2    \inmodule QtWebKit
3    \page qtwebkit-goes-mobile.html
4    \title Qt WebKit Goes Mobile
5    \contentspage Qt WebKit
6    \section1 Overview
8    A lot of effort has been put into Qt WebKit to make it attractive for
9    use on mobile devices.
11    The goal of this tutorial is to help you understand the mobile
12    features and how to make the best of them, in other words, how to
13    create a good mobile web view that can be used on touch devices.
15    If you want to target mobile devices you should consider using \l{QGraphicsWebView}
16    instead of \l{QWebView}. Since \l{QWebView} is based on the \l{QWidget}
17    system, it cannot easily support rotation, overlays, hardware accelerated
18    compositing and tiling. If you need a \l{QWidget} anyway, you can always
19    construct a \l{QGraphicsView} (which is a \l{QWidget}) with a \l{QGraphicsWebView} inside.
21    So let's start with a very simple \l{QGraphicsWebView} based "browser":
23    \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_goes_mobile_snippets.cpp 0
25    Here we set up a \l{QGraphicsView} application and add a
26    \l{QGraphicsWebView} to the scene. Notice
27    that we're disabling the scrollbars on the QGraphicsView because Qt WebKit
28    handles scrolling and scrollbars automatically. This is to allow scrolling
29    optimizations and to enable web authors to interact with the scrollbars,
30    for instance, to style them differently.
32    On touch-based mobile devices a feature known as tiling is often used. It
33    is used due to the interaction model (touch) as well as a scrolling
34    optimization. With this optimization we will have to deal with scrolling
35    ourselves, and we will have to disable features like scroll bar styling.
36    This is not usually a problem, since mobile browsers do not usually show
37    scroll bars, but use scroll indicators instead.
39    Tiling basically means that the contents of the viewport is separated into
40    a grid of tiles, so that when you update an area, instead of just updating
41    the area, you actually update the whole tile or sub-regions of it.
42    This offers a few advantages for scrolling as, when you scroll, you do not need
43    to repaint the new visible area for each scroll step, but you simply update a row
44    of tiles each time; these tiles are often only partly on the screen.
45    This minimizes all the painting calls that we have to do and enables kinetic scrolling.
47    Loading, rendering, and laying out are blocking operations. Though barely
48    noticeable on desktop machines, these operations can block for a long time
49    on a mobile device, letting the user believe the application has become
50    unresponsive. Additionally, scrolling will also stall when the user uses
51    his fingers to scroll, leading to a bad user experience.
53    One way to overcome this issue, is to do all loading, laying out and
54    painting (basically all non-UI related work) in another thread or process, and
55    just blit the result from the web process/thread to the UI. There is research
56    in progress to enable this for a future version of Qt WebKit, using WebKit2, but for now,
57    freezing the backing store can help when performing a zooming operation, for instance.
58    This will be discussed later, in the \l{#Enabling the Tiling}{Enabling the Tiling} section.
60    When using tiles, you can blit any tile available when scrolling. When no tile is available you
61    can show a checkerboard tile instead, not letting the scrolling wait for the
62    tiles to be updated. This results in a responsive interface, with the only
63    disadvantage that you might see checkerboard tiles from time to time.
65    The use of tiles also helps with zooming. Repainting at each zoom level change during
66    a zoom animation is basically impossible on a mobile device (or desktop for
67    that matter) and thus, with tiling, you can stop the tiles from being updated and
68    just scale the existing tiles. Then, at the end of the animation, update
69    tiles on top of the scaled ones.  For now we will ignore the blocking
70    issue and concentrate on the tiling and the interaction model.
71    More information about Tiling can be found here: \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qwebsettings.html#WebAttribute-enum} (see the entry for TiledBackingStoreEnabled).
74    \section1 Resize to Contents
76    When using tiling, we want the \l{QGraphicsWebView} to act as our
77    content, as it supports tiling. In order for this we need to make it
78    resize itself to the size of its contents. For this we will use
79    \l{QGraphicsWebView::resizesToContents}.
81    This setting removes the scroll bars for us on the main frame and
82    makes our \l{QGraphicsWebView} resize itself to the size of its content.
84    Enabling it is as easy as setting the property:
86    \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_goes_mobile_snippets.cpp 1
88    The property should be used in conjunction with the
89    QWebPage::preferredContentsSize property. If not explicitly set,
90    it is automatically set to a reasonable value.
92    If we expand our mobile web view to the size of the contents
93    of its contained page, the view will be bigger than the device screen.
96    \section1 Using a View as the Window onto the Contents
98    The idea is to have a custom widget which has a \l{QGraphicsWebView} as a
99    class member. Remember that the QGraphicsWebView will be as big as its
100    content's size, so this custom widget will serve as a viewport onto the
101    web view.
103    The following code snippet illustrates this:
105    \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_goes_mobile_snippets.cpp 2
107    In order to properly handle mouse events, you must install an event filter
108    on the web view or stack it behind its parent object
109    (\l{QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent}). By doing this the mouse events will
110    reach a \c{MobileWebView} instance before they reach the member
111    \l{QGraphicsWebView}. Keep in mind that you'll need to add some logic in order
112    to distinguish between different mouse events and gestures, such as a
113    single click, double click and click-and-pan. Besides, scrolling and
114    zooming will have to be implemented manually.
117    \section1 Adjusting How Contents are Laid Out
119    When testing the above on a device, you will notice that many pages are not
120    laid out very nicely. In particular, the width of the content may be larger
121    than the width of the device. This is due to the way web contents are laid
122    out. First, the viewport width is used for fitting the contents. If the
123    contents do not fit due to a non-flexible element with a width larger than
124    the viewport width, the minimum possible width will be used. As most pages
125    are written with a desktop browser in mind, that makes only very few sites
126    fit into the width of a mobile device.
128    Qt WebKit has a way to force a layout to a given width or height. What really
129    matters here is the width. If you lay out a page to a given width, it will get
130    that width and images might be cropped. The width or height is also used for
131    laying out fixed elements, but when we resize the \l{QGraphicsWebView} to the
132    size of the contents, fixed elements will not be relative to the view, which is
133    the behavior found on most mobile browsers.
135    We saw that the QWebPage::preferredContentsSize property is automatically set
136    to a reasonable value when using \l{QGraphicsWebView::resizesToContents}.
138    As you can imagine, laying out with a smaller viewport can cause pages to
139    break, therefore a default value has been chosen so that it almost breaks no
140    pages while still making pages fit. This value is 960x800. If the device
141    has a greater resolution, this value can be changed like this:
143    \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_goes_mobile_snippets.cpp 3
145    You can play around with this and find a suitable size for your device,
146    but we will keep the default size for now.
149    \section1 The 'viewport' Meta-Tag
151    As some sites do not work with 960 pixels width or want to have control of
152    how the page is laid out, Qt WebKit, Android, Firefox Mobile and
153    the iPhone Safari browser support a meta-tag called \c viewport. This makes
154    it possible for a web page to let the browser know how it wants to be shown.
155    More info can be found in the
156    \l{http://developer.apple.com/safari/library/documentation/appleapplications/reference/safariwebcontent/usingtheviewport/usingtheviewport.html}{Safari Developer Library}.
158    You must connect the signal \c{QWebPage::viewportChangeRequested(const
159    QWebPage::ViewportHints& hints)} to a slot of your mobile web view and use what
160    is provided by \l{QWebPage::ViewportHints} to update your viewport size, scale
161    range, and so on.
164    \section1 Enabling the Tiling
166    We haven't actually enabled tiling yet, so let's go ahead and do that. That
167    is very simple as it is basically a setting:
169    \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_goes_mobile_snippets.cpp 4
171    Note that, if you are going to add animations to your zooming or scaling
172    operations or want to implement fancy kinetic scrolling you might want to
173    take a look at \l{QGraphicsWebView::setTiledBackingStoreFrozen()}. With this,
174    you can avoid updates to your tiles during an animation, for instance.
177    \section1 Avoiding Scrollable Subelements
179    One big issue with the above is that, iframes and sites using frames can
180    contain scrollable subelements. That doesn't work well with the touch
181    interaction model, as you want a finger swipe to scroll the whole page and not
182    end up just scrolling a subframe. Most mobile browsers work around this by
183    enabling something called frame flattening. Going straight to the point:
185    \snippet webkitsnippets/qtwebkit_goes_mobile_snippets.cpp 5
187    This will make all frames from a web page expand themselves to the size of
188    their contents, keeping us free of scrollable subareas.