$NetBSD: hardware,v 1.55 2013/08/11 13:21:25 rkujawa Exp $
. .Nx \*V runs on any Amiga that has a 68020 or better CPU with some form of MMU, and on 68060 DraCos.

p .Nx does not, and will never, run on run on A1000, A500, A600, A1200, A2000, A4000/EC030, CDTV and CD32 systems that are not enhanced by a CPU board.

p For 68020 and 68030 systems, a FPU is recommended but not required for the system utilities. 68LC040, 68040V and 68LC060 systems don't work correctly at the moment.

p The minimal configuration requires around 24 MB of RAM (not including CHIPMEM!) and about 250 MB of disk space. To install the entire system requires much more disk space, and to run X or compile the system, more RAM is recommended. (24 MB of RAM will actually allow you to compile, however it won't be speedy. X really isn't usable on a 24 MB system.)

p You will probably want to compile your own kernel. .Li GENERIC is large and bulky in order to accommodate all people. For example, most people's machines have an FPU, so you do not need the bulky FPU_EMULATE option.

p If you have less than 8 MB of fast memory, you should make your swap partition large, as your system will be a lot of swapping. In addition, do .Em not place your swap partition onto a old small (and normally slow) disk! . .Ss2 Supported devices .(bullet -offset indent IDE controllers .(bullet -compact A4000/A1200 IDE controller, including ATAPI devices t ELBOX FastATA 1200 Mk-III/Mk-IV t Individual Computers ACA500 (both CF slots) t Individual Computers X-Surf IDE .bullet) t SCSI host adapters .(bullet -compact 33c93 based boards: A2091, A3000 builtin, A3000 builtin modified for Apollo accelerator board (please note that this is not the same as the SCSI host adapter on the Apollo accelerator board itself, which is unsupported), and GVP series II. t 53c80 based boards: 12 Gauge, IVS, Wordsync/Bytesync and Emplant The Emplant SCSI adapter has been reported by a party to hang after doing part of the installation without problems t 53c710 based boards: A4091, BlizzardPPC 603e+, Magnum, Warp Engine, Zeus and DraCo builtin t FAS216 based SCSI boards: FastLane Z3, Blizzard I and II, Blizzard IV, Blizzard 2060, CyberSCSI Mk I and II t 53c770 based SCSI boards: Cyberstorm Mk III SCSI, Cyberstorm PPC SCSI .bullet) t PCI bridges .(bullet -compact ELBOX Mediator PCI 1200 series (original model, LT2, LT4, SX, TX) t ELBOX Mediator PCI 4000 series (4000D, 4000Di, 3000D, 3/4000T, also Mk-II models) t Prometheus PCI bridge t Phase5 PCI bridge: CyberVision PPC, BlizzardVision PPC .bullet) t Clockports .(bullet -compact Amiga 1200 on-board clockport .bullet) t Video controllers .(bullet -compact ECS, AGA and A2024 built in on various Amigas t Retina Z2 (no X server available), Retina Z3 and Altais t Cirrus CL GD 54xx based boards: GVP Spectrum, Picasso II, II+ and IV, Piccolo and Piccolo SD64 t Tseng ET4000 based boards: Domino and Domino16M proto, oMniBus, Merlin t A2410 (no X server available) t Cybervision 64 t Cybervision 64/3D .bullet) t Audio I/O .(bullet -compact Amiga builtin t Melody MPEG-audio layer 2 board t Repulse audio board .bullet) t Ethernet controllers .(bullet -compact A2065 Ethernet t Hydra Ethernet t ASDG Ethernet t A4066 Ethernet t Ariadne Ethernet t Ariadne II Ethernet t Quicknet Ethernet t X-Surf Ethernet t X-Surf 100 Ethernet .bullet) t ARCnet controllers .(bullet -compact A2060 ARCnet .bullet) t Most SCSI tape drives, including Archive Viper, Cipher SCSI-2 ST150 t SCSI-2 scanners behaving as SCSI-2 scanner devices, HP ScanJet II, Mustek SCSI scanner. SCSI scanner support is machine independent, so it should work, but hasn't been tested on most Amiga configurations. There are reports that the Mustek and HP ScanJet hang if accessed from the A3000. This might apply to other 33C93-Adapters, too. t Most SCSI CD-ROM drives t Serial/Parallel cards .(bullet -compact HyperCom 3Z, HyperCom 4, HyperCom 3+ and 4+ t MultiFaceCard II and III t A2232 (normal and clockdoubled) t SilverSurfer clockport-based serial port t IOBlix Zorro-Bus .bullet) t Amiga floppy drives with Amiga (880/1760kB) and .Tn IBM (720/1440kB) encoding. Our floppy driver doesn't notice when mounted floppies are write-protected. Your floppy will stay unchanged, but you might not notice that you didn't write anything due to the buffer cache. Also note that HD floppy drives only get detected as such if a HD floppy is inserted at boot time. t Amiga parallel port t Amiga serial port t Amiga mouse t DraCo serial port, including serial mouse t DraCo parallel printer port t Real-time clocks .(bullet -compact A2000, A3000, A4000 builtin (r/w) t DraCo builtin (r/o) .bullet) .bullet)

p If it's not on the above lists, there is no support for it in this release. In particular, there are no drivers for: Blizzard III SCSI option, Ferret SCSI, Oktagon SCSI.