1zmodload [ -dL ] [ ... ]
2zmodload -F [ -lLme -P param ] module [+-]feature...
3zmodload -e [ -A ] [ ... ]
4zmodload [ -a [ -bcpf [ -I ] ] ] [ -iL ] ...
5zmodload -u [ -abcdpf [ -I ] ] [ -iL ] ...
6zmodload -A [ -L ] [ modalias[=module] ... ]
7zmodload -R modalias ...
8       Performs operations relating to zsh's loadable modules.  Loading
9       of  modules  while the shell is running (`dynamical loading') is
10       not available on all operating systems, or on all  installations
11       on  a particular operating system, although the zmodload command
12       itself is always available and can be used to manipulate modules
13       built  into  versions  of the shell executable without dynamical
14       loading.
16       Without arguments the names of all currently loaded binary  mod-
17       ules  are  printed.  The -L option causes this list to be in the
18       form of a series of zmodload  commands.   Forms  with  arguments
19       are:
21       zmodload [ -i ] name ...
22       zmodload -u [ -i ] name ...
23              In  the  simplest  case,  zmodload loads a binary module.
24              The module must be in a file with a  name  consisting  of
25              the specified name followed by a standard suffix, usually
26              `.so' (`.sl' on HPUX).  If the module  to  be  loaded  is
27              already loaded the duplicate module is ignored.  If zmod-
28              load detects an inconsistency, such as an invalid  module
29              name  or circular dependency list, the current code block
30              is aborted.   Hence `zmodload module 2>/dev/null' is suf-
31              ficient  to test whether a module is available.  If it is
32              available, the module is loaded if necessary, while if it
33              is  not  available, non-zero status is silently returned.
34              The option -i is accepted for compatibility  but  has  no
35              effect.
37              The  named  module is searched for in the same way a com-
38              mand is, using $module path instead of  $path.   However,
39                                    -
40              the  path  search  is performed even when the module name
41              contains a `/', which it usually does.  There is  no  way
42              to prevent the path search.
44              If  the  module  supports  features (see below), zmodload
45              tries to enable all features when loading a  module.   If
46              the  module  was successfully loaded but not all features
47              could be enabled, zmodload returns status 2.
49              With -u, zmodload unloads modules.  The same name must be
50              given  that  was given when the module was loaded, but it
51              is not necessary for the module to exist in the file sys-
52              tem.  The -i option suppresses the error if the module is
53              already unloaded (or was never loaded).
55              Each module has a boot and a cleanup function.  The  mod-
56              ule will not be loaded if its boot function fails.  Simi-
57              larly a module can only be unloaded if its cleanup  func-
58              tion runs successfully.
60       zmodload -F [ -almLe -P param ] module [+-]feature...
61              zmodload  -F  allows more selective control over the fea-
62              tures provided by modules.  With no  options  apart  from
63              -F,  the  module  named  module  is loaded, if it was not
64              already loaded, and the list of features is  set  to  the
65              required state.  If no features are specified, the module
66              is loaded, if it was not already loaded, but the state of
67              features is unchanged.  Each feature may be preceded by a
68              + to turn the feature on, or - to turn it off; the  +  is
69              assumed if neither character is present.  Any feature not
70              explicitly mentioned is left in its current state; if the
71              module was not previously loaded this means any such fea-
72              tures will remain disabled.  The return status is zero if
73              all  features  were  set, 1 if the module failed to load,
74              and 2 if some features could not be set (for  example,  a
75              parameter couldn't be added because there was a different
76              parameter of the same name) but the module was loaded.
78              The standard features are builtins,  conditions,  parame-
79              ters  and math functions; these are indicated by the pre-
80              fix `b:', `c:' (`C:' for an infix  condition),  `p:'  and
81              `f:',  respectively, followed by the name that the corre-
82              sponding feature would have in the shell.   For  example,
83              `b:strftime'  indicates  a  builtin  named  strftime  and
84              p:EPOCHSECONDS indicates a parameter named  EPOCHSECONDS.
85              The module may provide other (`abstract') features of its
86              own as indicated by its documentation; these have no pre-
87              fix.
89              With  -l  or  -L,  features  provided  by  the module are
90              listed.  With -l alone, a list of features together  with
91              their  states  is  shown,  one feature per line.  With -L
92              alone, a zmodload -F command  that  would  cause  enabled
93              features  of  the  module to be turned on is shown.  With
94              -lL, a zmodload -F command that would cause all the  fea-
95              tures  to be set to their current state is shown.  If one
96              of these combinations is given the option -P  param  then
97              the  parameter  param  is  set  to  an array of features,
98              either features together with their state or (if -L alone
99              is given) enabled features.
101              With the option -L the module name may be omitted; then a
102              list of all enabled features for  all  modules  providing
103              features  is printed in the form of zmodload -F commands.
104              If -l is also given, the state of both enabled  and  dis-
105              abled features is output in that form.
107              A  set of features may be provided together with -l or -L
108              and a module name; in that case only the state  of  those
109              features  is considered.  Each feature may be preceded by
110              + or - but the character has no effect.   If  no  set  of
111              features is provided, all features are considered.
113              With  -e,  the  command  first  tests  that the module is
114              loaded; if it is not, status 1 is returned.  If the  mod-
115              ule  is loaded, the list of features given as an argument
116              is examined.  Any feature given with no prefix is  simply
117              tested  to  see  if  the  module provides it; any feature
118              given with a prefix + or - is tested to see  if  is  pro-
119              vided  and  in the given state.  If the tests on all fea-
120              tures in the list succeed, status  0  is  returned,  else
121              status 1.
123              With  -m,  each  entry  in  the given list of features is
124              taken as a pattern to be matched against the list of fea-
125              tures  provided by the module.  An initial + or - must be
126              given explicitly.  This may not be combined with  the  -a
127              option as autoloads must be specified explicitly.
129              With  -a,  the  given  list  of  features  is  marked for
130              autoload from the specified module, which may not yet  be
131              loaded.   An  optional  +  may  appear before the feature
132              name.  If the feature is prefixed with  -,  any  existing
133              autoload  is  removed.  The options -l and -L may be used
134              to list autoloads.  Autoloading is specific to individual
135              features;  when  the  module is loaded only the requested
136              feature is enabled.  Autoload requests are  preserved  if
137              the  module  is  subsequently  unloaded until an explicit
138              `zmodload -Fa module -feature' is issued.  It is  not  an
139              error  to  request  an autoload for a feature of a module
140              that is already loaded.
142              When the  module  is  loaded  each  autoload  is  checked
143              against  the features actually provided by the module; if
144              the feature is  not  provided  the  autoload  request  is
145              deleted.   A  warning message is output; if the module is
146              being loaded to provide a  different  feature,  and  that
147              autoload  is successful, there is no effect on the status
148              of the current command.  If the module is already  loaded
149              at the time when zmodload -Fa is run, an error message is
150              printed and status 1 returned.
152              zmodload -Fa can be used with  the  -l,  -L,  -e  and  -P
153              options   for   listing  and  testing  the  existence  of
154              autoloadable features.  In this case -l is ignored if  -L
155              is  specified.   zmodload  -FaL with no module name lists
156              autoloads for all modules.
158              Note that only standard features as described  above  can
159              be  autoloaded;  other  features require the module to be
160              loaded before enabling.
162       zmodload -d [ -L ] [ name ]
163       zmodload -d name dep ...
164       zmodload -ud name [ dep ... ]
165              The -d option can be used to specify module dependencies.
166              The  modules named in the second and subsequent arguments
167              will be loaded before the module named in the first argu-
168              ment.
170              With  -d and one argument, all dependencies for that mod-
171              ule are listed.  With -d and  no  arguments,  all  module
172              dependencies are listed.  This listing is by default in a
173              Makefile-like format.  The -L option changes this  format
174              to a list of zmodload -d commands.
176              If -d and -u are both used, dependencies are removed.  If
177              only one argument is given,  all  dependencies  for  that
178              module are removed.
180       zmodload -ab [ -L ]
181       zmodload -ab [ -i ] name [ builtin ... ]
182       zmodload -ub [ -i ] builtin ...
183              The  -ab  option defines autoloaded builtins.  It defines
184              the specified builtins.  When any of  those  builtins  is
185              called,  the  module  specified  in the first argument is
186              loaded and all its features are  enabled  (for  selective
187              control  of  features  use  `zmodload -F -a' as described
188              above).  If only  the  name  is  given,  one  builtin  is
189              defined, with the same name as the module.  -i suppresses
190              the  error  if  the  builtin  is   already   defined   or
191              autoloaded,  but  not if another builtin of the same name
192              is already defined.
194              With -ab and no arguments, all  autoloaded  builtins  are
195              listed,  with  the  module  name  (if different) shown in
196              parentheses  after  the  builtin  name.   The  -L  option
197              changes this format to a list of zmodload -a commands.
199              If  -b  is  used  together with the -u option, it removes
200              builtins previously defined with -ab.  This is only  pos-
201              sible  if  the  builtin is not yet loaded.  -i suppresses
202              the error if the builtin is  already  removed  (or  never
203              existed).
205              Autoload  requests  are  retained if the module is subse-
206              quently unloaded until an explicit `zmodload -ub builtin'
207              is issued.
209       zmodload -ac [ -IL ]
210       zmodload -ac [ -iI ] name [ cond ... ]
211       zmodload -uc [ -iI ] cond ...
212              The  -ac  option  is  used to define autoloaded condition
213              codes. The cond strings give the names of the  conditions
214              defined  by the module. The optional -I option is used to
215              define infix condition names. Without this option  prefix
216              condition names are defined.
218              If given no condition names, all defined names are listed
219              (as a series of zmodload commands if  the  -L  option  is
220              given).
222              The  -uc option removes definitions for autoloaded condi-
223              tions.
225       zmodload -ap [ -L ]
226       zmodload -ap [ -i ] name [ parameter ... ]
227       zmodload -up [ -i ] parameter ...
228              The -p option is like the -b and -c  options,  but  makes
229              zmodload work on autoloaded parameters instead.
231       zmodload -af [ -L ]
232       zmodload -af [ -i ] name [ function ... ]
233       zmodload -uf [ -i ] function ...
234              The  -f  option  is  like the -b, -p, and -c options, but
235              makes zmodload work on autoloaded math functions instead.
237       zmodload -a [ -L ]
238       zmodload -a [ -i ] name [ builtin ... ]
239       zmodload -ua [ -i ] builtin ...
240              Equivalent to -ab and -ub.
242       zmodload -e [ -A ] [ string ... ]
243              The -e option without arguments lists all loaded modules;
244              if  the  -A  option  is also given, module aliases corre-
245              sponding to loaded modules are also shown.  If  arguments
246              are  provided,  nothing  is printed; the return status is
247              set to zero if all strings given as arguments  are  names
248              of loaded modules and to one if at least on string is not
249              the name of a loaded module.  This can be  used  to  test
250              for  the  availability  of things implemented by modules.
251              In this case, any aliases are automatically resolved  and
252              the -A flag is not used.
254       zmodload -A [ -L ] [ modalias[=module] ... ]
255              For each argument, if both modalias and module are given,
256              define modalias to be an alias for the module module.  If
257              the  module  modalias  is  ever  subsequently  requested,
258              either via a call to zmodload or  implicitly,  the  shell
259              will  attempt  to  load module instead.  If module is not
260              given, show the definition of modalias.  If no  arguments
261              are  given,  list all defined module aliases.  When list-
262              ing, if the -L flag was also given, list  the  definition
263              as a zmodload command to recreate the alias.
265              The  existence of aliases for modules is completely inde-
266              pendent of whether the name resolved is  actually  loaded
267              as  a module: while the alias exists, loading and unload-
268              ing the module under  any  alias  has  exactly  the  same
269              effect  as  using  the resolved name, and does not affect
270              the connection between the alias and  the  resolved  name
271              which can be removed either by zmodload -R or by redefin-
272              ing the alias.  Chains of aliases (i.e. where  the  first
273              resolved  name  is  itself an alias) are valid so long as
274              these are not circular.  As the  aliases  take  the  same
275              format as module names, they may include path separators:
276              in this case, there is no requirement for any part of the
277              path  named to exist as the alias will be resolved first.
278              For example, `any/old/alias' is always a valid alias.
280              Dependencies added to aliased modules are actually  added
281              to  the  resolved  module;  these  remain if the alias is
282              removed.  It is valid to create an alias  whose  name  is
283              one of the standard shell modules and which resolves to a
284              different module.  However, if a module has dependencies,
285              it  will  not  be  possible  to use the module name as an
286              alias as the module will already be marked as a  loadable
287              module in its own right.
289              Apart from the above, aliases can be used in the zmodload
290              command anywhere module  names  are  required.   However,
291              aliases will not be shown in lists of loaded modules with
292              a bare `zmodload'.
294       zmodload -R modalias ...
295              For each modalias argument that was previously defined as
296              a module alias via zmodload -A, delete the alias.  If any
297              was not defined, an error is caused and the remainder  of
298              the line is ignored.
300       Note  that  zsh  makes  no distinction between modules that were
301       linked into the shell and modules that are  loaded  dynamically.
302       In both cases this builtin command has to be used to make avail-
303       able the builtins and other things defined  by  modules  (unless
304       the  module  is  autoloaded  on these definitions). This is true
305       even for systems that don't support dynamic loading of modules.