revision 1.1
1  Commands flagged with an asterisk (``*'') may be preceeded by a number.
2  Commands of the form ``^X'' are control characters, i.e. control-X.
4  h              Display this help.
6  f, ^F, SPACE * Forward  N lines, default one screen.
7  b, ^B        * Backward N lines, default one screen.
8  j, CR        * Forward  N lines, default 1 line.
9  k            * Backward N lines, default 1 line.
10  d, ^D        * Forward  N lines, default half screen or last N to d/u.
11  u, ^U        * Backward N lines, default half screen or last N to d/u.
12  g            * Go to line N, default 1.
13  G            * Go to line N, default the end of the file.
14  p, %         * Position to N percent into the file.
16  r, ^L          Repaint screen.
17  R              Repaint screen, discarding buffered input.
19  m[a-z]         Mark the current position with the supplied letter.
20  '[a-z]         Return to the position previously marked by this letter.
21  ''             Return to previous position.
23  /pattern     * Search forward  for N-th line containing the pattern.
24  /!pattern    * Search forward  for N-th line NOT containing the pattern.
25  ?pattern     * Search backward for N-th line containing the pattern.
26  ?!pattern    * Search backward for N-th line NOT containing the pattern.
27  n            * Repeat previous search (for N-th occurence).
29  :a              Display the list of files.
30  E [file]        Examine a new file.
31  :n, N        *  Examine the next file.
32  :p, P        *  Examine the previous file.
33  :t [tag]        Examine the tag.
34  v               Run an editor on the current file.
36  =, ^G           Print current file name and stats.
38  q, :q, or ZZ    Exit.