.html#flash "flash status word"
823.It Cm keyid
824symmetric key id
825.It Cm offset
826filter offset
827.It Cm delay
828filter delay
829.It Cm dispersion
830filter dispersion
831.It Cm jitter
832filter jitter
833.It Cm bias
834unicast/broadcast bias
835.It Cm xleave
836interleave delay (see
837.Lk xleave.html "NTP Interleaved Modes" )
840.Cm bias
841variable is calculated when the first broadcast packet is received
842after the calibration volley.
843It represents the offset of the broadcast subgraph relative to the
844unicast subgraph.
846.Cm xleave
847variable appears only for the interleaved symmetric and interleaved modes.
848It represents the internal queuing, buffering and transmission delays
849for the preceding packet.
851When the NTPv4 daemon is compiled with the OpenSSL software library,
852additional peer variables are displayed, including the following:
853.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
854.It Variable
856.It Cm flags
857peer flags (see Autokey specification)
858.It Cm host
859Autokey server name
860.It Cm flags
861peer flags (see Autokey specification)
862.It Cm signature
863OpenSSL digest/signature scheme
864.It Cm initsequence
865initial key id
866.It Cm initkey
867initial key index
868.It Cm timestamp
869Autokey signature timestamp
870.It Cm ident
871Autokey group name for this association
873.Ss Clock Variables
874The following clock variables appear in the
875.Ic clocklist
876billboard for each association with a reference clock.
877Not all variables are displayed in some configurations.
878.Bl -tag -width "something" -compact -offset indent
879.It Variable
881.It Cm associd
882association id
883.It Cm status
884.Lk decode.html#clock "clock status word"
885.It Cm device
886device description
887.It Cm timecode
888ASCII time code string (specific to device)
889.It Cm poll
890poll messages sent
891.It Cm noreply
892no reply
893.It Cm badformat
894bad format
895.It Cm baddata
896bad date or time
897.It Cm fudgetime1
898fudge time 1
899.It Cm fudgetime2
900fudge time 2
901.It Cm stratum
902driver stratum
903.It Cm refid
904driver reference id
905.It Cm flags
906driver flags
908.Sh "OPTIONS"
909.Bl -tag
910.It  Fl 4 , Fl \-ipv4 
911Force IPv4 name resolution.
912This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
915Force resolution of following host names on the command line
916to the IPv4 namespace.
917.It  Fl 6 , Fl \-ipv6 
918Force IPv6 name resolution.
919This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
922Force resolution of following host names on the command line
923to the IPv6 namespace.
924.It  Fl c Ar cmd , Fl \-command Ns = Ns Ar cmd 
925run a command and exit.
926This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
928The following argument is interpreted as an interactive format command
929and is added to the list of commands to be executed on the specified
931.It  Fl d , Fl \-debug\-level 
932Increase debug verbosity level.
933This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
935.It  Fl D Ar number , Fl \-set\-debug\-level Ns = Ns Ar number 
936Set the debug verbosity level.
937This option may appear an unlimited number of times.
938This option takes an integer number as its argument.
940.It  Fl i , Fl \-interactive 
941Force ntpq to operate in interactive mode.
942This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
943command, peers.
945Force \fBntpq\fP to operate in interactive mode.
946Prompts will be written to the standard output and
947commands read from the standard input.
948.It  Fl n , Fl \-numeric 
949numeric host addresses.
951Output all host addresses in dotted\-quad numeric format rather than
952converting to the canonical host names.
953.It  Fl \-old\-rv 
954Always output status line with readvar.
956By default, \fBntpq\fP now suppresses the \fBassocid=...\fP
957line that precedes the output of \fBreadvar\fP
958(alias \fBrv\fP) when a single variable is requested, such as
959\fBntpq \-c "rv 0 offset"\fP.
960This option causes \fBntpq\fP to include both lines of output
961for a single\-variable \fBreadvar\fP.
962Using an environment variable to
963preset this option in a script will enable both older and
964newer \fBntpq\fP to behave identically in this regard.
965.It  Fl p , Fl \-peers 
966Print a list of the peers.
967This option must not appear in combination with any of the following options:
970Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary
971of their state. This is equivalent to the 'peers' interactive command.
972.It  Fl r Ar keyword , Fl \-refid Ns = Ns Ar keyword 
973Set default display type for S2+ refids.
974This option takes a keyword as its argument.  The argument sets an enumeration value that can
975be tested by comparing them against the option value macro.
976The available keywords are:
977.in +4
980hash ipv4
982or their numeric equivalent.
983.in -4
985The default
986.Ar keyword
987for this option is:
988.ti +4
989 ipv4
991Set the default display format for S2+ refids.
992.It  Fl w , Fl \-wide 
993Display the full 'remote' value.
995Display the full value of the 'remote' value.  If this requires
996more than 15 characters, display the full value, emit a newline,
997and continue the data display properly indented on the next line.
998.It Fl \&? , Fl \-help
999Display usage information and exit.
1000.It Fl \&! , Fl \-more\-help
1001Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
1002.It Fl > Oo Ar cfgfile Oc , Fl \-save\-opts Oo Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile Oc
1003Save the option state to \fIcfgfile\fP.  The default is the \fIlast\fP
1004configuration file listed in the \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP section, below.
1005The command will exit after updating the config file.
1006.It Fl < Ar cfgfile , Fl \-load\-opts Ns = Ns Ar cfgfile , Fl \-no\-load\-opts
1007Load options from \fIcfgfile\fP.
1008The \fIno\-load\-opts\fP form will disable the loading
1009of earlier config/rc/ini files.  \fI\-\-no\-load\-opts\fP is handled early,
1010out of order.
1011.It Fl \-version Op Brq Ar v|c|n
1012Output version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v', a simple
1013version.  The `c' mode will print copyright information and `n' will
1014print the full copyright notice.
1017Any option that is not marked as \fInot presettable\fP may be preset
1018by loading values from configuration ("RC" or ".INI") file(s) and values from
1019environment variables named:
1021  \fBNTPQ_<option\-name>\fP or \fBNTPQ\fP
1024The environmental presets take precedence (are processed later than)
1025the configuration files.
1026The \fIhomerc\fP files are "\fI$HOME\fP", and "\fI.\fP".
1027If any of these are directories, then the file \fI.ntprc\fP
1028is searched for within those directories.
1030See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration environment variables.
1031.Sh "FILES"
1032See \fBOPTION PRESETS\fP for configuration files.
1034One of the following exit values will be returned:
1035.Bl -tag
1036.It 0 " (EXIT_SUCCESS)"
1037Successful program execution.
1038.It 1 " (EXIT_FAILURE)"
1039The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
1040.It 66 " (EX_NOINPUT)"
1041A specified configuration file could not be loaded.
1042.It 70 " (EX_SOFTWARE)"
1043libopts had an internal operational error.  Please report
1044it to autogen\-users@lists.sourceforge.net.  Thank you.
1046.Sh "AUTHORS"
1047The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation
1049Copyright (C) 1992\-2020 The University of Delaware and Network Time Foundation all rights reserved.
1050This program is released under the terms of the NTP license, <http://ntp.org/license>.
1051.Sh "BUGS"
1052Please send bug reports to: http://bugs.ntp.org, bugs@ntp.org
1053.Sh "NOTES"
1054This manual page was \fIAutoGen\fP\-erated from the \fBntpq\fP
1055option definitions.