1#!/usr/bin/python -u
3# The exercise of rewriting xsltproc on top of the python
4# bindings, not complete yet and shows up the things missing
5# from the existing python interfaces
7import sys
8import time
9import os
10import string
11import libxml2
12# Memory debug specific
14import libxslt
16debug = 0
17repeat = 0
18timing = 0
19novalid = 0
20noout = 0
21docbook = 0
22html = 0
23xinclude = 0
24profile = 0
25params = {}
26output = None
27errorno = 0
30# timing
32begin = 0
33endtime = 0
34def startTimer():
35    global begin
37    begin = time.time()
39def endTimer(msg):
40    global begin
41    global endtime
43    endtime = time.time()
44    print "%s took %d ms" % (msg, (endtime - begin) * 1000)
46def xsltProcess(doc, cur, filename):
47    global timing
48    global xinclude
49    global params
50    global html
52    if xinclude:
53        if timing:
54            startTimer()
55        doc.XIncludeProcess()
56        if timing:
57            endTimer("XInclude processing %s" % (filename))
59    if timing:
60        startTimer()
61    if output == None:
62        if repeat != 0:
63            for j in range(1, repeat):
64                res = cur.applyStylesheet(doc, params)
65                res.freeDoc()
66                doc.freeDoc()
67                if html == 1:
68                    doc = libxml2.htmlParseFile(filename, None)
69                else:
70                    doc = libxml2.parseFile(filename, None)
71#        ctxt = libxslt.newTransformContext(doc)
72#        if ctxt == None:
73#            return
74        if profile:
75            print "TODO: Profiling not yet supported"
76        else:
77            res = cur.applyStylesheet(doc, params)
78        if timing:
79            if repeat != 0:
80                endTimer("Applying stylesheet %d times" % (repeat))
81            else:
82                endTimer("Applying stylesheet")
83        doc.freeDoc()
84        if res == None:
85            print "no result for %s" % (filename)
86            return
87        if noout != 0:
88            res.freeDoc()
89            return
90        if debug == 1:
91            res.debugDumpDocument(None)
92        else:
93            if timing:
94                startTimer()
95            cur.saveResultToFilename("-", res, 0)
96            if timing:
97                endTimer("Saving result")
98        res.freeDoc()
99    else:
100        print "TODO: xsltRunStylesheet not yet mapped"
102def usage(name = 'pyxsltproc'):
103    print "Usage: %s [options] stylesheet file [file ...]" % (name)
104    print "a reimplementation of xsltproc(1) on top of libxslt-python"
105    print "   Options:"
106    print "\t--version or -V: show the version of libxml and libxslt used"
107    print "\t--verbose or -v: show logs of what's happening"
108    print "\t--output file or -o file: save to a given file"
109    print "\t--timing: display the time used"
110    print "\t--repeat: run the transformation 20 times"
111    print "\t--debug: dump the tree of the result instead"
112    print "\t--novalid skip the Dtd loading phase"
113    print "\t--noout: do not dump the result"
114    print "\t--maxdepth val : increase the maximum depth"
115    print "\t--html: the input document is(are) an HTML file(s)"
116    print "\t--param name value : pass a (parameter,value) pair"
117    print "\t       value is an XPath expression."
118    print "\t       string values must be quoted like \"'string'\""
119    print "\t       or use stringparam to avoid it"
120    print "\t--stringparam name value : pass a (parameter,string value) pair"
121    print "\t--nonet refuse to fetch DTDs or entities over network"
122    print "\t--catalogs : use SGML catalogs from $SGML_CATALOG_FILES"
123    print "\t             otherwise XML Catalogs starting from "
124    print "\t         file:///etc/xml/catalog are activated by default"
125    print "\t--xinclude : do XInclude processing on document input"
126    print "\t--profile or --norman : dump profiling informations "
127    print "\nProject libxslt home page: http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/"
128    print "To report bugs and get help: http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/bugs.html"
130def main(args = None):
131    global debug
132    global repeat
133    global timing
134    global novalid
135    global noout
136    global docbook
137    global html
138    global xinclude
139    global profile
140    global params
141    global output
142    global errorno
144    done = 0
145    cur = None
147    if not args:
148        args = sys.argv[1:]
149        if len(args) <= 0:
150            usage(sys.argv[0])
153    i = 0
154    while i < len(args):
155        if args[i] == "-":
156            break
157        if args[i][0] != '-':
158            i = i + 1
159            continue
160        if args[i] == "-timing" or args[i] == "--timing":
161            timing = 1
162        elif args[i] == "-debug" or args[i] == "--debug":
163            debug = 1
164        elif args[i] == "-verbose" or args[i] == "--verbose" or \
165             args[i] == "-v":
166            print "TODO: xsltSetGenericDebugFunc() mapping missing"
167        elif args[i] == "-version" or args[i] == "--version" or \
168             args[i] == "-V":
169            print "TODO: version informations mapping missing"
170        elif args[i] == "-verbose" or args[i] == "--verbose" or \
171             args[i] == "-v":
172            if repeat == 0:
173                repeat = 20
174            else:
175                repeat = 100
176        elif args[i] == "-novalid" or args[i] == "--novalid":
177            print "TODO: xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue mapping missing"
178            novalid = 1
179        elif args[i] == "-noout" or args[i] == "--noout":
180            noout = 1
181        elif args[i] == "-html" or args[i] == "--html":
182            html = 1
183        elif args[i] == "-nonet" or args[i] == "--nonet":
184            print "TODO: xmlSetExternalEntityLoader mapping missing"
185            nonet = 1
186        elif args[i] == "-catalogs" or args[i] == "--catalogs":
187            try:
188                catalogs = os.environ['SGML_CATALOG_FILES']
189            except:
190                catalogs = None
191            if catalogs != none:
192                libxml2.xmlLoadCatalogs(catalogs)
193            else:
194                print "Variable $SGML_CATALOG_FILES not set"
195        elif args[i] == "-xinclude" or args[i] == "--xinclude":
196            xinclude = 1
197            libxslt.setXIncludeDefault(1)
198        elif args[i] == "-param" or args[i] == "--param":
199            i = i + 1
200            params[args[i]] = args[i + 1]
201            i = i + 1
202        elif args[i] == "-stringparam" or args[i] == "--stringparam":
203            i = i + 1
204            params[args[i]] = "'%s'" % (args[i + 1])
205            i = i + 1
206        elif args[i] == "-maxdepth" or args[i] == "--maxdepth":
207            print "TODO: xsltMaxDepth mapping missing"
208        else:
209            print "Unknown option %s" % (args[i])
210            usage()
211            return(3)
216        i = i + 1
218    libxml2.lineNumbersDefault(1)
219    libxml2.substituteEntitiesDefault(1)
220    # TODO: xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = XML_DETECT_IDS | XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS
221    # if novalid:
222    # TODO: xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 0
224    # TODO libxslt.exsltRegisterAll();
225    libxslt.registerTestModule()
227    i = 0
228    while i < len(args) and done == 0:
229        if args[i] == "-maxdepth" or args[i] == "--maxdepth":
230            i = i + 2
231            continue
232        if args[i] == "-o" or args[i] == "-output" or args[i] == "--output":
233            i = i + 2
234            continue
235        if args[i] == "-param" or args[i] == "--param":
236            i = i + 3
237            continue
238        if args[i] == "-stringparam" or args[i] == "--stringparam":
239            i = i + 3
240            continue
241        if args[i] != "-" and args[i][0] == '-':
242            i = i + 1
243            continue
244        if timing:
245            startTimer()
246        style = libxml2.parseFile(args[i])
247        if timing:
248            endTimer("Parsing stylesheet %s" % (args[i]))
249        if style == None:
250            print "cannot parse %s" % (args[i])
251            cur = None
252            errorno = 4
253            done = 1
254        else:
255            cur = libxslt.loadStylesheetPI(style)
256            if cur != None:
257                xsltProcess(style, cur, args[i])
258                cur = None
259            else:
260                cur = libxslt.parseStylesheetDoc(style)
261                if cur == None:
262                    style.freeDoc()
263                    errorno = 5
264                    done = 1
265        i = i + 1
266        break
268    while i < len(args) and done == 0 and cur != None:
269        if timing:
270            startTimer()
271        if html:
272            doc = libxml2.htmlParseFile(args[i], None)
273        else:
274            doc = libxml2.parseFile(args[i])
275        if doc == None:
276            print "unable to parse %s" % (args[i])
277            errorno = 6
278            i = i + 1
279            continue
280        if timing:
281            endTimer("Parsing document %s" % (args[i]))
282        xsltProcess(doc, cur, args[i])
283        i = i + 1
285    if cur != None:
286        cur.freeStylesheet()
287    params = None
289if __name__ == "__main__":
290    main()
292# Memory debug specific
294if libxml2.debugMemory(1) != 0:
295    print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))
296    libxml2.dumpMemory()