1zcompile [ -U ] [ -z | -k ] [ -R | -M ] file [ name ... ]
2zcompile -ca [ -m ] [ -R | -M ] file [ name ... ]
3zcompile -t file [ name ... ]
4       This  builtin  command  can  be  used  to  compile  functions or
5       scripts, storing the compiled form in a  file,  and  to  examine
6       files   containing   the  compiled  form.   This  allows  faster
7       autoloading of functions and execution of  scripts  by  avoiding
8       parsing of the text when the files are read.
10       The first form (without the -c, -a or -t options) creates a com-
11       piled file.  If only the file argument is given, the output file
12       has the name `file.zwc' and will be placed in the same directory
13       as the file.  The shell will load the compiled file  instead  of
14       the  normal  function  file when the function is autoloaded; see
15       the section `Autoloading Functions' in zshmisc(1) for a descrip-
16       tion  of  how  autoloaded functions are searched.  The extension
17       .zwc stands for `zsh word code'.
19       If there is at least one name argument, all the named files  are
20       compiled  into  the output file given as the first argument.  If
21       file does not end  in  .zwc,  this  extension  is  automatically
22       appended.   Files  containing  multiple  compiled  functions are
23       called `digest' files, and are intended to be used  as  elements
24       of the FPATH/fpath special array.
26       The  second form, with the -c or -a options, writes the compiled
27       definitions for all the named functions into file.  For -c,  the
28       names  must  be  functions  currently  defined in the shell, not
29       those marked for  autoloading.   Undefined  functions  that  are
30       marked for autoloading may be written by using the -a option, in
31       which case the fpath is searched and the contents of the defini-
32       tion  files  for  those  functions,  if found, are compiled into
33       file.  If both -c and -a are given, names of both defined  func-
34       tions  and  functions  marked  for autoloading may be given.  In
35       either case, the functions in files written with the  -c  or  -a
36       option  will  be  autoloaded  as if the KSH AUTOLOAD option were
37                                                  -
38       unset.
40       The reason for handling loaded and not-yet-loaded functions with
41       different  options is that some definition files for autoloading
42       define multiple functions, including the function with the  same
43       name  as the file, and, at the end, call that function.  In such
44       cases the output of `zcompile -c' does  not  include  the  addi-
45       tional  functions defined in the file, and any other initializa-
46       tion code in the file is lost.  Using `zcompile -a' captures all
47       this extra information.
49       If  the  -m option is combined with -c or -a, the names are used
50       as patterns and all functions whose names  match  one  of  these
51       patterns  will  be written. If no name is given, the definitions
52       of all functions currently defined or marked as autoloaded  will
53       be written.
55       The  third  form,  with the -t option, examines an existing com-
56       piled file.  Without further arguments, the names of the  origi-
57       nal files compiled into it are listed.  The first line of output
58       shows the version of the shell which compiled the file  and  how
59       the file will be used (i.e. by reading it directly or by mapping
60       it into memory).  With arguments,  nothing  is  output  and  the
61       return  status  is set to zero if definitions for all names were
62       found in the compiled file, and non-zero if the  definition  for
63       at least one name was not found.
65       Other options:
67       -U     Aliases are not expanded when compiling the named files.
69       -R     When  the  compiled file is read, its contents are copied
70              into the shell's memory, rather than  memory-mapped  (see
71              -M).   This  happens automatically on systems that do not
72              support memory mapping.
74              When compiling scripts instead of autoloadable functions,
75              it  is  often desirable to use this option; otherwise the
76              whole file, including the code to define functions  which
77              have  already  been  defined,  will remain mapped, conse-
78              quently wasting memory.
80       -M     The compiled file is mapped into the shell's memory  when
81              read.  This is done in such a way that multiple instances
82              of the shell running on the same  host  will  share  this
83              mapped file.  If neither -R nor -M is given, the zcompile
84              builtin decides what to do based on the size of the  com-
85              piled file.
87       -k
88       -z     These  options  are  used when the compiled file contains
89              functions which are to be autoloaded. If -z is given, the
90              function will be autoloaded as if the KSH AUTOLOAD option
91                                                       -
92              is not set, even if it is set at the  time  the  compiled
93              file is read, while if the -k is given, the function will
94              be loaded as if KSH AUTOLOAD is set.  These options  also
95                                 -
96              take  precedence  over  any -k or -z options specified to
97              the autoload builtin. If  neither  of  these  options  is
98              given,  the  function will be loaded as determined by the
99              setting of the KSH AUTOLOAD option at the time  the  com-
100                                -
101              piled file is read.
103              These  options may also appear as many times as necessary
104              between the listed names to specify the loading style  of
105              all following functions, up to the next -k or -z.
107              The created file always contains two versions of the com-
108              piled format, one for big-endian  machines  and  one  for
109              small-endian  machines.   The  upshot of this is that the
110              compiled file is machine independent and if it is read or
111              mapped,  only  one half of the file is actually used (and
112              mapped).