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6<title>Sources for Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Data</title>
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9<meta name="DC.Creator" content="Eggert, Paul">
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11<meta name="DC.Date" content="2007-12-26">
12<meta name="DC.Description"
13 content="Sources of information about time zones and daylight saving time">
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16 content="database,daylight saving,DST,time zone,timezone,tz,zoneinfo">
19<h1>Sources for Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Data</h1>
21@(#)tz-link.htm	8.32
24This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
252009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
28Please send corrections to this web page to the
29<a href="mailto:tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov">time zone mailing list</a>.</p>
30<h2>The <code>tz</code> database</h2>
32The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain">public-domain</a>
33time zone database contains code and data
34that represent the history of local time
35for many representative locations around the globe.
36It is updated periodically to reflect changes made by political bodies
37to <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone">time zone</a>
38boundaries, <a
40title="Coordinated Universal Time">UTC</abbr></a> offsets, and
41<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving">daylight-saving</a>
43This database (often called <code>zoneinfo</code> or <a
45is used by several implementations,
47<a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/">the
48<abbr title="GNU's Not Unix">GNU</abbr>
49C Library</a> used in
50<a href="http://www.linux.org/"><abbr>GNU</abbr>/Linux</a>,
51<a href="http://www.freebsd.org/">FreeBSD</a>,
52<a href="http://netbsd.org/">NetBSD</a>,
53<a href="http://openbsd.org/">OpenBSD</a>,
54<a href="http://cygwin.com/">Cygwin</a>,
55<a href="http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/"><abbr
56title="DJ's GNU Programming Platform">DJGPP</abbr></a>,
57<a href="http://ibm.com/aix">AIX</a>,
58<a href="http://www.apple.com/macosx/">Mac OS X</a>,
59<a href="http://h71000.www7.hp.com/">OpenVMS</a>,
60<a href="http://oracle.com/database">Oracle Database</a>,
61<a href="http://sun.com/software/solaris">Solaris</a>,
62<a href="http://h30097.www3.hp.com/">Tru64</a>, and
63<a href="http://sco.com/products/unixware">UnixWare</a>.</p>
65Each location in the database represents a national region where all
66clocks keeping local time have agreed since 1970.
67Locations are identified by continent or ocean and then by the name of
68the location, which is typically the largest city within the region.
69For example, <code>America/New_York</code>
70represents most of the <abbr title="United States">US</abbr> eastern time zone;
71<code>America/Phoenix</code> represents most of Arizona, which
72uses mountain time without daylight saving time (<abbr
73title="daylight saving time">DST</abbr>);
74<code>America/Detroit</code> represents most of Michigan, which uses
75eastern time but with different <abbr>DST</abbr> rules in 1975;
76and other entries represent smaller regions like Starke County,
77Indiana, which switched from central to eastern time in 1991
78and switched back in 2006.
79To use the database on an extended <a
81title="Portable Operating System Interface">POSIX</abbr></a>
82implementation set the <code>TZ</code> environment variable to
83the location's full name, e.g., <code>TZ="America/New_York"</code>.</p>
85In the <code>tz</code> database's
86<a href="ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub"><abbr
87title="File Transfer Protocol">FTP</abbr> distribution</a>
88the code is in the file <code>tzcode<var>C</var>.tar.gz</code>,
89where <code><var>C</var></code> is the code's version;
90similarly, the data are in <code>tzdata<var>D</var>.tar.gz</code>,
91where <code><var>D</var></code> is the data's version.
92Each version is a four-digit year followed by lower-case letters
93(a through z, then za through zz, then zza through zzz, and so on).
94The following <a
95href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_shell">shell</a> commands download
96these files to a <abbr>GNU</abbr>/Linux or similar host;
97see the downloaded
98<code>README</code> file for what to do next.</p>
99<pre style="margin-left: 2em"><code>mkdir tz
100cd tz
101<a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/">wget</a> 'ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tz*.tar.gz'
102<a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/">gzip</a> -dc tzcode*.tar.gz | <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/">tar</a> -xf -
103gzip -dc tzdata*.tar.gz | tar -xf -
106The code lets you compile the <code>tz</code> source files into
107machine-readable binary files, one for each location. It also lets
108you read a <code>tz</code> binary file and interpret time stamps for that
111The data are by no means authoritative. If you find errors, please
112send changes to the <a href="mailto:tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov">time zone
113mailing list</a>. You can also <a
114href="http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.time.tz">browse recent
115messages</a> sent to the mailing list, <a
116href="mailto:tz-request@elsie.nci.nih.gov">subscribe</a> to it,
117retrieve the <a
118href="ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tzarchive.gz">full archive of old
119messages</a> (in gzip compressed format), or retrieve <a
120href="ftp://munnari.oz.au/pub/oldtz">archived older versions of code
121and data</a>.</p>
123The Web has several other sources for time zone and daylight saving time data.
124Here are some recent links that may be of interest.
126<h2>Web pages using recent versions of the <code>tz</code> database</h2>
128These are listed roughly in ascending order of complexity and fanciness.
132<a href="http://permatime.com">
134is a service for generating and viewing links that refer to a
135particular point in time and can be displayed in multiple timezones.
136It uses the ruby tzinfo gem. 
137(From Tim Diggins, 2009-11-03.)
139<li><a href="http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/xtra/tzdatepick.html">Date and Time Gateway</a>
140lets you see the <code>TZ</code> values directly.</li>
143Time in 1000 Places</a> uses descriptions of the values.</li>
144<li><a href="http://www.timezoneconverter.com/">Time Zone Converter</a>
145uses a pulldown menu.</li>
146<li><a href="http://home.tiscali.nl/~t876506/TZworld.html">Complete
147timezone information for all countries</a> displays tables of DST rules.
148<li><a href="http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/">The World Clock -
149Time Zones</a> lets you sort zone names and convert times.</li>
150<li><a href="http://daylight-savings-time.info/">Graphical Display of
151Time Zones and Daylight Saving Times</a> shows a graph of time
152difference versus time for any pair of locations.</li>
153<li>The <a href="http://worldtimeengine.com/">World Time Engine</a>
154also contains data about time zone boundaries; it supports queries via place
155names and shows location maps.</li>
156<li><a href="http://simpletimerclocks.mozdev.org/">Simple Timer + Clocks</a>
157is a Firefox add-on which uses a timezone data file generated from the
158tz data files.</li>
160<h2>Other time zone database formats</h2>
162<li>The <a href="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2445.txt">
163Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification
164(iCalendar)</a>, Internet <abbr title="Request For
165Comments">RFC</abbr> 2445, published by the (now-concluded) <a
167title="Internet Engineering Task Force">IETF</abbr>
168Calendaring and Scheduling Working Group (<abbr
169title="Calendaring and Scheduling Working Group">calsch</abbr>)</a>
170covers time zone
171data; see its VTIMEZONE calendar component.
172The <a href="http://calconnect.org/">Calendaring and Scheduling
173Consortium</a> is promoting further work in this area. <a
175TIMEZONE Problems and Recommendations</a> offers guidelines and
176recommendations for the use of VTIMEZONE and <code>tz</code>.</li>
177<li><a href="http://calconnect.org/dstlinks.shtml">Extended Daylight
178Saving Time Links, Advisories and Changes</a> lists vendor material on recent
179daylight saving time changes.</li>
182Registry and Service Recommendations</a> discusses a
183strategy for defining and deploying a time zone
184registration process that would establish unique names for each
185version of each <code>tz</code> zone, along with a polygonal
186representation of the geographical area corresponding to the
188<li>The <a
190list discusses <a
192title="Resource Description Framework">RDF</abbr></a>-based calendar
193and group scheduling systems, and has a <a
194href="http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/#tzd">workspace on time zone
195data</a> converted from <code>tz</code>. An earlier <a
196href="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/foo">schema</a> was sketched out.</li>
198<h2>Other <code>tz</code> compilers</h2>
200<li><a href="http://www.dachaplin.dsl.pipex.com/vzic/">Vzic iCalendar
201Timezone Converter</a> describes a <a
203program that compiles
204<code>tz</code> source into iCalendar-compatible VTIMEZONE files.
205Vzic is freely
206available under the <a
208General Public License (<abbr
209title="General Public License">GPL</abbr>)</a>.</li>
210<li><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/tzical">tziCal - tz
211database conversion utility</a> is like Vzic, except for the <a
212href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework">.NET framework</a>.</li>
215contains a script <code>parse_olson</code> that compiles
216<code>tz</code> source into <a href="http://www.perl.org/">Perl</a>
217modules. It is part of the Perl <a
218href="http://datetime.perl.org/">DateTime Project</a>, which is freely
219available under both the <abbr>GPL</abbr> and the Perl Artistic
220License. DateTime::TimeZone also contains a script
221<code>tests_from_zdump</code> that generates test cases for each clock
222transition in the <code>tz</code> database.</li>
223<li><a href="http://icu-project.org/">International Components for
224Unicode (<abbr>ICU</abbr>)</a> contains C/C++ and <a
226libraries for internationalization that
227has a compiler from <code>tz</code> source
228into an <abbr>ICU</abbr>-specific format.
229<abbr>ICU</abbr> is freely available under a
230<abbr title="Berkeley Software Distribution">BSD</abbr>-style license.</li>
231<li><a href="http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/">Joda Time - Java date
232and time <abbr title="Application Program Interface">API</abbr></a>
233contains a class
234<code>org.joda.time.tz.ZoneInfoCompiler</code> that compiles
235<code>tz</code> source into a Joda-specific binary format. Joda Time
236is freely available under a <abbr>BSD</abbr>-style license.</li>
237<li><a href="http://pytz.sourceforge.net">PyTZ - Python Time
238Zone Library</a> compiles <code>tz</code> source into
239<a href="http://python.org/">Python</a>.
240It is freely available under a <abbr>BSD</abbr>-style license.</li>
241<li><a href="http://tzinfo.rubyforge.org/">TZInfo - Ruby Timezone Library</a>
242compiles <code>tz</code> source into
243<a href="http://ruby-lang.org">Ruby</a>.
244It is freely available under the <abbr
245title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr> license.</li>
246<li>The <a href="http://chronos-st.org/">Chronos Date/Time
247Library</a> is a <a href="http://smalltalk.org">Smalltalk</a> class
248library that compiles <code>tz</code> source into a <a
249href="http://date-time-zone.com/">time zone repository</a> whose format
250is either proprietary or an <a href="http://www.w3.org/XML/"><abbr
251title="Extensible Markup Language">XML</abbr></a>-encoded
253<li>Starting with version 8.5, <a href="http://tcl.tk/">Tcl</a>
254contains a developer-oriented parser that compiles <samp>tz</samp>
255source into text files, along with a runtime that can read those
256files. Tcl is freely available under a <abbr>BSD</abbr>-style
259<h2>Other <code>tz</code> binary file readers</h2>
261<li>The <a
262href="http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/"><abbr>GNU</abbr> C
264has an independent, thread-safe implementation of
265a <code>tz</code> binary file reader.
266This library is freely available under the
267<a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html">
268<abbr>GNU</abbr> Lesser General Public License
269(<abbr title="Lesser General Public License">LGPL</abbr>)</a>,
270and is widely used in <abbr>GNU</abbr>/Linux systems.</li>
271<li><a href="http://bmsi.com/java/#TZ">ZoneInfo.java</a>
272is a <code>tz</code> binary file reader written in Java.
273It is freely available under the <abbr>LGPL</abbr>.</li>
274<li>Tcl, mentioned above, also contains a
275<code>tz</code> binary file reader.</li>
277<h2>Other <code>tz</code>-based time zone software</h2>
279<li><a href="http://stemhaus.com/firefox/foxclocks/">FoxClocks</a>
280is an extension for <a
282Toolkit</a> applications like <a
283href="http://mozilla.com/firefox">Firefox</a>, <a
284href="http://mozilla.com/thunderbird">Thunderbird</a>, and
287It displays multiple clocks in the application window, and has a mapping
288interface to <a href="http://earth.google.com/">Google Earth</a>.
289It is freely available under the <abbr>GPL</abbr>.</li>
292clock (intclock)</a> is a multi-timezone clock for
293<abbr>GNU</abbr>/Linux and similar systems. It is freely available
294under the <abbr>GPL</abbr>.</li>
295<li><a href="http://codeplex.com/publicdomain">PublicDomain</a>
296has a copy of a recent <code>tz</code> database, accessed via a <a
297href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp">C#</a> library. As its
298name suggests, it is in the public domain. Only current time stamps
299are well supported; historical data are compiled into the runtime but
300are not easily accessible.</li>
301<li><a href="http://java.sun.com/">Sun Java</a> releases since 1.4
302contain a copy of a subset of a recent <code>tz</code> database in a
303Java-specific format.</li>
304<li><a href="http://kimmo.suominen.com/sw/timezone/">Time Zone</a> is
305a <a href="http://wordpress.org/">WordPress</a> plugin. It is freely
306available under a <abbr>BSD</abbr>-style license.</li>
308href="http://veladg.com/velaterra.html">VelaTerra</a> is
309a Mac OS X program. Its developers
310<a href="http://veladg.com/tzoffer.html">offer free
311licenses</a> to <code>tz</code> contributors.</li>
313href="http://worldtimeexplorer.com/">World Time Explorer</a> is a
314Microsoft Windows program.</li>
316<a href="http://www.toriasoft.com">
317WorldClock for Windows and Windows Mobile</a>
318lets users "see the time in up to 25 locations in the world at once."
319(From Hans Nieuwenhuis, 2009-11-02.)
322<a href="http://www.relativedata.com/time-zone-master">
323Time Zone Master Basic
324</a> "allows people to display multiple desktop clocks, and to
325research current and historical time information, as well as times of
326astronomical events (sunrise/transit/set, moonrise/transit/set, phases,
327season starts) for user-selected dates in the past and future. It can
328automatically download, compile and use the tzdata**.gz database files
329as they are released to keep the data up to date. The software is
330free." (Davie Patte)
333<h2>Other time zone databases</h2>
335<li><a href="http://www.astro.com/cgi/aq.cgi">Atlas Query</a>
336is Astrodienst's Web version of Shanks's
337excellent time zone history atlases published in both <a
339and book form (<a
340href="http://astrocom.com/products/book.php?book_id=b110x">one volume
341for the USA</a>, and <a
342href="http://astrocom.com/products/book.php?book_id=b112x">one for
343other locations</a>) by <a
344href="http://astrocom.com/">Astro Communications Services</a>.</li>
345<li><a href="http://worldtime.com/">WORLDTIME: interactive atlas,
346time info, public holidays</a>
347contains information on local time, sunrise and sunset,
348and public holidays in several hundred cities around the world.</li>
349<li><a href="http://worldtimeserver.com/">World Time Server</a>
350is another time zone database.</li>
351<li><a href="http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/tzones.html">World Time Zones</a>
352contains data from the Time Service Department of the
353<abbr>US</abbr> Naval Observatory, used as the source
354for the <code>usno*</code> files in the <code>tz</code> distribution.</li>
355<li>The <a href="http://iata.org/ps/publications/SSIM.htm">Standard
356Schedules Information Manual</a> of the
357<a href="http://iata.org/index.htm">International Air Transport
359gives current time zone rules for airports served by commercial aviation.</li>
360<li>Some Microsoft Windows versions contain time zone information in
361an undocumented format, with IDs that can be mapped to <code>TZ</code>
362values using the <a
364&rarr; Tzid table</a> maintained by the <abbr
365title="Common Locale Data Repository">CLDR</abbr> data mentioned
368<a href="http://code.google.com/p/tzdata/">
371provides programming-language-specific representations of timezone
372data. Currently this includes XML, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, JSON and CSV
373formatted data. The repository is updated as soon as the FTP
374distribution is updated. All data can be downloaded as a zip and/or it
375can be obtained/synced via anonymous SVN. Data is made available under
376the MIT license. (From Rich Tibbett.)
381<li>The <a href="https://www.cia.gov/">United States Central
382Intelligence Agency (<abbr
383title="Central Intelligence Agency">CIA</abbr>)</a> publishes a <a
385zone map</a>; the
388Library Map Collection</a>
389of the University of Texas at Austin has copies of
390recent editions.
391The pictorial quality is good,
392but the maps do not indicate summer time,
393and parts of the data are a few years out of date.</li>
394<li><a href="http://worldtimezone.com/">Current time around the world
395and standard time zones map of the world</a>
396has several fancy time zone maps; it covers Russia particularly well.
397The maps' pictorial quality is not quite as good as the
399but the maps are more up to date.</li>
401<h2>Time zone boundaries</h2>
403<li><a href="http://efele.net/maps/tz/">TZ timezone maps</a> contains a <a
404href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapefile">shapefile</a> of the
405<code>tz</code> regions in the world.</li>
406<li><a href="http://statoids.com/statoids.html">Administrative Divisions
407of Countries ("Statoids")</a> contains detailed lists of
408<code>tz</code>-related zone subdivision data.</li>
409<li><a href="http://home.tiscali.nl/~t876506/Multizones.html">Time
410zone boundaries for multizone countries</a> summarizes legal
411boundaries between time zones within countries.</li>
412<li>Manifold.net's <a
413href="http://www.manifold.net/download/freemaps.html">Free Maps and
414<abbr title="Geographic Information Systems">GIS</abbr>
415Data</a> includes a Manifold-format map of
416world time zone boundaries distributed under the
418<li>The <abbr>US</abbr> Geological Survey's National Atlas of
419the United States
420publishes the <a href="http://nationalatlas.gov/mld/timeznp.html">Time
421Zones of the United States</a> in the public domain.</li>
422<li>The GeoCommunity lists several commercial sources for <a
424Time Zones and Time Zone Data</a>.</li>
425<li>A ship within the <a
427waters</a> of any nation uses that nation's time. In international
428waters, time zone boundaries are meridians 15&deg; apart, except that
429UTC&minus;12 and UTC+12 are each 7.5&deg; wide and are separated by
430the 180&deg; meridian (not by the International Date Line, which is
431for land and territorial waters only). A captain can change ship's
432clocks any time after entering a new time zone; midnight changes are
435<h2>Civil time concepts and history</h2>
437<li><a href="http://physics.nist.gov/GenInt/Time/time.html">A
438Walk through Time</a>
439surveys the evolution of timekeeping.</li>
440<li><a href="http://webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/">About Daylight
441Saving Time - History, rationale, laws &amp; dates</a>
442is an overall history of <abbr>DST</abbr>.</li>
443<li><a href="http://energy.ca.gov/daylightsaving.html">Saving Time,
444Saving Energy</a> discusses a primary justification for <abbr>DST</abbr>.</li>
445<li><a href="http://seizethedaylight.com/dst/">Who Knew? A Brief
446History of Daylight Saving Time</a> summarizes some of the contentious
447history of <abbr>DST</abbr>.</li>
448<li><a href="http://toi.iriti.cnr.it/">The
449Time of Internet</a>
450describes time zones and daylight saving time,
451with diagrams.
452The time zone map is out of date, however.</li>
453<li><a href="http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vgent/idl/idl.htm">A History of
454the International Date Line</a> tells the story of the most important
455time zone boundary.</li>
456<li><a href="http://statoids.com/tconcept.html">Basic Time
457Zone Concepts</a> discusses terminological issues behind time zones.</li>
459<h2>National histories of legal time</h2>
462<dd>The Parliamentary Library has commissioned <a
464note on daylight saving time in Australia</a>.
465The Bureau of Meteorology publishes a list of
466<a href="http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/dst_times.shtml">Implementation Dates of Daylight Savings Time within Australia</a>.</dd>
468<dd>The Royal Observatory of Belgium maintains a table of <a
470hreflang="nl">time in Belgium (in Dutch)</a>.</dd>
472<dd>The Time Service Department of the National Observatory
473records <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV.html"
474hreflang="pt-BR">Brazil's daylight saving time decrees (in
477<dd>The Institute for National Measurement Standards publishes current
478and some older information about <a
480Zones &amp; Daylight Saving Time</a>.</dd>
482<dd>The Chilean Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service publishes a <a
483href="http://www.horaoficial.cl/horaof.htm" hreflang="es"> history of
484official time (in Spanish)</a>.</dd>
486<dd>The National Institute for Science and Technology maintains the <a
487href="http://www.ptb.de/en/org/4/44/441/dars_e.htm">Realisation of
488Legal Time in Germany</a>.</dd>
490<dd>The Interior Ministry periodically issues <a
492hreflang="he">announcements (in Hebrew)</a>.</dd>
494<dd>The Investigation and Analysis Service of the Mexican Library of
495Congress has published a <a
497hreflang="es">history of Mexican local time (in Spanish)</a>.</dd>
499<dd>See Singapore below.</dd>
501<dd><a href="http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vgent/wettijd/wettijd.htm"
502hreflang="nl">Legal time in the Netherlands (in Dutch)</a>
503covers the history of local time in the Netherlands from ancient times.</dd>
504<dt>New Zealand</dt>
505<dd>The Department of Internal Affairs maintains a brief history <a
507Daylight Saving</a>. The privately-maintained <a
508href="http://astrologyschool.com/nztime.html">History of New Zealand
509time</a> has more details.</dd>
511<dd>The Norwegian Meteorological Institute lists
512<a href="http://met.no/met/met_lex/q_u/sommertid.html" hreflang="no">Summer
513time in Norway (in Norwegian)</a>, citing the
514Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo.</dd>
518is Singapore in the "Wrong" Time Zone?</a> details the
519history of legal time in Singapore and Malaysia.</dd>
520<dt>United Kingdom</dt>
522href="http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~jsm28/british-time/">History of
523legal time in Britain</a> discusses in detail the country
524with perhaps the best-documented history of clock adjustments.
525The National Physical Laboratory also maintains an <a
527of Summer time dates</a>.</dd>
529<h2>Precision timekeeping</h2>
533Science of Timekeeping</a> is a thorough introduction
534to the theory and practice of precision timekeeping.</li>
535<li><a href="http://www.ntp.org/"><abbr
536title="Network Time Protocol">NTP</abbr>: The Network
537Time Protocol</a>
538discusses how to synchronize clocks of
539Internet hosts.</li>
542Options for <abbr title="Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol">DHCP</abbr></a>
543(Internet <abbr>RFC</abbr> 4833)
544specifies a <a
545href="http://www.dhcp.org/">DHCP</a> option for a server to configure
546a client's time zone and daylight saving settings automatically.</li>
547<li><a href="http://gauss.gge.unb.ca/GMT.UT.and.the.RGO.html">A Few
548Facts Concerning <abbr title="Greenwich Mean Time">GMT</abbr>, <abbr
549title="Universal Time">UT</abbr>, and
550the <abbr title="Royal Greenwich Observatory">RGO</abbr></a>
551answers questions like "What is the
552difference between <abbr>GMT</abbr> and <abbr>UTC</abbr>?"</li>
555Times</a> explains more abstruse astronomical time scales like
556<abbr title="Terrestrial Dynamic Time">TDT</abbr>,
557<abbr title="Geocentric Coordinate Time">TCG</abbr>, and
558<abbr title="Barycentric Dynamic Time">TDB</abbr>.
559<a href="http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/leapsecs/timescales.html">Time
560Scales</a> goes into more detail, particularly for historical variants.</li>
561<li>The <a href="http://iau.org/"><abbr
562title="International Astronomical Union">IAU</abbr></a>'s <a
564title="Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy">SOFA</abbr></a>
565initiative publishes Fortran
566code for converting among time scales like
567<abbr title="International Atomic Time">TAI</abbr>,
568<abbr>TDB</abbr>, <abbr>TDT</abbr> and
570<li><a href="http://jpl.nasa.gov/basics/bsf2-3.htm">Basics of
571Space Flight - Reference Systems - Time Conventions</a>
572briefly explains interplanetary space flight timekeeping.</li>
575Notes on Mars Solar Time as Adopted by the Mars24 Sunclock</a> briefly
576describes Mars Coordinated Time (<abbr
577title="Mars Coordinated Time">MTC</abbr>) and the
578diverse local time
579scales used by each landed mission on Mars.</li>
580<li><a href="http://leapsecond.com/">LeapSecond.com</a> is
581dedicated not only to leap seconds but to precise time and frequency
582in general. It covers the state of the art in amateur timekeeping, and
583how the art has progressed over the past few decades.</li>
586maintained by the
587<abbr title="International Earth Rotation Service">IERS</abbr>
588<abbr title="Earth Orientation Parameters">EOP</abbr>
589(<abbr title="Product Center">PC</abbr>)</a> contains official publications of
590the Earth Orientation Parameters Product Center of the
591International Earth Rotation Service, the committee that decides
592when leap seconds occur.</li>
593<li>The <a
595Second Discussion List</a> covers <a
597and Klepczynski's proposal to discontinue leap seconds</a>,
598discussed further in
599<a href="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/time/metrologia-leapsecond.pdf">The
600leap second: its history and possible future</a>.
601The (now disbanded) <a href="http://members.aas.org/comms/leap.cfm"><abbr
602title="American Astronomical Society">AAS</abbr> Leap Second
603Committee</a> has solicited input on this proposal.
604<a href="http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/leapsecs/">The
605Future of Leap Seconds</a> covers this
606contentious issue.</li>
608<h2>Time notation</h2>
611<a href="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html">A Summary of
612the International Standard Date and Time Notation</a> is a good
613summary of
616title="International Organization for Standardization">ISO</abbr>
6178601:2004 -- Data elements and interchange formats -- Information
618interchange -- Representation of dates and times</a>.</li>
620<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime"><abbr>XML</abbr>
621Schema: Datatypes - dateTime</a> specifies a format inspired by
622<abbr>ISO</abbr> 8601 that is in common use in XML data.</li>
624<a href="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2822.txt">Internet
625Message Format</a> (Internet <abbr>RFC</abbr> 2822) &sect;3.3
626specifies the time notation used in email and <a
630<a href="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3339.txt">Date and Time
631on the Internet: Timestamps</a> (Internet <abbr>RFC</abbr> 3339)
632specifies an <abbr>ISO</abbr> 8601
633profile for use in new Internet
636<a href="http://www.hackcraft.net/web/datetime/">Date &amp; Time
637Formats on the Web</a> surveys web- and Internet-oriented date and time
640<a href="http://exit109.com/~ghealton/y2k/yrexamples.html">The
641Best of Dates, the Worst of Dates</a> covers many problems encountered
642by software developers when handling dates and time stamps.</li>
643<li>The <a
644href="http://unicode.org/cldr/">Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
645(<abbr>CLDR</abbr>) Project</a> has localizations for time zone names,
646abbreviations, identifiers, and formats. For example, it contains
647French translations for "Eastern European Summer Time", "<abbr
648title="Eastern European Summer Time">EEST</abbr>", and
649"Bucharest". <a
651Chart: names.metazone</a> shows these values for many locales.
652<abbr>ICU</abbr> contains a mechanism for using this data.</li>
653<li>Alphabetic time zone abbreviations should not be used as unique
654identifiers for <abbr>UTC</abbr> offsets as they are ambiguous in
655practice. For example, "<abbr>EST</abbr>" denotes 5 hours behind
656<abbr>UTC</abbr> in English-speaking North America, but it denotes 10
657or 11 hours ahead of <abbr>UTC</abbr> in Australia; and
658French-speaking North Americans prefer
659"<abbr title="Heure Normale de l'Est">HNE</abbr>" to
660"<abbr>EST</abbr>". For <abbr>POSIX</abbr> the <code>tz</code>
661database contains English abbreviations for all time stamps but in
662many cases these are merely inventions of the database
664<li>Numeric time zone abbreviations typically count hours east of
665<abbr>UTC</abbr>, e.g., <code>+09</code> for Japan and
666<code>-10</code> for Hawaii. However, the <abbr>POSIX</abbr>
667<code>TZ</code> environment variable uses the opposite convention. For
668example, one might use <code>TZ="JST-9"</code> and
669<code>TZ="HST10"</code> for Japan and Hawaii, respectively. If the
670<code>tz</code> database is available, it is usually better to use
671settings like <code>TZ="Asia/Tokyo"</code> and
672<code>TZ="Pacific/Honolulu"</code> instead, as this should avoid
673confusion, handle old time stamps better, and insulate you better from
674any future changes to the rules. One should never set
675<abbr>POSIX</abbr> <code>TZ</code> to a value like
676<code>"GMT-9"</code>, though, since this would falsely claim that
677local time is nine hours ahead of <abbr>UTC</abbr> and the time zone
678is called "<abbr>GMT</abbr>".</li>
680<h2>Related indexes</h2>
682<li><a href="tz-art.htm">Time and the Arts</a></li>
683<li><a href="http://www.dmoz.org/Reference/Time/">Open Directory -
684Reference: Time</a></li>
685<li><a href="http://directory.google.com/Top/Reference/Time/">Google Directory
686- Reference &gt; Time</a></li>
687<li><a href="http://dir.yahoo.com/Science/Measurements_and_Units/Time">Yahoo!
688Directory &gt; Science &gt; Measurements and Units &gt; Time</a></li>