1# ntlm.tcl - Copyright (C) 2005 Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>
3# This is an implementation of Microsoft's NTLM authentication mechanism.
5# References:
6#    http://www.innovation.ch/java/ntlm.html
7#    http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html
9# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
10# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
11# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
12# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
14package require Tcl 8.2;                # tcl minimum version
15package require SASL 1.0;               # tcllib 1.7
16package require des 1.0;                # tcllib 1.8
17package require md4;                    # tcllib 1.4
19namespace eval ::SASL {
20    namespace eval NTLM {
21        variable version 1.1.1
22        variable rcsid {$Id: ntlm.tcl,v 1.8 2007/08/26 00:36:45 patthoyts Exp $}
23        array set NTLMFlags {
24            unicode        0x00000001
25            oem            0x00000002
26            req_target     0x00000004
27            unknown        0x00000008
28            sign           0x00000010
29            seal           0x00000020
30            datagram       0x00000040
31            lmkey          0x00000080
32            netware        0x00000100
33            ntlm           0x00000200
34            unknown        0x00000400
35            unknown        0x00000800
36            domain         0x00001000
37            server         0x00002000
38            share          0x00004000
39            NTLM2          0x00008000
40            targetinfo     0x00800000
41            128bit         0x20000000
42            keyexch        0x40000000
43            56bit          0x80000000
44        }
45    }
48# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
50proc ::SASL::NTLM::NTLM {context challenge args} {
51    upvar #0 $context ctx
52    incr ctx(step)
53    switch -exact -- $ctx(step) {
55        1 {
56            set ctx(realm) [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context realm]]
57            set ctx(hostname) [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context hostname]]
58            set ctx(response)   [CreateGreeting $ctx(realm) $ctx(hostname)]
59            set result 1
60        }
62        2 {
63            array set params [Decode $challenge]
64            set user [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context username]]
65            set pass [eval [linsert $ctx(callback) end $context password]]
66            if {[info exists params(domain)]} {
67                set ctx(realm) $params(domain)
68            }
69            set ctx(response) [CreateResponse \
70                                   $ctx(realm) $ctx(hostname) \
71                                   $user $pass $params(nonce) $params(flags)]
72            Decode $ctx(response)
73            set result 0
74        }
75        default {
76            return -code error "invalid state \"$ctx(step)"
77        }
78    }
79    return $result
82# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
83# NTLM client implementation
84# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
86# The NMLM greeting. This is sent by the client to the server to initiate
87# the challenge response handshake.
88# This message contains the hostname (not domain qualified) and the
89# NT domain name for authentication.
91proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateGreeting {domainname hostname {flags {}}} {
92    set domain [encoding convertto ascii $domainname]
93    set host [encoding convertto ascii $hostname]
94    set d_len [string length $domain]
95    set h_len [string length $host]
96    set d_off [expr {32 + $h_len}]
97    if {[llength $flags] == 0} {
98        set flags {unicode oem ntlm server domain req_target}
99    }
100    set msg [binary format a8iississi \
101                 "NTLMSSP\x00" 1 [Flags $flags] \
102                 $d_len $d_len $d_off \
103                 $h_len $h_len 32]
104    append msg $host $domain
105    return $msg
108# Create a NTLM server challenge. This is sent by a server in response to
109# a client type 1 message. The content of the type 2 message is variable
110# and depends upon the flags set by the client and server choices.
112proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateChallenge {domainname} {
113    SASL::md5_init
114    set target  [encoding convertto ascii $domainname]
115    set t_len   [string length $target]
116    set nonce   [string range [binary format h* [SASL::CreateNonce]] 0 7]
117    set pad     [string repeat \0 8]
118    set context [string repeat \0 8]
119    set msg [binary format a8issii \
120                 "NTLMSSP\x00" 2 \
121                 $t_len $t_len 48 \
122                 [Flags {ntlm unicode}]]
123    append msg $nonce $pad $context $pad $target
124    return $msg
127# Compose the final client response. This contains the encoded username
128# and password, along with the server nonce value.
130proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateResponse {domainname hostname username passwd nonce flags} {
131    set lm_resp [LMhash $passwd $nonce]
132    set nt_resp [NThash $passwd $nonce]
134    set domain  [string toupper $domainname]
135    set host    [string toupper $hostname]
136    set user    $username
137    set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}]
139    if {$unicode} {
140      set domain [to_unicode_le $domain]
141      set host   [to_unicode_le $host]
142      set user   [to_unicode_le $user]
143    }
145    set l_len [string length $lm_resp]; # LM response length
146    set n_len [string length $nt_resp]; # NT response length
147    set d_len [string length $domain];  # Domain name length
148    set h_len [string length $host];    # Host name length
149    set u_len [string length $user];    # User name length
150    set s_len 0 ;                       # Session key length
152    # The offsets to strings appended to the structure
153    set d_off [expr {0x40}];            # Fixed offset to Domain buffer
154    set u_off [expr {$d_off + $d_len}]; # Offset to user buffer
155    set h_off [expr {$u_off + $u_len}]; # Offset to host buffer
156    set l_off [expr {$h_off + $h_len}]; # Offset to LM hash
157    set n_off [expr {$l_off + $l_len}]; # Offset to NT hash
158    set s_off [expr {$n_off + $n_len}]; # Offset to Session key
160    set msg [binary format a8is4s4s4s4s4s4i \
161                 "NTLMSSP\x00" 3 \
162                 [list $l_len $l_len $l_off 0] \
163                 [list $n_len $n_len $n_off 0] \
164                 [list $d_len $d_len $d_off 0] \
165                 [list $u_len $u_len $u_off 0] \
166                 [list $h_len $h_len $h_off 0] \
167                 [list $s_len $s_len $s_off 0] \
168                 $flags]
169    append msg $domain $user $host $lm_resp $nt_resp
170    return $msg
173proc ::SASL::NTLM::Debug {msg} {
174    array set d [Decode $msg]
175    if {[info exists d(flags)]}  {
176        set d(flags) [list [format 0x%08x $d(flags)] [decodeflags $d(flags)]]
177    }
178    if {[info exists d(nonce)]}  { set d(nonce) [base64::encode $d(nonce)] }
179    if {[info exists d(lmhash)]} { set d(lmhash) [base64::encode $d(lmhash)] }
180    if {[info exists d(nthash)]} { set d(nthash) [base64::encode $d(nthash)] }
181    return [array get d]
184proc ::SASL::NTLM::Decode {msg} {
185    #puts [Debug $msg]
186    binary scan $msg a7ci protocol zero type
188    switch -exact -- $type {
189        1 {
190            binary scan $msg @12ississi flags dlen dlen2 doff hlen hlen2 hoff
191            binary scan $msg @${hoff}a${hlen} host
192            binary scan $msg @${doff}a${dlen} domain
193            return [list type $type flags [format 0x%08x $flags] \
194                        domain $domain host $host]
195        }
196        2 {
197            binary scan $msg @12ssiia8a8 dlen dlen2 doff flags nonce pad
198            set domain {}; binary scan $msg @${doff}a${dlen} domain
199            set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}]
200            if {$unicode} {
201                set domain [from_unicode_le $domain]
202            }
204            binary scan $nonce H* nonce_h
205            binary scan $pad   H* pad_h
206            return [list type $type flags [format 0x%08x $flags] \
207                        domain $domain nonce $nonce]
208        }
209        3 {
210            binary scan $msg @12ssissississississii \
211                lmlen lmlen2 lmoff \
212                ntlen ntlen2 ntoff \
213                dlen  dlen2  doff  \
214                ulen  ulen2  uoff \
215                hlen  hlen2  hoff \
216                slen  slen2  soff \
217                flags
218            set domain {}; binary scan $msg @${doff}a${dlen} domain
219            set user {};   binary scan $msg @${uoff}a${ulen} user
220            set host {};   binary scan $msg @${hoff}a${hlen} host
221            set unicode [expr {$flags & 0x00000001}]
222            if {$unicode} {
223                set domain [from_unicode_le $domain]
224                set user   [from_unicode_le $user]
225                set host   [from_unicode_le $host]
226            }
227            binary scan $msg @${ntoff}a${ntlen} ntdata
228            binary scan $msg @${lmoff}a${lmlen} lmdata
229            binary scan $ntdata H* ntdata_h
230            binary scan $lmdata H* lmdata_h
231            return [list type $type flags [format 0x%08x $flags]\
232                        domain $domain host $host user $user \
233                        lmhash $lmdata nthash $ntdata]
234        }
235        default {
236            return -code error "invalid NTLM data: type not recognised"
237        }
238    }
241proc ::SASL::NTLM::decodeflags {value} {
242    variable NTLMFlags
243    set result {}
244    foreach {flag mask} [array get NTLMFlags] {
245        if {$value & ($mask & 0xffffffff)} {
246            lappend result $flag
247        }
248    }
249    return $result
252proc ::SASL::NTLM::Flags {flags} {
253    variable NTLMFlags
254    set result 0
255    foreach flag $flags {
256        if {![info exists NTLMFlags($flag)]} {
257            return -code error "invalid ntlm flag \"$flag\""
258        }
259        set result [expr {$result | $NTLMFlags($flag)}]
260    }
261    return $result
264# Convert a string to unicode in little endian byte order.
265proc ::SASL::NTLM::to_unicode_le {str} {
266    set result [encoding convertto unicode $str]
267    if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(byteOrder) "bigEndian"]} {
268        set r {} ; set n 0
269        while {[binary scan $result @${n}cc a b] == 2} {
270            append r [binary format cc $b $a]
271            incr n 2
272        }
273        set result $r
274    }
275    return $result
278# Convert a little-endian unicode string to utf-8.
279proc ::SASL::NTLM::from_unicode_le {str} {
280    if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(byteOrder) "bigEndian"]} {
281        set r {} ; set n 0
282        while {[binary scan $str @${n}cc a b] == 2} {
283            append r [binary format cc $b $a]
284            incr n 2
285        }
286        set str $r
287    }
288    return [encoding convertfrom unicode $str]
291proc ::SASL::NTLM::LMhash {password nonce} {
292    set magic "\x4b\x47\x53\x21\x40\x23\x24\x25"
293    set hash ""
294    set password [string range [string toupper $password][string repeat \0 14] 0 13]
295    foreach key [CreateDesKeys $password] {
296        append hash [DES::des -dir encrypt -weak -mode ecb -key $key $magic]
297    }
299    append hash [string repeat \0 5]
300    set res ""
301    foreach key [CreateDesKeys $hash] {
302        append res [DES::des -dir encrypt -weak -mode ecb -key $key $nonce]
303    }
305    return $res
308proc ::SASL::NTLM::NThash {password nonce} {
309    set pass [to_unicode_le $password]
310    set hash [md4::md4 $pass]
311    append hash [string repeat \x00 5]
313    set res ""
314    foreach key [CreateDesKeys $hash] {
315        append res [DES::des -dir encrypt -weak -mode ecb -key $key $nonce]
316    }
318    return $res
321# Convert a password into a 56 bit DES key according to the NTLM specs.
322# We do NOT fix the parity of each byte. If we did, then bit 0 of each
323# byte should be adjusted to give the byte odd parity.
325proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateDesKeys {key} {
326    # pad to 7 byte boundary with nuls.
327    set mod [expr {[string length $key] % 7}]
328    if {$mod != 0} {
329        append key [string repeat "\0" [expr {7 - $mod}]]
330    }
331    set len [string length $key]
332    set r ""
333    for {set n 0} {$n < $len} {incr n 7} {
334        binary scan $key @${n}c7 bytes
335        set b {}
336        lappend b [expr {  [lindex $bytes 0] & 0xFF}]
337        lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 0] & 0x01) << 7) | (([lindex $bytes 1] >> 1) & 0x7F)}]
338        lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 1] & 0x03) << 6) | (([lindex $bytes 2] >> 2) & 0x3F)}]
339        lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 2] & 0x07) << 5) | (([lindex $bytes 3] >> 3) & 0x1F)}]
340        lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 3] & 0x0F) << 4) | (([lindex $bytes 4] >> 4) & 0x0F)}]
341        lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 4] & 0x1F) << 3) | (([lindex $bytes 5] >> 5) & 0x07)}]
342        lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 5] & 0x3F) << 2) | (([lindex $bytes 6] >> 6) & 0x03)}]
343        lappend b [expr {(([lindex $bytes 6] & 0x7F) << 1)}]
344        lappend r [binary format c* $b]
345    }
346    return $r;
349# This is slower than the above in Tcl 8.4.9
350proc ::SASL::NTLM::CreateDesKeys2 {key} {
351    # pad to 7 byte boundary with nuls.
352    append key [string repeat "\0" [expr {7 - ([string length $key] % 7)}]]
353    binary scan $key B* bin
354    set len [string length $bin]
355    set r ""
356    for {set n 0} {$n < $len} {incr n} {
357        append r [string range $bin $n [incr n  6]] 0
358    }
359    # needs spliting into 8 byte keys.
360    return [binary format B* $r]
363# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
365# Register this SASL mechanism with the Tcllib SASL package.
367if {[llength [package provide SASL]] != 0} {
368    ::SASL::register NTLM 50 ::SASL::NTLM::NTLM
371package provide SASL::NTLM $::SASL::NTLM::version
373# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
375# Local variables:
376# indent-tabs-mode: nil
377# End: