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16    <h1>List-Update Design</h1>
18    <h2><a name="overview" id="overview">Overview</a></h2>
20    <p>The list-based container has the following declaration:</p>
21    <pre>
23    <b>typename</b> Key,
24    <b>typename</b> Mapped,
25    <b>typename</b> Eq_Fn = std::equal_to&lt;Key&gt;,
26    <b>typename</b> Update_Policy = <a href=
28    <b>typename</b> Allocator = std::allocator&lt;<b>char</b>&gt; &gt;
29<b>class</b> <a href="list_update.html">list_update</a>;
32    <p>The parameters have the following meaning:</p>
34    <ol>
35      <li><tt>Key</tt> is the key type.</li>
37      <li><tt>Mapped</tt> is the mapped-policy, and is explained in
38      <a href="tutorial.html#assoc_ms">Tutorial::Associative
39      Containers::Associative Containers Others than Maps</a>.</li>
41      <li><tt>Eq_Fn</tt> is a key equivalence functor.</li>
43      <li><tt>Update_Policy</tt> is a policy updating positions in
44      the list based on access patterns. It is described in the
45      following subsection.</li>
47      <li><tt>Allocator</tt> is an allocator
48      type.</li>
49    </ol>
51    <p>A list-based associative container is a container that
52    stores elements in a linked-list. It does not order the
53    elements by any particular order related to the keys.
54    List-based containers are primarily useful for creating
55    "multimaps" (see <a href=
56    "motivation.html#assoc_mapping_semantics">Motivation::Associative
57    Containers::Avoiding Multiple Keys</a> and <a href=
58    "tutorial.html#assoc_ms">Tutorial::Associative
59    Containers::Associative Containers Others than Maps</a>). In
60    fact, list-based containers are designed in <tt>pb_ds</tt>
61    expressly for this purpose. This is explained further in
62    <a href="#mmaps">Use for "Multimaps"</a>.</p>
64    <p>List-based containers might also be useful for some rare
65    cases, where a key is encapsulated to the extent that only
66    key-equivalence can be tested. Hash-based containers need to
67    know how to transform a key into a size type, and tree-based
68    containers need to know if some key is larger than another.
69    List-based associative containers, conversely, only need to
70    know if two keys are equivalent.</p>
72    <p>Since a list-based associative container does not order
73    elements by keys, is it possible to order the list in some
74    useful manner? Remarkably, many on-line competitive [<a href=
75    "references.html#motwani95random">motwani95random</a>]
76    algorithms exist for reordering lists to reflect access
77    prediction [<a href=
78    "references.html#andrew04mtf">andrew04mtf</a>].</p>
80    <h2><a name="list_updates" id="list_updates">List
81    Updates</a></h2>
83    <h3><a name="general" id="general">General Terms</a></h3>
85    <p>Figure <a href="#simple_list">A simple list</a> shows a
86    simple list of integer keys. If we search for the integer 6, we
87    are paying an overhead: the link with key 6 is only the fifth
88    link; if it were the first link, it could be accessed
89    faster.</p>
91    <h6 class="c1"><a name="simple_list" id="simple_list"><img src=
92    "simple_list.png" alt="no image" /></a></h6>
94    <h6 class="c1">A simple list.</h6>
96    <p>List-update algorithms reorder lists as elements are
97    accessed. They try to determine, by the access history, which
98    keys to move to the front of the list. Some of these algorithms
99    require adding some metadata alongside each entry.</p>
101    <p>For example, Figure <a href="#lu">The counter algorithm</a>
102    -A shows the counter algorithm. Each node contains both a key
103    and a count metadata (shown in bold). When an element is
104    accessed (<i>e.g.</i> 6) its count is incremented, as shown in
105    Figure <a href="#lu">The counter algorithm</a> -B. If the count
106    reaches some predetermined value, say 10, as shown in Figure
107    <a href="#lu">The counter algorithm</a> -C, the count is set to
108    0 and the node is moved to the front of the list, as in Figure
109    <a href="#lu">The counter algorithm</a> -D.</p>
111    <h6 class="c1"><a name="lu" id="lu"><img src="lu.png" alt=
112    "no image" /></a></h6>
114    <h6 class="c1">The counter algorithm.</h6>
116    <h3><a name="imp_pb_ds" id="imp_pb_ds">Implementation</a></h3>
118    <p><tt>pb_ds</tt> allows instantiating lists with policies
119    implementing any algorithm moving nodes to the front of the
120    list (policies implementing algorithms interchanging nodes are
121    unsupported).</p>
123    <p>Associative containers based on lists are parametrized by a
124    <tt>Update_Policy</tt> parameter. This parameter defines the
125    type of metadata each node contains, how to create the
126    metadata, and how to decide, using this metadata, whether to
127    move a node to the front of the list. A list-based associative
128    container object derives (publicly) from its update policy.
129    Figure <a href="#update_policy_cd">A list and its update
130    policy</a> shows the scheme, as well as some predefined
131    policies (which are explained below).</p>
133    <h6 class="c1"><a name="update_policy_cd" id=
134    "update_policy_cd"><img src="update_policy_cd.png" alt=
135    "no image" /></a></h6>
137    <h6 class="c1">A list and its update policy.</h6>
139    <p>An instantiation of <tt>Update_Policy</tt> must define
140    internally <tt>update_metadata</tt> as the metadata it
141    requires. Internally, each node of the list contains, besides
142    the usual key and data, an instance of <tt><b>typename</b>
143    Update_Policy::update_metadata</tt>.</p>
145    <p>An instantiation of <tt>Update_Policy</tt> must define
146    internally two operators:</p>
147    <pre>
152<b>operator</b>()(update_metadata &amp;);
155    <p>The first is called by the container object, when creating a
156    new node, to create the node's metadata. The second is called
157    by the container object, when a node is accessed (<i>e.g.</i>,
158    when a find operation's key is equivalent to the key of the
159    node), to determine whether to move the node to the front of
160    the list.</p>
162    <p>The library contains two predefined implementations of
163    list-update policies [<a href=
164    "references.html#andrew04mtf">andrew04mtf</a>]. The first is
165    <a href=
166    "counter_lu_policy.html"><tt>counter_lu_policy</tt></a>, which
167    implements the counter algorithm described above. The second is
168    <a href=
169    "move_to_front_lu_policy.html"><tt>move_to_front_lu_policy</tt></a>,
170    which unconditionally move an accessed element to the front of
171    the list. The latter type is very useful in <tt>pb_ds</tt>,
172    since there is no need to associate metadata with each element
173    (this is explained further in <a href="#mmaps">Use for
174    "Multimaps"</a>).</p>
176    <h2><a name="mmaps" id="mmaps">Use for "Multimaps"</a></h2>
178    <p>In <tt>pb_ds</tt>, there are no equivalents for the STL's
179    multimaps and multisets; instead one uses an associative
180    container mapping primary keys to secondary keys (see <a href=
181    "motivation.html#assoc_mapping_semantics">Motivation::Associative
182    Containers::Alternative to Multiple Equivalent Keys</a> and
183    <a href="tutorial.html#assoc_ms">Tutorial::Associative
184    Containers::Associative Containers Others than Maps</a>).</p>
186    <p>List-based containers are especially useful as associative
187    containers for secondary keys. In fact, they are implemented
188    here expressly for this purpose.</p>
190    <p>To begin with, these containers use very little per-entry
191    structure memory overhead, since they can be implemented as
192    singly-linked lists. (Arrays use even lower per-entry memory
193    overhead, but they are less flexible in moving around entries,
194    and have weaker invalidation guarantees).</p>
196    <p>More importantly, though, list-based containers use very
197    little per-container memory overhead. The memory overhead of an
198    empty list-based container is practically that of a pointer.
199    This is important for when they are used as secondary
200    associative-containers in situations where the average ratio of
201    secondary keys to primary keys is low (or even 1).</p>
203    <p>In order to reduce the per-container memory overhead as much
204    as possible, they are implemented as closely as possible to
205    singly-linked lists.</p>
207    <ol>
208      <li>List-based containers do not store internally the number
209      of values that they hold. This means that their <tt>size</tt>
210      method has linear complexity (just like <tt>std::list</tt>).
211      Note that finding the number of equivalent-key values in an
212      STL multimap also has linear complexity (because it must be
213      done, <i>e.g.</i>, via <tt>std::distance</tt> of the
214      multimap's <tt>equal_range</tt> method), but usually with
215      higher constants.</li>
217      <li>Most associative-container objects each hold a policy
218      object (<i>e.g.</i>, a hash-based container object holds a
219      hash functor). List-based containers, conversely, only have
220      class-wide policy objects.</li>
221    </ol>
223    <p>See also <a href=
224    "assoc_performance_tests.html#msc">Associative-Container
225    Performance Tests::Observations::Mapping-Semantics
226    Considerations</a>.</p>
227  </div>