2#  ITunesCommunication.py
3#  PyObjC2Test
5#  Created by Jack Jansen on Tue Jun 17 2003.
6#  Copyright (c) 2003 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
9import objc
10from Foundation import *
11from AppKit import *
13from PyObjCTools import NibClassBuilder
15# We tell NibClassBuilder to examine and remember all
16# classes from the CDInfoDocument NIB file. This way,
17# we can subclass our ITunesCommunication from AutoBaseClass
18# later on, and its actual baseclass will be ITunesCommunication
19# from the NIB file.
20# Since the NIB files are in the application, NOT the plugin, we
21# need to specify this explicitly.  Typicaly, NIB files would be in the
22# plugins.
23NibClassBuilder.extractClasses("CDInfoDocument", bundle=NSBundle.mainBundle())
25class ITunesCommunication(NibClassBuilder.AutoBaseClass):
26    def init(self):
27        self = super(ITunesCommunication, self).init()
28        if self is None:
29            return None
30        # subclass specific initialization here
31        # nib not loaded yet
32        return self
34    def askITunes_(self, obj):
35        # obj is the button the user pressed. We can go from here
36        # to the document (an instance of CDInfoDocument)
37        document = obj.window().windowController().document()
38        document.setBandName_(u"Uit de Sloot")
39        document.setCDTitle_(u"En Snel Een Beetje")
40        document.setMusicGenre_(u"Punkrock")