1<!--$Id: txn_stat.so,v 10.68 2007/09/21 20:06:04 bostic Exp $-->
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6<title>Berkeley DB: DbEnv::txn_stat</title>
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22#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
25DbEnv::txn_stat(DB_TXN_STAT **statp, u_int32_t flags);
28DbEnv::txn_stat_print(u_int32_t flags);
30<hr size=1 noshade>
31<b>Description: DbEnv::txn_stat</b>
32<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat method returns the transaction subsystem statistics.</p>
33<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat method creates a statistical structure of type
34DB_TXN_STAT and copies a pointer to it into a user-specified memory
36<p>Statistical structures are stored in allocated memory.  If application-specific allocation
37routines have been declared (see <a href="/api_cxx/env_set_alloc.html">DbEnv::set_alloc</a> for more
38information), they are used to allocate the memory; otherwise, the
39standard C library <b>malloc</b>(3) is used.  The caller is
40responsible for deallocating the memory.  To deallocate the memory, free
41the memory reference; references inside the returned memory need not be
42individually freed.</p>
43<p>The following DB_TXN_STAT fields will be filled in:</p>
45<b>DbLsn st_last_ckp;</b><ul compact><li>The LSN of the last checkpoint.</ul>
46<b>time_t st_time_ckp;</b><ul compact><li>The time the last completed checkpoint finished (as the number of seconds
47since the Epoch, returned by the IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX) <b>time</b> function).</ul>
48<b>u_int32_t st_last_txnid;</b><ul compact><li>The last transaction ID allocated.</ul>
49<b>u_int32_t st_maxtxns;</b><ul compact><li>The maximum number of active transactions configured.</ul>
50<b>u_int32_t st_nactive;</b><ul compact><li>The number of transactions that are currently active.</ul>
51<b>u_int32_t st_nsnapshot;</b><ul compact><li>The number of transactions on the snapshot list.  These are transactions
52which modified a database opened with <a href="/api_cxx/db_open.html#DB_MULTIVERSION">DB_MULTIVERSION</a>,
53and which have committed or aborted, but the copies of pages they
54created are still in the cache.</ul>
55<b>u_int32_t st_maxnactive;</b><ul compact><li>The maximum number of active transactions at any one time.</ul>
56<b>u_int32_t st_maxnsnapshot;</b><ul compact><li>The maximum number of transactions on the snapshot list at any one time.</ul>
57<b>u_int32_t st_nbegins;</b><ul compact><li>The number of transactions that have begun.</ul>
58<b>u_int32_t st_naborts;</b><ul compact><li>The number of transactions that have aborted.</ul>
59<b>u_int32_t st_ncommits;</b><ul compact><li>The number of transactions that have committed.</ul>
60<b>u_int32_t st_nrestores;</b><ul compact><li>The number of transactions that have been restored.</ul>
61<b>roff_t st_regsize;</b><ul compact><li>The size of the transaction region, in bytes.</ul>
62<b>u_int32_t st_region_wait;</b><ul compact><li>The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before
63obtaining the transaction region mutex.</ul>
64<b>u_int32_t st_region_nowait;</b><ul compact><li>The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain
65the transaction region mutex without waiting.</ul>
66<b>DB_TXN_ACTIVE *st_txnarray;</b><ul compact><li>A pointer to an array of <b>st_nactive</b> DB_TXN_ACTIVE structures,
67describing the currently active transactions. The following fields of
68the DB_TXN_ACTIVE structure will be filled in:</ul>
70<b>u_int32_t txnid;</b><ul compact><li>The transaction ID of the transaction.</ul>
71<b>u_int32_t parentid;</b><ul compact><li>The transaction ID of the parent transaction (or 0, if no parent).</ul>
72<b>pid_t pid;</b><ul compact><li>The process ID of the originator of the transaction.</ul>
73<b>uintmax_t tid;</b><ul compact><li>The thread of control ID of the originator of the transaction.</ul>
74<b>DbLsn lsn;</b><ul compact><li>The current log sequence number when the transaction was begun.</ul>
75<b>DbLsn read_lsn;</b><ul compact><li>The log sequence number of reads for snapshot transactions.</ul>
76<b>u_int32_t mvcc_ref;</b><ul compact><li>The number of buffer copies created by this transaction that remain in cache.</ul>
77<b>u_int32_t status;</b><ul compact><li>One of the following list of constants: TXN_ABORTED, TXN_COMMITTED,
79<b>u_int32_t xa_status;</b><ul compact><li>If the transaction is an XA transaction, the <b>xa_status</b> of the
80transaction will be one of the following list of constants:
82TXN_XA_STARTED, or TXN_XA_SUSPENDED.  Otherwise, the <b>xa_status</b>
83will be 0.</ul>
84<b>u_int8_t xid[DB_XIDDATASIZE];</b><ul compact><li>If the transaction is an XA transaction, the transaction's XA ID.  If
85the transaction was prepared separately from the XA interfaces, the
86transaction's Global ID.  Otherwise, the <b>xid</b> contents are
88<b>char name[];</b><ul compact><li>If a name was specified for the transaction, up to the first 50 bytes
89of that name, followed by a nul termination byte.</ul>
92<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat method may not be called before the <a href="/api_cxx/env_open.html">DbEnv::open</a> method is called.</p>
93<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat method
94either returns a non-zero error value
95or throws an exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
96failure, and returns 0 on success.
98<b>Parameters</b> <br>
99 <b>flags</b><ul compact><li>The <b>flags</b> parameter must be set to 0 or
100the following value:
102<b><a name="DB_STAT_CLEAR">DB_STAT_CLEAR</a></b><ul compact><li>Reset statistics after returning their values.</ul>
104 <b>statp</b><ul compact><li>The <b>statp</b> parameter references memory into which
105a pointer to the allocated statistics structure is copied.</ul> 
108<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat method
109may fail and throw
110<a href="/api_cxx/except_class.html">DbException</a>,
111encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors, or return one of
112the following non-zero errors:</p>
114<b>EINVAL</b><ul compact><li>An
115invalid flag value or parameter was specified.</ul>
117<hr size=1 noshade>
118<b>Description: DbEnv::txn_stat_print</b>
119<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat_print method displays the
120transaction subsystem statistical information, as described for the DbEnv::txn_stat method.
121The information is printed to a specified output channel (see the
122<a href="/api_cxx/env_set_msgfile.html">DbEnv::set_msgfile</a> method for more information), or passed to an
123application callback function (see the <a href="/api_cxx/env_set_msgcall.html">DbEnv::set_msgcall</a> method for
124more information).</p>
125<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat_print method may not be called before the <a href="/api_cxx/env_open.html">DbEnv::open</a> method is called.</p>
126<p>The DbEnv::txn_stat_print method
127either returns a non-zero error value
128or throws an exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
129failure, and returns 0 on success.
131<b>Parameters</b> <br>
132 <b>flags</b><ul compact><li>The <b>flags</b> parameter must be set to 0 or by bitwise inclusively <b>OR</b>'ing together one
133or more of the following values:
135<b><a name="DB_STAT_ALL">DB_STAT_ALL</a></b><ul compact><li>Display all available information.</ul>
136<b><a name="DB_STAT_CLEAR">DB_STAT_CLEAR</a></b><ul compact><li>Reset statistics after displaying their values.</ul>
139<hr size=1 noshade>
141<a href="/api_cxx/env_class.html">DbEnv</a>, <a href="/api_cxx/txn_class.html">DbTxn</a>
142<br><b>See Also</b>
143<a href="/api_cxx/txn_list.html">Transaction Subsystem and Related Methods</a>
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148<p><font size=1>Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle.  All rights reserved.</font>