1# -*- rdoc -*-
3= NEWS for Ruby 1.9.1
5This document is a list of user visible feature changes made between
6releases except for bug fixes.
8Note that each entry is kept so brief that no reason behind or
9reference information is supplied with.  For a full list of changes
10with all sufficient information, see the ChangeLog file.
12== Changes since the 1.8.7 release
13See doc/NEWS-1.8.7 for changes between 1.8.6 and 1.8.7.
15=== Compatibility issues
17* language core
19    * New syntax and semantics
20          o Block arguments are always local
21          o New semantics for block arguments
22          o defined? and local variables
23          o Parser expects that your source code has only valid byte
24            sequence in some character encoding.  Use magic comments
25            to tell the parser which encoding you use.
26          o New semantics for constant definition in instance_eval
27            or in module_eval.
29    * Deprecated syntax
30          o colon (:) instead of "then" in if/unless or case expression.
31          o retry in a loop or an iterator.
33* builtin classes and objects
35    * Kernel and Object
36          o Kernel#methods and #singleton_methods used to return an
37            array of strings but now they return an array of symbols.
38    * Class and Module
39          o Module#attr works as Module#attr_reader by default.
40	    Optional boolean argument is obsolete.
41          o Module#instance_methods, #private_instance_methods and
42            #public_instance_methods used to return an array of
43            strings but now they return an array of symbols.
44          o Extra subclassing check when binding UnboundMethods
46    * Exceptions
47          o Exceptions are equal to each other if they belong to
48            the same class and have the same message and backtrace.
49          o SystemStackError used to be a subclass of StandardError
50            but not it is a direct subclass of Exception.
51          o SecurityError: ditto
52          o Removed Exception#to_str [Ruby2]
54    * Enumerable and Enumerator
55          o Enumerable::Enumerator, compatibility alias of Enumerator,
56            is removed.
57          o Enumerable#{map,collect} called without a block returns
58            an enumerator.
59          o Even more builtin and bundled libraries have been made to
60            return an enumerator when called without a block.
61    * Array
62          o Array#nitems was removed (use count {|i| !i.nil?})
63          o Array#choice was removed (use sample)
64          o Array#[m,n] = nil places nil in the array.
65    * Hash
66          o Hash#to_s is equivalent to Hash#inspect
67          o Semantics for Hash#each and Hash#each_pair
68          o Hash#select returns a hash
69          o Hash#key is the new name for #index which has been
70            deprecated.
71          o Hash preserves order.  It enumerates its elements in the
72            order in which the keys are inserted.
73          o Most of the changes in Hash apply to hash like interfaces
74            such as ENV and *DBM.
75    * IO operations
76          o Many methods used to act byte-wise but now some of those act
77            character-wise. You can use alternate byte-wise methods.
78          o IO#getc
79          o Non-blocking IO
80          o Kernel#open takes "t" for newline conversion
81          o Kernel#open takes encoding specified
82          o IO automatically converts byte sequence from a character
83            encodings into another if specified.
84          o StringIO#readpartial
85          o IO.try_convert
86          o IO.binread
87          o IO.copy_stream
88          o IO#binmode?
89          o IO#close_on_exec= and IO#close_on_exec?
90          o Limit input in IO#gets, IO#readline, IO#readlines,
91            IO#each_line, IO#lines, IO.foreach, IO.readlines,
92            StringIO#gets, StringIO#readline, StringIO#each,
93            StringIO#readlines
94          o IO#ungetc, StringIO#ungetc
95          o IO#ungetbyte, StringIO#ungetbyte
96          o IO#internal_encoding, IO#external_encoding,
97            IO#set_encoding
98          o IO.pipe takes encoding option
99          o Directive %u behaves like %d for negative values in
100            printf-style formatting.
101    * File and Dir operations
102          o #to_path is called as necessary in File.path, File.chmod,
103            File.lchmod, File.chown, File.lchown, File.utime,
104            File.unlink, etc..
105          o File.world_readable?
106          o File.world_writable?
107          o Dir.[], Dir.glob
108          o Dir.exist?
109          o Dir.exists?
110    * File::Stat
111          o File::Stat#world_readable?
112          o File::Stat#world_writable?
113    * String
114          o No longer an Enumerable: use each_line/lines for line
115            oriented operation
116          o Encoding-awareness
117              o Character-wise semantics in many methods instead of
118                byte-wise.
119                  o String#[]: Indexing a String with an integer returns a
120                    single character String instead of an integer.
121                  o String#[]=: No longer takes an integer as right
122                    side value.  Note that "str[i] = ?c" because of
123                    the following change.
124                  o ?c is evaluated to a single character string
125                    instead of an integer.
126    * Regexp
127          o Encoding-awareness
128          o Regexp matches only with strings which is encoded in a
129            compatible character encoding to the regexp's.
130          o Regexp#kcode is removed. use Regexp#encoding.
131    * Symbols: restriction on literal symbols
132    * Numeric
133          o Numeric#div always rounds as Integer#div has done.
134          o Numeric#fdiv: ditto.
135    * Integer
136          o Integer(nil) raises TypeError
137    * Fixnum
138          o Fixnum#id2name removed
139          o Fixnum#to_sym removed
140    * Struct
141          o Struct#inspect
142    * Time
143          o New format in Time#to_s
144          o Timezone information preserved on Marshal.dump/load
145    * $SAFE and bound methods
146          o New trusted/untrusted model in addition to
147            tainted/untainted model.
149    * Deprecation
150          o $= (global flag for case-sensitiveness on string matching)
151          o Kernel#to_a
152          o Kernel#getc, #gsub, #sub
153          o Kernel#callcc and Continuation now become 'continuation'
154            bundled library.
155          o Object#type
156          o Removed Array and Hash #indices, #indexes
157          o Hash#index
158          o ENV.index
159          o Process::Status#to_int
160          o Numeric#rdiv
161          o Precision is removed.  Don't cry, it will be redesigned
162            and come back in future version.
163          o Symbol#to_int and Symbol#to_i
164          o $KCODE is no longer effective.  Use Encoding related
165            features of each class.
166          o VERSION and friends
168* bundled libraries
170    * Pathname
171          o No longer has #to_str nor #=~.
172    * time and date
173          o Time.parse and Date.parse interprets slashed numerical dates
174	    as "dd/mm/yyyy".
175    * Readline
176          o If Readline uses libedit, Readline::HISTORY[0] returns the
177            first of the history.
178    * Continuation
179          o as above
181    * Deprecation
182          o Complex#image: use Complex#imag
183          o All SSL-related class methods in Net::SMTP
184          o Prime#cache, Prime#primes, Prime#primes_so_far
185          o mailread library: use tmail gem.
186          o cgi-lib library: use cgi.
187          o date2 library: use date.
188          o eregex library
189          o finalize library: use ObjectSpace.define_finalizer if you
190            really need a finalizer. really?
191          o ftools library: use fileutils.
192          o generator library: use Enumerator.
193          o importenv library and Env library
194          o jcode library: use multilingualization support of String
195          o parsedate library
196          o ping library
197          o readbytes library
198          o getopts library and parsearg library: use optparse or
199            getoptlong.
200          o soap, wsdl and xsd libraries: use soap4r gem.
201          o Win32API library: use dl.
202          o dl library: Reimplemented and API changed. use the new
203	    version of dl or ffi gem.
204          o rubyunit library and runit library: use minitest or
205            test/unit. Or use anything you love through RubyGems.
206          o test/unit is reimplemented on top of minitest.  This is
207            not fully compatible with the original.
209=== Language core changes
211    * New syntax and semantics
212          o Magic comments to declare in which encoding your source
213            code is written
214          o New literal hash syntax and new syntax for hash style
215	    arguments
216          o New syntax for lambdas
217          o .() and calling Procs without #call/#[]
218          o Block in block arguments
219          o Block local variables
220          o Mandatory arguments after optional arguments allowed
221          o Multiple splats allowed
222          o #[] can take splatted arguments, hash style arguments
223            and a block.
224          o New directives in printf-style formatted strings (%).
225          o Newlines allowed before ternary colon operator (:) and
226            method call dot operator (.)
227          o Negative operators such as !, != and !~ are now
228            overloadable
229          o Encoding.default_external and default_internal
230          o __ENCODING__: New pseudo variable to hold the current
231            script's encoding
233=== Library updates
235* builtin classes and objects
236    * Kernel and Object
237          o BasicObject
238          o Object#=~ returns nil instead of false by default.
239          o Kernel#define_singleton_method
240	  o Kernel#load can load a library from the highest versions
241	    of gems by default.
242    * Class and Module
243          o Module#const_defined?, #const_get and #method_defined?
244            take an optional parameter.
245          o #class_variable_{set,get} are public.
246          o Class of singleton classes
248    * Errno::EXXX
249          o All of those are always defined.  Errno::EXXX will be
250            defined as an alias to Errno::NOERROR if your platform
251            does not have one.
253    * Binding#eval
254    * Blocks and Procs
255          o Arity of blocks without arguments
256          o proc is now a synonym of Proc.new
257          o Proc#yield
258          o Passing blocks to #[]
259          o Proc#lambda?
260          o Proc#curry
261    * Fiber: coroutines/micro-threads
262    * Thread
263          o Thread.critical and Thread.critical= removed
264          o Thread#exit!, Thread#kill! and Thread#terminate! removed.
266    * Enumerable and Enumerator
267          o Enumerator#enum_cons and Enumerator#enum_slice are
268            removed.  Use #each_cons and #each_slice without a block.
269          o Enumerable#each_with_index can take optional arguments
270            and passes them to #each.
271          o Enumerable#each_with_object
272          o Enumerator#with_object
273          o Enumerator.new { ... }
274    * Array
275          o Array#delete returns a deleted element rather than a given
276            object
277          o Array#to_s is equivalent to Array#inspect
278          o Array.try_convert
279          o Array#pack('m0') complies with RFC 4648.
280    * Hash
281          o preserving item insertion order
282          o Hash#default_proc=
283          o Hash#_compare_by_identity and Hash#compare_by_identity?
284          o Hash.try_convert
285          o Hash#assoc
286          o Hash#rassoc
287          o Hash#flatten
288    * Range
289          o Range#cover?
290          o Range#include? iterates over elements and compares the
291            given value with each element unless the range is numeric.
292            Use Range#cover? for the old behavior, i.e. comparison
293            with boundary values.
294          o Range#min, Range#max
296    * File and Dir operations
297          o New methods
298    * Process
299          o Process.spawn
300          o Process.daemon
301    * String
302          o String#clear
303          o String#ord
304          o String#getbyte, String#setbyte
305          o String#chars and String#each_char act as character-wise.
306          o String#codepoints, String#each_codepoint
307          o String#unpack with a block
308          o String#hash
309          o String.try_convert
310          o String#encoding
311	  o String#force_encoding, String#encode and String#encode!
312          o String#ascii_only?
313          o String#valid_encoding?
314	  o String#match
315    * Symbol
316          o Zero-length symbols allowed
317          o Symbol#intern
318          o Symbol#encoding
319          o Symbol methods similar to those in String
320    * Regexp
321          o Regexp#=== matches symbols
322          o Regexp.try_convert
323          o Regexp#match
324          o Regexp#fixed_encoding?
325          o Regexp#encoding
326          o Regexp#named_captures
327          o Regexp#names
328    * MatchData
329          o MatchData#names
330          o MatchData#regexp
331    * Encoding
332    * Encoding::Converter
333          o supports conversion between many encodings
334    * Numeric
335          o Numeric#upto, #downto, #times, #step
336          o Numeric#real?, Complex#real?
337          o Numeric#magnitude
338          o Numeric#round
339    * Float
340          o Float#round
341    * Integer
342          o Integer#round
343    * Rational / Complex
344          o They are in the core library now
345    * Math
346          o Math#log takes an optional argument.
347          o Math#log2
348          o Math#cbrt, Math#lgamma, Math#gamma
349    * Time
350          o Time.times removed.  Use Process.times.
351          o Time#sunday?
352          o Time#monday?
353          o Time#tuesday?
354          o Time#wednesday?
355          o Time#thursday?
356          o Time#friday?
357          o Time#saturday?
358          o Time#tv_nsec and Time#nsec
359    * Misc. new methods
360          o RUBY_ENGINE to distinguish between Ruby processor implementation
361          o public_method
362          o public_send
363          o GC.count
364          o ObjectSpace.count_objects
365          o Method#hash, Proc#hash
366          o Method#source_location, UnboundMethod#source_location and
367	    Proc#source_location
368          o __callee__
369          o Elements in $LOAD_PATH and $LOADED_FEATURES are expanded
371* bundled libraries
372    * RubyGems
373          o Package management system for Ruby.
374          o Integrated with Ruby's library loader.
375    * Rake
376          o Ruby make. A simple ruby build program with capabilities
377            similar to make.
378    * minitest
379          o Our new testing library which is faster, cleaner and easier
380	    to read than the old test/unit.
381          o You can introduce the old test/unit as testunit gem through
382            RubyGems if you want.
383    * CMath
384          o Complex number version of Math
385    * Prime
386          o Extracted from Mathn and improved. You can easily enumerate
387            prime numbers.
388          o Prime.new is obsolete. Use its class methods.
389    * ripper
390          o Ruby script parser
391    * Readline
392          o Readline.vi_editing_mode?
393          o Readline.emacs_editing_mode?
394          o Readline::HISTORY.clear
395    * Tk
396          o TkXXX widget classes are removed and redefined as aliases of
397            Tk::XXX classes.
398    * RDoc
399          o Updated to version 2.2.2.  See:
400            http://rubyforge.org/frs/shownotes.php?group_id=627&release_id=26434
401    * json
402          o JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encoder/decoder
404* commandline options
405    * -E, --encoding
406    * -U
407    * --enable-gems, --disable-gems
408    * --enable-rubyopt, --disable-rubyopt
409    * long options are allowed in RUBYOPT environment variable.
411=== Implementation changes
413* Memory Diet
414    * Object Compaction - Object, Array, String, Hash, Struct, Class,
415      Module
416    * st_table compaction (inlining small tables)
417* YARV
418    * Ruby codes are compiled into opcodes before executed.
419    * Native thread
421* Platform supports
422    * Support levels
423          (0) Supported
424          (1) Best effort
425          (2) Perhaps
426          (3) Not supported
427    * Dropped
428          o No longer supports djgpp, bcc32, human68k, MacOS 9 or earlier,
429            VMS nor Windows CE.