2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 *
5 *
6 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
7 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
8 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
9 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
10 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
11 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
12 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
13 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
14 *
15 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
16 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
17 *
18 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
19 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
23 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
24 * limitations under the License.
25 *
27 */
29	@header kpi_socketfilter.h
30	This header defines an API for intercepting communications at the
31	socket layer.
33	For the most part, socket filters want to do three things: Filter
34	data in and out, watch for state changes, and intercept a few calls
35	for security. The number of function pointers supplied by a socket
36	filter has been significantly reduced. The filter no longer has any
37	knowledge of socket buffers. The filter no longer intercepts nearly
38	every internal socket call. There are two data filters, an in
39	filter, and an out filter. The in filter occurs before data is
40	placed in the receive socket buffer. This is done to avoid waking
41	the process unnecessarily. The out filter occurs before the data is
42	appended to the send socket buffer. This should cover inbound and
43	outbound data. For monitoring state changes, we've added a notify
44	function that will be called when various events that the filter can
45	not intercept occur. In addition, we've added a few functions that a
46	filter may use to intercept common operations. These functions are:
47	connect (inbound), connect (outbound), bind, set socket option,
48	get socket option, and listen. Bind, listen, connect in, and connect
49	out could be used together to build a fairly comprehensive firewall
50	without having to do much with individual packets.
51 */
52#ifndef __KPI_SOCKETFILTER__
53#define __KPI_SOCKETFILTER__
55#include <sys/kernel_types.h>
56#include <sys/kpi_socket.h>
58struct sockaddr;
61	@enum sflt_flags
62	@abstract Constants defining mbuf flags. Only the flags listed below
63		can be set or retrieved.
64	@constant SFLT_GLOBAL Indicates this socket filter should be
65		attached to all new sockets when they're created.
66	@constant SFLT_PROG Indicates this socket filter should be attached
67		only when request by the application using the SO_NKE socket
68		option.
69	@constant SFLT_EXTENDED	Indicates that this socket filter utilizes
70		the extended fields within the sflt_filter structure.
72enum {
73	SFLT_GLOBAL		= 0x01,
74	SFLT_PROG		= 0x02,
75	SFLT_EXTENDED		= 0x04
77typedef	u_int32_t	sflt_flags;
80	@typedef sflt_handle
81	@abstract A 4 byte identifier used with the SO_NKE socket option to
82		identify the socket filter to be attached.
84typedef	u_int32_t	sflt_handle;
87	@enum sflt_event_t
88	@abstract Events notify a filter of state changes and other various
89		events related to the socket. These events cannot be prevented
90		or intercepted, only observed.
91	@constant sock_evt_connected Indicates this socket has moved to the
92		connected state.
93	@constant sock_evt_disconnected Indicates this socket has moved to
94		the disconnected state.
95	@constant sock_evt_flush_read The read socket buffer has been
96		flushed.
97	@constant sock_evt_shutdown The read and or write side(s) of the
98		connection have been shutdown. The param will point to an
99		integer that indicates the direction that has been shutdown. See
100		'man 2 shutdown' for more information.
101	@constant sock_evt_cantrecvmore Indicates the socket cannot receive
102		more data.
103	@constant sock_evt_cantsendmore Indicates the socket cannot send
104		more data.
105	@constant sock_evt_closing Indicates the socket is closing.
106	@constant sock_evt_bound Indicates this socket has moved to the
107		bound state (only for PF_INET/PF_INET6 domain).
109enum {
110	sock_evt_connecting		= 1,
111	sock_evt_connected		= 2,
112	sock_evt_disconnecting		= 3,
113	sock_evt_disconnected		= 4,
114	sock_evt_flush_read		= 5,
115	sock_evt_shutdown		= 6, /* param points to an integer specifying how (read, write, or both) see man 2 shutdown */
116	sock_evt_cantrecvmore		= 7,
117	sock_evt_cantsendmore		= 8,
118	sock_evt_closing		= 9,
119	sock_evt_bound			= 10
121typedef	u_int32_t	sflt_event_t;
124	@enum sflt_data_flag_t
125	@abstract Inbound and outbound data filters may handle many
126		different types of incoming and outgoing data. These flags help
127		distinguish between normal data, out-of-band data, and records.
128	@constant sock_data_filt_flag_oob Indicates this data is out-of-band
129		data.
130	@constant sock_data_filt_flag_record Indicates this data is a
131		record. This flag is only ever seen on inbound data.
133enum {
134	sock_data_filt_flag_oob		= 1,
135	sock_data_filt_flag_record	= 2
137typedef	u_int32_t	sflt_data_flag_t;
142	@typedef sf_unregistered_func
144	@discussion sf_unregistered_func is called to notify the filter it
145		has been unregistered. This is the last function the stack will
146		call and this function will only be called once all other
147		function calls in to your filter have completed. Once this
148		function has been called, your kext may safely unload.
149	@param handle The socket filter handle used to identify this filter.
151typedef	void	(*sf_unregistered_func)(sflt_handle handle);
154	@typedef sf_attach_func
156	@discussion sf_attach_func is called to notify the filter it has
157		been attached to a socket. The filter may allocate memory for
158		this attachment and use the cookie to track it. This filter is
159		called in one of two cases:
160		1) You've installed a global filter and a new socket was created.
161		2) Your non-global socket filter is being attached using the SO_NKE
162		socket option.
163	@param cookie Used to allow the socket filter to set the cookie for
164		this attachment.
165	@param so The socket the filter is being attached to.
166	@result If you return a non-zero value, your filter will not be
167		attached to this socket.
169typedef	errno_t	(*sf_attach_func)(void	**cookie, socket_t so);
172	@typedef sf_detach_func
174	@discussion sf_detach_func is called to notify the filter it has
175		been detached from a socket. If the filter allocated any memory
176		for this attachment, it should be freed. This function will
177		be called when the socket is disposed of.
178	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
179		called.
180	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
181	@result If you return a non-zero value, your filter will not be
182		attached to this socket.
184typedef	void	(*sf_detach_func)(void	*cookie, socket_t so);
187	@typedef sf_notify_func
189	@discussion sf_notify_func is called to notify the filter of various
190		state changes and other events occuring on the socket.
191	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
192		called.
193	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
194	@param event The type of event that has occurred.
195	@param param Additional information about the event.
197typedef	void	(*sf_notify_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
198						 sflt_event_t event, void *param);
201	@typedef sf_getpeername_func
203	@discussion sf_getpeername_func is called to allow a filter to
204		to intercept the getpeername function. When called, sa will
205		point to a pointer to a socket address that was malloced
206		in zone M_SONAME. If you want to replace this address, either
207		modify the currenty copy or allocate a new one and free the
208		old one.
209	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
210		called.
211	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
212	@param sa A pointer to a socket address pointer.
213	@result If you return a non-zero value, processing will stop. If
214		you return EJUSTRETURN, no further filters will be called
215		but a result of zero will be returned to the caller of
216		getpeername.
218typedef	int		(*sf_getpeername_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
219						 struct sockaddr **sa);
222	@typedef sf_getsockname_func
224	@discussion sf_getsockname_func is called to allow a filter to
225		to intercept the getsockname function. When called, sa will
226		point to a pointer to a socket address that was malloced
227		in zone M_SONAME. If you want to replace this address, either
228		modify the currenty copy or allocate a new one and free the
229		old one.
230	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
231		called.
232	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
233	@param sa A pointer to a socket address pointer.
234	@result If you return a non-zero value, processing will stop. If
235		you return EJUSTRETURN, no further filters will be called
236		but a result of zero will be returned to the caller of
237		getsockname.
239typedef	int		(*sf_getsockname_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
240						 struct sockaddr **sa);
243	@typedef sf_data_in_func
245	@discussion sf_data_in_func is called to filter incoming data. If your
246		filter intercepts data for later reinjection, it must queue all incoming
247		data to preserve the order of the data. Use sock_inject_data_in to later
248		reinject this data if you return EJUSTRETURN. Warning: This filter is on
249		the data path. Do not spend excesive time. Do not wait for data on
250		another socket.
251	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
252		called.
253	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
254	@param from The addres the data is from, may be NULL if the socket
255		is connected.
256	@param data The data being received. Control data may appear in the
257		mbuf chain, be sure to check the mbuf types to find control
258		data.
259	@param control Control data being passed separately from the data.
260	@param flags Flags to indicate if this is out of band data or a
261		record.
262	@result Return:
263		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the data.
264		EJUSTRETURN - The caller will stop processing the data, the data will not be freed.
265		Anything Else - The caller will free the data and stop processing.
267typedef	errno_t	(*sf_data_in_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
268					const struct sockaddr *from, mbuf_t *data,
269					mbuf_t *control, sflt_data_flag_t flags);
272	@typedef sf_data_out_func
274	@discussion sf_data_out_func is called to filter outbound data. If
275		your filter intercepts data for later reinjection, it must queue
276		all outbound data to preserve the order of the data when
277		reinjecting. Use sock_inject_data_out to later reinject this
278		data.
279	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
280		called.
281	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
282	@param from The address the data is from, may be NULL if the socket
283		is connected.
284	@param data The data being received. Control data may appear in the
285		mbuf chain, be sure to check the mbuf types to find control
286		data.
287	@param control Control data being passed separately from the data.
288	@param flags Flags to indicate if this is out of band data or a
289		record.
290	@result Return:
291		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the data.
292		EJUSTRETURN - The caller will stop processing the data, the data will not be freed.
293		Anything Else - The caller will free the data and stop processing.
295typedef	errno_t	(*sf_data_out_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
296					const struct sockaddr *to, mbuf_t *data,
297					mbuf_t *control, sflt_data_flag_t flags);
300	@typedef sf_connect_in_func
302	@discussion sf_connect_in_func is called to filter inbound connections. A
303		protocol will call this before accepting an incoming connection and
304		placing it on the queue of completed connections. Warning: This filter
305		is on the data path. Do not spend excesive time. Do not wait for data on
306		another socket.
307	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
308		called.
309	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
310	@param from The address the incoming connection is from.
311	@result Return:
312		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the connection.
313		Anything Else - The caller will rejecting the incoming connection.
315typedef	errno_t	(*sf_connect_in_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
316					const struct sockaddr *from);
319	@typedef sf_connect_out_func
321	@discussion sf_connect_out_func is called to filter outbound
322		connections. A protocol will call this before initiating an
323		outbound connection.
324	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
325		called.
326	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
327	@param to The remote address of the outbound connection.
328	@result Return:
329		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the connection.
330		Anything Else - The caller will rejecting the outbound connection.
332typedef	errno_t	(*sf_connect_out_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
333					const struct sockaddr *to);
336	@typedef sf_bind_func
338	@discussion sf_bind_func is called before performing a bind
339		operation on a socket.
340	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
341		called.
342	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
343	@param to The local address of the socket will be bound to.
344	@result Return:
345		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the bind.
346		Anything Else - The caller will rejecting the bind.
348typedef	errno_t	(*sf_bind_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
349					const struct sockaddr *to);
352	@typedef sf_setoption_func
354	@discussion sf_setoption_func is called before performing setsockopt
355		on a socket.
356	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
357		called.
358	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
359	@param opt The socket option to set.
360	@result Return:
361		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the setsockopt.
362		Anything Else - The caller will stop processing and return this error.
364typedef	errno_t	(*sf_setoption_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
365					sockopt_t opt);
368	@typedef sf_getoption_func
370	@discussion sf_getoption_func is called before performing getsockopt
371		on a socket.
372	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
373		called.
374	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
375	@param opt The socket option to get.
376	@result Return:
377		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of the getsockopt.
378		Anything Else - The caller will stop processing and return this error.
380typedef	errno_t	(*sf_getoption_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
381					sockopt_t opt);
384	@typedef sf_listen_func
386	@discussion sf_listen_func is called before performing listen
387		on a socket.
388	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
389		called.
390	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
391	@result Return:
392		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of listen.
393		Anything Else - The caller will stop processing and return this error.
395typedef	errno_t	(*sf_listen_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so);
398	@typedef sf_ioctl_func
400	@discussion sf_ioctl_func is called before performing an ioctl
401		on a socket.
403		All undefined ioctls are reserved for future use by Apple. If
404		you need to communicate with your kext using an ioctl, please
406	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was
407		called.
408	@param so The socket the filter is attached to.
409	@param request The ioctl name.
410	@param argp A pointer to the ioctl parameter.
411	@result Return:
412		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of this ioctl.
413		Anything Else - The caller will stop processing and return this error.
415typedef	errno_t	(*sf_ioctl_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so,
416					u_int32_t request, const char* argp);
419	@typedef sf_accept_func
421	@discussion sf_accept_func is called after a socket is dequeued
422		off the completed (incoming) connection list and before
423		the file descriptor is associated with it.  A filter can
424		utilize this callback to intercept the accepted socket
425		in order to examine it, prior to returning the socket to
426		the caller of accept.  Such a filter may also choose to
427		discard the accepted socket if it wishes to do so.
428	@param cookie Cookie value specified when the filter attach was called.
429	@param so_listen The listening socket.
430	@param so The socket that is about to be accepted.
431	@param local The local address of the about to be accepted socket.
432	@param remote The remote address of the about to be accepted socket.
433	@result Return:
434		0 - The caller will continue with normal processing of accept.
435		EJUSTRETURN - The to be accepted socket will be disconnected
436		    prior to being returned to the caller of accept.  No further
437		    control or data operations on the socket will be allowed.
438		    This is the recommended return value as it has the least
439		    amount of impact, especially to applications which don't
440		    check the error value returned by accept.
441		Anything Else - The to be accepted socket will be closed and
442		    the error will be returned to the caller of accept.
443		    Note that socket filter developers are advised to exercise
444		    caution when returning non-zero values to the caller,
445		    since some applications don't check the error value
446		    returned by accept and therefore risk breakage.
447 */
448typedef errno_t (*sf_accept_func)(void *cookie, socket_t so_listen, socket_t so,
449    const struct sockaddr *local, const struct sockaddr *remote);
452	@struct sflt_filter
453	@discussion This structure is used to define a socket filter.
454	@field sf_handle A value used to find socket filters by
455		applications. An application can use this value to specify that
456		this filter should be attached when using the SO_NKE socket
457		option.
458	@field sf_flags Indicate whether this filter should be attached to
459		all new sockets or just those that request the filter be
460		attached using the SO_NKE socket option. If this filter
461		utilizes the socket filter extension fields, it must also
463	@field sf_name A name used for debug purposes.
464	@field sf_unregistered Your function for being notified when your
465		filter has been unregistered.
466	@field sf_attach Your function for handling attaches to sockets.
467	@field sf_detach Your function for handling detaches from sockets.
468	@field sf_notify Your function for handling events. May be null.
469	@field sf_data_in Your function for handling incoming data. May be
470		null.
471	@field sf_data_out Your function for handling outgoing data. May be
472		null.
473	@field sf_connect_in Your function for handling inbound
474		connections. May be null.
475	@field sf_connect_out Your function for handling outbound
476		connections. May be null.
477	@field sf_bind Your function for handling binds. May be null.
478	@field sf_setoption Your function for handling setsockopt. May be null.
479	@field sf_getoption Your function for handling getsockopt. May be null.
480	@field sf_listen Your function for handling listen. May be null.
481	@field sf_ioctl Your function for handling ioctls. May be null.
482	@field sf_len Length of socket filter extension structure; developers
483		must initialize this to sizeof sflt_filter_ext structure.
484		This field and all fields following it will only be valid
485		if SFLT_EXTENDED flag is set in sf_flags field.
486	@field sf_ext_accept Your function for handling inbound connections
487		at accept time.  May be null.
488	@field sf_ext_rsvd Reserved for future use; you must initialize
489		the reserved fields with zeroes.
491struct sflt_filter {
492	sflt_handle			sf_handle;
493	int				sf_flags;
494	char				*sf_name;
496	sf_unregistered_func		sf_unregistered;
497	sf_attach_func			sf_attach;
498	sf_detach_func			sf_detach;
500	sf_notify_func			sf_notify;
501	sf_getpeername_func		sf_getpeername;
502	sf_getsockname_func		sf_getsockname;
503	sf_data_in_func			sf_data_in;
504	sf_data_out_func		sf_data_out;
505	sf_connect_in_func		sf_connect_in;
506	sf_connect_out_func		sf_connect_out;
507	sf_bind_func			sf_bind;
508	sf_setoption_func		sf_setoption;
509	sf_getoption_func		sf_getoption;
510	sf_listen_func			sf_listen;
511	sf_ioctl_func			sf_ioctl;
512	/*
513	 * The following are valid only if SFLT_EXTENDED flag is set.
514	 * Initialize sf_ext_len to sizeof sflt_filter_ext structure.
515	 * Filters must also initialize reserved fields with zeroes.
516	 */
517	struct sflt_filter_ext {
518		unsigned int		sf_ext_len;
519		sf_accept_func		sf_ext_accept;
520		void			*sf_ext_rsvd[5];	/* Reserved */
521	} sf_ext;
522#define	sf_len		sf_ext.sf_ext_len
523#define	sf_accept	sf_ext.sf_ext_accept
527	@function sflt_register
528	@discussion Registers a socket filter. See 'man 2 socket' for a
529		desciption of domain, type, and protocol.
530	@param filter A structure describing the filter.
531	@param domain The protocol domain these filters will be attached to.
532	@param type The socket type these filters will be attached to.
533	@param protocol The protocol these filters will be attached to.
534	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
535 */
536errno_t	sflt_register(const struct sflt_filter *filter, int domain,
537					  int type, int protocol);
540	@function sflt_unregister
541	@discussion Unregisters a socket filter. This will not detach the
542		socket filter from all sockets it may be attached to at the
543		time, it will just prevent the socket filter from being attached
544		to any new sockets.
545	@param handle The sf_handle of the socket filter to unregister.
546	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
547 */
548errno_t sflt_unregister(sflt_handle handle);
551	@function sflt_attach
552	@discussion Attaches a socket filter to the specified socket. A
553		filter must be registered before it can be attached.
554	@param socket The socket the filter should be attached to.
555	@param handle The handle of the registered filter to be attached.
556	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
557 */
558errno_t	sflt_attach(socket_t so, sflt_handle);
561	@function sflt_detach
562	@discussion Detaches a socket filter from a specified socket.
563	@param socket The socket the filter should be detached from.
564	@param handle The handle of the registered filter to be detached.
565	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error.
566 */
567errno_t	sflt_detach(socket_t so, sflt_handle);
569/* Functions for manipulating sockets */
571 * Inject data in to the receive buffer of the socket as if it
572 * had come from the network.
573 *
574 * flags should match sflt_data_flag_t
575 */
578	@function sock_inject_data_in
579	@discussion Inject data in to the receive buffer of the socket as if
580		it had come from the network.
581	@param so The socket to inject the data on.
582	@param from The address the data is from, only necessary on
583		un-connected sockets. A copy of the address will be made, caller
584		is responsible for freeing the address after calling this
585		function.
586	@param data The data and possibly control mbufs.
587	@param control The separate control mbufs.
588	@param flags Flags indicating the type of data.
589	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error. If the function
590		returns an error, the caller is responsible for freeing the
591		mbuf.
592 */
593errno_t	sock_inject_data_in(socket_t so, const struct sockaddr* from,
594							mbuf_t data, mbuf_t control, sflt_data_flag_t flags);
597	@function sock_inject_data_out
598	@discussion Inject data in to the send buffer of the socket as if it
599		had come from the client.
600	@param so The socket to inject the data on.
601	@param to The address the data should be sent to, only necessary on
602		un-connected sockets. The caller is responsible for freeing the
603		to address after sock_inject_data_out returns.
604	@param data The data and possibly control mbufs.
605	@param control The separate control mbufs.
606	@param flags Flags indicating the type of data.
607	@result 0 on success otherwise the errno error. The data and control
608		values are always freed regardless of return value.
609 */
610errno_t	sock_inject_data_out(socket_t so, const struct sockaddr* to,
611							 mbuf_t data, mbuf_t control, sflt_data_flag_t flags);
615 * sockopt_t accessors
616 */
618enum {
619	sockopt_get	= 1,
620	sockopt_set	= 2
622typedef u_int8_t sockopt_dir;
625	@function sockopt_direction
626	@discussion Retrieves the direction of the socket option (Get or
627		Set).
628	@param sopt The socket option.
629	@result sock_opt_get or sock_opt_set.
630 */
631sockopt_dir	sockopt_direction(sockopt_t sopt);
634	@function sockopt_level
635	@discussion Retrieves the socket option level. (SOL_SOCKET, etc).
636	@param sopt The socket option.
637	@result The socket option level. See man 2 setsockopt
638 */
639int	sockopt_level(sockopt_t sopt);
642	@function sockopt_name
643	@discussion Retrieves the socket option name. (SO_SNDBUF, etc).
644	@param sopt The socket option.
645	@result The socket option name. See man 2 setsockopt
646 */
647int	sockopt_name(sockopt_t sopt);
650	@function sockopt_valsize
651	@discussion Retrieves the size of the socket option data.
652	@param sopt The socket option.
653	@result The length, in bytes, of the data.
654 */
655size_t	sockopt_valsize(sockopt_t sopt);
658	@function sockopt_copyin
659	@discussion Copies the data from the socket option to a buffer.
660	@param sopt The socket option.
661	@param data A pointer to the buffer to copy the data in to.
662	@param length The number of bytes to copy.
663	@result An errno error or zero upon success.
664 */
665errno_t	sockopt_copyin(sockopt_t sopt, void *data, size_t length);
668	@function sockopt_copyout
669	@discussion Copies the data from a buffer to a socket option.
670	@param sopt The socket option.
671	@param data A pointer to the buffer to copy the data out of.
672	@param length The number of bytes to copy.
673	@result An errno error or zero upon success.
674 */
675errno_t	sockopt_copyout(sockopt_t sopt, void *data, size_t length);