1print [ -abcDilmnNoOpPrsSz ] [ -u n ] [ -f format ] [ -C cols ]
2  [ -R [ -en ]] [ arg ... ]
3       With the `-f' option the arguments are printed as  described  by
4       printf.   With  no flags or with the flag `-', the arguments are
5       printed on the standard output as described by  echo,  with  the
6       following  differences:  the escape sequence `\M-x' metafies the
7       character x (sets the highest bit), `\C-x'  produces  a  control
8       character  (`\C-@'  and  `\C-?'  give  the  characters  NUL  and
9       delete), and `\E' is a synonym for `\e'.  Finally, if not in  an
10       escape  sequence, `\' escapes the following character and is not
11       printed.
13       -a     Print arguments with the column incrementing first.  Only
14              useful with the -c and -C options.
16       -b     Recognize  all the escape sequences defined for the bind-
17              key command, see zshzle(1).
19       -c     Print the arguments in columns.  Unless -a is also given,
20              arguments are printed with the row incrementing first.
22       -C cols
23              Print  the  arguments in cols columns.  Unless -a is also
24              given, arguments are printed with  the  row  incrementing
25              first.
27       -D     Treat  the  arguments  as paths, replacing directory pre-
28              fixes  with  ~  expressions  corresponding  to  directory
29              names, as appropriate.
31       -i     If  given  together  with  -o or -O, sorting is performed
32              case-independently.
34       -l     Print the arguments separated by newlines instead of spa-
35              ces.
37       -m     Take  the first argument as a pattern (should be quoted),
38              and remove it from the argument list together with subse-
39              quent arguments that do not match this pattern.
41       -n     Do not add a newline to the output.
43       -N     Print the arguments separated and terminated by nulls.
45       -o     Print the arguments sorted in ascending order.
47       -O     Print the arguments sorted in descending order.
49       -p     Print the arguments to the input of the coprocess.
51       -P     Perform   prompt   expansion  (see  EXPANSION  OF  PROMPT
52              SEQUENCES in zshmisc(1)).
54       -r     Ignore the escape conventions of echo.
56       -R     Emulate the BSD echo  command,  which  does  not  process
57              escape  sequences  unless  the  -e flag is given.  The -n
58              flag suppresses the trailing newline.  Only the -e and -n
59              flags  are  recognized  after -R; all other arguments and
60              options are printed.
62       -s     Place the results in the history list instead of  on  the
63              standard  output.   Each argument to the print command is
64              treated as a single word in the  history,  regardless  of
65              its content.
67       -S     Place  the  results in the history list instead of on the
68              standard output.  In this case only a single argument  is
69              allowed; it will be split into words as if it were a full
70              shell command line.  The effect is similar to reading the
71              line  from  a history file with the HIST LEX WORDS option
72                                                      -   -
73              active.
75       -u n   Print the arguments to file descriptor n.
77       -z     Push the arguments onto the editing buffer  stack,  sepa-
78              rated by spaces.
80       If  any  of `-m', `-o' or `-O' are used in combination with `-f'
81       and there are no arguments (after the  removal  process  in  the
82       case of `-m') then nothing is printed.
84pushln [ arg ... ]
85       Equivalent to print -nz.