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  • only in /macosx-10.9.5/pyobjc-42/pyobjc/pyobjc-core/Examples/NonFunctional/RemotePyInterpreter/
1__all__ = ['ConsoleReactor']
3import sys
4from netrepr import NetRepr, RemoteObjectPool, RemoteObjectReference
5from Foundation import *
7class ConsoleReactor(NSObject):
9    def init(self):
10        self = super(ConsoleReactor, self).init()
11        self.pool = None
12        self.netReprCenter = None
13        self.connection = None
14        self.commands = {}
15        return self
17    def connectionEstablished_(self, connection):
18        #NSLog(u'connectionEstablished_')
19        self.connection = connection
20        self.pool = RemoteObjectPool(self.writeCode_)
21        self.netReprCenter = NetRepr(self.pool)
23    def connectionClosed_(self, connection):
24        #NSLog(u'connectionClosed_')
25        self.connection = None
26        self.pool = None
27        self.netReprCenter = None
29    def writeCode_(self, code):
30        #NSLog(u'writeCode_')
31        self.connection.writeBytes_(repr(code) + '\n')
33    def netEval_(self, s):
34        #NSLog(u'netEval_')
35        return eval(s, self.pool.namespace, self.pool.namespace)
37    def lineReceived_fromConnection_(self, lineReceived, connection):
38        #NSLog(u'lineReceived_fromConnection_')
39        code = lineReceived.rstrip()
40        if not code:
41            return
42        self.pool.push()
43        command = map(self.netEval_, eval(code))
44        try:
45            self.handleCommand_(command)
46        finally:
47            self.pool.pop()
49    def handleCommand_(self, command):
50        #NSLog(u'handleCommand_')
51        basic = command[0]
52        sel = 'handle%sCommand:' % (basic.capitalize())
53        cmd = command[1:]
54        if not self.respondsToSelector_(sel):
55            NSLog(u'%r does not respond to %s', self, command)
56        else:
57            # XXX - this crashes PyObjC??
58            # self.performSelector_withObject_(sel, cmd)
59            getattr(self, sel.replace(':', '_'))(cmd)
61    def handleRespondCommand_(self, command):
62        self.doCallback_sequence_args_(
63            self.commands.pop(command[0]),
64            command[0],
65            map(self.netEval_, command[1:]),
66        )
68    def sendResult_sequence_(self, rval, seq):
69        nr = self.netReprCenter
70        code = '__result__[%r] = %s' % (seq, nr.netrepr(rval))
71        self.writeCode_(code)
73    def sendException_sequence_(self, e):
74        nr = self.netReprCenter
75        code = 'raise ' + nr.netrepr_exception(e)
76        print "forwarding:", code
77        self.writeCode_(code)
79    def doCallback_sequence_args_(self, callback, seq, args):
80        nr = self.netReprCenter
81        try:
82            rval = callback(*args)
83        except Exception, e:
84            self.sendException_sequence_(e, seq)
85        else:
86            self.sendResult_sequence_(rval, seq)
88    def deferCallback_sequence_value_(self, callback, seq, value):
89        self.commands[seq] = callback
90        self.writeCode_('pipe.respond(%r, netrepr(%s))' % (seq, value))
92    def handleExpectCommand_(self, command):
93        #NSLog(u'handleExpectCommand_')
94        seq = command[0]
95        name = command[1]
96        args = command[2:]
97        netrepr = self.netReprCenter.netrepr
98        rval = None
99        code = None
100        if name == 'RemoteConsole.raw_input':
101            self.doCallback_sequence_args_(raw_input, seq, args)
102        elif name == 'RemoteConsole.write':
103            self.doCallback_sequence_args_(sys.stdout.write, seq, args)
104        elif name == 'RemoteConsole.displayhook':
105            obj = args[0]
106            def displayhook_respond(reprobject):
107                print reprobject
108            def displayhook_local(obj):
109                if obj is not None:
110                    displayhook_respond(repr(obj))
111            if isinstance(obj, RemoteObjectReference):
112                self.deferCallback_sequence_value_(displayhook_respond, seq, 'repr(%s)' % (netrepr(obj),))
113            else:
114                self.doCallback_sequence_args_(displayhook_local, seq, args)
115        elif name.startswith('RemoteFileLike.'):
116            fh = getattr(sys, args[0])
117            meth = getattr(fh, name[len('RemoteFileLike.'):])
118            self.doCallback_sequence_args_(meth, seq, args[1:])
119        elif name == 'RemoteConsole.initialize':
120            self.doCallback_sequence_args_(lambda *args:None, seq, args)
121        else:
122            self.doCallback_sequence_args_(NSLog, seq, [u'%r does not respond to expect %r', self, command,])
124    def close(self):
125        if self.connection is not None:
126            self.writeCode_('raise SystemExit')
127        self.pool = None
128        self.netReprCenter = None
129        self.connection = None
130        self.commands = None