1Vern had the following things to say:
3Many thanks to the 2.5 beta-testers for finding bugs and helping test and
4increase portability: Stan Adermann, Scott David Daniels, Charles Elliott,
5Joe Gayda, Chris Meier, James Nordby, Terrence O'Kane, Karsten Pahnke,
6Francois Pinard, Pat Rankin, Andreas Scherer, Marc Wiese, Nathan Zelle.
8Thanks to the many flex beta-testers, feedbackers, and contributors,
9especially Francois Pinard, Casey Leedom, Robert Abramovitz, Stan
10Adermann, Terry Allen, David Barker-Plummer, John Basrai, Neal Becker,
11Nelson H.F. Beebe, benson@odi.com, Karl Berry, Peter A. Bigot, Simon
12Blanchard, Keith Bostic, Frederic Brehm, Ian Brockbank, Kin Cho, Nick
13Christopher, Brian Clapper, J.T. Conklin, Jason Coughlin, Bill Cox,
14Nick Cropper, Dave Curtis, Scott David Daniels, Chris G. Demetriou,
15Theo Deraadt, Mike Donahue, Chuck Doucette, Tom Epperly, Leo Eskin,
16Chris Faylor, Chris Flatters, Jon Forrest, Jeffrey Friedl, Joe Gayda,
17Kaveh R. Ghazi, Wolfgang Glunz, Eric Goldman, Christopher M. Gould,
18Ulrich Grepel, Peer Griebel, Jan Hajic, Charles Hemphill, NORO Hideo,
19Jarkko Hietaniemi, Scott Hofmann, Jeff Honig, Dana Hudes, Eric Hughes,
20John Interrante, Ceriel Jacobs, Michal Jaegermann, Sakari Jalovaara,
21Jeffrey R. Jones, Henry Juengst, Klaus Kaempf, Jonathan I. Kamens,
22Terrence O Kane, Amir Katz, ken@ken.hilco.com, Kevin B. Kenny, Steve
23Kirsch, Winfried Koenig, Marq Kole, Ronald Lamprecht, Greg Lee, Rohan
24Lenard, Craig Leres, John Levine, Steve Liddle, David Loffredo, Mike
25Long, Mohamed el Lozy, Brian Madsen, Malte, Joe Marshall, Bengt
26Martensson, Chris Metcalf, Luke Mewburn, Jim Meyering, R. Alexander
27Milowski, Erik Naggum, G.T. Nicol, Landon Noll, James Nordby, Marc
28Nozell, Richard Ohnemus, Karsten Pahnke, Sven Panne, Roland Pesch,
29Walter Pelissero, Gaumond Pierre, Esmond Pitt, Jef Poskanzer, Joe
30Rahmeh, Jarmo Raiha, Frederic Raimbault, Pat Rankin, Rick Richardson,
31Kevin Rodgers, Kai Uwe Rommel, Jim Roskind, Alberto Santini, Andreas
32Scherer, Darrell Schiebel, Raf Schietekat, Doug Schmidt, Philippe
33Schnoebelen, Andreas Schwab, Larry Schwimmer, Alex Siegel, Eckehard
34Stolz, Jan-Erik Strvmquist, Mike Stump, Paul Stuart, Dave Tallman, Ian
35Lance Taylor, Chris Thewalt, Richard M. Timoney, Jodi Tsai, Paul
36Tuinenga, Gary Weik, Frank Whaley, Gerhard Wilhelms, Kent Williams,
37Ken Yap, Ron Zellar, Nathan Zelle, David Zuhn, and those whose names
38have slipped my marginal mail-archiving skills but whose contributions
39are appreciated all the same.
41Thanks to Keith Bostic, Jon Forrest, Noah Friedman,
42John Gilmore, Craig Leres, John Levine, Bob Mulcahy, G.T.
43Nicol, Francois Pinard, Rich Salz, and Richard Stallman for help with various
44distribution headaches.
46Thanks to Esmond Pitt and Earle Horton for 8-bit character support; to
47Benson Margulies and Fred Burke for C++ support; to Kent Williams and Tom
48Epperly for C++ class support; to Ove Ewerlid for support of NUL's; and to
49Eric Hughes for support of multiple buffers.
51This work was primarily done when I was with the Real Time Systems Group
52at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in Berkeley, CA.  Many thanks to all there
53for the support I received.